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对某电厂2×300 MW机组1号脱硫系统进行全面的设备检查、系统运行检查、化学分析以及脱硫效率测试,通过设备现状(循环泵磨损、喷嘴堵塞等)和运行条件(低液位)对实际有效液气比(L/G)的影响分析,并考虑进口SO_2浓度的影响,根据修正曲线得到实际运行状态下的理论脱硫效率,与实测值吻合较好。说明该电厂脱硫系统的原设计正确,在现设备条件和运行条件下,脱硫系统的运行基本正常。在采取相应的措施后,在设计条件下运行,脱硫系统的性能可以达到设计的要求。  相似文献   

主要分析研究黔东火电厂600MW机组脱硫系统、氧化风系统优化改造对湿法脱硫装置效率的影响。实施改造后,各项指标优于原设计值,节能效果明显。  相似文献   

活性焦孔结构及表面性质对脱除烟气中SO2的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对两种不同方法得到的比表面积相近但脱硫性能差别甚大的活性焦,进行了孔结构、表面化学特性的表征,并进行了脱硫性能的测试.结果表明,活性焦的脱硫性能与其比表面积的关系不大,孔径分布对其存在一定的影响,而活性焦的表面化学特性(表面官能团的种类和浓度)对脱硫性能有很大的影响,在实验分析得到的C-C、C-O、CO、COOH及π-π· 5种官能团中,羰基官能团(CO)和醚基官能团(C-O)的总浓度的大小与活性焦的脱硫性能表现出极大的相关性,这两种官能团的浓度越高,活性焦的脱硫性能越强,并对应较大的苯甲酸吸附值,因此可以推断这两种官能团对活性焦的表面碱性起了主要的贡献,并且决定着活性焦脱硫活性的大小.  相似文献   

火电厂的湿法烟气脱硫投资较大,如果取消烟气加热装置GGH,采用湿烟囱排放,脱硫系统的总投资和运行、维护费用较装有烟气加热装置的脱硫系统低得多。 1烟囱选择与设计 山东百年电力发展股份有限公司三期2×220MW机组烟气脱硫运行后,原来为三期脱硫设计的GGH加温设备受到煤质和石灰石成分以及环境的影响,经常出现故障而堵塞,运行一年多以后已经不能使用。而原混凝土烟囱由于没有防腐处理,  相似文献   

脱硫系统是电厂重要的环保设施之一,湿法脱硫效果比较明显,工作效率较高,各个公司设计的脱硫系统也各具特色。平顶山热电脱硫项目由于设计、运行管理、设备维护等原因,现场出现的问题也较多,不仅造成设备频繁损坏,也存在较大的能源消耗,文中根据现场实际试验和实践,在保证环保指标的基础上,通过优化脱硫系统各个附属系统的运行方式,取得了良好的节能减排效果和经验,对于同行业实现清洁生产和节能降耗有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫装置的DCS控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石灰石-石膏湿法脱硫技术是目前最成熟的脱硫技术之一,在国内得到了广泛应用。在实际工程运用中,石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫技术控制系统设计是否合理会直接影响系统脱硫效率甚至主机系统的长期安全稳定运行。重点阐述了分散控制系统(DCS)对石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫过程控制的方法。  相似文献   

山西耀光煤电有限责任公司积极响应国家环保要求对#1、#2机组脱硫系统进行超低排放升级改造,此工程由福建龙净环保股份有限公司总承包,在原系统的基础上,通过对控制软件核心设计升级、增设消石灰供应系统、吸收剂给料系统扩容、物料循环及工艺系统的调节精度提升,优化调节控制等技术措施,使控制更精准,以达到使用最经济的运行方式获得最高的脱硫效率。  相似文献   

干法/半干法烟气脱硫灰化学组成计算模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着干法/半干法烟气脱硫工艺的推广应用,其脱硫副产物-脱硫灰的排放数量也会大幅度增加。脱硫灰的综合利用是目前的研究热点。脱硫灰的性质在很大程度上取决于脱硫工艺,结合烟气脱硫的实际工艺特点,从理论上推导出不同干法/半干法烟气脱硫工艺脱硫灰的组成计算模型,并进行了实例计算。这些计算模型对于烟气脱硫灰处理系统的设计、掌握脱硫灰组成变化、脱硫灰的应用都具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文以某电厂660MW超超临界机组的实际运行参数为例,从蒸发浓缩塔溶液量平衡和热平衡计算得出蒸发单位体积脱硫废水电耗;得出喷淋塔式蒸发浓缩系统中,除雾器层数的设计和除雾器冲洗水量对应实际脱硫废水蒸发能耗值.建议如果采用喷淋塔式蒸发浓缩脱硫废水,应该采用与目前常用的优化传热传质条件相反的喷淋方式,达到经济使用烟气余热蒸发浓缩脱硫废水的目的 .  相似文献   

