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长期往复荷载作用下,饱和软黏土强度和刚度的衰减是近海桩基础设计必须考虑的,利用带弯曲元的循环三轴仪对原状饱和软黏土进行了一系列等向固结和非等向固结条件下不排水单调和循环加载三轴试验,并在循环加载过程中通过弯曲元测试土体剪切波速。试验结果表明,在相同的固结条件下,随循环次数的增加和动应力比的提高土体的强度和刚度衰减显著;在相同动应力比作用下较小的有效固结应力和偏压固结减缓了土体刚度的弱化。已有的相对偏应力水平参数不能反映不同固结条件下近海饱和软黏土强度和刚度循环弱化特性,为此引入了动偏应力水平参数,考虑了有效固结应力、固结静偏应力、动偏应力的相互影响,利用动偏应力水平对饱和软黏土的强度和刚度循环弱化特性进行描述。  相似文献   

徐东升 《岩土工程学报》2017,39(7):1330-1335
小应变下的土体模量的变化对基坑周围既有建筑物的变形和路基沉降分析具有重要意义。土体模量会随土体的应变呈非线性变化,特别是应变范围为10~(-5)~10~(-3),土体模量随应变的增加显著降低。由于土体应变的变化范围广,传统的单一测量仪器无法连续量测土体从微小应变到小应变的模量变化情况。通常测量土体小应变模量的方法有弯曲元和局部位移计方法。弯曲元方法能有效测量土体微小应变的模量,但不能得到土体模量在小应变情况下变化规律,因为弯曲元方法无法得到和控制土体的应变。设计了基于布拉格光纤光栅传感技术的局部位移计。通过设计和标定试验,成功将布拉格光纤光栅局部位移计应用于改装的三轴试验仪器中。为进一步的对比分析,在改进的三轴试验装置中安装了弯曲元试验系统。基于改装的三轴试验仪器,进行了不同围压下的固结不排水试验,得到了土体从微小应变到小应变下模量的变化曲线。试验结果验证了光纤光栅局部位移计能有效的测量土体在小应变情况下的模量非线性变化特征。  相似文献   

循环振动对饱和粉土初始动剪模量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
初始动剪模量是土体多种结构性因素的综合反映,除固结压力和孔隙比(密度)这两个主要因素外,还受循环振动影响。以往对该因素的研究偏重于干砂,且预振时施加的剪应变幅多低于10-3;对于饱和土体,尤其是对经受过较大振幅振动后土体初始动剪模量的研究十分有限。本文利用安装弯曲元的动三轴仪,在等向固结条件下对不同相对密度的饱和粉土进行不排水循环三轴试验,同时监测试样的剪切波速,获得循环动力加载过程中土的初始动剪模量。为保证试验结果的可靠性,同时进行了共振柱试验,比较确定弯曲元接收信号的到达点;评估了不同孔压发展程度下试验暂停时间对测试结果的影响。结果表明:在一定次数大振幅循环荷载作用下观察到初始动剪模量有别于相同应力下固结后得到的模量值,出现附加衰减或增长,正是循环荷载作用下土微观结构变化的外部宏观表现。这种附加变化由土颗粒接触行为决定,受到试样初始条件和振动幅值等多种因素的影响,表现出不同的变化模式。  相似文献   

高聚物注浆材料动力特性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次将压电陶瓷弯曲元测试技术引入到高聚物注浆材料小应变动剪切模量测试中,制定了高聚物注浆材料弯曲元动剪切模量G_(max)的试验方案并制作了试验模具,确定了弯曲元设备对高聚物注浆材料的激发脉冲频率;探讨了高聚物注浆材料密度和弯曲元激发脉冲频率对G_(max)的影响,对比分析了高聚物注浆材料的动、静弹性模量,并讨论了高聚物注浆材料动剪切模量与土石料动剪切模量的相关性.试验得出的高聚物注浆材料动力学特性可为其动力反应分析和工程应用提供理论依据与参考.  相似文献   

本文阐述了单向固结的定义和原理,对单向固结的两种试验方法进行了分析比较,对可能对土体固结产生影响的各种因素进行了分析讨论,以保证土体样品固结试验的顺利实施和结果的科学准确。经研究分析土体的单向固结试验对于地质研究和建筑具体应用都有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

上海黏性土的初始剪切模量试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以上海天然沉积黏性土(2)~(6)层土为研究对象,利用共振柱仪器实现了各土层在不同固结压力下的弯曲元和共振柱试验,得到了各层土体小应变水平下的初始剪切模量。试验结果表明,利用弯曲元试验时域初达波法和时域峰值法能得到与现场单孔波速原位测试结果相一致的剪切波速;共振柱试验得到的土体小应变初始剪切模量与弯曲元试验结果基本一致。分析表明,在所试验的各层土中,第(3)层淤泥质粉质黏土和第(4)层淤泥质黏土的剪切模量相对较小,第(6)层土的剪切模量最大;第(2)、(5)层土的剪切模量接近,且大于(3)、(4)层,小于第(6)层土,这与土样的实际天然状态是相吻合的。利用Rampello公式可较好地拟合上海黏性土的初始剪切模量,所得的拟合曲线可用来确定各土层在不同深度处的初始剪切模量。  相似文献   

