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太阳能热发电系统中聚光、集热协同进行,聚光太阳能能流极不均匀,对能量转换效果有较大影响。为避免太阳直射辐照度的变化对实验结果的影响,采用碟式聚光器和圆柱型接收器,搭建了两套结构一致的实验系统,同时开展聚光和集热实验,提高了实验数据的准确度。接收器采光口能流分布是聚光和集热效率研究的基础,利用水冷式能流密度传感器,在接收器集热实验时同步测量了接收器采光口能流密度分布,通过面积剖分,得到接收器入射能流。开展集热实验,分析了太阳能直射辐照度和工质流量变化对系统集热效率的影响。研究结果表明:随直射辐照度增加,系统入射功率、输出功率和接收器采光口截获功率不断增加,但上升趋势逐渐变缓;聚光器聚光效率、接收器热效率、系统总热效率均呈下降趋势,且斜率逐渐变缓;随着传热工质流量增加,接收器腔内壁面温度下降且温度场梯度变小,减少了接收器热损失,系统输出功率不断加大,总热效率不断提高。  相似文献   

为了研究日光温室用槽式太阳能空气集热器的热性能,基于TracePro光学模拟软件设计了一种槽式太阳能空气集热器,对其进行试验研究,分析了不同因素对集热性能的影响规律。实验结果表明,管中空气流速的变化对集热器集热效率和集热量的影响规律是相同的,在不同的流速下,存在最佳空气流速约为4.4 m/s,使得集热器的集热量和集热效率最大,集热量达到373.2 W,集热效率约为25%,此时集热性能最好。对于不同太阳辐照度,正午时刻之前,太阳辐照度越大,集热器的集热效率越大,正午时刻之后,集热器的集热效率基本保持不变,15:40之后集热器集热效率逐渐减小。当太阳辐照度和管中流速相同时,室外温度越高,集热器集热效率越大,集热性能越好。集热管中空气温度沿着集热管出口方向不断增大,太阳辐照度越大,集热管相同位置空气温度越高。该研究结果可为此种槽式太阳能空气集热器在日光温室的应用中提供参考。  相似文献   

太阳能空气集热器(Ⅰ型)的数学模型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用数学模型化方法研究了太阳能空气集热器的集热传热性能,建立了基于二维假设下的流体流动和热量传递的稳定态数学模型,并用有限差分法进行数值求解,计算得到稳态下太阳能空气集热器的速度、温度分布图以及集热效率与空气流量、入口空气温度、入身太阳辐照度和表面盖板透过率的关系。结果表明,对I型太阳能空气集热器,集热效率随空气流量和表面盖板透过率的增加而增大,随入口空气温度和入射太阳辐照度的增大而减小。计算结果与  相似文献   

设计一个由太阳能空气集热器和曲面菲涅尔透镜联合驱动的鼓泡加湿除湿型太阳能海水淡化系统,介绍该系统的结构和运行原理,对多曲面聚光器的聚光特性进行光学仿真分析,对装置各部件的能量进行平衡计算,测试系统在实际天气条件下的产水性能,给出太阳辐照度、装置运行温度和产水效率随时间的变化关系。当太阳辐照度平均为795 W/m2时,该装置集热管出口温度最高为64.8℃,产水量约为9.48 kg/d,整体系统热效率为43.5%。  相似文献   

利用一种可结合环境气象数据等参数来计算平板太阳能集热器一段时间内集热效率动态分布的数学模型,对比研究了不同气候区典型城市年平均效率及逐月效率分布的差异,分析了入口温度与环境温度温差、太阳辐照度对集热器全年瞬时效率的影响,并将该模型与《太阳能供热采暖工程技术规范》中的集热效率计算方法进行了对比。通过分析说明了在研究太阳能集热器的集热效率时,应结合气象条件和运行参数动态进行研究分析,冬季的瞬时效率并非总是低于夏季。该模型可更精确地模拟实际工程情况来计算集热器平均效率,是一种更加适应不同气候地区的太阳能集热器热性能模型,为工程实例中平板太阳能集热器平均效率的选取提供了参考。  相似文献   

