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蜂窝型陶瓷蓄热体换热器的热动态特性实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对高温空气燃烧技术中的关键设备——蜂窝型陶瓷蓄热体换热器的热动态特性进行了实验测试。结果表明:蜂窝型陶瓷蓄热体换热器的压力损失随着空气流速以及蓄热体长度的不同而变化,但总体上说,其压力损失并不大;四通换向阀的换向周期和蜂窝陶瓷蓄热体换热器的体积等是影响其温度效率和热回收率等热性能的重要因素。  相似文献   

曹海亮  张凯  张硕果  赵纪娜 《热能动力工程》2012,27(2):207-211,265,266
设计了多孔介质回热徽燃烧器,对微燃烧器内H2/Ak的预混燃烧特性进行了实验研究和数值模拟,实验结果表明,当过量空气系数1.0<α<3.0时,微燃烧器具有较高的燃烧效率,出口烟气温度和较低的燃烧热损失率,且燃烧热功率P越高,α越大,热损失率越小.当P=100 W时,其出口烟气温度最高可达到1 232 K,当α=3.0时,燃烧效率仍达到96.85%,而热损失率仅为14.87%.数值模拟结果表明,由于采用了回热夹层和多孔介质回热结构,有效地回收了热量损失,使得微燃烧器具有良好的热性能.证明设计的多孔介质回热微燃烧器是一种燃烧效率高、热损失率低的微燃烧器.  相似文献   

高温空气燃烧系统中陶瓷蓄热体传热特性分析研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
针对小球、圆孔、方格孔、三角孔和正六边形孔蜂窝体等不同几何结构下的陶瓷蓄热体对高温空气燃烧系统的非稳态交替加热和冷却的传热过程的影响进行了理论分析,得出了正方形蜂窝体具有最佳的比表面积和开孔率的结论。建立了陶瓷蓄热体和气体的温度变化微分方程和数值计算的离散方程,并选取实例进行了数值计算,得出了温度变化和传热变化的特性曲线,其与实验测试结果变化规律基本一致。研究结果可以为高温空气燃烧过程中合理有效地控制蓄热体中交替换热过程提供理论依据。  相似文献   

针对转炉干法除尘系统蒸发冷却器内部结垢现象影响静电除尘器除尘效率的问题,采用FLUENT软件对蒸发冷却器内部结垢前后的速度场、压力场及温度场进行了数值模拟。研究结果表明:烟气进入蒸发冷却器后流速降低,压力逐渐增加;由于雾化水的蒸发冷却作用,烟气温度由800℃降低190℃;蒸发冷却器结垢后烟气压力场与温度场均有所改变,出口平均压力由-104 Pa降低到-229 Pa,平均温度由190℃提高到224℃;出口处烟气温度较结垢前提高了34℃,烟气温度升高导致静电除尘器入口处粉尘比电阻超出最佳电除尘器参数的范围,导致电除尘效率降低。  相似文献   

船舶使用的主动降噪设备需要连接到排烟支管,但高温烟气会缩短设备的使用寿命。为了降低烟气温度,建立了冷却器喷雾冷却的数值模型对支管冷却器的运行工况进行优化,通过数值模拟分析喷射压差与喷雾半角对冷态以及热态性能的影响。结果表明:最佳喷雾半角为60°,喷射压差为1.5 MPa时,冷却器性能最佳;采用液滴蒸发效率与逃逸质量分析冷却器内液滴的流动特性,根据模拟结果进行二次回归式拟合,喷雾压差和喷射半角与蒸发效率相关系数分别为0.19和0.56,其相对于逃逸质量的相关系数为0.25和0.72,喷嘴工作参数应选取较高的喷雾半角和较低的喷射压差。  相似文献   

借助数值模拟方法研究了不同气氛、氧浓度以及燃料热值对加热炉燃烧特性以及Nq排放的影响规律。结果表明:富氧燃烧能提高炉膛燃烧温度,使炉壁辐射换热量NJJtt约5.2%,排烟热损失减小约21.7%。相同富氧浓度条件下,空气气氛下炉膛燃烧温度更高,炉壁辐射换热量增加约5%,排烟损失减少24%以上;但OjCOz气氛下钢坯表面传热特性改善,断面温度分布更加均匀,Nq排放量降低为空气气氛的1/10以下。  相似文献   

