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改进的自适应遗传算法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Srinvivas等提出一种自适应遗传算法,交叉概率与变异概率能够随着适应度大小而改变。但在这种算法中,群体中最大适应度值的个体的交叉率和变异率为零,这使得进化走向局部最优解的可能性增加。提出了一种改进的自适应遗传算法,使群体中最大适应度值的个体的交叉率和变异率不为零。实验结果表明该算法在抑制“早熟”现象,防止陷入局部最优,提高种群收敛速度方面都有明显的效果。  相似文献   

针对基于行结构的整数编码遗传算法在求解图着色问题时存在的2个主要问题:编码冗余引起的性能下降和遗传算法易“早熟”陷入局部最优,本文给出一种新的适应度值计算函数,能够使遗传算法对冗余编码获得相同的适应度值,从而将冗余编码作为同一编码处理,减少对冗余编码的无效操作,并且在此基础上,设计与适应度函数相适应的遗传算子,这些算子一方面能使遗传算法在前期产生优秀个体并且维护优秀个体对种群进化的引导作用,加速遗传算法的收敛;另一方面能在遗传算法后期对优秀个体进行爬山优化,弱化优秀个体对种群进化的控制作用,使遗传算法能够收敛到全局最优解。实验结果表明,本文的算法能够准确解决图的点着色问题,并且在时间性能上要优于穷举法和基本遗传算法。   相似文献   

针对传统遗传算法在复杂函数优化的寻优搜索中容易陷入局部极值,搜索效率低,不稳定等特点,提出一种改进的自适应遗传算法,该算法的思想是根据进化中种群适应度的集中分散的程度非线性地自适应调节遗传进化的运算流程和交叉概率Pc、变异概率Pm的值,从而能更好地产生新的个体摆脱局部极值搜索到全局最优解,并采取最优保存策略来保证改进的自适应遗传算法的收敛性。仿真实验结果表明,与现存其他算法相比,改进的自适应遗传算法在全局寻优的收敛速度、最优解、求解精度、和稳定性等方面都有了较大的改进和提高。  相似文献   

一种解决早熟收敛的自适应遗传算法设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决简单遗传算法(SimpleGeneticAlgorithm,SGA)易陷入局部最优解的问题,及以往自适应遗传算法只考虑与进化代数相关的交叉与变异概率,而忽略个体分布情况及种群规模不可变等问题,本文在保留以往自适应遗传算法优点的同时,设计了与种群中个体分布相关的可变交叉概率与变异概率。同时考虑了种群规模的波动情况,使算法在相对稳定的动态种群规模中寻找优质解。  相似文献   

基因表达式编程(GEP)是一种基于基因型和表现型的新型遗传算法,目前被广泛应用在函数发现、时间序列预测和分类等领域。传统GEP算法采用轮盘赌方式来选择种群个体,其择优强度过大,易导致个体多样性减弱,产生“近亲繁殖”;种群个体的变异概率固定,变异幅度不能动态地适应每代的进化结果,影响进化效率。针对上述两个缺陷,本文对传统GEP做出两点改进:作者采用混合选择策略,以维持进化过程中个体的多样性,避免“近亲繁殖”;引入动态变异思想,使种群在进化过程中能根据自身适应性的高低来动态调整个体的变异概率,以最大限度地保留高适应度基因片段,消除低适应度基因片段。通过实验,本文验证了两项改进的有效性。  相似文献   

改进梯度算子的小生境遗传算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为避免小生境遗传算法存在的早熟和收敛速度慢等问题,本文提出了一种改进的梯度算子,以保证进化朝最优解方向前进,提高计算峰值的精度。同时,利用进化代数和个体的适应度值,动态调整个体的交叉算子和变异算子,有效保证种群的多样性,改善全局搜索能力,加快收敛速度。将改进的梯度算子引入到基本小生境遗传算法和自适应小生境遗传算法,通过Shubert函数测试,证明本文改进后的算法与基本小生境遗传算法和自适应小生境遗传算法相比,不仅大大提高了收敛速度,并能搜索到所有全局最优解。  相似文献   

为了改善遗传算法的收敛性能,提出了一种基于个体适应度的种群多样性度量函数,恰当地反映了遗传算法的进化阶段,预报了早熟收敛的趋势. 设计了基于种群多样度函数的迁移算子和交叉算子,并对交叉、变异概率等进行了动态调整,构成了具有多层迁移特点的实数编码并行遗传算法. 通过和其他优秀遗传算法对测试函数的验证比较,结果表明,该算法对于解决遗传算法中早熟、收敛速度慢等问题具有优越的性能.  相似文献   

