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基于混合粒子群算法的网格任务调度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
减少分布式程序的执行时间是网格调度系统需要解决的重要问题。因分布式程序常建模为DAG图,故该问题又称异构DAG调度问题。在研究网格环境下的任务调度的基础上,提出了一种用于解决DAG任务调度问题的通用混合粒子群优化算法(Common Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization),简称为CHPSO。该算法将问题的解(粒子)表示为任务的调度优先权向量,采用混合粒子群优化算法探索解空间。实验结果表明,在求解不含孤立点的单个DAG调度问题时,该算法所得解的调度长度仅为HEFT的90%~92%,求解质量与PSGA相当;在多张DAG图(含孤立节点)并发执行的网格环境中,该算法的调度性能明显优于PSGA及文中列出的其它演化计算方法。  相似文献   

人工智能的飞速发展对高性能计算提出了更高的要求,异构计算环境下任务调度问题一直是高性能计算中的关键问题.本文提出一种基于优先队列划分的调度算法(PQDSA),该算法根据DAG(有向无循环图)任务集的入口节点数量确定优先队列数,通过任务的通信开销和计算开销划分任务队列,进而将关键节点任务分配给合适的队列,以产生效果较佳的任务调度队列,从而提高任务间的并行性,降低任务集的完工时间.与此同时,进一步基于插入策略将任务调度到处理器上,使任务调度更加高效地执行.PQDSA算法可以减少任务间的时间消耗,提高处理器的调度效率.通过与两个经典算法的性能对比,实验结果表明本文提出的PQDSA算法在任务完工时间和调度效率方面都要明显优于对比的算法.  相似文献   

DAG任务调度是当前研究的热点,DAG任务模型中任务的调度顺序一方面会影响用户服务满意质量,另一方面也会影响云服务资源的利用率,高效的任务调度算法能够使多核处理器的资源分配和并行计算能力更强.表调度算法HEFT算法以及CPOP算法在相关任务调度中存在效率较低等问题.本文基于HEFT算法和CPOP算法,提出了一种相关任务调度模型和相关任务调度算法IHEFT算法,对任务排序和任务调度两个方面进行改进.任务排序阶段,以任务的方差以及平均通信代价作为排序的依据;任务调度阶段,对满足任务复制条件的结点进行任务复制.实验证明,IHEFT算法在任务调度跨度、任务调度平均等待时间以及平均Slack值方面均优于HEFT算法和CPOP算法.  相似文献   

针对异构Hadoop云计算平台的任务调度问题,对Hadoop 推测执行调度和LATE调度方案进行研究,提出一种基于任务进度感知的自适应任务调度方案。首先,根据当前计算节点上的任务进度情况,估计任务近似完成时间(ATE),以此确定掉队者(Straggler)任务。然后,以平均节点任务进度的25%为阈值,将节点分为慢节点和快节点。当Straggler后备任务达到一定阈值时,将其优先分配到快节点中执行。实验结果表明,提出的方案能够为异构Hadoop平台合理分配任务,有效降低了任务完成时间和响应延迟,同时提高了平台吞吐量。  相似文献   

The problem of compile time scheduling of tasks of a program represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) is NP-hard in its general form. A number of approaches have been proposed which attempt to solve the problem either sub-optimally for general cases or optimally for restrictive special cases. But all the compile time approaches suffer due to the inability to accurately model the computation and communication costs of the target architecture. A desirable property of a compile time scheduling algorithm is robustness against the variations in the computation and communication costs so that the run time performance is close to the compile time estimates; this aspect of scheduling has been left open in the literature.This paper first introduces a compile time scheduling algorithm for a variable number of available processors and then examines the impact of change of computation and communication costs on the generated schedule. The cost variations for all the nodes and all the edges are assumed to be uniform (in other words, all the node costs change by the same ratio and the edge costs change by the same ratio). This sort of variations could occur due to the inaccuracies in estimating the instruction execution times or the message passing delays. The ratio of the schedule length obtained by the new schedule based on the modified costs to the schedule length obtained by using the modified costs on the original schedule (obtained by initial costs) is used as a measure of the robustness of the algorithm. The essential conditions for robustness of the proposed algorithm are discussed and are demonstrated through an experimental study.  相似文献   

现代并行系统的复杂调度问题可以转化为Fork-join图的任务调度问题.然而在实际计算环境中,两个处理节点之间的通信大多以独占方式进行,现有的大多数任务调度算法往往忽略了对通信信道独占性的考虑.提出了一种带通信限制的Fork-join图调度算法CCTD.该算法引入了实际环境中的通信独占性限制,同时保证了Fork-join图的基于复制的优化调度,而且尽可能地减少了对处理器占用.实验结果表明,CCTD算法是一种适应性强的、高效的Fork-join图调度算法.  相似文献   

