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相变储热技术与聚光太阳能发电技术相结合可以提高太阳能的利用率,减缓化石燃料燃烧带来的环境压力。本文通过分析相变储热材料的选择标准,对筛选出具有研究价值的含碳二元系相变储热材料的性能特别是热物理性能进行分析。研究发现,硅、硼、铝、铬、铁单质材料与碳元素形成的二元化合物或固溶体具有较高的熔点,形成的含碳二元系相变储热材料在高温相变储热领域应用前景广阔。在含碳二元系相变储热材料中,Fe-C二元合金可满足高温相变储热系统1100~1500℃的相变储热要求,当合金为含碳4.3%的Fe-C共晶成分时,Fe-C二元合金的相变潜热理论值为611 kJ/kg,热导率约为(40±16)W/(m·K),相变温度为1148℃,具有相对其他合金成分更为优异的综合储热性能可用于聚光太阳能热发电系统储热。  相似文献   

为了深入理解砷化镓(GaAs)纳米线的微观热输运机理,采用平衡分子动力学的方法模拟其晶格热导率。基于声子态密度的频域特性和热流自相关函数的时域特性,分别研究温度、尺寸对纳米线晶格热导率的影响规律。结果表明,纳米线的热导率有明显的温度与尺度效应。随温度升高,其晶格热导率先逐渐增大后减小,300 K左右达到最大值1.6 W/(m·K);晶格热导率随长度、直径的增大均先增加后趋于稳定。砷化镓纳米线晶格热导率的温度和尺度效应均可用声子非弹性散射解释。模拟的热导率比体材料的值小一个数量级,模拟结果可为改善半导体材料的热电性能提供指导。  相似文献   

本工作报道了一种通过冷压-热烧结法制备的具备低熔点、宽温域的复合定型相变材料,其中相变基体材料为硝酸钠、亚硝酸钠、硝酸钾和硝酸钙的共晶硝酸盐,结构支撑材料为埃洛石纳米管,导热增强材料为石墨。利用差示扫描量热仪、激光导热仪、扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪和傅里叶红外光谱仪等测试手段对复合相变材料的储热性能和物理化学性能进行实验研究,结果表明:复合材料的相变温度和分解温度分别为91.3℃和627.5℃,可使用温度区间为536.2℃,优于目前文献已有报道数据。在温度为25~625℃内,其储热密度达到630.15 kJ/kg;添加10%的石墨后复合材料的热导率从0.58 W/(m·K)提高到了1.18 W/(m·K);由于埃洛石纳米管具有中空管状结构,经高温烧结后四元硝酸盐能够吸附在埃洛石纳米管中,能有效解决熔盐材料的腐蚀、泄漏以及热分解问题;埃洛石纳米管和石墨的加入没有与熔盐材料发生化学反应,证明了复合材料具备良好的化学稳定性。经100次循环后,复合相变材料的相变温度和相变潜热波动值小于3.5%,具有较好的循环稳定性。本研究丰富了熔融盐复合相变材料的配方体系和使用温度范围,为其在工业余热回收以及低中温储热领域的应用提供了基础。  相似文献   

单一水合盐作为相变蓄热材料使用时常常由于过冷、相分离、易泄漏以及其相变温度而受到限制,因此迫切需要制备出一种储热密度高、相变温度适宜、热导率大的复合相变材料。本工作采用熔融共混法在NH_(4)Al(SO_(4))_(2)·12H_(2)O(AASD)中掺入不同质量分数的MgSO_(4)·7H_(2)O(MSH),成功制备了AASD-MSH共晶盐相变材料,其质量比为55∶45,相变温度为76.4℃,相变潜热为189.4 J/g。共晶盐的X射线衍射图谱和傅里叶红外光谱表明其为物理混合。引入质量分数1%成核剂CaCl_(2)·2H_(2)O及1%增稠剂可溶性淀粉降低共晶盐过冷度,过冷度从34.9℃降低至28.0℃。引入改性膨胀石墨(MEG)与多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs)制备复合相变材料,改善共晶盐易泄漏及热导率低等问题,当MWCNTs质量分数为0.5%时,复合相变材料的热导率高达8.185 W/(m·K),为共晶盐的19.98倍,其中共晶盐占比为75.6%,相变温度为74.3℃,相变焓值为133.5 J/g,过冷度进一步降低至22.2℃。热重实验表明与MEG-MWCNTs的复合增加了共晶盐的热稳定性,且经过100次冷热循环后复合相变材料的相变焓值基本不变,具有良好的循环稳定性。本工作制备得到的AASD-MSH/MEG-MWCNTs复合相变材料是一种相变温度适合、相变焓值较高、热导率较大的相变材料,且具有良好的热循环稳定性,应用潜力极大。  相似文献   