一种基于自主计算的双种群遗传算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
雷振宇  蒋玉明 《计算机工程》2010,36(24):189-191
针对多种群遗传算法在处理复杂多峰函数优化问题时效率低下、容易早熟收敛等缺点,提出一种基于自主计算的双种群遗传算法。双种群包括一个主种群和一个协助种群,协助种群通过系统的内、外监视器动态地向主种群传递优良个体和调整迁移间隔,以帮助主种群进化,并改进适应度函数防止迁移者过早死亡以保持种群多样性。实验结果证明,该算法优于标准遗传算法和双种群的多种群遗传算法。  相似文献   

针对标准量子遗传算法(QGA)在寻找多峰值最优时存在局部寻优能力较差和易早熟的缺陷,提出一种改进量子遗传算法(QQGA),运用基于概率划分的小生境协同进化策略初始化量子种群,并采用动态量子旋转角调整策略来加快收敛速度;加入量子移民和保优选择策略,提高规划效率,避免陷入局部最优。利用复杂二元函数测试改进量子遗传算法,结果比标准量子遗传算法效率高。  相似文献   

针对标准遗传算法优化埋入式电阻热布局存在的过早收敛等问题,通过设计适应度函数、采用模糊逻辑控制器自适应调整交叉概率和变异概率,以及对长时间未进化的种群实施局部灾变等措施维持种群多样性,使算法最终收敛于全局最优解.仿真结果表明,该算法能够更好地抑制早熟收敛,算法优化布局结果的温度分布更平均,并通过热成像仪对实验样件进行温度分布测试验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于捕食搜索策略的遗传算法研究*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对标准遗传算法易陷入局部最优而出现早熟,提出了一种基于捕食搜索策略的遗传算法。该算法在进化中模拟动物捕食搜索的过程,并根据种群中个体最优适应值来动态改变交叉和变异概率,从而加强算法的全局搜索和局部优化的能力。仿真实验表明该算法是有效的。  相似文献   

分析了传统遗传算法作为函数优化器在宏观进化机制上的局限性 ,讨论了群体的可进化性在函数优化中的作用。在此基础上提出在遗传算法中引入适应值激励机制 ,用它来动态地提高群体的可进化性。数值实验表明 ,带有适应值激励机制的改进遗传算法的搜索效率得到很大提高。  相似文献   

多模态函数优化的多种群进化策略   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在一种使用单基因变异、精英繁殖、递减型策略参数的改进进化策略基础上,提出了一种求解多模态函数多个极值点的多种群协同进化策略,并给出了子种群进化概率、停止条件的确定和收敛到极值点的判断条件,在求多极值点的进化算法中,判别两个极值点是同峰还是异峰极值点是一个困难而关键的问题,为此引入了一种新的判别方法——山谷探索法,从而避免了确定小生境单径或峰半径,一组测试函数的仿真计算结果表明了所提出的算法能准确地找到全部极值点.  相似文献   

一种维持种群多样性的遗传算法变异算子的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文针对二进制编码遗传算法中,由于传统变异算子随机地选取基因位置而对搜索全局最优的不利影响,分析了变异位置对种群多样性的影响.提出了一种新的维持种群多样性的变异算子,其变异概率和变异位置由种群基因位的多样度和个体适应度值自适应决定.经变异后优秀的个体得以保存,且在种群中每一基因坐上两种基因的比例控制在期望的范围内.本文最后用实验验证了该算于维持种群多样性的有效性.  相似文献   

An important problem in the study of evolutionary algorithms is how to continuously predict promising solutions while simultaneously escaping from local optima. In this paper, we propose an elitist probability schema (EPS) for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. Our schema is an index of binary strings that expresses the similarity of an elitist population at every string position. EPS expresses the accumulative effect of fitness selection with respect to the coding similarity of the population. For each generation, EPS can quantify the coding similarity of the population objectively and quickly. One of our key innovations is that EPS can continuously predict promising solutions while simultaneously escaping from local optima in most cases. To demonstrate the abilities of the EPS, we designed an elitist probability schema genetic algorithm and an elitist probability schema compact genetic algorithm. These algorithms are estimations of distribution algorithms (EDAs). We provided a fair comparison with the persistent elitist compact genetic algorithm (PeCGA), quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm (QEA), and particle swarm optimization (PSO) for the 0–1 knapsack problem. The proposed algorithms converged quicker than PeCGA, QEA, and PSO, especially for the large knapsack problem. Furthermore, the computation time of the proposed algorithms was less than some EDAs that are based on building explicit probability models, and was approximately the same as QEA and PSO. This is acceptable for evolutionary algorithms, and satisfactory for EDAs. The proposed algorithms are successful with respect to convergence performance and computation time, which implies that EPS is satisfactory.  相似文献   

