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李洁  俞研  吴家顺 《计算机应用》2016,36(5):1246-1249
针对Web客户端中基于文档对象模型的跨站脚本攻击(DOM XSS)漏洞检测问题,提出一种基于动态污点分析的DOM XSS漏洞检测算法。通过构造DOM模型和修改Firefox SpiderMonkey脚本引擎,利用动态的、基于bytecode的污点分析方法实现了DOM XSS漏洞的检测。对DOM对象类属性的扩展和SpiderMonkey字符串编码格式的修改可以完成污点数据标记;遍历JavaScript指令代码bytecode的执行路径,获得污点传播路径,实现污点数据集的生成;监控所有可能会触发DOM XSS攻击的输出点,实现DOM XSS漏洞的判定。在此基础上,利用爬虫程序设计并实现了一个互联网DOM XSS漏洞检测系统。实验结果表明,所提算法能有效检测网页存在的DOM XSS漏洞,其检测率可达92%。  相似文献   

曾祥飞  郭帆  涂风涛 《计算机应用》2015,35(8):2386-2391
Web程序的安全威胁主要是由外部输入未验证引发的安全漏洞,如数据库注入漏洞和跨站脚本漏洞,动态污点分析可有效定位此类漏洞。提出一种基于对象跟踪的动态分析方法,与现有动态方法跟踪字符和字符串对象不同,追踪所有可能被污染的Java对象。方法应用对象哈希值表示污点对象,定义方法节点和方法坐标记录污点传播时的程序位置,支持污点传播路径追踪,针对Java流对象装饰模式提出流家族污点传播分析。方法设计一种语言规范对Java类库中污点传播相关的方法集合以及用户自定义方法建模,按照污点引入、传播、验证和使用,对方法集分类后设计和形式化定义各类方法的污点传播语义。在SOOT平台实现对J2EE源码或字节码插桩框架,使用静态分析计算可达方法集以减少插桩规模,应用原型系统对真实网站的测试结果表明该方法可有效发现注入漏洞。  相似文献   

Web vulnerability scanners (WVSs) are tools that can detect security vulnerabilities in web services. Although both commercial and open-source WVSs exist, their vulnerability detection capability and performance vary. In this article, we report on a comparative study to determine the vulnerability detection capabilities of eight WVSs (both open and commercial) using two vulnerable web applications: WebGoat and Damn vulnerable web application. The eight WVSs studied were: Acunetix; HP WebInspect; IBM AppScan; OWASP ZAP; Skipfish; Arachni; Vega; and Iron WASP. The performance was evaluated using multiple evaluation metrics: precision; recall; Youden index; OWASP web benchmark evaluation; and the web application security scanner evaluation criteria. The experimental results show that, while the commercial scanners are effective in detecting security vulnerabilities, some open-source scanners (such as ZAP and Skipfish) can also be effective. In summary, this study recommends improving the vulnerability detection capabilities of both the open-source and commercial scanners to enhance code coverage and the detection rate, and to reduce the number of false-positives.  相似文献   

Finding security vulnerabilities requires a different mindset than finding general faults in software—thinking like an attacker. Therefore, security engineers looking to prioritize security inspection and testing efforts may be better served by a prediction model that indicates security vulnerabilities rather than faults. At the same time, faults and vulnerabilities have commonalities that may allow development teams to use traditional fault prediction models and metrics for vulnerability prediction. The goal of our study is to determine whether fault prediction models can be used for vulnerability prediction or if specialized vulnerability prediction models should be developed when both models are built with traditional metrics of complexity, code churn, and fault history. We have performed an empirical study on a widely-used, large open source project, the Mozilla Firefox web browser, where 21% of the source code files have faults and only 3% of the files have vulnerabilities. Both the fault prediction model and the vulnerability prediction model provide similar ability in vulnerability prediction across a wide range of classification thresholds. For example, the fault prediction model provided recall of 83% and precision of 11% at classification threshold 0.6 and the vulnerability prediction model provided recall of 83% and precision of 12% at classification threshold 0.5. Our results suggest that fault prediction models based upon traditional metrics can substitute for specialized vulnerability prediction models. However, both fault prediction and vulnerability prediction models require significant improvement to reduce false positives while providing high recall.  相似文献   

