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张靠民  谢涛  赵焱  董祥  李如燕 《材料导报》2018,32(24):4370-4373, 4380
针对植物纤维/树脂基复合材料高性能化问题,本研究以羟基化碳纳米管/无水乙醇分散液预先浸渍苎麻纤维织物,得到了碳纳米管分散均匀的碳纳米管/苎麻纤维多尺度复合织物,并进一步以快速固化环氧树脂为基体,采用真空辅助树脂灌注成型工艺(VARI)制备了碳纳米管改性的苎麻纤维/环氧树脂基复合材料层板(PRFC)。研究结果表明,相比未采用碳纳米管改性的苎麻纤维/环氧树脂复合材料(RFC),PRFC的弯曲强度提高14.7%,冲击强度提高20.9%。相比碳纳米管预先分散于环氧树脂基体中制备的碳纳米管改性苎麻纤维/环氧树脂复合材料(MRFC),PRFC的力学性能提高更显著。同时,PRFC的吸湿性能比MRFC和RFC的明显降低。  相似文献   

采用双酚A型环氧树脂(DGEBA)、改性咪唑(MIM)及改性脂肪胺(MAA)研制快速固化树脂体系。分别利用DSC和流变仪测试了树脂体系的固化特性与流变行为,优选了树脂配方。采用真空辅助树脂灌注工艺(VARIM)制备了快速成型的碳纤维/环氧复合材料层板,考察了层板的成型质量和力学性能,并与常规固化的层板性能进行了对比。结果表明:采用优选的树脂配方,120 ℃下树脂在5 min内固化度达95%,碳纤维/环氧复合材料层板成型固化时间可控制在13 min以内,固化度达95%以上,并且没有明显缺陷;与常规固化相比(固化时间大于2 h),快速固化碳纤维/环氧复合材料层板的弯曲性能和耐热性能降低幅度较小。  相似文献   

碳纳米管-玻璃纤维/环氧层板双真空灌注工艺及性能   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对碳纳米管(CNT)-玻璃纤维/环氧树脂体系, 采用传统的真空灌注工艺(VARIM)和双真空灌注工艺(DVARIM)制备复合材料层板, 分析了不同工艺方法下层板缺陷状况, 测试了层板的弯曲性能和层间剪切性能, 并结合树脂性能和纤维/树脂界面粘结状况观察, 探讨了DVARIM对CNT分布的影响及碳管的增强机制。结果表明: 与传统的VARIM相比, DVARIM能增加纤维的间距, 提高树脂对纤维的浸润能力, 减小纤维束内的孔隙缺陷; 添加质量分数为0.05%的酸化CNT后层板性能提高, 而且采用DVARIM性能提高更明显; 不同灌注工艺对CNT的分布产生影响, 从而改变了CNT对纤维/树脂界面粘接的影响, 同时这种影响与织物结构的紧密程度有关。   相似文献   

采用真空辅助RTM工艺制备了三维编织碳纤维增强环氧树脂(C3D/EP)复合材料,通过对树脂的粘度特性和固化特性的分析,确定了最佳的工艺参数.金相显微镜对复合材料微观结构的观察表明树脂对纤维的浸润良好.同时,还研究了该工艺制备的C3D/EP复合材料的力学性能,结果表明随着纤维体积比的增加,复合材料的硬度、弯曲强度和冲击强度均提高,断口的扫描电镜观察表明复合材料的破坏方式是以脆性断裂为主.  相似文献   

针对碳纤维/环氧树脂预浸料,对比了直接在树脂中加入碳纳米管(CNTs)后制备预浸料以及将CNTs喷涂在预浸料表面2种CNTs加入方式对CNTs-碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料层合板I型与II型层间断裂韧性及层间剪切强度的影响。通过对树脂黏度、固化反应以及玻璃化转变温度的考察,分析了CNTs含量对树脂性能的影响,考察了添加方法对CNTs长度与形态的影响。分析了2种CNTs加入方式对CNTs-碳纤维/环氧树脂层合板断裂韧性及层间剪切强度的改善效果与作用规律。结果表明:CNTs的加入使树脂的黏度提高,固化反应程度下降;2种分散方法对CNTs的长度与形态无明显影响;直接在树脂中加入CNTs对CNTs-碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料I型与II型层间断裂韧性的提高效果低于在碳纤维/环氧树脂预浸料表面喷涂CNTs的方式,后者的CNTs利用率较高;由于CNTs团聚及对树脂固化反应的影响,CNTs含量过高会使得其对CNTs-碳纤维/环氧树脂层合板的增韧效果下降。  相似文献   

