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袁宗征  徐方  刘苗  邓新  王双超 《材料导报》2015,29(18):108-112
要 在固定水灰比为0.35条件下,分别研究了聚酯纤维、聚合物丁苯乳液单掺与复掺时对水泥混凝土抗压抗折强度、折压比的影响.结果表明:单掺聚酯纤维在一定掺量下可以不同程度地提高水泥砂浆的抗压抗折强度,折压比随着聚酯纤维含量的增加呈先减小后增加的趋势;单掺聚合物乳液降低了水泥砂浆的抗压强度,而折压比则随聚合物乳液掺量增加呈现逐步变大的趋势;聚酯纤维与聚合物乳液复掺时,聚合物乳液的掺入使聚酯纤维混凝土的抗压强度出现小幅降低,增强了其抗折强度,提高了其折压比,当纤维体积掺量为0.1%、聚灰比为15%时,聚酯纤维聚合物水泥混凝土的柔性最大;纤维-聚合物复掺能够使其性能得到进一步改善,效果优于两者的单掺效果.并通过扫描电镜探讨了聚酯纤维与聚合物乳液在水泥砂浆中的作用机理,表明两者复掺有效填充了水泥基材料内部的宏观与微观缺陷,提高了界面过渡区的密实程度.  相似文献   

目前聚合物水泥混凝土已成为高性能混凝土研究的一个重要组成部分。中实验采用了一种聚合物乳液(丁苯胶乳)对高性能混凝土进行改性处理,研究不同丁苯胶乳掺加量对水泥混凝土基本力学性能、韧性、自收缩性能及抗氯离子渗透性能的影响。实验结果表明,丁苯胶乳改性水泥混凝土的抗压强度随着丁苯胶乳掺加量的增加有所降低;而丁苯胶乳的加入,对混凝土的劈裂抗拉强度、抗折强度及韧性有较大提高,且掺量为15%的增强效果最明显,劈裂抗拉强度和抗折强度的提升幅度分别达到17.4%和23.8%,;掺量为10%的情况下韧度指数最高,增加幅度达到71.1%;丁苯胶乳改性混凝土浇注24 h后的总收缩值,随着丁苯胶乳掺量的增加而逐渐减少,掺量为15%情况下的总收缩值降幅高达35%;同时,改性后水泥混凝土的抗氯离子扩散能力有所提高,抗渗性能也得到改善。  相似文献   

研究了超细水泥、硅粉和聚合物对水泥基界面剂粘结抗拉强度的影响,观测分析了加固砂浆和基层混凝土的界面处的微观结构.研究结果表明:硅粉能有效增强水泥基界面剂的粘结抗拉强度并控制干缩开裂;以超细硅酸盐水泥代替普通硅酸盐水泥,水泥基界面荆的粘结抗拉强度可提高60%;可再分散聚合物胶粉能明显提高水泥基界面剂的粘结抗拉强度.  相似文献   

超高性能混凝土(Ultra-high performance concrete, UHPC)具有优异的力学性能和耐久性,被广泛应用于组合构件及结构加固中,其中,UHPC与既有普通混凝土(Existing normal concrete, NC)之间的界面粘结性能至关重要。本文综述了国内外UHPC-NC的界面粘结性能的试验方法及界面抗剪强度计算公式、影响因素与界面耐久性能的研究进展,指出了测试方法存在的不足,探究了不同规范的界面抗剪强度计算式对UHPC-NC的适用性,总结了不同因素对UHPC-NC界面粘结性能的影响,包括纤维、界面粗糙度、界面含水率、界面剂、既有混凝土强度、胶凝材料和养护制度等,阐述了其界面特性的增强机理,探讨了耐久性的现阶段研究。UHPC-NC具有优异的界面粘结强度,其中,合适的养护制度与纤维能够减少UHPC的收缩,增强材料之间相容性;界面粗糙度与既有混凝土强度的增加可以有效避免界面破坏;界面剂、胶凝材料及适当的界面含水率可以改善过渡区;UHPC-NC界面具有较好的抗渗透性能和抗冻融性能。  相似文献   

将硫铝酸盐水泥与硅酸盐水泥复合,并引入丁苯乳液作为聚合物改性剂制备高性能修补材料,研究硫铝酸盐水泥和丁苯乳液对修补材料的强度、凝结时间和黏度的影响和作用机制。结果表明:硫铝酸盐水泥明显提高复合水泥的早期强度,缩短初凝和终凝时间,增大黏度;适量丁苯乳液能在复合水泥浆体中形成网状结构,提高力学强度;丁苯乳液中的羧基能够减小熟料矿物铝酸钙、硅酸三钙和硅酸二钙的水化速率,复合水泥净浆的初凝和终凝时间均明显延长,黏度减小。  相似文献   