Consteel电炉余热锅炉的热平衡计算方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张培亭 《节能技术》2005,23(1):25-27
针对Consteel电炉余热锅炉烟气入口参数不稳定的特点,得到了余热锅炉的各项热损失、锅炉效率、有效利用热量和蒸发量的计算公式。对65t Consteel电炉炼钢设备余热锅炉进行了热平衡计算,计算表明,锅炉的排烟热损失随烟气入口温度的降低而增加,而锅炉效率、有效利用热量和蒸发量随烟气入口温度的降低而降低,锅炉的平均蒸发量为23.1t/h。  相似文献   

文章对用空气来回收燃气锅炉排烟中水蒸气汽化潜热的冷凝式空气加热器,以加热器内烟气中的水蒸气开始冷凝处的烟气和空气的温差△tx为变量,计算分析了锅炉最终排烟温度、加热的空气量、空气回收的热量、锅炉热效率与加热器面积大小变化的关系,为选择利用空气来回收燃气锅炉汽化潜热提供理论依据。以陕北天然气为例,如果将30℃的空气加热到120℃,计算结果表明,温差出。从25℃减少到0℃时,最终排烟温度略微降低约2℃,相应的加热的空气量增大1.5倍,而加热器的面积急剧增大到无穷大,锅炉效率提高的极限为4.67%,此时潜热占总回收热量的28.6%。  相似文献   

700MW四角切圆锅炉低NO_x燃烧的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
钟礼今  张殿平  田登峰  方庆艳 《热能动力工程》2015,30(1):118-123,169-170
对一台700 MW四角切圆煤粉锅炉低NOx燃烧改造前后开展了多工况炉内流动、燃烧、传热与污染物排放特性的数值模拟,模拟结果与测量值符合良好。数值模拟与实际运行结果都表明:采用M-PM低NOx燃烧器并进行深度空气分级燃烧改造后,炉内空气动力特性良好,气流不会直接冲刷水冷壁;主燃烧区处于低氧高CO浓度的强还原性气氛,可抑制NO生成并大量还原已生成NO,锅炉NOx排放显著降低,100%、75%和50%负荷下分别降低了68.8%、52.9%和56.6%;屏底烟气温度明显增加,主、再热汽温特性明显改善,温度升高达到设计值;水冷壁壁面热负荷更加均匀;尽管飞灰含碳量和CO排放浓度增加,但排烟温度降低了约10℃,排烟热损失降低大于机械和化学不完全燃烧损失增加之和,锅炉效率升高。  相似文献   

研究了一种采用烟气循环富氧燃烧的微型燃气轮机燃烧室.由燃烧稳定、总压恢复系数、出口温度场等几个方面确定燃烧室基本的几何尺寸,在空气以及氧气体积分数30%的O2/CO2工况下,利用CFD软件和试验对设计燃烧室的热态流场、燃烧效率、压力损失等性能进行了对比研究.结果表明,在富氧燃烧条件下,设计的燃烧室流场合理,燃烧稳定、效率高,压力损失小,基本上达到了设计要求;在空气工况下,会出现燃烧效率低、出口温度过高、不均匀系数过高等问题.  相似文献   

Methanol steam reforming (MSR) is an attractive option for in-situ hydrogen production and to supply for transportation and industrial applications. This paper presents a novel thermally autonomous MSR microreactor that uses silicon carbide (SiC) honeycomb ceramic as a catalyst support to enhance energy conversion efficiency and hydrogen production. The structural design and working principle of the MSR microreactor are described along with the development of a 3D numerical model to study the heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics. The simulation results indicate that the proposed microreactor has a significantly low drop in pressure and more uniform temperature distribution in the SiC ceramic support. Further, the microreactor was developed and an experimental setup was conducted to test its hydrogen production performance. The experimental results show that the developed microreactor can be operated as thermally autonomous to reach its target working temperature within 9 min. The maximum energy efficiency of the microreactor is 67.85% and a hydrogen production of 316.37 ml/min can be achieved at an inlet methanol flow rate of 360 μl/min. The obtained results demonstrate that SiC honeycomb ceramic with high thermal conductivity can serve as an effective catalyst support for the development of MSR microreactors for high volume and efficient hydrogen production.  相似文献   

