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全面建设小康社会的能源保障问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
到2020年我国将建成小康社会,按照保守的估计人均能源消费量将达到2toe,全国将达到近30亿toe。综观国内能源资源条件,国内能源供应将面临潜在的总量短缺,尤其是石油、天然气供应将面临结构性短缺。为应对挑战需要采取以下对策:调整和优化能源结构,建立可持续能源保障体系;发展洁净煤技术,减少能源利用对环境的影响;优先发展水电,提高水电在能源消费结构中的比例;大力促进新能源和可再生能源的发展;给核能发电应有的地位,达到能源消费总量的1/10;坚持节能和提高能源利用效率;多元化利用国际油气资源,规避能源风险;建立以石油储备为主的能源战略储备体系,保障能源安全。  相似文献   

据国家发改委能源局公布资料称,中国能源消费总量已经位居世界第二,约占世界能源消费总量的11%。目前我国面临着常规能源资源约束、过分依赖煤炭污染严重、能源利用效率低等问题。我国人均煤炭、石油、天然气资源量仅为世界平均水平的60%、10%和5%。  相似文献   

以典型煤炭资源型城市——烟台市为主要对象,利用生态足迹算法对该市2010~2019年主要能源消费碳排放的足迹变化、生态压力等进行分析。结果表明,研究时间范围内,烟台市的天然气消费量呈现持续上升的趋势,但煤炭依旧是烟台市最主要的能源消费方式;受煤炭消费总量的影响,烟台市的石油人均碳足迹呈现出升而后降的状态,但总体仍属于持续下降的趋势;整体自然生态环境所承受的负面影响力逐渐下降,生态压力年增长量不足0.3;受能源、经济结构优化发展的促进作用,烟台市整体碳排放足迹强度不断下降。本文结合实际分析结果,对烟台市未来能源结构、生态环保战略等提供一定建议。  相似文献   

据国家发改委能源局公布资料称,中国能源消费总量已经位居世界第二,约占世界能源消费总量的11%。中国人均煤炭、石油、天然气资源量仅为世界平均水平的60%、10%和5%,但每吨标准煤的产出效率仅相当于日本的10.3%、欧盟的16.8%、美国的28.6%。  相似文献   

据国家发改委能源局公布资料称,中国能源消费总量已经位居世界第二,约占世界能源消费总量的11%。中国人均煤炭、石油、天然气资源量仅为世界平均水平的60%、10%和5%,但每吨标准煤的产出效率仅相当于日本的10.3%、欧盟的16.8%、美国的28.6%。  相似文献   

近年我国能源消费变化分析及其对能源发展战略的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张抗 《中外能源》2012,17(7):1-12
纵观我国10余年的能源消费变化情况显示出:总量上升过快,2000~2010年间我国能源消费年均增长率达11.58%,而同期世界均值仅为2.81%;能源消费弹性系数过高、能源强度大,2010年达到0.77t标油/千美元,明显高于世界和OECD国家均值,亦高于不少发展中国家。能源消费构成也未得到明显改善,煤炭所占份额高、消费增长快;石油消费量和进口量增长较快,但占能源消费总量的份额却下降;新能源所占份额较低。中国必须改变经济和能源发展方式,调整结构,大幅降低能源强度,进而降低能源消费增速,但近10年发展的回顾提醒我们,其落实存在一定难度。经济增速过快、经济结构失调是能源消费增长过快的主要原因,适中的经济增长率是保障能源消费弹性系数较低、节能指标得以落实的前提条件。煤炭的高效清洁利用是中国的必然选择,同时,对非化石能源的发展要有客观的估计,政府或其他方面的补贴应主要用于科研、用于由实验室向大规模应用之间过渡性的工业化试验,拔苗助长将适得其反。在能源战略上应强调节能减排、总量控制,结构优化、多元互补,均衡发展、因地制宜。把节约能源、降低能源强度作为国策放在能源战略的首位,逐步增大石油,特别是天然气、一次电力和新能源的比例,降低煤炭在能源构成中的份额。要走因地制宜、多元化互补发展之路,多侧面、多方式、多途径地实现能源供应和消费的广义多元化。  相似文献   

