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测试用例优先排序技术能够有效提高回归测试效率,是软件测试的热点研究课题之一。针对基于需求的测试用例优先排序方法可操作性差的问题,提出了一种改进的基于测试点覆盖和离散粒子群优化算法的求解方法(TCP-DPSO)。首先,把影响排序的各种因素分为测试收益型因素和测试成本型因素两大类,通过加权平均的方式进行归一化,得到基于需求的通用测试平均收益率评价指标;然后,利用交换子和基本交换序列定义粒子的位置和速度,借鉴遗传算法(GA)变异策略引入变异算子,采用时变惯性权重调整粒子的探索能力和开发能力,促进可持续进化和逼近优化目标。实验结果表明,TCP-DPSO在最优解质量上与遗传算法相当,大幅优于随机测试,在最优解成功率和平均求解时间上优于遗传算法,具有更好的算法稳定性。  相似文献   

通过利用覆盖数据技术和回归测试集选择技术,提出一种用于回归测试数据验算的筛选方法,该方法通过深度优先遍历程序的相关记录来筛选测试用例,能有效地提高回归测试的准确性,减少回归测试的测试时间和省略无需测试的测试用例,以达到降低回归测试的成本的目的.对顺序、循环和分支3类程序设计了相关的实验,比较了该算法在这3类程序上的使用效果.  相似文献   

基于函数调用路径的回归测试用例选择排序方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对在回归测试过程中,因为不断修复软件中存在的缺陷所造成的测试工作量大、测试效率低等问题,论文将测试用例选择与优先级排序技术相结合,以面向函数调用的路径覆盖生成方法为基础,提出了一种面向函数调用路径(Functions Calling Path, FCP)的测试用例选择与排序方法。首先根据函数调用关系图,对程序中被修改函数与其他函数的关联性进行分析,从初始测试用例集中选择测试用例,形成回归测试用例集;然后对这些测试用例进行优先级排序,并动态地调整优先级排序结果;最后,对优先级排序结果进行再次选择,确定最小的回归测试用例集。实验结果表明,测试用例选择与排序方法对优化回归测试用例是有效的,大大减少了回归测试用例数量,降低了回归测试成本。  相似文献   

基于函数调用路径的测试用例优先级排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于覆盖的优先级排序技术通常以代码覆盖信息作为测试用例的特征加以度量,忽略了其他优先级的影响因素,缺乏全面性和动态性。针对该问题,提出基于函数调用路径的测试用例优先级排序方法。以函数调用路径为基础,通过对源代码新旧版本的对比,分析回归测试影响域,确定回归测试用例集的范围。将测试用例函数调用路径覆盖能力、单元测试时函数中检测出缺陷的个数,以及函数的扇入系数等影响因素应用于优先级排序,确定测试用例优先级量化方法,并在测试执行过程中,通过调整算法实现优先级的动态调整,优化优先级排序。实验结果表明,优先级量化方法能提高测试的缺陷检测率,发现程序中的缺陷,降低测试成本。  相似文献   

申利民  高洁 《计算机工程》2012,38(16):57-60
为缩减测试用例规模及降低回归测试成本,提出一种基于遗传蚁群融合算法的测试用例最小化方法。采用遗传算法进行遗传算子操作,其结果作为蚁群算法的初始信息素分布。使用蚁群算法进行蚂蚁路径转移和信息素的更新,得到最优解。实验结果证明,该方法能有效减小测试用例集规模,缩短运行时间,提高最小化效率。  相似文献   

为使原测试用例集满足软件演化后新版本程序的测试需求,提出一种基于天牛须搜索算法的软件测试数据扩增方法。静态分析新旧版本程序,获取调用图和程序执行信息并得到所需测试的目标方法集,通过计算目标方法包含错误的影响度获得有序目标方法集。根据原测试用例集的覆盖信息选取部分测试用例作为初始的进化种群,基于分支距离和分支嵌套深度设计适应度函数,采用改进的天牛须搜索算法对有序目标方法集实现测试数据扩增。实验结果表明,与基于遗传算法和粒子群优化算法的测试数据扩增方法相比,该方法的测试数据扩增效率约平均提升49.91%和24.76%,且有效降低了回归测试成本。  相似文献   