设计了以铝为管材、丙酮为传热工质的无芯环路热管。其蒸发段采用加热带加热,冷凝段用风冷降温。热管依靠蒸发压头使工质循环,并依靠重力作用,使冷凝液回流到蒸发段。搭建试验台并研究了不同加热功率下充液率对无芯环路热管的传热温差、传热量、热效率、热阻和当量导热系数的影响。结果表明:加热功率为150.00 W、充液率为30%时,无芯环路热管的均温性最好;传热温差和热阻均最小,分别为6.75℃、0.045 K/W。传热量132.00 W、热效率0.88、当量导热系数168 125 W/(m·K),均达到最大值。所以,该无芯环路热管在本实验研究范围内的最佳工作条件为加热功率150.00 W、充液率30%。  相似文献   

Under the condition that the transient oxidation heat extraction process of coal mine ventilation air methane (VAM) is equivalent to a series of steady state process, the steady state heat extraction experiment platform is built. The influence of the honeycomb ceramic packed in heat extraction zone and its two-side space on heat extraction rate and heat transfer modes is investigated. The experimental results show that the honeycomb ceramic packed in heat extraction zone two-side space can always strengthen heat extract ion of heat exchanger by increasing gas physical flow velocity in bed and radiation heat exchanging area and disturbing heat exchanger leeward side flow field. The contradictory dual characteristic of the influence of the honeycomb ceramic packed in heat extraction zone on heat exchanger heat extraction rate determines that the honeycomb ceramic has no great influence on heat extraction rate and doesn't always strengthen heat exchanger heat extraction. Contribution of heat transfer modes on packed bed embedded heat exchanger heat extraction is investigated using the method of coating heat exchanger outer surface silver; the experimental result shows that 55% contribution of packed bed embedded heat exchanger heat extraction rate is from radiation when gas mass flow rate is 0.15 kg·s 1·m 2 and its temperature is 1113 k; with the gas temperature being increased further, radiation will become the main way of packed bed embedded heat exchanger heat extraction.  相似文献   

为节约及合理利用能源,提高城市能量总能系统利用率,基于有机朗肯循环(ORC)和冷热电联产(CCHP),提出了一种新型的城市低温地热冷热电联产系统(以下简称ORC-CCHP系统)。根据热力学第一、第二定律,建立了热力学模型,编写计算机程序进行了系统的热力性能分析。结果表明:采用R245fa、LiBr溶液作为ORCCCHP系统循环工质时,选择窄点温差较小蒸发器可获得更高火用效率;增加太阳能集/蓄热系统,提高热流参数,减小换热温差,可进一步提升系统热力学性能;系统分别采用5种不同有机工质时,R236fa使系统的热力性能达到最佳,并在蒸发压力为0. 62 MPa、窄点温差为0 K时,ORC-CCHP系统获得最大净输出功为1 948 kW,系统火用效率为19. 28%,系统火用效率最高值为85. 78%。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the novelty pumpless organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and its choice of working fluids. Based on the selection criteria, the refrigerant of R1233zd(E) is firstly chosen and investigated in the pumpless ORC system. In the system, the feed pump is removed, and the refrigerant flows back and forth between two heat exchangers, which act as the evaporator or condenser, respectively. The impacts of the heating water temperature and loads on the system performance are studied to find out the best operating conditions. The low‐grade heat source is simulated by an electric boiler. The temperature of the heat resource ranges from 80°C to 100°C with the interval of 5°C. The temperature of the cooling water inlet is 10°C and is kept constant. The largest average power output is 127 W under the condition of 100°C heating water with nine loads. Because the cycle efficiency with heating steam temperature of 100°C cannot be determined, the highest energy and exergy efficiencies are 3.5% and 17.1%, respectively, for heating water of 95°C with seven loads. The experimental results show that the energy and exergy efficiencies increase with the increase of the heating temperature. The power and current outputs increase when the loads increase under the condition of the constant heating water temperature, whereas the voltage output decreases meanwhile. The generating time increases when the loads increase. This phenomenon is mainly caused by the increasing evaporating pressure and decreasing condensing pressure when the loads increases.  相似文献   

