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图像分割的通用方法一直是图像处理领域中的热点和难点。随着人工智能的兴起和发展,群体智能算法成为当下热点研究的方向,将图像分割技术结合群体智能算法成为一种新型有效的改进方法。群智能算法通过模拟自然界的事物或生物的行动规律,将传统的人工智能和群体生物结合,在解空间中搜索最优解,为解决复杂问题提供了新的解决思路。阐述群体智能算法的研究现状和发展过程,将早期的蚁群算法(Ant Colony Optimization,ACO)、经典的粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,PSO)以及较新的麻雀搜索算法(Sparrow Search Algorithm,SSA)为例详细介绍其算法原理方法,并简要表述蝙蝠算法(Bat Algorithm,BA)、鲸鱼优化算法(Whale Optimization Algorithm,WOA)、人工蜂群算法(Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm,ABC)、萤火虫算法(Firefly Algorithm,FA)、布谷鸟搜索法(Cuckoo Search,CS)、细菌觅食算法(Bacterial Foraging Optimization,BFO)和最新的蜉蝣算法(Mayfly Algorithm,MA)的原理,在此基础上,结合国内外文献对上述算法的改进方法和结合图像分割技术的综合改进及应用进行分析总结。将群体智能算法结合图像分割技术的代表性算法提取出来进行列表分析总结,随后概述总结群体智能算法的统一框架、共同特性、不同的差异并提出存在的问题,最后对未来趋势做出展望。  相似文献   

基于蚁群优化分类规则挖掘的遥感图像分类研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
蚁群优化算法作为群智能理论的主要算法之一,已经成功应用在众多研究领域的优化问题上,但是在遥感数据处理领域还是一个新的研究课题。蚁群优化具有自组织、合作、通信等智能化优点,对数据无需统计分布参数的先验知识,因此在遥感数据处理领域具有很大的潜在优势。介绍了将蚁群优化分类规则挖掘算法应用到遥感图像分类研究领域的理论与算法流程。并采用北京地区的CBERS遥感数据作为实验数据,通过蚁群优化算法构造分类规则,对选择的遥感数据进行了分类实验,并和最大似然分类方法进行对比,实验结果表明,蚁群优化分类规则挖掘算法为遥感图像的分类提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的发展,算法技术也在不断交替更新。近年来,群体智能算法受到了广泛的关注和研究,并在诸如机器学习、过程控制、工程预测等领域取得了进展。群智能优化算法属于生物启发式方法,广泛应用在解决最优化问题上,传统的群智能算法为解决一些实际问题提供了新思路,但是也在一些实验中暴露出不足。近年来,许多学者相继提出了很多新型群智能优化算法,选取了最近几年国内外提出的比较典型的群智能算法,蝙蝠算法(Bat Algorithm,BA)、灰狼优化算法(Grey Wolf Optimization,GWO)、蜻蜓算法(Dragonfly Algorithm,DA)、鲸鱼优化算法(Whale Optimization Algorithm,WOA)、蝗虫优化算法(Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm,GOA)和麻雀搜索算法(Sparrow Search Algorithm,SSA),并进一步通过22个标准的CEC测试函数从收敛速度、精度和稳定性等方面对比了这些算法的实验性能,并对比分析了其相关的改进方法。最后总结了群智能优化算法的特点,探讨了其今后的发展潜力。  相似文献   

基于蚁群优化的分类算法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蚁群优化是人工智能领域中群体智能分支之一,已经成功地应用于旅行推销员,作业调度,路由选择等优化问题上,但用它解决数据挖掘问题还是一个新的研究课题.对Parepinelli等人提出的基于ACO分类算法进行了改进,采用了不同的启发函数和不同的分类条件选择方法,提高了分类准确率及时间效率,并进行了理论分析及实验证明.  相似文献   