太阳能集能器自动跟踪装置   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘振起 《节能》2003,(9):22-24
太阳能集能器自动跟踪装置是由传感器、方位角跟踪机构、高度角跟踪机构和自动控制装置组成。自动跟踪装置驱动太阳能集能器 ,使集能器的主光轴始终与太阳光线相平行。当太阳光线发生倾斜时 ,传感器输出倾斜信号 ,指示执行器动作调整太阳能集能器的角度 ,直到太阳能集能器对准太阳 ,实现自动跟踪太阳的目的。在阴天或太阳光辐照度低于工作照度时自动关机 ,太阳光辐照度达到工作照度时自动开机。该装置适用于聚光式太阳能集能器、太阳能电池等需要跟踪太阳的装置  相似文献   

采用某国产直通式太阳集热管(中温集热系统核心部件),搭建435 m~2微弧菲涅尔聚光集热系统。建立该集热管一维稳态传热模型;分析热损失随真空度、金属管内壁与环境的温差和风速的变化规律;考察太阳辐照度、聚光比以及导热油流量对集热效率的影响;对集热效率进行实验测试。结果表明:模型计算值和实验值偏差小于2%,可用于传热性能预测。真空度和温差是影响热损失的主要因素,应保持气体压力小于0.013 Pa;通过非线性回归建立温差和热损失的关系式。聚光比为25,太阳直接辐照度为625 W/m~2时,集热效率达到55.4%;合适的操作流量为3.5 m~3/h。集热温度低于200℃时,该集热管的集热性能与UVAC3相当,可用于太阳能中温热利用领域。  相似文献   

针对影响双轴跟踪槽式太阳能系统集热效率的多种因素,文章采用量纲分析法建立了集热效率预测模型,构建了包括Re数在内的5个无量纲量。实验测试了不同工况下系统的集热性能,通过多元线性回归对集热效率预测模型进行了求解。研究结果表明:在文章研究范围内,Re对集热效率的影响较大,太阳辐照量、集热管几何参数以及传热工质物性等对集热效率影响相对较小;在集热效率预测模型复测样本范围内,集热效率计算值和实测值之间的最大相对误差不超过15%。文章建立的双轴跟踪槽式太阳能系统集热效率预测模型精度较高,可为槽式太阳能系统的工程设计和优化运行提供理论依据。  相似文献   

结合浙北地区的气象条件,构建了分体承压平板型太阳能热水装置,对其性能进行实验研究。结果表明:较低的集热介质温度可保证较高的集热效率,集热介质温度为18~35℃时对应集热效率为54%~45%;太阳辐照度对装置平均效率影响不大,当辐照度平均值为620~950 W/m2时装置平均效率分布为34%~43%;蓄热水箱的最高终温可达60℃;并分析了集热介质循环方式、集热介质流量及环境因素对装置性能的影响。此研究可为太阳能热泵供暖系统的设计优化提供参考。  相似文献   

该文设计一种基于三角形腔体的菲涅尔线聚焦集热系统,通过搭建测试平台,在实际天气条件下测试腔体有无盖板、腔体内铜管表面有无覆盖黑漆和太阳直射辐照度等因素对腔体出口温度及系统集热效率的影响。研究结果表明:光洁铜管腔体增加盖板后,集热效率由22.10%增加至25.82%;而黑漆铜管腔体增加盖板后,系统集热效率由30.40%下降至29.50%。光洁铜管表面覆盖黑漆后,腔体无盖板情况下的系统集热效率由21.94%增加至34.57%;腔体有盖板情况下的系统集热效率由25.26%增加至29.91%。太阳直射辐照度对腔体出口温度波动影响显著,但对系统集热效率的影响不明显。  相似文献   

Parabolic solar dish concentrator with sphere receiver is less studied. We present an analytic function to calculate the intercept factor of the system with real sun brightness distribution and Gaussian distribution, the results indicate that the intercept factor is related to the rim angle of reflector and the ratio of receiver angle to the optical error when the optical error is larger than or equal to 5 mrad, but is related to the rim angle, receiver angle and optical error in less than 5 mrad optical error. Furthermore we propose a quick process to optimize the system to provide the maximum solar energy to net heat efficiency for different optical error under typical condition. The results indicate that the parabolic solar dish concentrator with sphere receiver has rather high solar energy to net heat efficiency which is 20% more than solar trough and tower system including higher cosine factor and lower heat loss of the receiver.  相似文献   

设计一种全光谱太阳能分级分质利用系统进行光热协同反应与集热一体化实验研究。该系统通过光热协同催化材料将太阳光中紫外及部分可见波段光的能量转化为化学能进行储存,并利用系统中的集热材料将太阳光中部分可见及红外波段的光能转化为热能进行储存,从而实现对全光谱太阳能的综合利用。实验以光热协同分解水制氢为目标反应,利用导热油进行集热。结果表明,在反应材料表面温度为414 ℃的条件下,氢气产量为15.65 μmol/g,系统集热效率可达43.61%。  相似文献   