Exergy analysis of a single-effect lithium bromide/water absorption system for cooling and heating applications is presented in this paper. Exergy loss, enthalpy, entropy, temperature, mass flow rate and heat rate in each component of the system are evaluated. From the results obtained it can be concluded that the condenser and evaporator heat loads and exergy losses are less than those of the generator and absorber. This is due to the heat of mixing in the solution, which is not present in pure fluids. Furthermore, a simulation program is written and used for the determination of the coefficient of performance (COP) and exergetic efficiency of the absorption system under different operating conditions. The results show that the cooling and heating COP of the system increase slightly when increasing the heat source temperature. However, the exergetic efficiency of the system decreases when increasing the heat source temperature for both cooling and heating applications.  相似文献   

Jun Lan Yang  Yi Tai Ma  Min Xia Li  Jun Hua 《Energy》2010,35(12):4812-4818
In this paper, a mathematical model for steady-state simulation of transcritical CO2 water-to-water heat pump system with an expander has been developed. It is used to simulate the performance of transcritical CO2 system with CO2 expander prototype. Simulated results are compared with experimental data to verify the accuracy of the simulation model. The comparison results show the average deviation of about 15% for COPc(cooling coefficient of performance) and COPh(heating coefficient of performance), about 17% for cooling and heating capacity at experimental high pressure ranges. With this model, which has been validated in a limited high pressure range, the influence of water mass flow rate and water inlet temperature of both evaporator and gas cooler on the performance of transcritical CO2 expander system is analyzed. The results show that decreasing inlet temperature and increasing mass flow rate of cooling water cannot only increase the system performance but also reduce the optimal heat rejection pressure, at which the maximum COP (coefficient of performance) can be obtained. For chilling water, increasing its inlet temperature and mass flow rate is favorable for increasing the system performance, while the optimal heat rejection pressure does not vary very much.  相似文献   

On the basis of experimental verification of mathematical model, the influence of honeycomb ceramic on heat extraction is numerically studied under the steady state condition. The calculation results show the packed honeycomb ceramic influences the extracted heat of heat exchanger by changing the flow field while not radiation heat transfer of heat exchanger outer wall, and the difference between the extracted heat of heat exchanger embedded in packed bed and that of heat exchanger in empty bad is gradually obvious with gas temperature increasing under the condition of the same gas mass flow rate. In addition, under the same operating condition, when the two characteristic sizes of heat extraction zone honeycomb ceramic in the vertical gas flow direction increase, the extracted heat of embedded heat exchanger shows a trend of first increase while extracted heat of embedded heat exchanger shows a trend of decrease because the decreasing of the windward and leeward side gas flow velocity of heat exchanger results into weakening of convective heat transfer of embedded heat exchanger outer wall.  相似文献   

利用冷却工质的相变蒸发带走大量热量的喷雾相变冷却技术成为大功率电子元件散热需求的最佳途径.建立了双喷嘴阵列氨喷雾相变冷却实验系统,研究了饱和蒸发压力以及进口流量对氨喷雾相变冷却传热特性的影响规律.实验结果表明:在氨喷雾相变冷却过程中,维持较高的饱和蒸发压力有利于传热系数提高,过热度降低;流量对传热特性影响较大,低流量时...  相似文献   

In this study, two typical types of low temperature expander cycles for cold section of olefin plant are designed and simulated. In addition, the best refrigerant is selected as the working fluid and the matching of the heating and cooling curves in heat exchangers is also analyzed. Furthermore, the second law efficiency is calculated for systems, as well as the exergy destruction and exergy efficiency for the system components, leading to determination of sources of irreversibility. The results show that the expander cycle with one cooling stage surpasses the expander cycle with two cooling stages. The main irreversibility exists in the expander due to its large pressure difference. Eventually, the significant parameters of the expander cycle with one cooling stage are optimized and the best cycle for the separation system is introduced. The net power of the expander cycle with one cooling stage is 3549 kW, the flow rate is 47.35 kg/s and the overall exergy efficiency is 50.18% for the considered cycle in this research.  相似文献   

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