Cloud computing is an Information Technology deployment model established on virtualization. Task scheduling states the set of rules for task allocations to an exact virtual machine in the cloud computing environment. However, task scheduling challenges such as optimal task scheduling performance solutions, are addressed in cloud computing. First, the cloud computing performance due to task scheduling is improved by proposing a Dynamic Weighted Round-Robin algorithm. This recommended DWRR algorithm improves the task scheduling performance by considering resource competencies, task priorities, and length. Second, a heuristic algorithm called Hybrid Particle Swarm Parallel Ant Colony Optimization is proposed to solve the task execution delay problem in DWRR based task scheduling. In the end, a fuzzy logic system is designed for HPSPACO that expands task scheduling in the cloud environment. A fuzzy method is proposed for the inertia weight update of the PSO and pheromone trails update of the PACO. Thus, the proposed Fuzzy Hybrid Particle Swarm Parallel Ant Colony Optimization on cloud computing achieves improved task scheduling by minimizing the execution and waiting time, system throughput, and maximizing resource utilization.  相似文献   

为了优化云工作流调度的经济代价和执行效率,提出一种基于有向无循环图(DAG)分割的工作流调度算法PBWS。以工作流调度效率与代价同步优化为目标,算法将调度求解过程划分为三个阶段进行:工作流DAG结构分割、分割结构调整及资源分配。工作流DAG结构分割阶段在确保任务间执行顺序依赖的同时求解初始的任务分割图;分割结构调整阶段以降低执行跨度为目标,在不同分割间对任务进行重分配;资源分配阶段旨在选择代价最高效的任务与资源映射关系,确保资源的总空闲时间最小。利用五种科学工作流DAG模型对算法进行了仿真实验。结果表明。PBWS算法仅以较小的执行跨度为开销,极大降低了工作流执行代价,实现了调度效率与调度代价的同步优化,其综合性能是优于同类型算法的。  相似文献   

郭雅琼  宋建新 《计算机科学》2015,42(Z11):413-416
云计算的平台优势使得它在多媒体应用中得到广泛使用。由于多媒体服务的多样性和异构性,如何将多媒体任务有效地调度至虚拟机进行处理成为当前多媒体应用的研究重点。对此,研究了云中多媒体最优任务调度问题,首先引入有向无环图来模拟任务中的优先级及任务之间的依赖性,分别对串行、并行、混合结构任务调度模型进行任务调度研究,根据有限资源成本将关键路径中任务节点融合,提出一种实用的启发式近似最优调度方法。实验结果表明,所提调度方法能够以最短的执行时间在有限的资源成本下完成最优的任务分配。  相似文献   

云工作流系统研究集中在工作流任务执行的时间效率优化,然而时间最优的任务调度方案可能存在不同能耗,因此,文中求解满足时间约束时能耗最优的调度方案。首先改进任务执行能耗模型,设计适用于评价任务调度方案执行能耗的适应度计算方法。然后基于精准调整粒子速度的自适应权重,提出解决任务调度能耗优化问题的自适应粒子群算法。实验表明,文中算法收敛稳定,调度方案执行能耗较低。  相似文献   

一种用于网格任务调度的退火进化算法*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对网格环境下具有约束关系的任务调度问题,基于有向无环图DAG(directed acyclic graph)设计了调度模型;提出了一种改进的退火进化算法,对任务的执行次序和资源的具体分配分离编码,给出适应度函数计算方法和算法步骤。最后将算法和传统的遗传算法比较,实验结果显示该算法能获得更好的调度结果。  相似文献   

Task scheduling is a fundamental issue in achieving high efficiency in cloud computing. However, it is a big challenge for efficient scheduling algorithm design and implementation (as general scheduling problem is NP‐complete). Most existing task‐scheduling methods of cloud computing only consider task resource requirements for CPU and memory, without considering bandwidth requirements. In order to obtain better performance, in this paper, we propose a bandwidth‐aware algorithm for divisible task scheduling in cloud‐computing environments. A nonlinear programming model for the divisible task‐scheduling problem under the bounded multi‐port model is presented. By solving this model, the optimized allocation scheme that determines proper number of tasks assigned to each virtual resource node is obtained. On the basis of the optimized allocation scheme, a heuristic algorithm for divisible load scheduling, called bandwidth‐aware task‐scheduling (BATS) algorithm, is proposed. The performance of algorithm is evaluated using CloudSim toolkit. Experimental result shows that, compared with the fair‐based task‐scheduling algorithm, the bandwidth‐only task‐scheduling algorithm, and the computation‐only task‐scheduling algorithm, the proposed algorithm (BATS) has better performance. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对DAG调度算法中采取多次执行后的平均值估算任务的EST值问题,通过对DAG调度中常用的调度算法ETF算法进行分析提出基于扩展的随机DAG的调度方法SETF,给出扩展的随机DAG中节点的EST计算方法,以标准方差和平均值之和的数学期望表示,并以ETF算法为例进行实验模拟。实验结果表明,SETF算法相对于ETF算法,减少并行任务执行时间,并能更精确地预测任务调度的平均执行时间。  相似文献   