常艳婷  陈忠达  张震  王春然 《材料导报》2015,29(18):103-107
环氧乳化沥青是一种新型的桥面沥青铺装粘结层材料,目前对其研究尚少.通过剪切试验和拉拔试验,研究不同环氧乳化沥青配方、洒布量及温度条件下的抗剪强度及抗拔强度;通过SBS改性沥青、海川高粘沥青和环氧沥青对比试验,进一步验证环氧乳化沥青的优良粘结性能.结果表明:抗剪强度随正应力的增大近似呈线性增大,粘结力和摩擦力以及抗拔强度均随洒布量的增加先增大后减小;20℃、40℃及60℃条件下抗剪强度、粘结力最大值对应的洒布量为0.8 kg/m2、0.6 kg/m2、0.6 kg/m2;A(环氧树脂)∶B(固化剂)∶C(乳化沥青)=16∶4∶80时,其粘结性能最好.由此确定了环氧乳化沥青作为粘结层材料的最佳配方(A∶B∶C=16∶4∶ 80)和最佳洒布量(0.6kg/m2).  相似文献   

通过四因素四水平正交试验进行硅灰增强混杂纤维水泥基灌浆料与老混凝土粘结强度的研究,选取硅灰掺量、钢纤维类型、钢纤维掺量和PVA纤维掺量作为研究因素,设定相应的水平。对粘结试块进行双面剪切试验和劈裂抗拉试验,运用极差分析上述因素和相应水平对粘结强度的影响。结果表明,当硅灰掺量为9%、长度35 mm端钩型钢纤维掺量为1.2%、PVA纤维掺量为0.5%时,粘结强度显著。基于正交试验结果,通过四组对比试验,研究了纤维对水泥基灌浆料与老混凝土粘结的界面剪切特性和劈拉破坏形态的影响。结果表明,当长度35 mm端钩型钢纤维与PVA纤维掺量分别为1.2%和0.5%混杂时,粘结试块的剪切变形性能和劈裂抗拉强度显著提高,表现出较强的粘结性能。  相似文献   

采用丁苯乳液、苯丙乳液、硅灰、粉煤灰和橡胶粉等外加剂分别对物理发泡水泥混凝土的性能进行单一和复合改进试验。结果表明,复掺硅灰和丁苯乳液可显著提高泡沫混凝土早期强度,并降低吸水率,改善混凝土性能,当硅灰掺量4%,丁苯乳液掺量12%时,混凝土吸水率降低17%,7d抗压强度增加0.5 MPa;丁苯乳液对降低泡沫混凝土吸水率有一定促进作用;苯丙乳液对混凝土强度影响较大;硅灰与粉煤灰降低吸水率效果不佳;橡胶粉不能作为混凝土外加改性材料。  相似文献   

以咪唑为端异氰酸酯基封闭剂,制备封闭聚氨酯预聚体,然后以羧基丁苯胶水溶液进行反相乳化,并加入氮丙啶,制得系列水分散羧基丁苯胶/封闭聚氨酯植物纤维防水增强剂(XSBRL/BPU)。XSBRL/BPU的综合性能与BPU封闭率、羧基丁苯胶/封闭聚氨酯比例、交联剂氮丙啶含量及复合乳液的添加量有关。当封闭率BR=10%、m(BPU)/m(XSBRL)=2/1、ω(氮丙啶)=2%、ω(乳液)=8%时,纸基复合材料具有良好防水性能、黏合强度和机械性能,其中,耐折度为158次、施胶度为180s、干抗张指数为63.4N.m.g-1、湿抗张指数为33.8N.m2g-1、湿强度为53.3%。  相似文献   