以石蜡为相变材料、改性Al2O3为载体、无水乙醇为溶剂,采用溶液插层法制备石蜡/改性Al2O3相变储能材料。差示扫描量热(DSC)结果表明PCM-2储能材料的熔化潜热值为142.7 kJ/kg,相变温度为60.9℃;扫描电镜(SEM)和红外(FT-IR)测试表明,吸附后的石蜡与Al2O3载体间具有很强的表面张力,可防止熔化后的石蜡从载体材料中流失;添加少量膨胀石墨后,PCM-2的导热系数从0.389 W/(m·K)提高到2.068 W/(m·K)。连续1000次吸放热试验后,未发现漏液和储热性能明显衰减情况,说明该储能材料具有良好的热稳定性和兼容性。  相似文献   

利用现有土壤源热泵实验台测定了岩土热物性参数,采用传热学反问题的方法对实验数据进行分析。测试过程中从岩土取热,U型地埋管换热器形成一个线热汇,使其在测试过程中与热泵实际运行时的工作状态相接近,测试更准确,节省测量过程的耗电量。以每个采样时刻作为计算节点,取平均值作为计算结果。测定结果显示岩土导热系数为3.2W/(m·K),回填材料导热系数为2.0W/(m·K),岩土热扩散率为0.85×10~(-6)m~2/s。可靠性分析表明:其标准误差分别为0.08W/(m·K),0.04W/(m·K)和0.039×10~(-6) m~2/s。  相似文献   

何永泰  肖丽仙  刘开豪 《太阳能学报》2015,36(11):2680-2684
介绍一种部分覆盖太阳电池的光伏/光热(PV/T)太阳能系统。在PV/T系统中,设计使用两个面积为2 m2、太阳电池面积为0.6 m2的平板PV/T集热器,并对PV/T系统设计的理论和能量转换特性进行研究分析。在楚雄市,所设计的PV/T太阳能系统样机分别在晴天(2013年5月28日)和多云阴天(2013年6月23日)进行特性测试。结果表明,晴天,PV/T系统的热水温度可达66.5℃,一日内(08:05~18:05)系统输出平均电功率为34.0 W;多云阴天,PV/T系统的热水温度可达57.0℃,一日内(09:10~18:10)系统输出平均电功率为33.1 W。PV/T系统输出日热效率为45.5%,可满足农村普通家庭热水和照明电能需要,具有较高的实用性。  相似文献   

在分形理论的基础上,确定了基于石墨烯气凝胶(graphene aerogel,GA)骨架复合相变材料的分形维数,并基于改进的Sierpinski地毯建立了带有空穴的导热系数预测模型。预测结果表明,对于基于GA骨架的复合相变材料,在所制得的材料孔隙率为0.7的条件下,无论空穴尺寸如何,均可将导热系数从相变材料本身的0.250 W/(m·K)提升至10.900 W/(m·K),增长幅度达40倍以上。结果显示,复合相变材料的导热系数随着孔隙率的减小而增加,且在低孔隙率下,导热系数随空穴尺寸的减小而增加。  相似文献   

针对于太阳能PV/T系统相变材料热导率低、易泄漏的问题,本工作制备了二十二烷-十二醇/膨胀石墨复合定形相变材料并对其性能进行实验研究。本工作首先按照6∶4的比例制备了二十二烷-十二醇相变材料,然后采用熔融共混法制备了一系列膨胀石墨含量不同的复合定形相变材料。实验借助场发射扫描电子显微镜观察其微观结构,利用热流型差示扫描量热仪、热导率测量仪等仪器测量其潜热、热导率等参数,研究了材料的物理相容性、吸附性、循环稳定性,探究了膨胀石墨和二十二烷-十二醇的最佳配比及其各项性能。结果表明,当膨胀石墨质量分数为15%时,复合定形相变材料性能最佳,此时膨胀石墨足以将相变材料吸附,渗漏率仅为3.85%且无明显渗出,其熔化和凝固相变潜热分别为203.8 kJ/kg和-196.6 kJ/kg;在经过50次冷热循环后,其相变温度及潜热变化较小,热导率基本保持稳定,波动幅度仅为5.9%,质量损失较少,仅为0.0495 g,表现出良好的循环稳定性。研究为后续定形相变材料在太阳能PV/T系统中的应用提供理论数据支撑。  相似文献   