随着国家对环境保护要求越来越高,近年燃煤火电厂装设石灰石湿法烟气脱硫装置逐渐增多。《火力发电厂设计技术规程》缺乏对脱硫设计的规定,因此各工程对脱硫设计裕量考虑的不统一。本对石灰石湿法烟气脱硫设计裕量进行了探讨。分别对石灰石制浆系统、烟气系统、吸收塔系统、石膏脱水系统和其他系统的设备选择提出了设计裕量和备用数量的看法。本对脱硫效率的选取、烟气量的确定、石灰石质量、脱硫设备布置、脱硫总平面布置、脱硫建构筑物型式等提出了设计时应注意的问题。本供从事石灰石湿法烟气脱硫的设计、制造、建设人员参考。  相似文献   

柳杨 《锅炉制造》2012,(1):63-64
针对电厂普遍存在的煤质含硫量偏离设计值过高的问题,本文主要探讨几种脱硫系统增容改造方式的适用范围和优缺点。  相似文献   

To promote the utilization efficiency of coal resources,and to assist with the control of sulphur during gasification and/or downstream processes,it is essential to gain basic knowledge of sulphur transformation associated with gasification performance.In this research we investigated the influence of O_2/C molar ratio both on gasification performance and sulphur transformation of a low rank coal,and the sulphur transformation mechanism was also discussed.Experiments were performed in a circulating fluidized bed gasifier with O_2/C molar ratio ranging from 0.39 to 0.78 mol/mol.The results showed that increasing the O_2/C molar ratio from 0.39 to 0.78 mol/mol can increase carbon conversion from 57.65%to 91.92%,and increase sulphur release ratio from 29.66%to63.11%.The increase of O_2/C molar ratio favors the formation of H_2S,and also favors the retained sulphur transforming to more stable forms.Due to the reducing conditions of coal gasification,H_2S is the main form of the released sulphur,which could be formed by decomposition of pyrite and by secondary reactions.Bottom char shows lower sulphur content than fly ash,and mainly exist as sulphates.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)measurements also show that the intensity of pyrite declines and the intensity of sulphates increases for fly ash and bottom char,and the change is more obvious for bottom char.During CFB gasification process,bigger char particles circulate in the system and have longer residence time for further reaction,which favors the release of sulphur species and can enhance the retained sulphur transforming to more stable forms.  相似文献   

介绍某台国产300MW CFB锅炉石灰石脱硫系统出力小远达不到设计值、输送系统故障频繁且易堵管、石灰石粉品质差及来煤含硫量高等存在的问题,通过脱硫系统的改造,采取根据来煤煤质进行掺配降低入炉煤含硫量,再以从煤沟脱硫系统掺配一定比例的石灰石为主、炉内石灰石系统投运为辅等优化措施,有效降低了烟气中SO2的含量,达到环保运行、清洁生产。  相似文献   

To promote the utilization efficiency of coal resources, and to assist with the control of sulphur during gasification and/or downstream processes, it is essential to gain basic knowledge of sulphur transformation associated with gasification performance. In this research we investigated the influence of O2/C molar ratio both on gasification performance and sulphur transformation of a low rank coal, and the sulphur transformation mechanism was also discussed. Experiments were performed in a circulating fluidized bed gasifier with O2/C molar ratio ranging from 0.39 to 0.78 mol/mol. The results showed that increasing the O2/C molar ratio from 0.39 to 0.78 mol/mol can increase carbon conversion from 57.65% to 91.92%, and increase sulphur release ratio from 29.66% to 63.11%. The increase of O2/C molar ratio favors the formation of H2S, and also favors the retained sulphur transforming to more stable forms. Due to the reducing conditions of coal gasification, H2S is the main form of the released sulphur, which could be formed by decomposition of pyrite and by secondary reactions. Bottom char shows lower sulphur content than fly ash, and mainly exist as sulphates. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements also show that the intensity of pyrite declines and the intensity of sulphates increases for fly ash and bottom char, and the change is more obvious for bottom char. During CFB gasification process, bigger char particles circulate in the system and have longer residence time for further reaction, which favors the release of sulphur species and can enhance the retained sulphur transforming to more stable forms.  相似文献   

