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bootstrap模拟取样法对塑料食品包装溶出物暴露浓度估计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了塑料食品包装容器在介质水、乙酸、乙醇、正己烷的溶出物数据的分布特征,依据数据的形态分布特征,获得稳健的溶出物暴露值估计及标准偏差,证明以bootstrap法模拟取样样本分布的均值与标准偏差作为有限样本溶出物暴露值是可靠的。  相似文献   

食品和药品包装用复合膜溶出物的检测和控制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、概述 1、食品包装用复合膜与药品包装用复合膜在溶出物检测方法上的差异 食品包装用复合膜的卫生性能指标一般按GB9683-1988<复合食品包装袋的卫生标准>,有甲苯二胺、蒸发残渣、高锰酸钾消耗量、重金属等项目.  相似文献   

国际食品包装新材料及容器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王敏 《中国包装》2007,27(2):105-105
最近国外相继推出食品新型包装材料与包装容器,以适合食品各种保质、保鲜、安全、快捷、环保等需要。日本京都女子大学研究出从废弃鸡羽毛中提取出类塑料新材料,方法是将羽毛粉碎,加热到160摄氏度,数分钟后再压缩成型,新材料弯曲强度高、耐热耐水性好,易于加工,成型后有良好的手感与外观,可作食品包装容器  相似文献   

高玉臣 《中国包装》2006,26(6):41-41
近年来,国外食品包装容器的发展有以下几个特点: 1.微渡包装容器成为容器生产的热点。随着微波炉的迅速普及,用于包装微波烹调方便食品的容器迅速发展。方便食品、冷冻室品等的包装均以适应微波炉烹调为发展目标。可分为两类:一类要求单一的、不影响食品正常加热的容器;另一类是能对食品的加热起一定调节作用的容器,以便制作表面焦黄或松脆的食品,或者容器壁能阻挡一定的微波以防止食品加热过度等。现在最时兴的食品包装是,既可以在微波炉上、又可以在普通煤气炉或电炉上加热蒸制的两用托盘包装,做好后放到餐桌上即可进餐,无需另换菜盘。出于成本上的考虑,材料上将更多的转向塑料。  相似文献   

王敏 《包装世界》2002,(1):46-47
近年来,国外食品包装容器的发展有以下几个特点; 1、微波包装容器成为容器生产的热点。随着微波炉的迅速普及,用于包装微波烹调方便食品的容器迅速发展,方便食品,冷冻食品等的包装均以适应微波炉烹调为发展目标。可分为两类:一类要求单一的,不影响食  相似文献   

目的 研究包装容器对酒体品质的影响因素,为劲酒包装容器的选择提供科学的数据支撑。方法 采用光学透过率测试仪对不同包装容器的透光率进行了测定,并对贮存2年的劲酒的总黄酮含量、总皂苷含量、色率、淫羊藿苷含量、口感进行分析,数据分析的方法为随机区组设计资料的方差分析。结果 无色玻璃瓶、PET瓶透光率高达90%以上,深色瓶、涂漆瓶、陶瓷瓶、不锈钢瓶透光率均极小。总体来说高硼硅玻璃瓶和PET瓶储存的劲酒均有不同程度的颜色变浅,总黄酮、总皂苷含量降低,口感变差,其他容器储存的酒体之间没有明显差异,且它的总体品质要高于高硼硅玻璃瓶和PET瓶储存酒体的总体品质。结论 包装容器的透光性会对劲酒的品质产生影响,避光包装容器可能更适合劲酒的储存,避光容器的材质和形状对劲酒品质基本没有影响;对于透光性容器,容器形状可能影响劲酒品质,相较于圆柱型的包装容器,扁平型的可能更能保护劲酒品质。  相似文献   

柳林  余紫铃  王媛媛 《包装工程》2021,42(16):301-306
目的 研究葫芦容器作为生态材料在包装设计中的运用.方法 从葫芦容器的渊源和表现形式两个方面探究,明晰了葫芦作为容器就具备存放盛装、便利实用的包装功能.分析和探讨葫芦作为包装容器的优势,体现在葫芦材质、葫芦造型、葫芦工艺方面,归纳总结出葫芦是现成的生态包装容器,材质安全无害易降解,自然培育无环境破坏压力,符合绿色环保要求.结论 结合实践设计提出葫芦容器的生态化、形态化、功能性的设计延伸再利用,以及葫芦容器的产业化生产的可行性探讨,以期使葫芦容器得到传承与推广.  相似文献   

