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在超声波预处理污泥干燥实验基础上,分析了超声波预处理技术对污泥干燥速率的影响,并对污泥干燥过程进行了指数拟合,结果表明.超声波预处理能有效提高污泥干燥效率,其改善的程度取决于不同的实验条件;超声波预处理能够加速表面自由水分蒸发和快速结束污泥恒速干燥阶段;增大超声波功率可以更好地改善污泥的干燥特性,但改善的程度随着十燥时间的延长而放缓;超声波处理时间过长可能会增大污泥的黏度,反而不利于污泥脱水干燥.  相似文献   

邢延  曹腾良  张开心  李慧 《节能》2020,39(5):40-42
为了提高污泥微生物燃料电池(MFC)产电性能和污泥处理效果,基于超声波破壁预处理技术,构建了以超声预处理污泥为底物的单室空气阴极污泥MFC,以污泥MFC的输出电压、最大功率密度、内电阻、污泥浓度和TCOD浓度为考察指标,探究不同声能密度预处理对污泥MFC产电性能及污泥降解效能的影响,结果表明,随着预处理超声密度的增加,MFC的产电性能和污泥处理效果得到有效提升。与未经预处理的污泥MFC相比,预处理声能密度为1.5 W/m L时,MFC稳定输出电压提高90.19%,最大输出功率密度提高135.43%,污泥减量效果提升68.8%,TCOD去除效果提高76.17%。本研究实验结果证明采用超声波对污泥进行预处理,能够有效提高污泥MFC的产电性能和污泥降解效率。  相似文献   

由于超声波技术和化学调整技术对污泥脱水具有良好的改善作用,为此提出超声波联合化学调理改善污泥脱水性能研究及应用.通过对超声波联合化学调理改善污泥脱水性能进行测试分析表明,超声波联合化学调理可以改善污泥脱水性能,在应用过程中需要控制超声时间和化学剂量.  相似文献   

超声波促进污泥厌氧消化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了超声波的作用机理,指出在污泥厌氧消化过程中,污泥水解是限速步骤,在厌氧消化前,对污泥进行超声波破解预处理,促使细胞壁破裂,细胞内含物溶出,可以加速污泥的水解过程,从而达到缩短消化时间,减少消化池容积,提高沼气产量的目的。  相似文献   

零污泥排放处理新技术及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据目前常规的活性污泥处理的方法都存在投资大、处理成本高等各种问题,本文介绍了剩余污泥可溶化回流氧化处理技术及其尚待改进的问题.并重点列举了臭氧、超声波法处理剩余污泥工艺的应用实例和研究现状.为达到污泥零排放的目的并能从本质上减少污泥排放量提出了未来的发展方向和研究方向.  相似文献   

目的:探究物理与化学联用技术在改善污泥脱水性能及碳源回收的应用效果.方法:选择以台州市黄岩北控污水处理有限公司污泥浓缩池的污泥作为研究对象,通过添加100kg/tDS30%FeCl3和160kg/tDS石灰,在超声波作用下对污泥处置,分析处置后污泥含水率以及COD、TN、TP等成分含量.结果:当超声停留时间为40s时,最佳功率为1000W时污泥含水率最低.超声功率越高污泥上清液COD越高,作用时间越长污泥上清液COD越高.结论:物理与化学联用技术可以有效改善污泥脱水性能,对碳源回收具有良好的促进作用.  相似文献   

程晓波  李博  王飞  池涌  严建华 《节能》2011,(10):15-18
结合上海市竹园污泥处理工程,根据竹园污泥干化焚烧工程的设计方案,研究了污泥干化焚烧系统的能量平衡模型。根据所建立模型的计算结果,上海竹园污泥处理工程焚烧系统可产生47×106kJ的能量,而干化机所需的能量约为57.2×106kJ,焚烧系统产生的能量不足以提供污泥干化系统所需的全部能量。  相似文献   

城市污泥处理及资源化利用现状与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王大春  郑敏 《节能》2015,(6):4-8
随着我国城镇化的快速发展,城市污水厂的数量和规模不断增加,大量的城市污泥给环境带来巨大压力。分析我国城市污泥的产生源与组成性质,概述目前国内外城市污泥处理处置的现状,指出我国城市污泥综合利用存在的问题,并在此基础上就我国污泥的处理处置和资源利用提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

以生活垃圾焚烧发电系统产生的蒸汽作为热源,进行城市污泥的干化处理;干化污泥送至垃圾池接收、储存与生活垃圾混合均匀后送焚烧单元进行焚烧,焚烧产生的烟气经净化处理达标后排放;干化废气送至垃圾池经过一次风机抽吸后用于焚烧助燃;干化污泥过程中产生的废水送至渗滤液处理单元,经过处理达标处理后回用。  相似文献   

造纸污泥主要特点是燃料有高挥发分、高水分、低热值、黏性大。大量对燃烧无益的水带入锅炉,烟气中水分增大,露点升高造成尾部受热面低温腐蚀;同时,造纸污泥黏性大,在输送时还容易产生搭桥和堵塞等现象。为解决以上问题,采用高低差速循环流化床锅炉和锅炉排烟用于干燥污泥,做到污泥干化提质与锅炉受热面布置相结合,避免尾部受热面低温腐蚀。同时,使污泥的热值得到提高、污泥输送通畅、锅炉燃烧稳定。有利于污泥焚烧处理达到最佳效果,既减轻了造纸污泥对环境产生的不利影响,又为造纸企业节约了大量的能耗。  相似文献   