乔均俭  付君丽  徐雅玲 《微计算机信息》2007,23(18):240-241,192
本文主要介绍了一种新型的、随机性的全局优化方法即遗传算法.一般应用于在一个问题的解集中查找最优解情况,如是一个问题有多个答案,但是想查找一个最优答案的话,那么使用遗传算法可以达到更快更好的效果.即在浮点编码遗传算法中加入一个函数,构成适于不可微函数全局优化的遗传算法.该算法改善了遗传算法的局部搜索能力,显著提高了遗传算法求得全局解的概率.  相似文献   

Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are population based global search methods that can escape from local optima traps and find the global optima regions. However, near the optimum set their intensification process is often inaccurate. This is because the search strategy of GAs is completely probabilistic. With a random search near the optimum sets, there is a small probability to improve current solution. Another drawback of the GAs is genetic drift. The GAs search process is a black box process and no one knows that which region is being searched by the algorithm and it is possible that GAs search only a small region in the feasible space. On the other hand, GAs usually do not use the existing information about the optimality regions in past iterations.In this paper, a new method called SOM-Based Multi-Objective GA (SBMOGA) is proposed to improve the genetic diversity. In SBMOGA, a grid of neurons use the concept of learning rule of Self-Organizing Map (SOM) supporting by Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) learn from genetic algorithm improving both local and global search. SOM is a neural network which is capable of learning and can improve the efficiency of data processing algorithms. The VNS algorithm is developed to enhance the local search efficiency in the Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). The SOM uses a multi-objective learning rule based-on Pareto dominance to train its neurons. The neurons gradually move toward better fitness areas in some trajectories in feasible space. The knowledge of optimum front in past generations is saved in form of trajectories. The final state of the neurons determines a set of new solutions that can be regarded as the probability density distribution function of the high fitness areas in the multi-objective space. The new set of solutions potentially can improve the GAs overall efficiency. In the last section of this paper, the applicability of the proposed algorithm is examined in developing optimal policies for a real world multi-objective multi-reservoir system which is a non-linear, non-convex, multi-objective optimization problem.  相似文献   

基于双指数分布的粒子群算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对标准粒子群算法容易陷入局部最优、收敛精度低的缺点,提出了一种改进的粒子群算法。它用双指数分布改进了速度方程度,并用其动态地调整粒子的最大速度,扩大了群体的多样性,增强了粒子跳出局部最优解的能力,保证了整个寻优过程的持续收敛。通过比较和分析5个典型测试函数的实验结果,改进的粒子群算法提高了迭代后期的收敛速度,有效地避免PSO算法的早熟收敛问题,而且具有较高的收敛精度。  相似文献   

基于Hénon混沌与动态非线性方程的改进粒子群优化算法*   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为解决粒子群优化算法易于陷入局部最优问题,提出了两种新方法并行改进粒子群优化算法惯性权重:对适应度值比平均值差的粒子,用所设计的动态Hénon混沌映射公式调整惯性权重,在复杂多变的环境中逐步摆脱局部最优值,动态寻找全局最优值;对适应度值好于或等于平均值的粒子,用提出的动态非线性方程调整惯性权重,在保存相对有利环境的基础上逐步向全局最优处收敛。两种方法前后相辅相成、动态协调,使两个动态种群相互协作、协同进化。采用不同复杂程度的标准测试函数进行实验,结果发现,该算法在不同情况下都超越了同类著名改进粒子群优化算  相似文献   

As same with many evolutional algorithms, performance of simple PSO depends on its parameters, and it often suffers the problem of being trapped in local optima so as to cause premature convergence. In this paper, an improved particle swarm optimization with decline disturbance index (DDPSO), is proposed to improve the ability of particles to explore the global and local optimization solutions, and to reduce the probability of being trapped into the local optima. The correctness of the modification, which incorporated a decline disturbance index, was proved. The key question why the proposed method can reduce the probability of being trapped in local optima was answered. The modification improves the ability of particles to explore the global and local optimization solutions, and reduces the probability of being trapped into the local optima. Theoretical analysis, which is based on stochastic processes, proves that the trajectory of particle is a Markov processes and DDPSO algorithm converges to the global optimal solution with mean square merit. After the exploration based on DDPSO, neighborhood search strategy is used in a local search and an adaptive meta-Lamarckian strategy is employed to dynamically decide which neighborhood should be selected to stress exploitation in each generation. The multi-objective combination problems with DDPSO for finding the pareto front was presented under certain performance index. Simulation results and comparisons with typical algorithms show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed DDPSO.  相似文献   

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