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BIM信息技术是在计算机中以三维建模为主要手段,虚拟的模拟建筑工程的设计和施工过程,能够极大的提高建筑的建造效率,有效的控制工程造价;BIM信息技术能有效解决不同专业施工协调性问题;BIM信息技术不但能模拟建筑物的形状,还能模拟建筑物周边的环境及建筑物的功能;BIM信息技术集成的各种软件及工具可以对设计模型进行任意的修改并实时分享;建筑照明工程可以利用建筑信息建模技术通过建立模板进行模型设计,并可在电脑中模拟工程现场。  相似文献   

BIM技术在4D施工进度模拟的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着建筑施工动态管理日趋复杂,传统的进度管理方式已无法适应现代化建设的需要,基于BIM的施工进度模拟应运而生。4D施工进度模拟以BIM技术为工具,以某公共建筑为工程背景,利用Navisworks软件关联由Revit建立的建筑、结构以及机电设备的BIM模型和施工进度计划Project文件,动态演示整体和局部的施工过程以及施工场地布置情况。一方面可以直观地展示整个施工过程,实现施工过程的可视化管理。另一方面,有效实现了4D进度模拟与Project文件中的数据对接,为工程管理者管理大型建设项目提供了新途径和方法。  相似文献   

王刚  张杰 《安装》2014,(6):18-19
提高施工质量,降低施工成本,是施工企业应用BIM技术所追求的目标和动力来源。BIM技术在国内大力推广至今天,施工阶段的BIM模型已得到广泛应用。在项目深化设计的基础上,通过建立各相关机电构件信息的三维模型,可在项目施工前,完成对项目整体的虚拟建造演示,直观地反映施工效果,使项目机电专业与各相关专业和管理方的沟通、协调、  相似文献   

建筑信息模型(BIM)为工程建设提供了丰富的空间和属性信息,三维激光扫描等三维信息获取技术的发展使获取工程建设三维场景信息变得更加便捷、高效。通过融合实际工程点云与BIM,将有助于实现工程建设质量和进度管理的自动化。既有研究一般比对点云与BIM的全局信息,需要工程人员根据不同规则检查判断,结果难以定量呈现。同时,比对结果无法与BIM构件属性自动关联并服务于智能化分析。针对上述问题,该文引入深度学习点云语义分割技术,对框架梁柱节点实现构件的对象化比对,提高了点云与BIM比对的自动化和数字化程度。模拟试验研究表明,采用的PointNet++模型在框架节点点云语义分割任务中取得了较高的精度,并对数据误差具有较好的健壮性,可为对象化的施工偏差比对提供良好的数据基础。该文方法实现的框架节点施工点云与BIM模型的对象化偏差比对,将在施工偏差展示、测量数据数字化和施工进度管理方面具有良好的应用价值和发展潜力。  相似文献   

时代在不断发展,建筑业也在不断进步,随着最开始通过手绘将施工建筑表现在图纸之上,之后利用二维画图工具CAD将建筑模型更加完美地呈现在了计算机上,如今,随着技术不断地更新换代,BIM技术逐渐在建筑结构施工图设计的应用起来,BIM技术能够构建一个三维的信息模拟图,让不同施工人员共享一个数字设计信息,从而加快对建筑结构施工图的完善,提升建筑结构的设计质量,提高施工阶段的效率。本文则讲述了BIM技术的概念,与以往设计方法相比较BIM技术的优势以及BIM技术在建筑结构施工图设计中的应用现状。  相似文献   

BIM技术在塞拉利昂公路项目开展了施工图设计、施工模拟,以及运维全生命周期应用可行性、必要性以及价值体现的研究。对一座旧桥改造和部分新建桥梁及其公路路面部分的BIM建模,完成了基于BIM技术的工程设计检查、工程量清算、定制施工图出图模板、二维施工图生成,并进行了桥梁的施工模拟和可视化交底。在桥梁运维阶段BIM模型中还开发了模型与后续监测测试数据的接口文件,为工程的后续施工监测和运维阶段管理应用提供了便捷的实施平台。BIM技术在公路项目中的应用,达到提高设计质量、施工效率和节约建造成本的目的。  相似文献   