何智涛 《计算机应用》2014,(Z2):204-207,218
在软件测试实践中,由于受到测试投入时间、投入资金和人力成本的约束,软件测试不可能以无限制投入来获取理想的软件质量。针对测试成本约束下条件下在测试用例集中如何选择测试用例以获取最优软件测试覆盖这样一个具有理论价值和现实意义的问题,提出了综合考虑测试成本、测试用例权重和测试用例相距度三要素的测试用例选择寻优新思路,给出了测试成本约束下测试用例选择寻优问题的形式化描述,提出了基于遗传算法和测试成本约束的测试用例选择寻优算法的两种基本算法,即测试用例权重优先的测试用例选择寻优算法以及集群测试用例优先的测试用例选择寻优算法,并以一个模拟测试用例集合对算法有效性进行了检验,实验结果表明两种测试用例选择寻优算法在测试覆盖效果上均显著优于随机选择算法。  相似文献   

测试用例优先级排序作为一种高效实用的回归测试技术,通常以测试用例的覆盖度作为优先级排序的量化指标,忽略了测试用例的其他测试性能。针对该问题,提出一种基于DU链的测试用例优先级排序算法。该算法 综合考虑 测试用例的DU链覆盖度和回归测试的错误检测能力,对测试用例优先级进行量化。与已有算法相比,该算法基于数据流覆盖,充分利用了测试执行的历史信息和程序模块的耦合信息,在排序过程中动态计算测试用例的优先级量化值。实验结果表明,采用优先级排序算法的测试用例集能在测试过程中以较短的时间发现更多的错误,有效地提高了回归测试的检错效率。  相似文献   

刘音 《计算机仿真》2021,38(2):273-277
由于优先级排序测试效果较差、执行效率低,为此提出基于改进遗传算法的回归测试用例优先级排序方法.通过自然选择与遗传理论作为基本条件,结合群体中染色体任意信息交换机制和生物进化过程内适者生存规则,完成遗传算法,接着引入禁忌搜索方法,增强排序的局部超强搜索能力,然后在回归测试的过程内,利用多个目标函数对回归测试用例优先级排序以及评价,完成回归测试用例优先级排序.实验结果表明,经过时间以及覆盖的角度考察,执行时间较短,平均分支较大,说明该序列优良,本文方法的回归测试效果较好,执行效率高.  相似文献   

基于回归测试的软件测试方法的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为节省回归测试的时间和资源,提出了一种基于回归测试的软件测试方法(Hierarchy-PS-TCP)。该方法首先按照分层程序切片技术搜索程序的不同版本,利用UML类图及顺序图,从而定位不同版本程序间的差别。仅对差别部分生成测试用例集,节省大量开支。再利用优先级技术按照测试用例优先级公式对测试用例划分优先级,根据优先级高低进行排序,按照次序进行回归测试。从而提高了回归测试的效率,有效地缩减了回归测试用例集,同时降低了回归测试的成本。  相似文献   

在采用函数占用(覆盖)的测试代码用例优先级排序过程中,其特征一般是以函数占用代码率信息表示,容易忽视其他优先排序影响因素,对此提出基于函数占用和需求分析的测试代码用例自适应优先排序方式。首先,以测试代码用例优先级排序过程中的调用函数存在路径为参照,利用源代码信息变更影响,进行影响域的回归测试分析,并对测试代码用例集进行回归范围确定。其次,考虑测试代码用例优先级排序的需求影响因素,并确定其需求优先级评价指标,然后与调用函数源代码变更影响指标进行权重自适应融合,并设计基于函数占用和需求分析评价优先级的动态调整算法。最后,通过仿真对比显示,所提方法可提高缺陷检测正确率,降低测试成本。  相似文献   

为了提高回归测试用例集的测试效率和有效性,提出由需求得到回归测试用例排序技术及其实现算法。由需求得到回归测试用例排序技术,将与软件需求相关的需求描述度、需求实现复杂度、需求稳定度和需求覆盖度等因素应用于测试用例排序,以缺陷检测加权平均百分比作为度量标准。通过实验,比较排序后用例和未排序用例缺陷检测情况,实验结果表明该技术排序后的回归测试用例集,能够尽早地发现更多的软件错误,有效提高回归测试效率,保证软件质量。  相似文献   