陈曦  毛莺池  接青  朱沥沥 《计算机应用》2014,34(11):3069-3072
针对云计算中对关联任务进行调度时出现任务执行延迟的问题,提出了一种基于任务分层和时间约束的关联任务调度(RTS-THTC)算法。该算法采用构建有向无环图(DAG)的方式表示关联任务的执行次序,通过使用对DAG进行分层的方法提高任务的并行性,计算每一层任务的完成时间约束,将每一层中的任务同时调度至具有最小完成时间的资源上。与基于异构环境的最小完成时间(HEFT)算法的对比实验〖BP(〗原文“试验”〖BP)〗结果表明,RTS-THTC算法在完成时间上比HEFT算法短,并且能够有效地减缓关联任务出现延迟的情况。  相似文献   

An efficient method based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) is developed to solve the Multiprocessor Task Scheduling Problem (MPTSP). To efficiently execute parallelized programs on a multiprocessor environment, a scheduling problem must be solved to determine the assignment of tasks to the processors, the execution order of the tasks, and the starting time of each task, such that some optimality criteria are met. The scheduling problem is known as an NP-complete problem even when the target processors are fully connected and no communication delay is considered among the tasks in the task graph. The complexity of the scheduling problem depends on the number of tasks (N), the number of processors (M), the task processing time and the precedence constraints. The Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) was exploited to represent the tasks and their precedence constraints. The proposed algorithm was compared with the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and the Duplication Scheduling Heuristic (DSH). We also provide a systematic investigation on the effect of varying problem settings. The results show that the proposed algorithm could not outperform the DSH while it could outperform the GA in some cases.  相似文献   

Computational grid provides a wide distributed platform for high‐end compute intensive applications. Grid scheduling is often carried out to schedule the submitted jobs on the nodes of the grid so that some characteristic parameter is optimized. Availability of the computational nodes is one of the important characteristic parameters and measures the probability of the node availability for job execution. This paper addresses the availability of the grid computational nodes for the job execution and proposes a model to maximize it. As such, the task scheduling problem in grid is nondeterministic polynomial‐time hard, and often, metaheuristics techniques are applied to solve it. Genetic algorithm, a metaheuristic technique based on evolutionary computation, has been used to solve such complex optimization problem. This work proposes a technique for the grid scheduling problem using genetic algorithm with the objective to maximize availability. Simulation experiment, to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, is conducted, and results reveal the effectiveness of the model. A comparative study has also been performed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

曹洁  曾国荪 《计算机应用》2015,35(3):648-653
云环境中的处理机故障已成为云计算不可忽视的问题,容错成为设计和发展云计算系统的关键需求。针对一些容错调度算法在任务调度过程中调度效率低下以及任务类型单一的问题,提出一种处理机和任务主副版本分组的容错调度方法;并给出了副版本可重叠执行的判定方法,以及任务最坏响应时间的计算公式。通过实验和分析表明,和以前算法相比,将处理机分成两组分别执行任务主版本和任务副版本,减少了任务调度所需进行可调度测试的时间,增加了副版本重叠执行的机会,减少了所需的处理机个数,对提高系统处理机的利用率和容错调度的效率具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Processor specialization has become the development trend of modern processor industry. It is quite possible that this will still be the main-stream in the next decades of semiconductor era. As the diversity of heterogeneous systems grows, organizing computation efficiently on systems with multiple kinds of heterogeneous processors is a challenging problem and will be a normality. In this paper, we analyze some state-of-the-art task scheduling algorithms of heterogeneous computing systems and propose a Degree of Node First (DONF) algorithm for task scheduling of fine-grained parallel programs on heterogeneous systems. The major innovations of DONF include:1) simplifying task priority calculation for directed acyclic graph (DAG) based fine-grained parallel programs which not only reduces the complexity of task selection but also enables the algorithm to solve the scheduling problem for dynamic DAGs; 2) building a novel communication model in the processor selection phase that makes the task scheduling much more efficient. They are achieved by exploring finegrained parallelism via a dataflow program execution model, and validated through experimental results with a selected set of benchmarks. The results on synthesized and real-world application DAGs show a very good performance. The proposed DONF algorithm significantly outperforms all the evaluated state-of-the-art heuristic algorithms in terms of scheduling length ratio (SLR) and efficiency.  相似文献   

任丰玲  于炯  杨兴耀 《计算机工程》2012,38(23):287-290
针对云计算环境下多个有向无环图(DAG)工作流的调度问题,提出一种基于最小化数据传输时间和任务完成时间(LTCT)的算法,用于处理具有相同优先级的多个DAG工作流之间的调度问题。在多个DAG优先级各不相同时的情况下,给出多优先级多DAG的混合调度算法。实验结果表明,LTCT算法较E-Fairness算法在保证多DAG调度公平性的基础上,能避免额外的数据传输开销,有利于缩短整个工作流的执行Makespan,提高资源的利用率。  相似文献   

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