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钎焊板式换热器具有高效、紧凑、节能、节材且密封性好等特点受到许多行业的青睐.文中介绍对钎焊板式换热器进行的水-水传热性能实验和根据实验结果测得的传热系数和压降的性能曲线.  相似文献   

针对板式换热器无法保证换热面两侧流体的流动阻力完全相同,把板式换热器受涨侧和受压侧流动阻力合并为一个处理阻降来解决。通过实验对不同混装方式的板式换热器进行流动阻力测试,采用数据分析及公式拟合的方法,得出混装板式换热器流动阻力的主要影响因素是混合流道所占的比例,并利用线性拟合的方法,得到流动阻力的计算方法,从而确定板式换热器混装中流动阻力。  相似文献   

板式换热器作为海水淡化设备的关键部件,换热器的结构对于整个设备的正常运行、使用寿命以及海水淡化处理的效果都起着关键作用。但长期以来板式换热器的结构设计主要依赖于经验公式,缺乏可靠的设计分析方法。因此,根据板式换热器的结构,通过质量守恒方程、动量守恒方程以及能量守恒方程建立换热器的能量传递数学模型,采用湍流(RNG k-ε)模型建立质量传递模型。使用ANSYS FLUENT建立了板式换交换器的三维几何模型。并模拟了不同工况下的热力学性能。根据模拟结果分析了压力场、温度场、速度场和流动情况。比较分析了换热器在不同流量和冷热流体温差下的传热性能和阻力性能。为了提高板式换热器的效果可通过增加冷流体的流速和增加冷流体和热流体之间的温差来确保更大的传热系数,从而提升换热器的热交换性能。研究结果为不同工况条件板式换热器使用及设计提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

板式换热器性能的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立了人字形板式换热器冷热双流道的流体流动与传热计算模型,利用计算流体力学软件对5组不同速度工况下换热器内流体的流动和传热进行了数值模拟,分析了换热器流道内的速度场、温度场和压力场.结果表明:数值模拟得到的板式换热器进、出口温差和压降与试验测量值的误差均小于6%;换热器内流体的流动和传热存在明显的不均匀性,导致其进、出口的另一侧出现明显的传热"死区";换热器的总传热系数和流道阻力均随着流体流速的增大而增大.  相似文献   

等雷诺数法在板式换热器传热试验中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
欧阳新萍 《热能动力工程》1998,13(2):118-120,130
在换热器的传热性能试验中,对流换热系数的测定是重要的一个组成部分,对流换热系数的测定方法有很多种,但都有各自的应用范围和条件。对于板式换热器而言,用等雷诺数法来获得其对流换热系数是比较合适的一种方法,文中介绍了等雷诺数法的原理及其在板式换热器中的应用。通过实例,介绍了具体的试验及计算方法。  相似文献   

任守红  董美华 《节能》2024,(2):10-13
超高层建筑中板式换热器既用于冬季也用于夏季,对两种工况进行对比分析,通过采集工程实际数据进行计算,拟合努塞尔准则关联式和欧拉准则关联式,并计算综合性能因子,然后将换热器在冬夏两个季节的参数进行对比分析。结果显示:该换热器在冬季的换热性能明显优于夏季,换热系数相差125.08%。努塞尔数一次侧相差89.08%,二次侧相差89.18%;雷诺数一次侧相差730.30%,二次侧相差788.57%;综合性能评价指标一次侧相差201.91%,二次侧相差283.41%。  相似文献   

板式换热器传热和阻力特性的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用搭建的液-液型板式换热器试验平台,根据实验数据运用定性雷诺数法拟合出传热关联式,找出Nu与摩擦因子f之间的通用关系式,为板式换热器的设计计算提供了依据。运用传热量与功率的消耗比来评价板式换热器的性能,找出了影响其性能的主要因素,进一步澄清了单纯依靠提高流速来增加传热性能是不经济的。  相似文献   

以纳米氧化镁颗粒溶液为实验工质,进行了板式换热器颗粒污垢特性的实验研究,分析了颗粒质量浓度、颗粒粒径、流速和低温介质温度对颗粒污垢热阻的影响.结果表明:板式换热器颗粒污垢无明显诱导期存在,结垢速率和污垢热阻渐进值均随颗粒质量浓度的增大而增大,且增大幅度逐渐减小;颗粒粒径对污垢热阻的影响较明显,在相同质量浓度下,颗粒粒径越小,结垢速率越快,且污垢热阻越大;流速对污垢热阻的影响较为复杂,高流速下的结垢速率略大于低流速下,且高流速下达到稳定时的污垢热阻渐进值小于低流速下;低温介质温度对颗粒污垢热阻的影响不明显.  相似文献   

胡晓伟  张旭 《工业加热》2008,37(2):27-30
通过对板式换热器传热的理论分析和在干工况、喷淋工况下的实验研究,得出板式换热器在喷淋情形下空气侧喷淋水量对强化对流传热系数的影响关系,进而拟合出喷淋情形下空气侧的对流传热系数的关联式。同时为了综合考虑由于喷淋造成的换热器性能的变化,还对喷淋前后空气侧的阻力变化进行了测试分析。  相似文献   