自重应力作用下饱和粘土的固结变形特性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过离心试验,研究了饱和粘土在考虑土体自重应力作用下的固结变形特性。试验结果表明,离心试验与常规试验相比,两者压缩特性一致,而固结特性差别较大。离心试验求得的固结速率比太沙基固结理论推算的结果要快,而与有限线性应变固结理论推算的结果相一致。从理论和实验两方面说明,常规固结试验中忽略了主体的自重应力水平,用测定的固结系数推算实际较厚软粘土层的固结变形特性,将会过慢的估计固结完成的时间。此外,离心试验比常规试验的固结历时大大缩短,用离心技术可提高固结试验效率。  相似文献   

通过对2种洁净的干砂与饱和砂进行弯曲元与共振柱对比试验研究,得出了可靠的弯曲元剪切波传播时间确定方法,并对饱和砂土弯曲元与共振柱试验结果的偏差进行解释。不同频率激发信号对弯曲元剪切波速传播时间的研究证实,剪切波速随激发频率的增大而增大,采用激发频率为10kHz的初达波法与共振柱试验得到的结果具有较好的一致性。饱和砂土弯曲元与共振柱试验剪切波速结果相差6%~10%,可通过饱和砂土中剪切波速的弥散性对其进行解释。大部分洁净砂在弯曲元试验中激发频率一般大于特征频率,均需考虑剪切波速的弥散性。而对于天然砂土或粉土一般具有较高的特征频率,其弯曲元试验中一般不考虑剪切波速的弥散性。为洁净砂和天然砂土饱和土样的弯曲元测试提供有效方法。  相似文献   

K0固结软土不排水抗剪强度   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
从临界状态土力学出发,考虑K0固结引起的诱发各向异性,推导了K0固结条件下三轴压缩和三轴拉伸不排水强度的理论计算公式。搜集对比现有的试验结果,发现本文提出的理论公式与国内外试验及失稳软基堤坝反分析结果更为符合,在大量土性分析基础上提出平均不排水强度的简化计算公式,以兹工程推广与应用。  相似文献   

以江苏镇江某现场软土为研究对象,室内利用自主设计的动态固结渗透仪模拟饱和软土在振动荷载作用下的响应。在不同排水条件、围压、静荷载、振动荷载和频率下进行排水固结试验,并同单一的静压排水固结试验进行对比,重点分析试验过程中的动应变和固结排水效应,探讨软土的动力固结排水机理。试验结果表明,振动作用可以明显地提高排水速度,增加排水量;固结压力、振动荷载和频率对软土的振动排水效应产生显著的影响。试验结果和振动排水的机理分析,对当前软土地基处理及其施工工艺设计具有重要的实用价值和指导意义。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2009,49(4):631-650
This report summarizes the results of international parallel test on the measurement of the elastic shear modulus at very small strains, Gmax, using bender elements which was carried out from 2003 to 2005 by technical committee, TC29 (Stress-strain and Strength Testing of Geomaterials) of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. The purpose was to evaluate the consistency of the bender element test results obtained by applying the exactly similar test material as well as the test method besides identifying the various existing hardware and software being used in this test. It was decided that the domestic TC29 group of Japanese Geotechnical Society (TC29-JGS) was expected to lead this international co-operation. By 2005, reports of the test results were obtained from 23 institutions from 11 countries. This report has been prepared by TC29-JGS taking a leading role from the beginning. A standard test method is proposed here in order to obtain more accurate data from the bender element test by examining various test methods adopted at different institutions worldwide and the effects of various factors on the test results.  相似文献   

控制试样初始剪切模量的动三轴液化试验   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
研制了压电陶瓷弯曲元-动三轴试验系统 ,解决了三轴仪内饱和试样的剪切波速测量问题 ,并阐述了其原理。在此基础上 ,通过先期振动控制重塑试样的初始剪切模量 ,并通过不排水应变控制循环三轴试验研究了钱塘江饱和粉土和粉砂的液化性质。  相似文献   

利用弯曲元测量土体表层剪切波速的初步试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土体剪切波速是土力学研究与岩土工程设计的关键参数之一。根据压电弯曲元波速测量的方向性,提出了侧向激发与接收的测量模式,使得弯曲元技术可用于室内和现场土体表层剪切波速的测量。在砂土模型内的初步试验表明,以激发元和接收元内侧间距为剪切波传播距离,并采用时域初达波法判别剪切波到达时间,则侧向激发与接收方式弯曲元的剪切波速测量结果准确可靠,精度与常规"对向激发与接收"方式相同。该弯曲元测试方法为当前大量涉及的取样扰动评价及地基处理质量控制等重要问题提供了便捷可靠的无损检测手段。  相似文献   