在热固性树脂基复合材料热压成型过程中,外加压力和加压时机是决定层板厚度、纤维含量以及孔隙含量的两个主要因素.基于复合材料热压成型过程树脂流动模型,采用遗传算法,根据固化层板纤维体积分数的要求,对单向和正交两种铺层形式的T700/5228和T700/5224层板加压时机进行了分析.以航空航天应用的典型纤维含量为准,对优化得到的加压时机以及不同工艺条件下固化层板内纤维分布特点进行了分析.结果表明,纤维、树脂种类相同,铺层方式不同,加压时机差别很大;纤维种类、铺层方式以及初始和优化目标相同的条件下,不同树脂体系,加压时刻树脂粘度基本相同;层板内纤维分布均匀性主要由纤维层压缩特性决定.采用本文建立优化方法,可以快速地得到满足目标纤维含量要求的加压时机,具有重要的学术价值和工程应用意义,有助于降低成本,缩短复合材料研制周期.  相似文献   

本文以2400tex无捻玻璃纤维粗纱为原料,在SGA598型三维织机上制备出一种三维浅交弯联机织复合材料预制体,以环氧树脂E51和固化剂聚醚胺WHR-H023以质量比3∶1的比例组成树脂体系,并将经过表面处理的预制体与树脂基体以质量比1∶1的比例通过手糊的方式复合成型。复合材料固化过程分别使用传统热固化、真空条件下热固化和微波固化三种方式进行,制备出三维浅交弯联机织复合材料。分别考察复合材料在热定型过程中的温度变化情况,复合材料的弯曲力学性能及破坏断面,比较三种方法对复合材料性能的影响。结果表明:采用微波固化方式对复合材料进行复合成型,其在升温速度、弯曲性能和纤维与树脂间的界面性能等方面均明显好于真空固化和热固化等方式。  相似文献   

以2400tex无捻玻璃纤维粗纱为原料,在SGA598型三维织机上制备出一种三维浅交弯联机织复合材料预制体,以环氧树脂E51和固化剂聚醚胺WHR-H023以质量配合比3∶1的比例组成树脂体系,使用真空灌注成型的方法制备玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料。真空灌注后,将模具与未固化成型的复合材料进行不同时长的预固化处理,制备出预固化工艺不同的三维浅交弯联机织复合材料。通过万能强力仪、扫描电子显微镜对该复合材料的弯曲力学性能及破坏断面微观形貌进行考察,分析不同的预固化工艺对复合材料界面及弯曲性能的影响。实验结果表明:当预固化时间为120min时,制得的复合材料弯曲强度达到675MPa,弯曲强度较传统恒温热固化工艺提高了75.8%,改善效果较为明显。  相似文献   

玻璃纤维因良好的力学性能被广泛应用于增强复合材料,而玻璃纤维与树脂基体的界面是影响复合材料性能的关键因素之一。实验中将碳纳米管(CNTs)改性后均匀地分散到浸润剂中,利用玻璃纤维在线成型工艺直接涂覆到玻璃纤维表面并制备复合材料。通过力学性能测试和显微形貌分析,结果表明CNTs能较好地分散于浸润剂和玻璃纤维表面,发现0.5%(质量分数)CNTs可以显著提高玻璃纤维的拉伸强度,并能显著改善纤维和基体的结合强度,从而提高复合材料的强度。  相似文献   

采用共固化液体成型工艺制备了炭纤维/环氧树脂基复合材料层板,分析了层板的密实和两种树脂的相互扩散情况,采用Ⅰ型层间断裂韧性(能量释放率GⅠC)和短梁抗剪强度研究了共固化液体成型层板的层间性能,并与预浸料成型层板和液体成型层板进行了比较。进一步研究了共固化层板中预浸料/液体成型层界面处的纤维取向对GⅠC的影响。结果表明:所制备的共固化液体成型层板,层内密实程度高、层间富树脂区不明显,预浸料/液体成型层的层间处两种树脂有一定程度的相互扩散;受界面处树脂相互扩散的影响,共固化层板的层间断裂韧性处于预浸料层板、液体成型层板的平均水平,而层板的短梁抗剪强度由性能较低的一方决定;预浸料/液体成型层界面处的纤维取向对GⅠC有明显影响,其中[45/90]的情况有着较高的抵抗开裂和裂纹扩展的能力。  相似文献   