黄卫东 《太阳能》2021,(4):51-57
从理论方面对降低太阳能热发电投资成本的方式进行了分析,认为可通过扩大规模来降低投资成本,依靠扩大发电系统的规模和优化镜场设计来提高太阳能热发电系统的光电转换效率;碟式和点聚焦菲涅耳聚光系统的光热转换效率高,竞争力较强。当采用超大功率蒸汽轮机时,可使发电系统的规模扩大10倍、热电转换效率提高25%;按照光学效率和接收器热效率均达到92%计算,碟式聚光系统的光热转换效率可达到84.64%,而塔式聚光系统的光热转换效率为57.73%,前者比后者提高了46.62%,使碟式太阳能热发电系统的光电转换效率比塔式太阳能热发电系统的提高了83.3%,从而使碟式太阳能热发电系统的总投资成本比塔式太阳能热发电系统的下降了45.4%,共用跟踪系统使其总投资成本又下降了4.8%,再加上碟式太阳能热发电系统的中发电系统规模扩大10倍,最终,碟式太阳能热发电系统的总投资成本可比塔式太阳能热发电系统的降低75.2%。在不考虑材料和制造技术方面进步的情况下,太阳能热发电的上网电价可从目前的1元/kWh降至约0.25元/kWh,使太阳能热发电成为未来有竞争力的主要能源技术。  相似文献   

In this paper, thermal performance analysis of 20 m2 prototype fuzzy focal solar dish collector is presented. The focal image characteristics of the solar dish are determined to propose the suitable design of absorber/receiver. First, theoretical thermal performance analysis of the fuzzy focal solar parabolic dish concentrator with modified cavity receiver is carried out for different operating conditions. Based on the theoretical performance analysis, the total heat loss (conduction, convection and radiation heat losses) from the modified cavity receiver is estimated. It is observed that the maximum theoretical efficiencies of solar dish collector are found to be as 79.2% for no wind conditions and 78.2% and 77.8% for side-on and head-on winds speed of 5 m/s respectively. Latter, real time analysis of parabolic dish collector with modified cavity receiver is carried out in terms of stagnation test, time constant test and daily performance test. From stagnation test, the overall heat loss coefficient is found to be 356 W/m2 K. The time constant test is carried out to determine the influence of sudden change in solar radiation at steady state conditions. The daily performance tests are conducted for different flow rates. It is found that the efficiency of the collector increases with the increase of volume flow rates. The average thermal efficiencies of the parabolic dish collector for the volume flow rate of 100 L/h and 250 L/h are found to be 69% and 74% for the average beam radiation (Ibn) of 532 W/m2 and 641 W/m2 respectively.  相似文献   

High-concentration photovoltaic designs based on miniature parabolic dishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recent development of photovoltaic cells for high flux levels, of the order of 1000 suns, opens new challenges for the design of solar cell concentrators. A new approach for concentrating photovoltaic systems that can easily attain the maximum flux levels commensurate with solar cell technology is proposed. The collection unit is a miniature paraboloidal dish (e.g., with a diameter of the order of 10 cm) that concentrates sunlight into a short glass rod. The flux distribution of the transported light is homogenized in a miniature glass kaleidoscope that is optically coupled to a small, high-efficiency solar cell. The cell resides behind the dish and can be cooled adequately with a passive heat sink. These nominally independent collection units can be assembled into modules and arrays that produce almost any prescribed power level. All system elements are predicated on existing technologies.  相似文献   