生物质能是一种可再生的绿色能源,是绿色植物直接或间接地通过光合作用,把太阳能转化为化学能而贮藏在生物体内的能量。生物质能仅次于煤炭、石油和天然气之后位居世界能源消费总量第四位(主要能源情况见表1)。我国可利用的生物质能源十分丰富。据统计,我国每年可使用的生物质能源总量约5亿t标准煤,包括:农作物秸杆年产量约7亿t,可作为能源用途的约3亿t,折合约1.5亿t标准煤;薪炭林和林业及木材加工废物资源相当于3亿t标准煤:其它还可用作生物质能的包括:利用城市垃圾发电、工业有机废水制造沼气、以及一些油料、含糖或淀粉类作物制取液体燃料等。但实际生物质年消费量却不足1000万t标准煤,开发潜力巨大。  相似文献   

立足国情:就是一切新能源发展的现实政策和未来规划都必须以中国国情为出发点。从能源的基本国情来说,中国石油、天然气资源相对不足,石油探明可采储量只占世界的2.4%,天然气占1.2%,中国人均能源资源占有量远低于世界平均值,人均石油、天然气可采储量分别仅为世界平均值的10%和5%。而中国能源结构中,煤炭消费比重比世界平均高  相似文献   

首先分析了四川省1999年~2016年整体能源消费结构的动态变化,再从各经济区间的对比以及各产业的带动分别探讨能源消费结构的动态特征;然后基于灰色关联分析,以四川省整体及各经济区的能源消费量为参考数列,将人均地区生产总值、各产业占GDP的比重作为比较数列,分析能源消费量与经济增长及产业结构的相关性,结果表明煤炭消费与人均GDP之间的综合关联度最小,第二、三产业比重与天然气及电力消费占比间存在较高的关联度;最后提出优化四川省能源消费结构应不断提升天然气比重、推动煤炭高效清洁改造。  相似文献   

魏振香  张冠洁 《中外能源》2012,17(12):30-34
能源弹性是分析经济增长与能源生产、消费增加之间关系的重要指标.选取了2001~1010年我国煤炭、石油、天然气和水电、核能的生产、消费弹性作为数据样本,通过建立灰色关联度模型,得出煤炭、石油、天然气及水电、核能的生产弹性与总能源生产弹性的关联度分别为0.708946,0.669974、0.765697、0.676101,煤炭、石油、天然气及水电、核能的消费弹性与总能源消费弹性关联度分别为0.708946、0.669974、0.765697、0.676101.在能源生产弹性和消费弹性中,煤炭和天然气的关联度并不具有完全的一致性,建议加大对天然气这种新型清洁能源的开发、利用,现阶段应大力发展洁净煤技术,提高煤炭的燃烧效率,减少环境污染;目前石油的生产、消费弹性与总能源生产、消费弹性的关联度均为最低,建议应适度提高石油使用水平;水电、核能与总能源弹性关联度不高,建议目前应加大科研力度.  相似文献   

刘万 《能源与节能》2020,(3):76-77,106
在中国经济发展的过程中,煤炭是最重要的消耗能源,提高煤炭资源的开采水平具有重要的现实意义。近年来,中国开展了各项活动来保证煤炭资源的开采安全,同时还出台了相关的措施来加强对煤炭安全生产的管理,这使得煤炭资源的开采与生产形势开始好转。但是在煤炭开采的过程中,人员的伤亡率仍然比较高,因此,在煤炭资源开采过程中,研发安全的生产技术是十分必要的。  相似文献   

The rapid increase in per capita energy consumption is likely to be an important factor affecting the sustainable development of China's economy. In this study, the convergence of per capita energy consumption, which is an important inherent characteristic of China's energy consumption, is investigated using panel data for the period 1994–2014 for 30 Chinese provinces. To control for the potential spatial dependence in energy consumption per capita and introduce dynamics, appropriate spatial dynamic econometric models are employed. The empirical results indicate that there are both absolute and conditional β-convergences in per capita energy consumption across provinces. In addition, there is also evidence for an inverted U-shaped relationship between per capita energy consumption and per capita GDP. Therefore, per capita energy consumption would increase when economic development is relatively low. However, per capita energy consumption may decrease after a threshold level of economic development is reached. Among the factors that potential influence provincial energy consumption, the ratio of secondary industry value-added to GDP and the spatial correlation of energy consumptions in neighboring provinces are positively related to energy consumption per capita, while population density and per capita foreign direct investment do not affect energy consumption per capita significantly.  相似文献   