Current web applications have many inherent vulnerabilities; in fact, in 2008, over 63% of all documented vulnerabilities are for web applications. While many approaches have been proposed to address various web application vulnerability issues, there has not been a study to investigate whether these vulnerabilities share any common properties. In this paper, we use an approach similar to the Goal-Question-Metric approach to empirically investigate four questions regarding open source web applications vulnerabilities: What proportion of security vulnerabilities in web applications can be considered as implementation vulnerabilities? Are these vulnerabilities the result of interactions between web applications and external systems? What is the proportion of vulnerable lines of code within a web application? Are implementation vulnerabilities caused by implicit or explicit data flows? The results from the investigation show that implementation vulnerabilities dominate. They are caused through interactions between web applications and external systems. Furthermore, these vulnerabilities only contain explicit data flows, and are limited to relatively small sections of the source code.  相似文献   

Context: Static analysis of source code is a scalable method for discovery of software faults and security vulnerabilities. Techniques for static code analysis have matured in the last decade and many tools have been developed to support automatic detection.Objective: This research work is focused on empirical evaluation of the ability of static code analysis tools to detect security vulnerabilities with an objective to better understand their strengths and shortcomings.Method: We conducted an experiment which consisted of using the benchmarking test suite Juliet to evaluate three widely used commercial tools for static code analysis. Using design of experiments approach to conduct the analysis and evaluation and including statistical testing of the results are unique characteristics of this work. In addition to the controlled experiment, the empirical evaluation included case studies based on three open source programs.Results: Our experiment showed that 27% of C/C++ vulnerabilities and 11% of Java vulnerabilities were missed by all three tools. Some vulnerabilities were detected by only one or combination of two tools; 41% of C/C++ and 21% of Java vulnerabilities were detected by all three tools. More importantly, static code analysis tools did not show statistically significant difference in their ability to detect security vulnerabilities for both C/C++ and Java. Interestingly, all tools had median and mean of the per CWE recall values and overall recall across all CWEs close to or below 50%, which indicates comparable or worse performance than random guessing. While for C/C++ vulnerabilities one of the tools had better performance in terms of probability of false alarm than the other two tools, there was no statistically significant difference among tools’ probability of false alarm for Java test cases.Conclusions: Despite recent advances in methods for static code analysis, the state-of-the-art tools are not very effective in detecting security vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

文章针对Web安全漏洞中的SQLI和XSS漏洞,介绍了针对这两种漏洞的防御技术,并提出了一种新型的入侵检测系统.该系统采用Curl类库和Web请求,通过API接口分析和检测来自Web应用程序的交互,利用IDS服务器检测应用程序检测攻击行为,存储入侵记录.该技术最大的优势是跨平台性,可应用于多种Web应用程序.  相似文献   

ContextSecurity vulnerabilities discovered later in the development cycle are more expensive to fix than those discovered early. Therefore, software developers should strive to discover vulnerabilities as early as possible. Unfortunately, the large size of code bases and lack of developer expertise can make discovering software vulnerabilities difficult. A number of vulnerability discovery techniques are available, each with their own strengths.ObjectiveThe objective of this research is to aid in the selection of vulnerability discovery techniques by comparing the vulnerabilities detected by each and comparing their efficiencies.MethodWe conducted three case studies using three electronic health record systems to compare four vulnerability discovery techniques: exploratory manual penetration testing, systematic manual penetration testing, automated penetration testing, and automated static analysis.ResultsIn our case study, we found empirical evidence that no single technique discovered every type of vulnerability. We discovered that the specific set of vulnerabilities identified by one tool was largely orthogonal to that of other tools. Systematic manual penetration testing found the most design flaws, while automated static analysis found the most implementation bugs. The most efficient discovery technique in terms of vulnerabilities discovered per hour was automated penetration testing.ConclusionThe results show that employing a single technique for vulnerability discovery is insufficient for finding all types of vulnerabilities. Each technique identified only a subset of the vulnerabilities, which, for the most part were independent of each other. Our results suggest that in order to discover the greatest variety of vulnerability types, at least systematic manual penetration testing and automated static analysis should be performed.  相似文献   