Oily sludge produced in petrochemical industries contains a large amount of toxic and hazardous substances. High oil sludge yield and high treatment cost have become major obstacles to the development of the petrochemical industry. In this study, the treatment and disposal of oily sludge using the wet oxidation method was investigated. Firstly, the orthogonal optimization experiment was designed to discuss the influence of reaction time, reaction temperature, oxidant amount, and emulsion splitter amount on the removal efficiency of oil and sludge volume. On this basis, a two-stage wet air oxidation method was employed to treat oily sludge. The results show that the two-stage oxidation method could remove 93.1% oil from the oil sludge and reduce the volume of oil sludge by 85.4%. Furthermore, the oil sludge treated with wet oxidation could be more easily separated from water, and the waste oil could be recycled. The proposed two-stage wet oxidation method shows excellent performance in treating oily sludge, from which resources can be recycled while reducing the amount of sludge.  相似文献   

介绍了绿色缓蚀剂,叙述了利用从污水处理后剩余活性污泥提取物中制取绿色缓释剂的方法,分析了绿色缓蚀剂的性能,并提出了绿色缓蚀剂的综合应用。  相似文献   

The utilization of ultrasonic treatment on digestion sludge to enhance microbial activity for bio-hydrogen production was investigated. The optimal conditions of ultrasonic time and density on digestion sludge were detected using Central Composite Experimental Design. The regression analysis showed that a significant increase of 1.34 fold in bio-hydrogen production rate could be obtained when ultrasonic time was 10 s and ultrasonic density around 130 W/l at digester sludge concentration of 15 g VSS/l. The analyses of biodegradation characteristics in bio-hydrogen producing process implied that ultrasound did not denature the digestion sludge but just improved its biodegradation efficiency. In order to find out the mechanism of ultrasonic treatment on digestion sludge, a control experiment was designed and COD values of digestion sludge in different treatment conditions was measured.  相似文献   

利用悬浮澄清池-预涂动态膜错流过滤系统处理淮河原水,考察其除浊效果及稳定性,同时对预涂动态膜错流过滤模型进行探讨。结果表明,悬浮澄清池-预涂动态膜错流过滤系统对浊度的总去除率可达99%以上,出水浊度0.2NTU以下;预涂剂为30g粉末活性炭和75g硅藻土并投加一定量聚铝进行二次混凝时,预涂动态膜错流过滤过程可用标准过滤模型描述,说明动态膜透水孔隙的堵塞可归结为颗粒在膜孔隙中的吸附、架桥等作用。研究结果为减少水浊度提供了新方法。  相似文献   

李世君 《中外能源》2012,17(1):103-107
广州石化公用工程部炼油污水处理装置,原“三泥”处理单元,采用的是上世纪90年代生产的带式压滤机,工艺比较落后,设备老化严重,“三泥”处理能力及处理效果已不能满足生产要求,直接影响到炼油污水处理装置外排污水的稳定达标.通过对现有“三泥”处理单元进行技术改造,将带式压滤机更换成离心脱水机:并通过源头减量化控制、筛选污泥脱水絮凝剂等工艺优化措施,解决了炼油千万吨改扩建后污水处理装置“三泥”产量增大,带式压滤机处理能力不足,脱水后干泥含水率偏高,“三泥”直接外运,处理费用高等难题,使现有的“三泥”处理单元能满足炼油污水处理装置的正常生产需要,基本实现污泥脱水的减量化处理,炼油污水处理装置外排污水合格率也相应提高.广州石化炼油污水处理装置工艺改造中,增上了一套“三泥”热萃取装置,待其调试开工后,经热萃取处理系统处理后的产物的含水率将小于5%,可送至CFB锅炉直接焚烧,将真正实现污泥的减量化、资源化和无害化处理.  相似文献   

Experimental study on co-combustion of oil sludge (OS) and microalgae residue (MR) was conducted with a thermogravimetric analyzer and a designed fluidized bed reactor system. Combustion process of OS blended with MR could be divided into four stages, water evaporation, volatiles release and combustion, fixed carbon combustion and minerals decomposition. With MR ratio increasing, combustion performance of the mixture became better. MR addition can help improve the combustion performance of OS. NOx and SO2 concentrations increased firstly and then decreased with the increase of combustion temperature which ranged from 800 to 1100?°C. With the increase of excess air ratio α, NOx and SO2 emissions increased. Generally, NOx and SO2 emissions decreased with MR ratio increased at 800?°C, which is caused by the catalysis effect of ash and heavy metals in OS. OS blended with MR could both improve combustion performance and help reduce NOx and SO2 emissions during OS combustion, which provides an effective approach to massive synergistic disposal of waste resources.  相似文献   

Sewage sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant was fed into a microbial electrochemical system, combined with an anaerobic digester (MES-AD), for enhanced methane production and sludge stabilization. The effect of thermally pretreating the sewage sludge on MES-AD performance was investigated. These results were compared to those obtained from control operations, in which the sludge was not pretreated or MES integration was absent. The soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) in the raw sewage sludge after pretreatment was 31% higher than the SCOD in untreated sludge (5804.85 mg/L vs. 4441.46 mg/mL). The methane yield and proportion of methane in biogas generated by the MES-AD were higher than those of the control systems, regardless of the pretreatment process. The maximum methane yield (0.28 L CH4/g COD) and methane production (1139 mL) were obtained with the MES inoculated with pretreated sewage sludge. Methane yield and production with this system using pretreated sewage were 47% and 56% higher, respectively, than those of the control (0.19 L CH4/g COD, 730 mL). Additionally, the maximum SCOD removal (89%) and current generation were obtained with the MES inoculated with a pretreated substrate. These results suggested that sewage sludge could be efficiently stabilized with enhanced methane production by synergistic combination of MES-AD system with pretreatment process.  相似文献   

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