无菌包装是一种特殊的食品包装技术。它是在无菌条件下将预先杀过菌并冷却的产品装填并密封在无菌的容器中,藉以达到在非冷藏条件下长期保藏的目的。无菌包装起始于三十年代,最早采用的无菌包装容器为  相似文献   

白杉  周洁 《上海包装》2003,(1):28-29
奶粉包装的标准要求1 卫生标准 作为食品的一种,卫生性是最根本的。一般按国际要求,蒸发残渣中不得含有铅、锑等重金属,细菌总数小于10个,大肠肝菌小于3个。2 溶剂残留 作为食品包装.当然要求溶剂残留越低越好.但作为普通软包装是不可避免的,因为在印刷油墨、胶粘剂中均含有一定含量的溶  相似文献   

日本近年开发出一种具有透明性、阻气性好,且耐高度的PBT包装容器。这种称之为聚合物合金的包装容器主要以PBT为原料,用独特的合金化技术和成型技术而制成的。该容器的最大特征是,有优良的高温透明性、气体阻隔性、保香性,以及卫生安全性。因而可作为电子灶和微波炉用的食品包装容器、蒸馏瓶食品容器,以及其他电子,汽车工业领域应用。  相似文献   

影响塑料食品包装溶剂残留量的因素   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
通过连续3 年对济宁市食品塑料包装企业产品质量的抽查,发现了食品塑料包装中存在溶剂残留量(苯量)超标的问题,通过对各家企业生产工艺的追踪调查,系统地提出了在生产工艺包括印刷过程、干式复合过程以及熟化过程中,影响塑料食品包装溶剂残留量的因素,并提出了相应的预防改善措施。  相似文献   

可加热塑料食品包装中 VOCs 分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
谢利  贾大鹏  慈继豪  张倩 《包装工程》2014,35(1):34-37,68
目的分析可加热塑料食品包装中的挥发性有机物(VOCs)。方法以甲醇为溶剂,配制异丙醇、乙酸乙酯、苯、乙酸丁酯、乙苯、间/对二甲苯、邻二甲苯、环己酮的标准溶液,利用顶空/气相色谱-质谱(HS/GC-MS)技术对7种可加热塑料食品包装进行了检测分析,对比加热前后塑料食品包装中VOCs的变化。结果原味酸牛奶包装袋在加热后环己酮的含量明显增加,小酥肉塑料包装盒在加热后异丙醇的含量增加比较明显,粽子塑料包装袋、玉米塑料包装袋、奶茶塑杯、自加热饭盒、微波饭盒在加热前后VOCs含量变化不大。结论这7种包装中的苯类溶剂残留量均超标。  相似文献   

In the system composed of a plastic package and a solid food, which are only partially in contact with each other, the migration of the plastic ingredient to the food may take place through the airspace between the package and the food unless the ingredient is non-volatile. This paper describes the migration of an antioxidant BHT(2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol) from low-density polyethylene films containing BHT, or from pure BHT crystals used as a source of BHT vapour, to model foods such as casein and granulated sugar. The results obtained:
  • i confirmed that the migration of BHT occurs from the film to the food even when they are separated completely by an airspace between them
  • ii showed that the amount of migration increases with time and attains a practically constant value after a certain period, but the value and the time vary significantly with the food
  • iii found that the BHT concentration in the film remains virtually unchanged at all times in the experiments carried out in this study, because the amount of BHT migration is very small compared with the total amount of BHT contained in the film initially
  • iv elucidated the relation between the BHT concentration in the film and the equilibrium amount of BHT migration to the food. This result should be useful for the estimation of the amount of BHT migrating from a polyethylene package to a contained food.

目的 脉冲强光作为一种非热加工技术由于其高效、安全环保且能较大程度上保持食品的营养与风味,旨在探究其在低温酸奶灌装设备杀菌中的效果.方法 研究脉冲强光对低温酸奶灌装设备中不同包装容器的不同位置处的黑曲霉灭菌效果的影响.结果 实验结果表明,随着照度剂量的增加,脉冲强光对黑曲霉的杀灭效果显著增加.同一剂量的脉冲强光对不同形式的包装杀菌效果有显著的差异,塑瓶包装上的黑曲霉更难杀灭.包装容器上不同位置的杀菌效果有明显差异,其中塑杯包装的杯面底面、盖膜内面以及塑瓶包装的瓶盖侧面、底面和瓶坯口内外侧面均有较好的杀菌效果,但瓶盖螺纹处杀菌效果较差.在实际生产过程中,螺纹处的细菌较难杀灭,容易产生杀菌死角,具有一定的风险.结论 与紫外线杀菌相比,脉冲强光具有较好的杀菌效果,且穿透能力相对较强,在灌装设备中将具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