Swarm intelligence is a meta-heuristic algorithm which is widely used nowadays for efficient solution of optimization problems. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is one of the most popular types of swarm intelligence algorithm. This paper proposes a new Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm called Starling PSO based on the collective response of starlings. Although PSO performs well in many problems, algorithms in this category lack mechanisms which add diversity to exploration in the search process. Our proposed algorithm introduces a new mechanism into PSO to add diversity, a mechanism which is inspired by the collective response behavior of starlings. This mechanism consists of three major steps: initialization, which prepares alternative populations for the next steps; identifying seven nearest neighbors; and orientation change which adjusts velocity and position of particles based on those neighbors and selects the best alternative. Because of this collective response mechanism, the Starling PSO explores a wider area of the search space and thus avoids suboptimal solutions. We tested the algorithm with commonly used numerical benchmarking functions as well as applying it to a real world application involving data clustering. In these evaluations, we compared Starling PSO with a variety of state of the art algorithms. The results show that Starling PSO improves the performance of the original PSO and yields the optimal solution in many numerical benchmarking experiments. It also gives the best results in almost all clustering experiments.  相似文献   

A survey: algorithms simulating bee swarm intelligence   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Swarm intelligence is an emerging area in the field of optimization and researchers have developed various algorithms by modeling the behaviors of different swarm of animals and insects such as ants, termites, bees, birds, fishes. In 1990s, Ant Colony Optimization based on ant swarm and Particle Swarm Optimization based on bird flocks and fish schools have been introduced and they have been applied to solve optimization problems in various areas within a time of two decade. However, the intelligent behaviors of bee swarm have inspired the researchers especially during the last decade to develop new algorithms. This work presents a survey of the algorithms described based on the intelligence in bee swarms and their applications.  相似文献   

蚁群优化是人工智能领域中群体智能的分支之一,已经成功地应用于旅行推销员、作业调度选择等优化问题上,但用它解决数据挖掘问题还是一个新的研究课题。本文提出一种蚂蚁分类算法Ant_Miner3,并在Web数据挖掘中采用相应的页面优化分类方法,对非结构化数据集的处理进行了相关的研究和优化。经实验验证,该算法能够导出更优更简洁的分类规则。  相似文献   

离群数据挖掘是数据挖掘的重要任务之一。首先分析了离群数据及其挖掘方法,然后根据LF算法和CSI算法,提出了基于群体智能的离群数据挖掘算法,并进行了仿真实验。实验结果显示了基于群体智能的离群数据挖掘算法的有效性。与其它方法相比,该算法避免了用户在设定参数初始值时给算法带来的影响,并且不需要设定初始聚类中心,因此具有更好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Clustering is an important and popular technique in data mining. It partitions a set of objects in such a manner that objects in the same clusters are more similar to each another than objects in the different cluster according to certain predefined criteria. K-means is simple yet an efficient method used in data clustering. However, K-means has a tendency to converge to local optima and depends on initial value of cluster centers. In the past, many heuristic algorithms have been introduced to overcome this local optima problem. Nevertheless, these algorithms too suffer several short-comings. In this paper, we present an efficient hybrid evolutionary data clustering algorithm referred to as K-MCI, whereby, we combine K-means with modified cohort intelligence. Our proposed algorithm is tested on several standard data sets from UCI Machine Learning Repository and its performance is compared with other well-known algorithms such as K-means, K-means++, cohort intelligence (CI), modified cohort intelligence (MCI), genetic algorithm (GA), simulated annealing (SA), tabu search (TS), ant colony optimization (ACO), honey bee mating optimization (HBMO) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). The simulation results are very promising in the terms of quality of solution and convergence speed of algorithm.  相似文献   

QPSO算法优化的非线性观测器设计方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
具有量子行为的粒子群优化算法(Quantum-behavedParticleSwarmOptimization,简称QPSO)是继粒子群优化算法(ParticleSwarmOptimization,简称PSO)后,最新提出的一种新型、高效的进化算法。论文在研究基于PSO算法的非线性观测器基础上,提出了一种基于QPSO算法的非线性观测设计方法。以vanderPol系统为例进行了仿真实验,其基本思想是将非线性连续时间系统的状态估计问题转换为非线性函数的在线优化问题,然后利用PSO或QPSO算法获得系统状态的最优估计。仿真结果显示了基于QPSO算法的非观测器比基于PSO算法的非线性观测器的性能更优越。  相似文献   