为研究玄武岩纤维增强聚合物复合材料(Basalt fiber reinforced polymer,BFRP)筋与低碱度硫铝酸盐水泥混凝土的粘结性能,对共90个粘结试件进行中心拉拔试验,研究了筋材表面形貌、混凝土强度等级等因素对粘结性能的影响。试验结果表明:对筋材表面进行喷砂、缠绕纤维和螺纹处理能显著提高粘结性能,深螺纹环氧树脂BFRP筋与65 MPa低碱度硫铝酸盐水泥混凝土的粘结强度高达39.09 MPa,远大于光滑BFRP筋的13.32 MPa。强度等级对BFRP筋-低碱度硫铝酸盐水泥混凝土粘结试件的粘结强度的影响更明显,此外BFRP筋与低碱度硫铝酸盐水泥混凝土粘结性能高于普通硅酸盐混凝土。最后,通过Cosenza-ManfrediRealfonzo(CMR)模型和修正后的Bertero-Popov-Eligehausen(mBPE)模型)对BFRP筋-混凝土粘结试件的粘结滑移(τ-s)曲线进行拟合,发现CMR模型对粘结滑移曲线的上升段拟合效果较好,清晰准确地反映了其粘结-滑移本构关系,为研究BFRP筋增强硫铝酸盐水泥混凝土结构的力学性能提供了关键理论依据。  相似文献   


As a two-dimensional nanomaterial, graphene oxide has attracted much attention for its use in reinforcing cementitious materials. However, the dispersion of graphene oxide in cementitious materials has been found unsatisfactory due to crosslinking of divalent calcium ions. In this study, we propose a modified mixing procedure to improve graphene oxide dispersion in cement mortar by utilizing silica sand to mechanically separate graphene oxide nanosheets. Apart from the improved graphene oxide dispersion, adhesion between sand and cement matrix is also believed to be enhanced due to the improved roughness of the sand surface. According to our mechanical properties study, with the introduction of 0.02% by weight graphene oxide in cement mortar, compressive strength was significantly improved by more than 25% and tensile splitting and flexural strength were improved by around 15%. In a microstructural investigation, the interfacial transition zone in cement mortar was found to be denser due to the addition of graphene oxide. Moreover, graphene oxide incorporated cement mortar also showed pore structure refinement and porosity reduction. Therefore, improvement in mechanical properties may result from an improved interfacial transition zone and a more refined pore structure with the introduction of a small quantity of well-dispersed graphene oxide nanosheets.  相似文献   

In order to use geopolymer mortar as a pavement repair material, a splitting test and a slant shear test are performed to characterize the bond strength of the geopolymer and conventional cement mortar interfaces. Effect of curing time, degradation of the cement mortar under different acid conditions on the bond strength of geopolymer with conventional cement mortar, and comparison of the metakaolin geopolymer with other pavement repair materials are analyzed. It was found that curing time affects the interface bond strength greatly. Metakaolin geopolymer reaches 80% of its 28 day strength in 3 days curing, but shows low strength in 24 h curing. Curing temperature affects the strength of metakaolin geopolymer, however metakaolin geopolymer cured in ambient temperature and the bond strength of 3 days curing through splitting and slant shear tests reaches 3.63 MPa and 16.32 MPa, respectively. Degradation of cement mortar negatively affects the bond strength of geopolymer and conventional cement mortar. Possibility of using metakaolin geopolymer as a repair material is discussed by comparison of this experimental result with these of other repair materials.  相似文献   

This paper investigates properties of calcium aluminate cement (CAC) mortar modified with the styrene–butadiene-rubber (SBR) latex. This material may be advantageously applied as a rapid repair mortar. Mortar specimens were prepared with constant water-to-cement mass ratio; polymer solid content of latex was varied from 0% to 9%, and Li2CO3 was investigated as an accelerator. Specimens were treated at different curing conditions: 1, 7 days and transformation of metastable hydration products at 70 °C. The heat of hydration evolution of mortar specimens was measured by means of a self adopted isoperibol calorimeter.The measurement results indicate that SBR latex improves workability of fresh state mortar and retards nucleation and growth of hydration products. Due to polymer coagulation process and co-matrix formation permeability, stiffness and compressive strength decrease while adhesion strength to old concrete substrate, and flexural strength increase with amount of added latex.  相似文献   

根据聚合物改性砂浆不同的界面破坏形式,提出了表征界面粘接特性的内聚强度和界面结合强度概念,并通过二者的总体宏现效应-粘接强度试验探讨了乙烯-醋酸乙酸共聚物、双级配填料和水泥对砂浆内聚强度和界面结合强度的影响.试验表明,在本试验务件下乙烯-醋酸乙酸共聚物的最佳掺量范围为1.5%~3.5%.当聚合物掺量低于3.5%时,随着聚合物掺量的增加,聚合物改性砂浆的粘接强度增大,破坏形式为内聚破坏;当聚合物掺量高于3.5%时,聚合物改性砂浆界面的结合强度降低,导致粘接强度降低,破坏形式为界面破坏.具有合适配比的双级配填料可增强砂浆粘接强度,但大粒径填料的增加会降低砂浆与基材界面的结合强度,导致砂浆的粘接强度降低,在本试验条件下填料A/填料B的比例取1:2为宜.聚合物改性砂浆的粘接强度随水泥掺量的增加而增大,并在掺量为30%时出现拐点,故在本试验条件下水泥掺量取30%较佳.  相似文献   