HS-GC/MS法检测食品塑料包装中的挥发性有机物   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
采用顶空-气相色谱/质谱联用技术检测了两种食品用塑料包装袋中可能残留的挥发性有机物:苯、乙苯、邻二甲苯、间/对二甲苯、异丙醇、乙酸乙酯、乙酸丁酯.结果证明,所建立的方法分离效果理想,线性关系良好,线性相关系数均大于0.999,检出限均达到10-3数量级,能够满足实际分析的要求.  相似文献   

天然紫荆花色素制取彩色包装纸的研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
现代包装材料的发展,纸代塑是大势所趋.单纯的白纸包装并不能满足人们的需求,色纸需求量越来越大.本课题研究用天然紫荆花色素对纸进行染色是可行的,染色液适宜pH值为3.5,加入少量氯化钠可明显提高染色纸的色彩热稳定性,纸渗水的不褪色性好,染色效果好;天然紫荆花色素代替或部分代替合成色素生产儿童用品和食品包装用彩色纸可明显减少合成色素对人体造成的危害,符合环境对包装材料的要求.  相似文献   

A novel approach in food package defect detection is proposed based on system identification theory, in which the channel defect detection problem can be regarded as the conventional system identification problem, i.e., estimation of the system impulse response based on the input-output sequence using parametric and nonparametric models. The well-known parametric model ARX has been investigated in this paper. The data are collected with a focused ultrasound transducer (17.3 MHz, 6.35-mm diameter, f/2, 173 mum -6 dB pulse-echo lateral beam width at the focus) scanned over a rectangular grid, keeping the packages in the focus. Performance is measured in terms of detection rate, image contrast, and contrast-to-noise ratio. The results using the ARX model are compared with previous image formation techniques and also compared with the non-parametric method, i.e., spectral analysis. The results show that the ARX model has the comparable detection rate as RFCS and higher detection rate than BAI and RFS (except 6-mum air-filled channel in plastic trilaminate film) for channel in plastic trilaminate film. The ARX model has achieved the moderate contrast enhancement and ranks second in contrast-to-noise ratio enhancement among the compared techniques. The ARX model has a low detection rate for channel defects in aluminum trilaminate film, which shows that its performance is material-dependent. Finally, the parametric method, ARX model demonstrates better performance than the non-parametric method, spectral analysis for food package defect detection.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this research was to explore ageing consumers' attitudes towards currently available food packaging in New Zealand. Ninety‐nine individuals (over the age of 60) in New Zealand were surveyed to determine packaging attributes of importance when selecting food products. This was followed with a focus group of 13 individuals to discuss improvements to packaging. Frequencies of responses were calculated for the survey data, and cross‐tabulations and chi‐square tests were used to determine the relationships between variables. Price, safety, size of packaging and ability to recycle were of most importance to these individuals. Problems encountered with food packaging included tight lids, small printing and spillage during opening. Of the types of package closures investigated, opening of packages, rather than resealing of packages proved problematic. Fifty percent or more of respondents indicated that peelable induction seals, lug closures and continuous thread closures were problems that occurred ‘very often’ or ‘frequently’. Sixty‐one percent of the participants surveyed had asked for assistance opening some types of packages, and this was particularly prevalent among individuals who had weakness in their arms, hands or wrists. Changes to package closures suggested during the focus groups included increasing the size of twist off caps, larger ring pulls on aluminium cans and including more sliding resealable closures on foil and plastic packaging. Larger printing on labels was also recommended by the participants. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This article was published online on 1st December 2008. An error was subsequently identified. This notice is included in the online and print versions to indicate that both were corrected on 19th March 2009.  相似文献   

黄莘尧  安大地 《包装工程》2022,43(6):204-212
目的 利用眼动追踪技术,探索食品包装的视觉体验特征和影响因素,总结并归纳食品包装的视觉体验规律及其设计启示。方法 以大米类食品包装设计为例,选取市面上各品类较典型的4组共18款包装图片作为测试样本,分2次采集30名受试者的眼动数据,综合分析实验数据和访谈结果。结果 在食品包装设计中,对视觉体验的影响因素进行分析可以发现,人们的关注度和视觉体验主要受色彩、文字、排版等因素的影响,碎片区域和包装形式在视觉传达方面也发挥了重要作用。结论 食品包装的色彩、文字区域,以及排版的创新设计能够有效提升人们的视觉体验,并更好地传播品牌价值。  相似文献   

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