粒子群优化算法在关联规则挖掘中的研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关联规则挖掘是数据挖掘中的重要领域,考虑到当前数据的大规模、高维度、模态多样及类型复杂等特性,传统关联规则挖掘算法已无法适应大数据的需求,粒子群优化算法作为一种高效的智能优化算法,为其提供了一种全新的解决方案,近年来被广泛应用于该领域。首先对粒子群优化算法的基本原理及关联规则的基本概念进行了详细介绍,回顾了粒子群优化算法的研究进展,分析了粒子群优化算法在关联规则挖掘中的研究,包括常用的数据转换方法、编码方式及评估指标,并与其他在关联规则挖掘中被广泛应用的算法进行了对比,总结了各自的优缺点及适用场景。然后对已有改进方法进行了较为系统的分类,即分为基于参数、基于变异机制和混合其他算法的改进。接着梳理归纳了粒子群优化算法在关联规则挖掘中的应用领域,阐述了该算法在购物篮、金融、医疗、工业生产及风险评估领域中的应用优势。最后在介绍这一领域的最新研究进展的基础上,通过对现存问题进行分析,讨论了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

This paper aims at multi-objective optimization of single-product for four-echelon supply chain architecture consisting of suppliers, production plants, distribution centers (DCs) and customer zones (CZs). The key design decisions considered are: the number and location of plants in the system, the flow of raw materials from suppliers to plants, the quantity of products to be shipped from plants to DCs, from DCs to CZs so as to minimize the combined facility location and shipment costs subject to a requirement that maximum customer demands be met. To optimize these two objectives simultaneously, four-echelon network model is mathematically represented considering the associated constraints, capacity, production and shipment costs and solved using swarm intelligence based Multi-objective Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization (MOHPSO) algorithm. This evolutionary based algorithm incorporates non-dominated sorting algorithm into particle swarm optimization so as to allow this heuristic to optimize two objective functions simultaneously. This can be used as decision support system for location of facilities, allocation of demand points and monitoring of material flow for four-echelon supply chain network.  相似文献   

Ant Colony Optimization is a swarm intelligence approach that has proved to be useful in solving several classes of discrete and continuous optimization problems. One set, called scheduling problems, is extremely important both to academics and to practitioners. This paper describes how the current literature uses the ACO approach to solve scheduling problems. An analysis of the literature allows one to conclude that ACO is a hugely viable approach to solve scheduling problems. On the basis of the literature review, we were not only able to derive certain guidelines for the implementation of ACO algorithms but also to determine possible directions for future research.  相似文献   

针对软件测试数据的自动生成提出了一种简化的自适应变异的粒子群算法(SAMPSO)。该算法在运行过程中根据群体适应度方差以及当前最优解的大小来确定当前最佳粒子的变异概率,变异操作增强了粒子群优化算法前期全局搜索能力,去掉了粒子群优化(PSO)算法中进化方程的粒子速度项,仅由粒子位置控制进化过程,避免了由粒子速度项引起的粒子发散而导致后期收敛变慢和精度低问题。实验结果表明该算法在测试数据的自动生成上优于基本的粒子群算法,提高了效率。  相似文献   

