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<正>2019年是全面建成小康社会关键之年,是打赢脱贫攻坚战攻坚克难的关键一年。国家能源局以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于扶贫工作的重要论述和在听取脱贫攻坚专项巡视汇报时的重要指示精神,全面落实中央经济工作会议、全国扶贫开发工作会议、脱贫攻坚专项巡视整改电视电话会议精神,坚持精准扶贫精准脱贫基本方略,坚持问题导向,攻坚克难、扎实工作,进一步聚焦深度贫困地区,创新思路、机制和方法,举全局之力、全行业之力,进一步完善贫困地区能源基础设施建设,优先支持贫困地区能源资源开发,为贫困地区经济发展、脱贫摘帽提供有力保障。  相似文献   

正"光伏遇上扶贫"始于2013年,在2016年渐成气候,并在各种产业扶贫的模式中脱颖而出,成为各省级政府在2015年年底国家关于打赢脱贫攻坚战、加快贫困地区能源开发建设,推进脱贫攻坚战中最受青睐的精准扶贫、精准脱贫模式之一。"光伏发电不仅为用户带去清洁能源,同时增加了收益,提升了生活水平。"正信光电科技股份有限公司运营总裁王传邦认为,光伏扶贫的关键不是输血,而是帮助贫困地区或贫困户造血,实现粗放扶贫到精准扶贫的转变。  相似文献   

介绍了六盘水市钟山区发展光伏产业的现状,以钟山区光伏扶贫试点项目为例,剖析了光伏扶贫带来的经济效益和社会效益。按每户3 kW光伏扶贫标准,每贫困户经济收入约3100元/年,满足了脱贫经济要求,真正实现把"输血扶贫"变为"精准扶贫";从另一角度来看,"光伏+"具有很好的环境效益,也是对环境的"精准扶贫","光伏+扶贫"创新模式为农村脱贫致富开辟了一条新路,具有显著的推动效果;并针对光伏扶贫存在的主要问题及提出应对对策,为后续发展光伏+农业,助推农村脱贫提供重要参考。  相似文献   

从2016年底至2019年底,在集中连片特困地区县和国家扶贫开发工作重点县选择一批水电、矿产资源开发项目,开展资产收益扶贫改革试点。要以保障农村集体经济组织合法权益为中心,以增加贫困人口资产性收益为目标,以改革试点为突破口,以严格保护生态环境为前提,发挥资源优势,创新贫困地区水电、矿产资源开发占用农村集体土地补偿方式,探索建立农村集体经济组织成员特别是建档立卡贫困户精准受益的资产收益扶贫机制,形成可复制、可推广的操作模式,走出一条资源开发与脱贫攻坚有机结合的新路子,实现贫困人口共享资源开发成果。  相似文献   

正国家能源局发文确保光伏扶贫优先上网和全额收购日前,国家能源局发布《关于印发进一步支持贫困地区能源发展助推脱贫攻坚行动方案(2018-2020年)的通知》。通知提出要精准实施光伏扶贫工程:1)光伏扶贫规模优先向深度贫困地区安排。在条件适宜地区,以贫困村村级光伏电站为重点,  相似文献   

正国能综通新能[2018]142号各省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团发展改革委(能源局)、扶贫办:为贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于打赢脱贫攻坚战的决定》和《中共中央国务院关于打赢脱贫攻坚战三年行动的指导意见》,扎实有序推进光伏扶贫工作,请你单位根据光伏扶贫有关要求,认真组织上报本省(区、市)脱贫攻坚期间拟新  相似文献   

生态扶贫是两场攻坚战 "国家林草局充分发挥林草行业资源优势,大力推进生态补偿扶贫、国土绿化扶贫、生态产业扶贫,在一个战场同时打好脱贫攻坚和生态保护两场战役,全面完成了生态扶贫各项目标任务,助力2000多万贫困人口脱贫增收."李春良先概括了整体的情况.  相似文献   

光伏扶贫作为产业扶贫模式之一,有效帮扶了贫困地区的贫困人口脱贫脱困,本文就运用大数据信息这一抓手论述如何全过程、全方位监管光伏扶贫各项工作,精细化管理到每一个电站、每一个设备,每一笔扶贫资金,每一个贫困户,提高光伏扶贫电站运维工作效率,确保电站安全稳定生产;提高扶贫工作中资金风险管控能力,规范扶贫收益资金分配工作,最终有效巩固提升光伏扶贫效果。  相似文献   

光伏扶贫作为产业扶贫模式之一,有效帮扶了贫困地区贫困人口脱贫脱困,但近年光伏扶贫电站建设混乱无法有效保障扶贫电站建设质量,从而导致电站发电效率较低及发电不能健康持续、稳定输出,直接影响扶贫收益资金,后续将直接影响扶贫效果。本文就光伏扶贫将电站建设质量的把控放在核心位置,从顶层设计、建设过程注意事项及第三方监督等几个方面来论述如何提高光伏扶贫建设质量,确保电站发电的持续、稳定且最大化,从而保障扶贫资金收益。  相似文献   