This paper discusses history variance and general features on rural household energy consumption with the economic development in China. Energy shortage has been a long-standing problem in rural areas of China. The average effective energy consumption was 0.46–0.54 kgce per day per household in the 1960s and 1970s. The reason for this is that the rural household energy supply mainly relies on the available amounts of local natural energy resources. The problem of cooking fuel shortage was basically solved in the early 1980s since more straw and stalks were produced due to the rapid development of agriculture. The process of energy commercialization also started from the early 1980s due to the availability of coal, fuel oil and other energy sources in the market, and the reconstruction of rural power supply network. Energy consumption was 369.8 kgce per capita with 30% of commercial energy consumption and the effective heat per capita per day was 0.64 kgce in 1995. A closer relationship was found between household energy consumption level/structure and family income along with the economic development. This paper analyzed the rural household energy consumption of three typical regions, i.e., out-of-poverty, well-off and rich regions, in terms of effective heat per capita per day, percentage of commercial energy consumption in total effective heat, electricity consumption per capita and room temperature of northern areas in winter.  相似文献   

煤炭的生产和消费正发生变革,能源革命正在中国推进,主要目标是优化煤炭生产方式,发展煤炭清洁以及高效利用技术。中国的煤炭资源回收率还远低于西方一些先进的煤炭开采国,因此,实现煤炭资源的高效回收,发展节能开采技术,对于实现能源革命具有重要的意义。简要分析了煤炭高效回收的关键指标,在此基础上分别阐述了中国煤炭资源高效回收的办法以及节能的技术措施,以期为有关煤矿技术人员提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

杨昌昕  丁友卫 《江西能源》2005,(1):11-13,30
本文通过对江西省周边发达省份过去和现在的国民经济发展和能源消费情况的研究,利用横向比较法来校核江西省电量预测的结果和数学模型。  相似文献   

Collection of fuelwood by local residents in or around nature reserves of China has caused problems such as disturbance of habitat for wildlife and deforestation. Thus, it is important to study the energy consumption patterns by those local residents live in or around nature reserves to find solutions to reduce the amount of fuelwood consumption. We chose four nature reserves: Longxi-Hongkou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, Taohongling National Nature Reserve, Jiangxi Province, Qingmuchuan Nature Reserve, Shaanxi Province, and Laoxiancheng Nature Reserve, Shaanxi Province in the subtropical zone of China to study this problem. We found no significant difference of total energy consumption per household per year in the four nature reserves, which was about 2 ton of standard coal per year. But the energy consumption patterns in different reserves were different. People who live in deep mountains more relied on collecting fuelwoods from surrounding forests whereas those live in areas with relatively developed economy and better transportation condition consumed more coals, liquidinized petroleum gas and electricity. Such a pattern also reflects the changing energy spectrum during the process of modernization in China. We concluded that economic status of household and the transportation condition are two important factors affecting the energy consumption patterns in households in the nature reserves in China, which reflect the general energy consumption in rural China.  相似文献   

从18个城市看我国人均能耗和单位GDP能耗水平   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以“清洁能源行动”18个试点示范城市为案例,探讨我国城市人均能耗和单位GDP能耗水平,分析影响我国城市人均能耗和单位GDP能耗水平的关键因素,主要有城市能源消费总量、人均GDP水平、第二产业比重和农村人口比例等。与世界平均水平相比,我国目前人均能耗和单位GDP能耗还有很大差距,节能降耗和发展新能源技术尤为重要。  相似文献   

Understanding of the role of energy use at the national level requires the understanding of the relationship of energy use to economic activity and social well-being. Gross domestic product (GDP) measures the value of goods and services produced in a country in one year. There is a close relationship between energy supply, energy consumption, and GDP, which indicates the economic development of a country. The living standard of a country is often measured by the per capita GDP. This article presents the evaluations and future projections of energy and energy resources of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The total primary energy supply, total final energy consumption, and energy intensities for supply and consumption are analysed. The energy data for all OECD countries are presented and analyses of the differences in energy and GDP ratios are conducted at an aggregate level by examining differences in the factors that affect the energy intensities. To provide accurate projections for the future, new correlations are developed between average GDP, total primary energy supply, total final consumption, total per capita primary energy supply, total per capita final consumption and total OECD population. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the intertemporal causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth in Tanzania during the period of 1971–2006. Unlike the majority of the previous studies, we employ the newly developed autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL)-bounds testing approach by Pesaran et al. [2001. Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships. Journal of Applied Econometrics 16, 289–326] to examine this linkage. We also use two proxies of energy consumption, namely total energy consumption per capita and electricity consumption per capita. The results of the bounds test show that there is a stable long-run relationship between each of the proxies of energy consumption and economic growth. The results of the causality test, on the other hand, show that there is a unidirectional causal flow from total energy consumption to economic growth and a prima-facie causal flow from electricity consumption to economic growth. Overall, the study finds that energy consumption spurs economic growth in Tanzania.  相似文献   

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