The firefly algorithm is a recent meta-heuristic inspired from nature. It is based on swarm intelligence of fireflies and generally used for solving continuous optimization problems. This paper proposes a new algorithm called “Quantum-inspired Firefly Algorithm with Particle Swarm Optimization (QIFAPSO)” that among other things, adapts the firefly approach to solve discrete optimization problems. The proposed algorithm uses the basic concepts of quantum computing such as superposition states of Q-bit and quantum measure to ensure a better control of the solutions diversity. Moreover, we use a discrete representation for fireflies and we propose a variant of the well-known Hamming distance to compute the attractiveness between them. Finally, we combine two strategies that cooperate in exploring the search space: the first one is the move of less bright fireflies towards the brighter ones and the second strategy is the PSO movement in which a firefly moves by taking into account its best position as well as the best position of its neighborhood. Of course, these two strategies of fireflies’ movement are adapted to the quantum representation used in the algorithm for potential solutions. In order to validate our idea and show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, we have used the multidimensional knapsack problem which is known as an NP-Complete problem and we have conducted various tests of our algorithm on different instances of this problem. The experimental results of our algorithm are competitive and in most cases are better than that of existing methods.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the basic concept and principles of two simple and powerful swarm intelligence tools: the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO). The adaptive identification of an unknown plant has been formulated as an optimization problem and then solved using the PSO and BFO techniques. Using this new approach efficient identification of complex nonlinear dynamic plants have been carried out through simulation study.  相似文献   

微粒群优化算法是一种新兴的基于群体智能的随机优化算法。该算法概念简单、易于实现,已得到了广泛的研究和应用。文中介绍了PSO的基本原理、算法流程及各种改进算法,然后归纳了PSO算法的应用概况,并就PSO算法进一步的研究工作进行了探讨和展望。  相似文献   

聚类是数据挖掘的主要任务之一,它在知识发现、模式识别、决策支持等方面有着重要应用,聚类挖掘已成为一个非常活跃的研究课题;近年来,基于智能计算的数据挖掘方法研究有了较大进展,机器学习、遗传算法、粒子群优化技术的应用在一定程度上改善和提高了聚类挖掘的性能和效率,但聚类技术仍面临着输入参数对领域知识的依赖性、交互动态性等方面的严峻挑战.  相似文献   

Constrained frequent patterns and closed frequent patterns are two paradigms aimed at reducing the set of extracted patterns to a smaller, more interesting, subset. Although a lot of work has been done with both these paradigms, there is still confusion around the mining problem obtained by joining closed and constrained frequent patterns in a unique framework. In this paper, we shed light on this problem by providing a formal definition and a thorough characterisation. We also study computational issues and show how to combine the most recent results in both paradigms, providing a very efficient algorithm that exploits the two requirements (satisfying constraints and being closed) together at mining time in order to reduce the computation as much as possible. Francesco Bonchi received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Pisa in December 2003, with the thesis “Frequent Pattern Queries: Language and Optimizations”. Currently, he is a postdoc at the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) of the Italian National Research Council in Pisa, where he is a member of the Knowledge Discovery and Delivery Laboratory. He has been a visiting fellow at the Kanwal Rekhi School of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (2000, 2001). His current research interests are data mining query language and Optimization, frequent pattern mining, privacy-preserving data mining, bioinformatics. He is one of the teachers of a course on data mining held at the faculty of Economics at the University of Pisa. He served as a referee at various national and international conferences on databases, data mining, logic programming and artificial intelligence. Claudio Lucchese received the Master Degree in Computer Science summa cum laude from Ca' Foscari University of Venice in October 2003. He is currently a Ph.D. student at the same university and Research Associate at the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) of the Italian National Research Council in Pisa, where he is a member of the High Performance Computing Laboratory. He is mainly interested in frequent pattern mining, privacy-preserving data mining, and data mining techniques for information retrieval.  相似文献   

由于流程挖掘技术的快速发展, 流程挖掘算法种类增加迅速, 已有的算法研究文章介绍已不全面. 针对这一情况对迄今为止的流程挖掘主要算法进行系统性的分析总结. 首先对流程挖掘算法现状进行总体分析, 接着根据算法特性将流程挖掘算法分为传统的流程挖掘算法和基于计算智能和机器学习技术的流程挖掘算法两大类, 简要介绍其中代表性算法...  相似文献   

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