A New approach is introduced to incorporate multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in cementitious materials. The MWCNTs are dispersed in styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) matrix before mixing the matrix with cement. Surfactants have been successfully applied to enhance the dispersion and functionalization of MWCNTs in SBR. The significance of using this MWCNTs–SBR nanocomposite on the mechanical characteristics including compressive and tensile strengths and microstructural features of latex modified mortar (LMM) were examined. Subsequently, the significance of the functionalized MWCNTs on surface chemistry, microstructure and thermal stability of SBR were characterized. MWCNTs were found to be a useful additive for enhancing the mechanical response and thermal stability of SBR. MWCNTs–SBR nanocomposite was observed to be able to bridge micro-cracks in the LMM which helped enhancing its mechanical properties. The ability of MWCNTs to enhance the mechanical response of SBR polymer matrix might be attributed to chemical bond that functionalized MWCNTs can establish with the SBR polymer matrix. The enhanced MWCNTs–SBR nanocomposite gave rise to improved microstructural features of the LMM. Microstructural investigations showed MWCNTs were well dispersed in and bonded to the SBR matrix.  相似文献   

The influence of mixing on the microstructure of the cement paste/aggregate bond has been investigated. Back-scattered electron microscopy was used in conjunction with quantitative image analysis to examine the microstructure of the interface between limestone aggregate and the cement matrix in a series of mortars. The distribution of porosity and anhydrous material along the paste/aggregate interface was shown to be dependent upon the relative abundance of water at the aggregate surface during mixing. Improvements in the interfacial microstructure were shown to correlate with improvements in strength and fracture properties. The interfacial zones seen in the limestone mortars were compared with a model interfacial system. A new classification system for two types of interfacial regions in mortar is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of an experimental investigation into the bond behavior between recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) and deformed steel rebars, with the main variables being the recycled coarse aggregate replacement ratio (RCAr) and water-to-cement ratio of the concrete mixture. The investigation into splitting cracking strength indicates that the degradation of the bond splitting tensile stress of the cover concrete was affected by not only the roundness of the coarse aggregate particles but also the weak interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between the cement paste and the RCA that has a more porous structure in the ITZ than normal concrete. In this study, a linear relationship between the bond strength and the density of the RCA was found, but the high compressive strength reduced the effects of the parameters. To predict the bond strength of RAC using the main parameters, a multivariable model was developed using nonlinear regression analysis. It can be inferred from this study that the degradation characteristic of the bond strength of RAC can be predicted well, whereas other empirical equations and code provisions are very conservative.  相似文献   

采用液相高剪切混合、共沉预处理技术改善纤维在橡胶基体中的分散及其界面结合,制备了废丁苯胶乳/废聚酯纤维高强高模复合材料,并系统研究了复合材料的硫化特性、力学性能、动态力学性能和断面微观形貌。结果表明,当纤维的质量分数为60%时,复合材料具有最佳的力学性能,其拉伸强度为23.2 MPa,而未填充纤维的硫化胶强度仅为9.3MPa;同时,室温下材料的储能模量提高了约19倍。  相似文献   

R. Wang  R. Lackner  P.‐M. Wang 《Strain》2011,47(2):117-126
Abstract: In this paper, micro‐mechanical properties of styrene–butadiene rubber (SBR) latex‐modified cement pastes identified by means of the nanoindentation (NI) technique are related to macro‐mechanical properties of SBR latex‐modified mortars obtained from standard test methods, considering an SBR latex/cement ratio varying from 0% to 20%. For this purpose, the average value of the hardness and the so‐called indentation modulus of the different material phases of the cement paste, i.e. calcium–silicate–hydrate (CSH), portlandite, anhydrous cement, etc., obtained from NI are compared with the compressive and flexural strengths, on the one hand, and the dynamic elastic modulus of SBR latex‐modified mortars, on the other hand. This comparison revealed a linear correlation between the dynamic elastic modulus and the indentation modulus and between the compressive strength, flexural strength and hardness. Thus, the obtained results clearly indicate the finer‐scale origin of the macroscopic elastic and strength properties, linking the mechanical properties at the so‐called mortar scale to the cement‐paste scale.  相似文献   

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