通过数值模拟的方式,对一种用于低粘度流体的波纹板式换热器的传热特性和阻力性能进行分析,以控制变量法分析了流体速度对传热特性及阻力性能的影响;搭建了板式换热器测试平台,验证了数值模拟结果的正确性和可行性;用等速法拟合了Nu-Re与Eu-Re的相关准则式,并采用JF因子评价换热器综合性能。结果表明:模拟结果与实验结果相比误差在10%以内;当流体流速小于1.0 m/s时,换热器传热系数和压降随着流速的增大而增大,但综合换热性能逐渐变差,在此流速范围内,总传热系数随冷流体进口温度升高而增大。  相似文献   

Two‐dimensional conjugate conduction/convection numerical simulations were carried out for flow and thermal fields in a unit model of a counter‐flow‐type corrugated thin plate heat exchanger core. The effects of the thermal resistance of the solid plate, namely the variation of the plate thickness and the difference of the plate material, on the heat exchanger performance were examined in the Reynolds number range of 100<Re<400. Higher temperature effectiveness was obtained for a thicker plate at any Reynolds number, which was a unique feature of corrugated thin plate geometry. Detailed discussions on the thermal fields revealed that restricting the heat conduction along the plate by making the plate thinner or choosing a low thermal conductivity material causes a larger plate temperature variation along the plate, and, consequently, a smaller amount of thermal energy exchanged between two fluids. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 35(3): 209–223, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20110  相似文献   

ExperimentalStudyonHeatTransferandPressureDropCharacteristicsofFourTypesofPlateFin-and-TUbeHeatExchangerSurfaces¥H.J.Kang;W.L...  相似文献   

利用低气压环境模拟装置对开缝翅片管换热器在不同气压下的换热性能进行实验研究.研究结果表明:随着气压不断降低,换热器周围空气密度逐渐降低,换热器空气侧换热系数以及显热换热量逐渐降低,而空气含湿量随着气压降低逐渐升高,导致潜热换热量逐渐增加;当气压降至0.058 MPa以下时,换热器空气侧潜热换热量占主要部分,当气压为0.04 MPa时,换热器换热能力与常压下相比下降了36.63%.  相似文献   

为探讨黏液形成菌在板式换热器里的结垢规律,对不同流速、温度及体积分数下黏液形成菌在板式换热器内的污垢特性进行了实验研究。结果表明:随着流速的增加,黏液形成菌的污垢热阻渐近值逐渐减小;随着温度的升高,黏液形成菌结垢的诱导期缩短,并且达到稳定的时间增加,在实验温度范围内,污垢热阻渐近值在35℃时最大;而随着细菌体积分数的增加,污垢热阻值呈现明显幅度的增长。  相似文献   

A method for evaluating and predicting the performance of a newly developed plate‐type heat exchanger as an evaporator for water‐refrigerant systems such as chillers has been developed. The main component of the developed heat exchanger consists of plates packed together in a casing with winding tubes connected to both sides of the plates. Refrigerant flows inside the tubes, and water flows in the space between the plates. A herringbone‐like pattern is formed in this space by the cross sections of the winding tubes. The newly developed method estimates evaporation performance of the developed heat exchanger using new empirical correlations. There are correlations for heat transfer and pressure drop in winding‐tube banks on the water side, and correlation for the pressure drop on the refrigerant side. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 33(4): 245–257, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20009  相似文献   

At present, plate heat exchangers constantly open up new application fields in the chemical, process, and allied industries due to their numerous advantages. The channel flow between individual plates is characterized by high turbulence induced at low flow velocities. Heat transfer coefficients are generally higher in plate heat exchangers than in conventional shell-and-tube heat exchangers. According to the nature of the process, physical properties of the media, and allowable pressure drops, plates with a variety of patterns are available to adapt the equipment optimally to the specific process conditions. For handling aggressive media the module welded plate heat exchanger was developed. The laser welded modular design keeps the inherent advantages of plate type heat exchanger. It can be disassembled and mechanically cleaned outside the modules. The capacity can also be subsequently modified by changing the number of plates, or the plate patterns can be altered as it can be with the gasketed units. Typical applications of module welded plate heat exchangers in the chemical industry are acid coolers, thermal oil coolers, or condensers for hydrocarbon mixtures.  相似文献   

在换热网络的综合过程中,依据单体换热设备的换热面积,进行压降约束的初步线性分配,根据单体换热设备的详细设计结果,按流体流动方向,对压降约束进行再次分配,并校核流股总压降是否在允许的范围内,给出了考虑压降分配前提下的换热器详细设计流程框图,算例结果表明,依此方法综合出的新的能量系统与现场能量系统相比节省换热面积30.87%,系统压降总和降低12.66%。  相似文献   

Due to the scarcity of conventional energy sources, a lot of efforts need to be taken regarding energy conservation in the buildings, including heat recovery of air ventilation systems. The present paper focuses on new methods to improve the thermal performance of the heat recovery system by investigating the heat transfer characteristics and the flow development in a flat-plate heat exchanger (FPHE) using three different rib-grooved surfaces (trapezoidal, triangle and semi-circular), the numerical simulations were carried out for uniform wall heat flux equal to 290 W/m2 for air as the working fluid, the Reynolds number varies from 500 to 2000 for three different channel heights. The numerical results indicated that, rib-grooved surfaces have a significant impact on heat transfer enhancement with an increase in the pressure drop through the channel. The effect of rib-grooved patterns on the heat transfer and the fluid flow is more significant in a narrow channel especially for trapezoidal and triangle corrugated surfaces, because they have sharp edges. Based on the present research, the FPHEs with the added rib-grooved surfaces are recommended to provide an efficient and compact heat recovery system. Moreover, it was found that by applying the new design, a considerable amount of energy and power could be saved.  相似文献   

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