Long processing cycle makes vacuum assisted resin infusion molding (VARIM) only suitable for low and medium volumes of production, and shortening of curing time is critical to improving the processing efficiency of automotive composite parts. In this paper, unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced composite laminates were fabricated by VARIM. Three different processes (namely quick, quick-post and preheating) were employed, in which a kind of rapid curing epoxy resin is used. The preheating of mold and fiber was conducted to shorten the filling time compared with that of quick process. Quick-post process with a post cure stage was investigated to verify the composite properties fabricated by quick process. The cycle time was 16 min for preheating process, about 30% shorter than that of quick process, simultaneously, flexural strength and interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) were respectively improved by 29% and 7% compared with those of quick process. The non-uniformity of mechanical properties at different positions along resin flow direction under preheating process was found, but the processing quality of composite was good. The preheating process is confirmed to be suitable for the improvement of processing efficiency of VARIM with good mechanical properties. In addition, the composite fabricated by quick-post process has better mechanical properties, which is attributed to the alleviation of residual stress during post curing process.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to study the vibrational damping characteristics during medium velocity impact of nanoclay filled glass fiber reinforced epoxy hybrid laminates. A series of laminates with varying degree of nanoclay concentration (0–5 wt.%) and fiber weight fraction (25–75 wt.%) were prepared by vacuum assisted resin infusion molding (VARIM) method. The laminates were subjected to medium velocity projectile impact using in-house built gas gun set-up and the ballistic limit of laminates series was determined. The result indicated that during impact, the laminate undergoes vibrational damping. This damping property is a function of fiber weight fraction and orientation, nanoclay concentration and nanocomposite structure. A 42% increase of ballistic limit was observed for 5 wt.% nanoclay filled hybrid (50 wt.% fiber) when compared with unfilled composite. Structural and modal analysis of hybrids showed that the increased ballistic limit of nanoclay filled hybrids is due to the nanocomposite structure and improved damping and fracture properties.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the resin flow characteristics of nanoclay filled glass fiber laminates processed by Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion Molding (VARIM). Laminates with varying quantities of nanoclays (0–5 wt.%) were prepared and the effect of these nanoclays on the epoxy resin flow characteristics was studied. It was found that the flow rate of resin continuously decreased as nanoclay content continuously increased. The reduction in the flow rate was attributed to the rate of change of curing and the subsequent change in viscosity of the nanoclay filled resin. Analysis of infusion process by Darcy’s law show that the permeability of the fiber decreased in the nanoclay filled resin system. Nanoclay filled laminates show improved static and dynamic mechanical properties than that of unfilled resin composites.  相似文献   

Multi-phase composites have been studied by incorporating carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as a secondary reinforcement in an epoxy matrix which was then reinforced with glass fiber mat. Different types of CNTs e.g. amino functionalized carbon nanotubes (ACNT) and pristine carbon nanotubes (PCNT) were homogeneously dispersed in the epoxy matrix and two-ply laminates were fabricated using vacuum-assisted resin infusion molding technique. The issues related to CNT dispersion and interfacial bonding and its affect on the mechanical properties have been studied. An important finding of this study is that PCNT scores over ACNT in composites prepared under certain conditions. This is a very significant finding since PCNT is available at a much lower cost than ACNT.  相似文献   

对比研究了环氧5228A树脂及碳纤维/环氧5228A树脂复合材料层合板在3种湿热环境(水煮、70℃水浸,70℃85%相对湿度)下的湿热性能,考察了湿热条件对复合材料层间剪切性能的影响规律,并从吸湿特性、物理化学特性、树脂力学性能、湿应力等方面分析了不同湿热环境下复合材料性能衰减的机制。研究表明,碳纤维/高温固化环氧树脂复合材料层间剪切性能主要是由吸湿率决定,相同吸湿率不同湿热条件下性能的下降幅度基本相同;3种湿热条件下该树脂及其复合材料未发生化学反应、微裂纹等不可逆变化,复合材料层合板湿热老化机制主要是吸入水分后基体增塑和树脂、纤维湿应变不一致导致的湿应力对复合材料性能的负面作用。  相似文献   

The use of a three roll machine to disperse nanoreinforcements in polymer matrix has been proved as an alternative to chemical routes of dispersion. Nevertheless, the degree of dispersion achieved depends on the nanoreinforcement type and the sequences used in the calendering process. This research work focuses in the evaluation of the differences in the dispersion effectiveness of functionalized and non-functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in an epoxy resin. This aspect has influence not only on the final properties of the nanocomposites but also on the infiltration process due to changes in the rheological behavior and possible filtering of bigger aggregates. Samples of both types of nanoreinforcements up to percentages of 0.5% in weight were characterized using several techniques before and after the curing stage to evaluate variations in the dispersion of the nanoreinforcement and in the final properties of the two types of nanocomposites. The possibility of using CNT/epoxy mixtures as matrix of multiscale composites has been also evaluated fabricating panels by vacuum assisted resin infusion molding (VARIM).  相似文献   

《Composites Part B》2013,44(8):3482-3490
The use of a three roll machine to disperse nanoreinforcements in polymer matrix has been proved as an alternative to chemical routes of dispersion. Nevertheless, the degree of dispersion achieved depends on the nanoreinforcement type and the sequences used in the calendering process. This research work focuses in the evaluation of the differences in the dispersion effectiveness of functionalized and non-functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in an epoxy resin. This aspect has influence not only on the final properties of the nanocomposites but also on the infiltration process due to changes in the rheological behavior and possible filtering of bigger aggregates. Samples of both types of nanoreinforcements up to percentages of 0.5% in weight were characterized using several techniques before and after the curing stage to evaluate variations in the dispersion of the nanoreinforcement and in the final properties of the two types of nanocomposites. The possibility of using CNT/epoxy mixtures as matrix of multiscale composites has been also evaluated fabricating panels by vacuum assisted resin infusion molding (VARIM).  相似文献   

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