本文阐述了当前SOx污染的严重局面和我国所采取的有效对策,简要概括传统烟气除尘脱硫方法及其存在问题。然后重点介绍了一种新型的半干式烟气除尘脱硫一体化装置的工作原理,并对其推广的可行性加以分析,该装置具有投资少、电耗和水耗低等特点,具有较好的市场开发前景。  相似文献   

Coal is the most abundant and commonly used energy carrier in the world. In coal-producing countries, coal is often the cheapest fuel for electricity and heat production. Prices of steam coals offered by exporters on international markets reflect current economic and market conditions and are also related to the prices of other fossil fuels like crude oil and natural gas. International coal-market observations and analyses lead to the conclusion that steam-coal prices depend only on heating value. In Polish practice, steam-coal prices are calculated using a price formula in which coal price is a function of three quality parameters: net calorific value, ash content and sulphur content, and a price of ‘basic’ or ‘reference’ coal (which means: coal of defined quality). This paper presents the results of international coal-market analyses of relationships between coal price and quality and describes the Polish coal-pricing system. A new solution, relevant to domestic coal mines and power plants, is presented to improve and simplify the conditions of bilateral settlements of coal deliveries.  相似文献   


Based on the abundant minerals in a Miocene freshwater sequence of mixed sediments (pieces of coal in clays, sand-stones and shales) alternating with coal layers, the following main sedimentation environments were distinguished: illite-montmorillonitic (I-M), calcitic (Ct) and coal-forming environment. Applying factor analyses to 16 geochemical parameters, an environmentally-specific early diagenetic connection between the sulphur transformation processes, amount of Corg and precursor material species (C27-C29-steranes) was determined. It was found that the effects of limiting factors on Spyr formation depended on the hydrogeochemical conditions of individual sedimentation environments. Pyrite formation in coals depended directly on participation of higher plant precursor materials and/or on the total sulphur content in the system. In the MS, pyrite formation directly depended on total sulphur content, hydrogeological conditions and the amount of Corg.  相似文献   

以北宿煤矿为研究对象,首先对其地理位置和基础地质做简要阐述,然后通过基础数据和2种绘图软件AutoCAD和Surfer绘制出17#煤层煤厚、灰分、硫分、灰分、水分以及挥发分等值线图。结果表明:17#煤层煤厚中间最薄,并呈现波浪式向东、西方向发展,为薄煤层;灰分含量井田中部最低,向东西方向对称增加然后降低,且西南方向有个灰分高异常点,为低中灰煤;硫分含量北部中部含量最高,向两边逐渐降低,为高硫分煤;水分含量中部最低,向两边逐渐递增;挥发分含量分布较均匀。煤层的成煤条件为滨海过渡沉积,这种成煤环境煤层煤质特征横向变化不大,较为均匀。  相似文献   

在煤燃烧过程中,煤灰自身有一定的固硫能力。本文根据我国发电用煤的煤质分析数据,将煤灰固硫率与煤中硫和碱性成分含量相关联,研究了实验室制灰和煤粉燃烧时煤中碱性成分的固硫作用,表明:实验室制灰条件下,钙在煤灰固硫中起主导作用,固硫率随煤中Ca/S摩尔比的增加呈指数趋势增加,而其它成分(Na,K,Mg等)的作用不大;因钙的固硫作用类似于CaO吸收剂,实验室制灰时的固硫特性可应用于流化床燃烧;与此相比,煤粉炉中因温度高、停留时间短,钙的固硫作用显著降低,而其它碱性成分的贡献明显增大。  相似文献   

生物质型煤是一种新型型煤,是利用粉煤、生物质等通过一定的生产工艺制作而成,不仅有利于节约能源,同时也可以减少环境污染.文章重点介绍了水分、生物质添加量、粘结剂、原料煤粒度、成型压力、熟化过程、干燥程度对生物质型煤冷强度的影响,添加剂、生物质、配煤量以及煤的种类对生物质型煤热强度的影响.文章还分析了生物质型煤与生物质和煤在燃烧速度和着火性能上的区别,固硫效果与所加固硫剂量之间的关系,并提出了生物质型煤作为气化型煤今后应开展的研究方向与课题.  相似文献   

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