研究CH3COONa·3H2O(SAT)/Na2HPO4·12H2O(DSP)共晶盐的相变过程,分析亲水碳纳米管(HCNTs)对共晶盐热性能的优化效果。结果表明:SAT/DSP质量比为9∶1时共晶盐循环稳定性最好,且过冷度仅为2.5℃;随着HCNTs掺量提高,复合材料的热导率呈线性增长趋势,最高达到1.29 W/(m·K),较未加HCNTs时提升了182.89%,蓄热密度呈线性下降趋势,最多降低了5.59%。最后对各组HCNTs/SAT/DSP复合相变材料(CPCM)进行200次固-液循环,结果表明各组材料的循环稳定性良好,具备实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPVs) is one of the most promising applications for Photovoltaics (PVs). However, when the temperature in the BIPV increases, the conversion efficiency deteriorates. A PV/PCM system using Phase Change Materials (PCM) for BIPV thermal control has been experimentally and numerically studied previously. One of the main barriers for this application is how to improve the low thermal conductivity of the PCM in order to achieve a quick thermal dissipation response with longer thermal regulation in PVs. Although the metal fins inserted inside the PCM can improve the heat transfer, the thermal regulation period declines as the volume of the PCM is substituted by the metal mass of the PV/PCM system. A modified PV/PCM system integrated with two PCMs with different phase transient temperatures for improving the heat regulation needs to be investigated. The use of combinations of PCMs, each with a set of different phase transient temperatures, is expected to enhance the thermal regulation effect of the PV/PCM system and lengthen the thermal regulation time in PVs. In this study a developed PV/PCM numerical simulation model for single PCM application has been modified to predict the thermal performance of the multi-PCMs in a triangular cell in the PV/PCM system. A series of numerical simulations tests have been carried out in static state and realistic conditions in UK. The thermal regulation of the PV/PCM system with a different range of phase transient temperature PCMs has been discussed.  相似文献   

Thermal energy storage (TES) based on phase change materials (PCMs) has become a research hot spot due to its high energy storage density and maintained operating temperature during the phase change. However, as PCM has a poor thermal conductivity that can be as low as 0.2~0.5 W/m· K, the charging/discharging processes of PCM modules are significantly restrained, which severely affects the application of the TES technology in industrial sectors. This study concerns the improvement of the effective thermal conductivity of composite PCM formed by adding nanoparticles with high thermal conductivity into different PCMs. A theoretical model is established to reveal the intrinsic mechanism for the promotion of thermal conductivity of composite PCM consisting of nanoparticles. The results show that aggregation and interfacial thermal resistance are the main reasons for the change of the thermal conductivity. By forming effective conduction paths composed of backbones in the composite PCM, the average thermal conductivity can be improved significantly, which can be as high as 10~50 W/m· K with a wide range of volume fraction of the additives.  相似文献   

In this technical article, a novel experimental setup is designed and proposed to produce a hydrogen by using solar energy. This system comprises a hybrid or photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) solar collector, Hoffman's voltameter, heat exchanger unit and Phase Change Material (PCM). The effect of PCM and mass flow rate of water on the hybrid solar collector efficiency and hydrogen yield rate is studied. This experimental results clearly showed that by adding the thermal collector with water, decreases PV module temperature by 20.5% compared with conventional PV module. Based on the measured values, at 12.00 and 0.011 kg/s mass flow rate, about 33.8% of thermal efficiency is obtained for water based hybrid solar collector. Similarly, by adding Paraffin PCM to the water based thermal collector, the maximum electrical efficiency of 9.1% is achieved. From this study, the average value of 17.12% and 18.61% hydrogen yield rate is attained for PVT/water and PVT/water with PCM systems respectively.  相似文献   

Permeability and thermal conductivity test units were set up to study the heat and mass transfer performance of the host material, i.e. expanded natural graphite (ENG), for consolidated activated carbon (AC) adsorbent. The permeability was tested with nitrogen as the gas source, and the thermal conductivity was studied using steady-state heat source method. The results showed that the values of permeability and thermal conductivity were 10-15 to 10-12 m2 and 1.7 to 3.2 W/(m·K), respectively, while the density compressed expanded natural graphite (CENG) varied from 100 to 500 kg/m3. The permeability decreased with the increasing density of CENG, whereas the thermal conductivity increased with the increasing density of CENG. Then the thermal conductivity and permeability of granular AC were researched. It was discovered that the thermal conductivity of samples with different grain size almost kept constant at 0.36 W/(m·K) while the density was approximately 600 kg/m3. This means that the thermal conductivity was not related to the grain size of AC. The thermal conductivity of CENG was improved by 5 to 10 times compared with that of granular AC. Such a result showed that CENG was a promising host material for AC to improve the heat transfer performance, while the mass transfer performance should be considered in different conditions for utilization of adsorbent.  相似文献   