XSS漏洞普遍存在于当前Web应用中,而且危害极其严重。随着Web2.0的到来,Web应用日趋大型化和复杂化,进一步为web漏洞的滋生提供了温床。针对大型web应用中复杂的数据组织结构,文章提出一种基于动态数据生成缺陷的XSS漏洞挖掘方法,能快速、高效地挖掘出大型Web应用中存在的XSS漏洞。同时,利用这一挖掘方法对web应用中存在的HTTPResponseSplitting漏洞、URLRedirection漏洞进行挖掘分析,都取得了非常显著的效果。  相似文献   

Web应用程序数量多、应用广泛,然而它们却存在各种能被利用的安全漏洞,这当中跨站脚本(XSS)的比例 是最大的。因此为了更好地检测Web应用中的XSS漏洞,提出了一种结合污染传播模型的代码静态分析及净化单元 动态检测的方法,其中包括XSS漏洞所对应的源规则、净化规则和接收规则的定义及净化单元动态检测算法的描述。 分析表明,该方法能有效地发现W cb应用中的XSS漏洞。  相似文献   

Web技术是采用HTTP或HTTPS协议对外提供服务的应用程序,Web应用也逐渐成为软件开发的主流之一,但Web应用中存在的各种安全漏洞也逐渐暴露出来,如SQL注入、XSS漏洞,给人们带来巨大的经济损失.为解决Web网站安全问题,文章通过对Web常用漏洞如SQL注入和XSS的研究,提出了一种新的漏洞检测方法,一种基于漏洞规则库、使用网络爬虫检测SQL注入和XSS的技术.网络爬虫使用HTTP协议和URL链接来遍历获取网页信息,通过得到的网页链接,并逐步读取漏洞规则库里的规则,构造成可检测出漏洞的链接形式,自动对得到的网页链接发起GET请求以及POST请求,这个过程一直重复,直到规则库里的漏洞库全部读取构造完毕,然后继续使用网络爬虫和正则表达式获取网页信息,重复上述过程,这样便实现了检测SQL注入和XSS漏洞的目的.此方法丰富了Web漏洞检测的手段,增加了被检测网页的数量,同时涵盖了HTTP GET和HTTP POST两种请求方式,最后通过实验验证了利用此技术对Web网站进行安全检测的可行性,能够准确检测网站是否含有SQL注入和XSS漏洞.  相似文献   

There are two main kinds of vulnerable web applications, usual applications developed with a specific aim and applications which are vulnerable by design. On one hand, the usual applications are those that are used everywhere and on a daily basis, and where vulnerabilities are detected, and often mended, such as online banking systems, newspaper sites, or any other Web site. On the other hand, vulnerable by design web applications are developed for proper evaluation of web vulnerability scanners and for training in detecting web vulnerabilities. The main drawback of vulnerable by design web applications is that they used to include just a short set of well-known types of vulnerabilities, usually from famous classifications like the OWASP Top Ten. They do not include most of the types of web vulnerabilities. In this paper, an analysis and assessment of vulnerable web applications is conducted in order to select the applications that include the larger set of types of vulnerabilities. Then those applications are enlarged with more types of web vulnerabilities that vulnerable web applications do not include. Lastly, the new vulnerable web applications have been analyzed to check whether web vulnerability scanners are able to detect the new added vulnerabilities, those vulnerabilities that vulnerable by design web applications do not include. The results show that the tools are not very successful in detecting those vulnerabilities, less than well-known vulnerabilities.  相似文献   


XML based attacks are executed in web applications through crafted XML document that forces XML parser to process un-validated documents. This leads to disclosure of sensitive information, malicious code execution and disruption of services. OWASP has included XML based attacks at number four in its top 10 list of vulnerabilities published in 2017. Most of the vulnerabilities reported using the XML document range from high to critical and require to be addressed immediately. As per the National Vulnerability Database, 152 vulnerabilities have already been reported in the first five months of the year 2019. A varied number of XML vulnerabilities and their classification exist but are limited to a specific vulnerability. In this paper, the authors have proposed a classification of XML based vulnerabilities based on exhaustive literature survey. The approach/strategies to mitigate these vulnerabilities are also presented. The work will help the web developers for proposing secure parsers that will thwart such attacks.  相似文献   

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