随着科技信息化的不断发展,建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling,BIM)在过去10年中在国内土建工程中飞速发展,并广泛的应用于建筑行业的各个阶段。针对地铁盾构施工的特点及前期地面临建合理化布局的需求,在项目策划阶段通过BIM技术建立土建模型、管线模型和隧道模型,利用BIM结合VR(虚拟现实)所见即所得的优势进行盾构推进前的施工准备,合理组织现场临建、更好的排查安全隐患,有效的避免盾构在推进过程中存在的施工风险。通过BIM结合VR技术为后期盾构施工做好保驾护航的工作,保证后期施工的安全与质量。  相似文献   

经纬仪测试场景仿真系统研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
虚拟测试场景的可视化仿真是经纬仪室内性能测试的重要手段,构建了虚拟测试场景仿真系统总体结构,该系统主要为虚拟测试提供三维虚拟场景和场景仿真图像.论述了虚拟场景仿真中基于目标运动特征的轨迹、姿态建模方法及背景云图模拟技术,图像仿真时目标姿态扰动模拟、灰度模拟及目标、背景图像实时合成等关键技术.采用VC++和OpenGL,开发了经纬仪虚拟测试场景仿真系统,应用表明,生成的三维场景、合成出的目标、背景图像及数据有效满足了经纬仪相关性能的测试需求.  相似文献   

在社会经济以及城市化进程的推动作用下,使得我们国家的建筑工程行业得到快速发展,并且在相关社会科学技术的创新发展支持下,建筑工程在施工过程中也在逐渐应用更多的现代化施工技术。在建筑设计图纸的发展过程中,已经逐渐从传统的手绘阶段——CAD阶段逐渐转向BIM(建造信息模型)的技术阶段。这一转变不仅在很大程度上提升建筑设计的精确性和准确性,而且也进一步提升建筑设计过程的效率。BIM技术的最大特点就是将建筑设计过程中所涉及的资源、行为、交付等三个维度进行科学合理的整合,从而实现对各类风险因素的有效控制,并且对内部进行良好的控制,很大程度上缩短工期、提升建筑工程的整体经济利益和社会效益。  相似文献   

给出基于OpenSceneGraph场景模型的信息提取方法,利用八叉树对场景模型进行分割和视锥体剔除,有效提高了实时绘制的效率,尤其是对浏览场景细节时的绘制效率提高最为明显。采用基于分页技术的Pagelod方法,实现模型的动态调度,以减少I/O的负载,满足在有限硬件条件下虚拟场景中复杂产品模型的实时绘制要求。  相似文献   

三维数字化建模主要有两种技术:一是参数化建模,二是直接建模。但这两种技术在实际应用中均存在缺陷。论文将两种建模方法融合在一起形成混合建模技术,能更好地体现设计者的意图,提高设计效率。  相似文献   

The magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) are novel multifunctional materials wherein their viscoelastic properties can be varied instantly under an application of applied magnetic field. Due to their field-dependent stiffness and damping properties, MREs are widely used in the development and design of MRE-based adaptive vibration isolators and absorbers and also biomedical engineering. Moreover, MREs due to their inherent magnetostriction effect have enormous potential for the development of soft actuators. The dynamic behavior of MREs is affected by various material parameters (e.g., matrix and particle types, particle concentration, additives) as well as mechanical and magnetic loading parameters (e.g., frequency, amplitude, temperature, magnetic flux density). Understanding and predicting the effect of materials and loading parameters on the response behavior of MREs are of paramount importance for the design of MRE-based adaptive structures and systems. This review paper mainly aims to provide a comprehensive study of material constitutive models to predict the nonlinear magnetomechanical behavior of MREs. Particular emphasis is paid to physics-based models including continuum- and microstructure-based models. Moreover, phenomenological models describing the dynamic magnetoviscoelastic behavior of MREs as well as the effect of temperature on the magnetomechanical behavior of such materials are properly addressed.  相似文献   

通过对凝固微观组织的模拟,能很好地预测材料的性能,对实际应用具有重要意义。对微观组织模拟中的3个主要模型(确定性模型、随机性模型和相场模型)及它们的应用现状进行了阐述,并分析了它们的优缺点。随着计算机技术的发展,新的计算模型的出现将使金属凝固微观组织的数值模拟向着高精度、高效率和高速度的方向发展。  相似文献   