秦娜  赵军  崔俊奎 《太阳能学报》2011,32(1):112-119
主要研究了直接式原生污水源热泵冬季供暖工况下的自控调节特性。通过对系统的自动控制可知,当室内温度从20℃降到18℃时,频率控制器启动,系统各参数维持稳定,房间热负荷约为15kW,控制器未做出大的调节;随着室内温度从18℃上升,压缩机的频率降低,通过PID的调节控制,室内温度保持在18℃附近,此时热负荷为9.5kW,压缩机耗功降低了48%,COP从3.4上升到4.1。当室内温度在16~20℃之间变化时,控制器随室内温度高于或低于设定温度,自动做出调节。为了维持温度在18℃附近,房间的热负荷量约为11.5kW,功耗3kW,COP为4,蒸发器和冷凝器的传热系数分别为1192和292W/(m~2·K)。  相似文献   

通过在太阳能集热器中添加饱和式脂肪酸相变材料,对太阳能光伏光热系统的不同热调控策略开展了实验研究。分析集热器中通水和不通水两种热调控策略对系统能量利用的影响。结果表明:相变材料可有效降低光伏板温度,但两种热调控策略下相变材料存在明显的温度分层现象;与不通水策略相比,通水策略在强化系统换热的同时促进了更多余热的回收,不通水和通水策略的热效率分别为71.3%和77.1%;通水策略可以更加有效地降低光伏板温度,缓解相变材料过热的影响,光电转化效率提高了7.3%。  相似文献   

用于太阳能光电水泵的菲涅耳透镜聚光收集器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了具有第二级V形槽聚光器的玻璃直纹菲涅尔透镜与LGBG高效太阳电池组成的低倍聚光收集器的试验结果。宽度为30mm、长度为1.58m的太阳电池组件,经聚光后峰值功率从7W增大到44W,比常规太阳电池费用减少60%,系统总费用降低40%。  相似文献   

以混合碳酸盐为相变材料,以氧化镁为陶瓷基骨架材料,以鳞片石墨为导热增强剂,通过混合烧结法制备出中高温复合蓄热材料。基于XRD和SEM表征分析可知,添加鳞片石墨后复合材料具有较好的化学稳定性,而且由于鳞片石墨的原因复合材料形成较多的孔隙结构。通过分析添加鳞片石墨后复合材料的热物性可知,随着鳞片石墨含量的增加,复合材料的熔点基本不变,而其热导率不断提高。鳞片石墨含量为25%的混合碳酸盐/氧化镁复合材料在250℃和560℃时的热导率分别达到3.88 W/(m·K)和2.52 W/(m·K)。基于微观结构和界面层理论对复合材料的导热增强机制进行了分析与讨论。  相似文献   

This study is focused on the preparation and characterization of thermal properties and thermal reliability of palmitic acid (PA)/expanded graphite (EG) composite as form-stable phase change material (PCM). The maximum mass fraction of PA retained in EG was found as 80 wt% without the leakage of PA in melted state even when it is heated over the melting point of PA. Therefore, the PA/EG (80/20 w/w%) composite was characterized as form-stable PCM. From differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis, the melting and freezing temperatures and latent heats of the form-stable PCM were measured as 60.88 and 60.81 °C and 148.36 and 149.66 J/g, respectively. Thermal cycling test showed that the composite PCM has good thermal reliability although it was subjected to 3000 melting/freezing cycles. Fourier transformation infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopic investigation indicated that it has good chemical stability after thermal cycling. Thermal conductivities of PA/EG composites including different mass fractions of EG (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) were also measured. Thermal conductivity of form-stable PA/EG (80/20 w/w%) composite (0.60 W/mK) was found to be 2.5 times higher than that of pure PA (0.17 W/mK). Moreover, the increase in thermal conductivity of PA was confirmed by comparison of the melting and freezing times of pure PA with that of form-stable composite. Based on all results, it was concluded that the form-stable PA/EG (80/20 w/w%) has considerable latent heat energy storage potential because of its good thermal properties, thermal and chemical reliability and thermal conductivity.  相似文献   

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