弯曲元试验高精度测试土样剪切波速方法   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
在HX-100型多功能三轴仪上开发了压电陶瓷弯曲元剪切波速测试系统,研究了高精度测试不同种类和刚度土样剪切波速的方法以及剪切波速弥散性问题,并将弯曲元测试结果与DrnevichLong-Tor型共振柱试验结果进行了对比。研究结果表明,对不同种类和刚度的土样,通过选用合适的激发波形和频率就可以消除接收波形的近场效应和过冲现象,高精度地确定土样剪切波速和极小应变剪切模量;在所使用的激发频率范围内,剪切波速不具弥散性。  相似文献   

砂土小应变动力特性弯曲–伸缩元联合测试试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来弯曲元在小应变动力特性测试中得到了广泛应用,但对弯曲–伸缩元的联合测试研究较少,国内对弯曲–伸缩元联合测试的研究几近空白。采用弯曲–伸缩元对福建砂进行了剪切波和压缩波联合测试,通过更宽区段激发频率和不同分析方法对剪切波速和压缩波速的确定进行了系统分析,得到了可靠的剪切波和压缩波传播时间确定方法。采用10~20 k Hz峰值法和互相关法可较方便准确地确定剪切波传播时间;压缩波初始到达较易判断,激发频率对压缩波速影响较小。利用弯曲–伸缩元联合测试得到剪切模量G_0和侧限模量M_0,试验结果表明围压和孔隙比对G_0的影响程度均较对M_0的影响程度大。通过剪切波速和压缩波速可计算得到泊松比,随密实度和围压的增大泊松比均以线性规律减小。为弯曲–伸缩元的进一步应用提供了有效的方法。  相似文献   

Bender elements have been used as a non-destructive soil investigation technique by many researchers and have proven to be effective in predicting the shear strength of various soils. In this paper, electrokinetic treatment tests were performed with embedded bender elements to monitor the increase in the shear strength of a soft sandy clay during the treatment. The bender element system, designed and assembled for this study, was integrated into the electrokinetic treatment process in order to quell a common uncertainty associated with this form of soil improvement technique, namely: when is the treatment completed? The cross-correlation and first-peak arrival times were used to measure the shear wave velocity of a clayey soil under the treatment of electrokinetics using bender elements. To determine shear wave velocity before and during treatment, a variety of shear wave tests were performed every hour of treatment using frequencies ranging from 100 Hz to 2500 Hz via the use of bender element. The results show that monitoring the soil improvement during the treatment by bender elements can shorten the treatment time by 43% and reduce the energy consumption, which is a major expenditure in an electrokinetic treatment process, by 33% while consistently improving the shear strength and the load capacity by approximately 200% and 300%, respectively.  相似文献   

The elastic behaviour of compacted soils subjected to very small strains (smaller than 10-5) is essential, because the serviceability of most geotechnical structures depends on soil elastic properties. Small-strain stiffness of soils was studied in the past years using different experimental devices (mainly resonant columns). However, the results have been relatively inconsistent. The bender elements technique, now extensively used in soil mechanics, offers an efficient non destructive alternative, since it is based on the propagation of shear waves. To enrich the common bender elements testing results providing only shear modulus values, an evolution of the bender elements technique, named bender-extender element's is used in this paper. This device allows the simultaneous measurement of the shear and compression wave velocities. As a result, the two independent elastic constants are measured for the same sample in order to avoid indirect estimations. Also, for unconfined sample's the GrindoSonic test is performed: this test is based on the transient vibrational response of the sample to a slight shock. The present study provides new results about the elastic properties of intermediate unsaturated soils made of mixtures of sand and clay. The results for the elastic properties are presented as a function of the suction level. Finally, a model relating the elastic behaviour of these unsaturated soils is proposed.  相似文献   

The influence of anisotropy on the elastic shear modulus of clays was addressed using test results obtained from a series of laboratory tests; i.e., triaxial test and Square oedometer. Under various stress stages imposing under triaxial condition, the deviator stress had an indiscernible influence on the elastic shear modulus. The path of vertically logged elastic shear modulus of clay could reasonably be expressed in terms of mean effective stress. Two pairs of bender elements were installed in the square oedometer so that shear wave velocities of samples which were trimmed parallel or perpendicular to their bedding direction can be measured in the vertical and horizontal directions. For sample trimmed parallel to the bedding direction (conventional one), the horizontal shear wave velocity was larger than the vertical one. The opposite observation, however, was observed for sample trimmed 90 degrees apart. The extents of different in vertically and horizontally logged shear wave velocities from both types of samples were almost similar. This clearly indicated the influence of inherent anisotropy rather than the stress induced. The mean effective stress can well represent the stage variable of elastic shear modulus.  相似文献   

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