企业过程建模体系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业过程建模作为一项支持企业过程集成与优化的共性技术,是对企业系统中与企业过程有关的特性加以抽象表达的工具和方法。首先对企业建模和过程建模进行了探讨,在此基础上,提出了一种企业过程建模体系框架(EPMF),并从四个维对EPMF进行了详细的讨论。最后对EPMF进行了简要的总结。  相似文献   

基于结果链的企业建模技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于结果链企业建模方法从总体上分析达到结果的不同途径,强调系统中各部分之间的相互影响,从而获得基于企业现实的较为理想的利益实现途径。首先简要分析了传统企业建模方法的局限性;然后,详细论述了该方法的系统体系结构和系统各组成模块的功能。  相似文献   

The time‐dependent irreversible deformation of a thin metal film constrained by a substrate is investigated by a mesoscopic discrete dislocation simulation scheme incorporating information from atomistic studies of dislocation nucleation mechanisms. The simulations take into account dislocation climb along the grain boundaries in the film as well as dislocation glide along slip planes inclined and parallel to the film/substrate interface. The calculated flow stress and other features are compared with relevant experimental observations. The work is focused on deformation of a polycrystalline film without a cap layer, for which diffusive processes play an important role. The dislocation‐based simulations reveal information on the prevailing deformation mechanisms under different conditions and for different film thicknesses. Despite of the limitations of the two‐dimensional dislocation model, the simulations exhibit a film thickness dependent transition between creep dominated and dislocation glide dominated deformation, which is in good agreement with experimental observations.  相似文献   

Continuum-based modeling of nanostructures is an efficient and suitable method to study the behavior of these structures when the deformation can be considered homogeneous. This paper is concerned about multiscale nonlinear tensorial constitutive modeling of carbon nanostructures based on the interatomic potentials. The proposed constitutive model is a tensorial equation relating the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor to Green-Lagrange strain tensor. For carbon nanotubes, some modifications are made on the planar representative volume element (RVE) to account for the curved atomic structure resulting a non-planar RVE. Using the proposed constitutive model, the elastic behavior of the graphene sheet and carbon nanotube are studied.  相似文献   

As the engineering and characterization of bulk materials has progressed down to the nanometer scale, atomic-level modeling has moved from the realm of chemistry and physics to become an important tool for mechanical and materials engineers. However, connecting even the largest atomic simulations currently carried out in three dimensions to full engineering scales is a major challenge. The purpose of this brief article is to comment on these challenges and on the future of approaches that marry atomic and continuum modeling with the goal of increasing the spatial domain accessible to molecular modeling of the mechanical properties of materials.  相似文献   

Assembly modeling as an extension of feature-based design   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The advantages and limitations of procedural and declarative approaches for product modeling are discussed. Concepts are developed for modeling all levels of product relations with a uniform set of structures and relationships. It is shown that five basic structures,Part-of, Structuring relation, Degrees of freedom, Motion limits, andFit can be used to define relationships between assemblies, parts, features, feature volume primitives, and evaluated boundaries. Generic relations which facilitate constraint specification between target and reference entities are also presented. Methods for the derivation of the location of an assembly unit from high level constraint specifications, such as mating conditions, and techniques for determining the degrees of freedom, motion limits, and assemblability are required. This can be done by uni-directional parameter derivation in the procedural approach, or by symbolic geometric reasoning or numerical equation solution in the declarative approach. The former is less expensive, easy to implement, avoids conflicts, but leads to combinatorial explosion. The latter is general, flexible, decouples constraint specification from validation, but is expensive, and may require conflict resolution.  相似文献   

This paper describes preliminary work toward the develoment of a framework and a system for modeling the meta-physical information of mechanical products. Meta-physical information is that information which describes the nature or reason for existence of objects in the physical product model. Such information includes product and feature functionality, design intent, relations, constraints and viewpoint-dependent definitions. This effort has resulted in an initial model structure and a prototype system. The product model consists of a meta-physical product model with attached physical product models containing, among other information, geometry, dimensions, tolerances, and features. The content and structure of the product model correspond directly to the information used and produced during the mechanical design process. The prototype system integrates a solid modeler, a feature modeler, a dimension and tolerance modeler, and a meta-physical modeler. This paper provides an overview of the meta-model structure, usage and potential.  相似文献   

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