为了解决太阳能辅助燃煤发电系统与太阳能辅助抽汽供热系统的余热损失增多问题,提出一种太阳能辅助高背压热电联产系统的优化改造方案。利用EBSILON软件采用数值模拟的方法,对改造前后机组的整体性能和改造后机组在不同发电功率、背压、热网供回水温度工况下的收益变化进行了分析,对比了改造前后机组的(火用)效率与经济性差异。结果表明:改造后的太阳能辅助高背压热电联产系统节煤更多,机组回收了集成太阳能产生的余热后供热能力增强;改造后的机组在低发电功率、较高背压和较低热网供回水温度时节煤更多;在低发电功率、较低背压及较高热网供回水温度时机组的供热能力更强;改造后的太阳能辅助高背压热电联产系统(火用)效率更高、系统的经济效益更佳。  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation on finite time thermodynamic (FTT) evaluation of a solar‐dish Stirling heat engine. FTTs has been applied to determine the output power and the corresponding thermal efficiency, exergetic efficiency, and the rate of entropy generation of a solar Stirling system with a finite rate of heat transfer, regenerative heat loss, conductive thermal bridging loss, and finite regeneration process time. Further imperfect performance of the dish collector and convective/radiative heat transfer mechanisms in the hot end as well as the convective heat transfer in the heat sink of the engine are considered in the developed model. The output power of the engine is maximized while the highest temperature of the engine is considered as a design parameter. In addition, thermal efficiency, exergetic efficiency, and the rate of entropy generation corresponding to the optimum value of the output power is evaluated. Results imply that the optimized absorber temperature is some where between 850 K and 1000 K. Sensitivity of results against variations of the system parameters are studied in detail. The present analysis provides a good theoretical guidance for the designing of dish collectors and operating the Stirling heat engine system.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a parabolic dish/AMTEC solar thermal power system and evaluates its overall thermal–electric conversion performance. The system is a combined system in which a parabolic dish solar collector is cascaded with an alkali metal thermal to electric converter (AMTEC) through a coupling heat exchanger. A separate type heat-pipe receiver is selected to isothermally transfer the solar energy from the collector to the AMTEC. To assess the system’s overall thermal–electric conversion performance, a theoretical analysis has been undertaken in conjunction with a parametric investigation by varying relevant parameters, i.e., the average operating temperature and performance parameters associate with the dish collector and the AMTEC. Results show that the overall conversion efficiency of parabolic dish/AMTEC system could reach up to 20.6% with a power output of 18.54 kW corresponding to an operating temperature of 1280 K. Moreover, it is found that the optimal condenser temperature, corresponding to the maximum overall efficiency, is around 600 K. This study indicates that the parabolic dish/AMTEC solar power system exhibits a great potential and competitiveness over other solar dish/engine systems, and the proposed system is a viable solar thermal power system.  相似文献   

Traveling-wave thermoacoustic electricity generator is a new external-combustion type device capable of converting heat such as solar energy into electric power. In this paper, a 1 kW solar-powered traveling-wave thermoacoustic electricity generation system is designed and fabricated. The system consists of a traveling-wave thermoacoustic electricity generator, a solar dish collector and a heat receiver. In the preliminary tests, using electric cartridge heaters to simulate the solar energy, a maximum electric power of 481 W and a maximum thermal-to-electric efficiency of 15.0% were achieved with 3.5 MPa pressurized helium and 74 Hz working frequency. Then, after integrating the traveling-wave thermoacoustic electricity generator with the solar dish collector and the heat receiver, the solar-powered experiments were performed. In the experiments, a maximum electric power of about 200 W was obtained. However, due to the solar dish collector problems, the heating temperature of the receiver was much lower than expected. Optimizations of the collector and the heat receiver are under way.  相似文献   

碟式斯特林太阳能发电系统最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太阳能热发电技术中最具发展潜力的是碟式太阳能高温发电技术,尤其是近几年碟式斯特林太阳能发电技术更是令世界瞩目,它具有光电转换效率高、耗水量低、发电方式灵活及可逐步规模化等特点。目前,国内外碟式斯特林太阳能发电系统的研制方兴未艾,国外太阳能斯特林发电机制作及测试技术已趋于成熟,正处于中试和大规模推广阶段。国外主要的碟式斯特林发电系统包括SES公司的SunCatcher单元、Cleanergy公司的Eurodish单元、Infinia公司的PowerDish单元等。国内碟式斯特林太阳能热发电技术研究取得了一些成绩,但总体来说,目前还未获得实质性的进展,相关研究尚处于初级阶段。碟式斯特林太阳能发电系统的核心部件是太阳能斯特林发电机,其某些关键部件的研发难度较大,如高温太阳能吸收器、高效回热器、工质密封、功率和转速控制等。要攻克这些关键技术,需要国内外相关部门的大力支持。我国科研工作者应通过各种形式与国外斯特林发电机制造商及科研机构进行技术合作,逐渐掌握此项技术;或者借鉴国外的研制经验自主研发,然后通过示范推广,建设大型碟式斯特林太阳能发电厂。  相似文献   

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