光伏发电项目清洁环保、收益稳定、适用地区广。在相关部门积极倡导和协调下,光伏扶贫成为符合我国国情、精准可持续的创新扶贫模式,在扶贫攻坚过程中发挥了不可替代的作用。本文梳理分析了光伏扶贫政策的实施过程和要点,总结了光伏扶贫建设的进展以及取得的主要成果,介绍我国光伏扶贫工作在政策设计、组织实施、运营管理等方面的创新经验,可为我国以及全球的减贫工作提供参考。  相似文献   

It is widely recognised that access to and supply of modern energy play a key role in poverty alleviation and sustainable development. The emerging concept of energisation seems to capture this idea; however, there is no unified definition at the point of writing. In this paper, the aim is to propose a new and comprehensive definition of the concept of energisation. The chronological development of this concept is investigated by means of a literature review, and a subsequent critique is offered of current definitions and usage of the concept. Building upon these first insights, two planned cases of energisation in post-apartheid South Africa are contrasted to an unplanned one: they are the national electrification programme, the integrated energy centres initiative, and a wood fuelled local economy in Khayelitsha, Cape Town's biggest township. Especially the latter case, based on original data collection by the authors, provides a new understanding of specific elements affecting energisation. Finally, a new and detailed definition of the concept of sustainable energisation is developed by systematically reiterating three key elements: the target group, the concept of energy services, and sustainable development.  相似文献   

It is widely recognised that access to and supply of modern energy play a key role in poverty alleviation and sustainable development. The emerging concept of energisation seems to capture this idea, and if implemented in its full complexity it should have multiple beneficial effects. To demonstrate this, an economic model is developed for an urban developmental context, drawing on the theory of urban ecosystems and illustrating energy and waste production and consumption issues with current South African data sets. This new understanding of the concept of energisation is then integrated into a local government energy planning process, by means of a checklist for energy planners, covering 18 aspects that between them affect all 7 identifiable tiers of the energy service supply network. A 6-step structured approach is proposed for integrating sustainable energisation into the first four phases of the advanced local energy planning (ALEP) tool.  相似文献   


Energy poverty is generally caused by having a low income, facing high energy costs, and living in a home with low energy efficiency. Various indicators capture these facets, but there is no consensus which is the best one, or how to combine them. To this aim, we create a multidimensional index that accounts for five dimensions of energy deprivation: two objective indicators of “low income, high costs,” and “high actual cost,” as well as three subjective indicators of “not warm enough home,” “housing faults,” and “bills difficulties.” We define households as poor if at least two forms of deprivation are present. We apply our measure to Poland. In 2017, 10% of households in Poland suffered from multidimensional energy poverty. Households living in buildings built before 1946, households living in rural areas, and households that were dependent on retirement and disability pensions were at the highest risk of multidimensional energy poverty.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2005,33(9):1213-1221
Nigeria's electric power sector requires substantial reform if the country's economic development and poverty alleviation program is to be realised. This understanding is behind the reform programme recently initiated by the Nigerian government with the goal of privatising the national electric power monopoly, NEPA. Currently, the country faces serious energy crisis due to declining electricity generation from domestic power plants which are basically dilapidated, obsolete, unreliable and in an appalling state of disrepair, reflecting the poor maintenance culture in the country and gross inefficiency of the public utility provider. Building on an analysis of the major shortcomings of the current electric power company, this paper presents the central issues that should form the key objectives of the proposed reform. This include corporatization of the electric power industry, increasing access and power delivery capacity, constraining the costs of the power industry and increasing efficiency and share of renewables in energy generation, as well as minimising environmental damage. We conclude with the observation that efforts at reform will not yield the desired result if the current end-user inefficiency is not constrained. As Nigeria implements its national utility privatisation programme, it is hoped that this review will benefit policy makers and emerging managers and providers of electricity service in the country.  相似文献   

The allocation of carbon emissions reduction responsibility (CERR) is a fundamental step to carbon emissions trading (CET) market. In China's power industry, regions with divergent power generation efficiencies and energy structures are connected by a nationwide power grid, causing shifts in carbon emissions. We construct a graph restricted cooperative game model for the allocation of CERRs among regions by proposing a novel characteristic function to describe possible minimal carbon emissions in which power generation is prioritized by efficiency. We employ the Myerson value as the solution of the game to capture the structure of the power grid and the power transmission. Our results indicate the following: (1) Power producing regions with high ratio of clean energy such as “Southwest” and “Sichuan and Chongqing” obtain negative shares of CERR. This provides an incentive for them to contribute to carbon emissions reduction. (2) Large power consumers such as “East” and “Bohai Rim” should take larger CERRs because they transfer carbon emissions to the power producing regions. (3) The role of a region in the power transmission network is an important factor in allocating CERR. This study provides insightful policy implications for the construction of a CET market in China's power industry.  相似文献   

Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are the two countries in Central Asia that have a huge reserve of hydro resources of the region. It is important to recognize the significance of the part played by the micro-hydropower plants (HPP) in the electric power generation in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan from the point of view of sustainable economic development. After all, the construction of micro-HPPs in mountainous areas will reliably ensure the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of agriculture and livestock, industry, tourism, improve the social conditions of the population, as well as ensure the production of “green” hydrogen, which will contribute to the development of an environmentally friendly transport system in the regions. Micro HPPs gained recognition as a good alternative to traditional power generation for many developing countries around the world.This study presents a structural model and methodology of choice of a feasible type of micro HPP using the developed algorithm for calculation of hydro turbines’ characteristics based on the hydrological characteristics of small and shallow watercourses located in Central Asian countries, such as Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Based on this model, the software “Calculation and choosing the type of hydro turbines for micro HPPs” has been developed. Depending on the load, a consumer can choose one of the suggested types of micro-hydroelectric power plants to meet his requirements. When choosing the type of micro-hydroelectric power station, a consumer should also take into account the factor of the seasonality of the water level, the constancy and speed of the water, and the volume of river water, since in some places the water freezes in winter.  相似文献   

中国能源平衡表尚不完善,国际能源组织已有成熟方法与约定,建议与国际接轨,并主要从“四破三扩二改一增加”进行改进。“四破”:破“工厂法”,企业填报能源终端消费数据时,要按能源平衡表部门细分进行填表。破“原煤法”,煤炭平衡数据改用经洗选除掉杂质后的商品煤。破“标准煤法”,改tce为toc表示。破“火电煤耗法”,电力的二次能源和一次能源投入,按物理含能量计算其当量;“三扩”:扩细“其他石油制品”、“其他焦化产品”、“其他煤气”、“其他能源”四个产品。扩分“交通运输”、“用作原材料”两个项目。扩大和完善“分析指标”;“两改”:电的一次能源形式改用投入产出法。能源生产和转换部门的生产过程消费不计入终端能源消费;“一增加”即增加“非常规能源”指标。  相似文献   

节能降耗与电力工业可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张莲莲 《中国能源》2005,27(7):32-35
节能降耗已经成为关系到国民经济安全、国际市场竞争能力、资源保护和环境保护等社会经济可持续发展的重大问题。在所有能源中,电力与人类的生产生活最为息息相关。中国目前的电力缺口是9.93%,到2010年还会剧增至15%,必须把节约能源,提高能效,减少环境污染作为企业持续、健康发展的内在动力,以“节能降耗,可持续发展”为主题,实现电力的可持续发展。  相似文献   


The world's sustainable energy generation depends on safe and un-interrupted operations of its nuclear power plants. Nuclear power constitutes a major source of energy for many countries and its electricity generation share is around 16%. As such, global security and sustainability are hostages to nuclear safety. Without nuclear safety, in this era of proliferating nuclear weapons, global security will be a dream; and in a world with 58 still operating Soviet-designed nuclear power reactors, sustainability will only be a mirage. According to a Russian official, all the commercial nuclear reactors operating on Russian territory are nothing better than “bombs temporarily generating electricity.” The share of energy generation of these reactors in their respective countries is rather significant; and in the short run, their closure and replacement are neither realistic nor economically feasible. Human and organizational factors play a vital role in the safety of complex, large-scale technological systems. Fortunately, these days, this fact has been almost universally recognized, although not necessarily fully incorporated into the operation, by the nuclear industry around the world. In order to improve the safety problems of nuclear power, we need to improve the safety culture of this industry and proactively address human and organizational-related factors. To keep the nuclear genie bottled around the world, we need genuine international cooperation and coordination among equipment manufacturers, operating companies, operators' unions, regulatory agencies, international organizations, scientific and research communities, and affected governments.  相似文献   

Recently, the theme of the “green transition”, in which the economic and commercial prospects of the hydrogen industry play a leading role, in the global energy industry has attracted special attention from business, government and scientific circles in many countries, which is associated with its predicted impact, incl. due to the climate agenda, to the economic, technological and geopolitical redistribution of the energy map of the world at the global and regional levels. Some slowdown in the “green transition” is expected due to the need to overcome the global energy crisis in the next two or three years, which may turn out to be more serious than the crisis of the 1970s of the last century which will require eliminating the shortage of traditional non-renewable energy resources in the near future. Nevertheless, the “green transition”, in which hydrogen accents are intensifying, continues to be implemented, which will have a serious impact on the system of international and international economic relations in the world. Thanks to the financial support of the state and business, modern technologies of the entire hydrogen energy chain are actively developing, hydrogen markets are being formed in the conditions of inter-fuel competition, as well as hydrogen energy command centers at the global, regional, country and corporate levels.  相似文献   

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