Software testing is both a time and resource-consuming activity in software development. The most difficult parts of software testing are the generation and prioritization of test data. Principally these two parts are performed manually. Hence introducing an automation approach will significantly reduce the total cost incurred in the software development lifecycle. A number of automatic test case generation (ATCG) and prioritization approaches have been explored. In this paper, we propose two approaches: (1) a pathspecific approach for ATCG using the following metaheuristic techniques: the genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and artificial bee colony optimization (ABC); and (2) a test case prioritization (TCP) approach using PSO. Based on our experimental findings, we conclude that ABC outperforms the GA and PSO-based approaches for ATC.G Moreover, the results for PSO on TCP arguments demonstrate biased applicability for both small and large test suites against random, reverse and unordered prioritization schemes. Therefore, we focus on conducting a comprehensive and exhaustive study of the application of metaheuristic algorithms in solving ATCG and TCP problems in software engineering.  相似文献   

基于成长算子的改进遗传算法及仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模拟生物界成长发育过程,加入成长算子对遗传算法框架进行改进,形成新的算法框架-成长遗传算法(growth GA).该算法能够克服简单遗传算法寻优速度较慢、局部搜索能力较弱的缺点.利用爬山法局部搜索能力强的特点,给出成长算子的一种具体实现,并证明加入成长算子不改变算法收敛性.与简单遗传算法和确定性拥挤遗传算法的对比函数优化实验证明:成长遗传算法有利于兼顾寻优速度和收敛精度.  相似文献   

Selecting a Cost-Effective Test Case Prioritization Technique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regression testing is an expensive testing process used to validate modified software and detect whether new faults have been introduced into previously tested code. To reduce the cost of regression testing, software testers may prioritize their test cases so that those which are more important, by some measure, are run earlier in the regression testing process. One goal of prioritization is to increase a test suite's rate of fault detection. Previous empirical studies have shown that several prioritization techniques can significantly improve rate of fault detection, but these studies have also shown that the effectiveness of these techniques varies considerably across various attributes of the program, test suites, and modifications being considered. This variation makes it difficult for a practitioner to choose an appropriate prioritization technique for a given testing scenario. To address this problem, we analyze the fault detection rates that result from applying several different prioritization techniques to several programs and modified versions. The results of our analyses provide insights into which types of prioritization techniques are and are not appropriate under specific testing scenarios, and the conditions under which they are or are not appropriate. Our analysis approach can also be used by other researchers or practitioners to determine the prioritization techniques appropriate to other workloads.  相似文献   

Refactoring edits are error‐prone, requiring cost‐effective testing. Regression test suites are often used as a safety net for decreasing the chances of behavioural changes. Because of the high costs related to handling massive test suites, prioritization techniques can be applied to reorder test case execution, fostering early fault detection. However, traditional prioritization techniques are not specifically designed for detecting refactoring‐related faults. This article proposes refactoring‐based approach (RBA), a refactoring‐aware strategy for prioritizing regression test cases. RBA reorders an existing test sequence, using a set of proposed refactoring fault models that define the refactoring's impact on program methods. Refactoring‐based approach's evaluation shows that it promotes early detection of refactoring faults and outperforms well‐known prioritization techniques in 71% of the cases. Moreover, it prioritizes fault‐revealing test cases close to one another in 73% of the cases, which can be useful for fault localization. Those findings show that RBA can considerably improve prioritization of test cases during perfective evolution, both by increasing fault‐detection rates as well as by helping to pinpoint defects introduced by an incorrect refactoring. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Software testing is typically used to verify whether the developed software product meets its requirements. From the result of software testing, developers can make an assessment about the quality or the acceptability of developed software. It is noted that during testing, the test case is a pair of input and expected output, and a number of test cases will be executed either sequentially or randomly. The techniques of test case prioritization usually schedule test cases for regression testing in an order that attempts to increase the effectiveness. However, the cost of test cases and the severity of faults are usually varied. In this paper, we propose a method of cost-cognizant test case prioritization based on the use of historical records. We gather the historical records from the latest regression testing and then propose a genetic algorithm to determine the most effective order. Some controlled experiments are performed to evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed method. Evaluation results indicate that our proposed method has improved the fault detection effectiveness. It can also been found that prioritizing test cases based on their historical information can provide high test effectiveness during testing.  相似文献   

Rothermel  G. Elbaum  S. 《Software, IEEE》2003,20(5):74-77
Test case prioritization orders tests so that they help you meet your testing goals earlier during regression testing. Prioritization techniques can, for example, order tests to achieve coverage at the fastest rate possible, exercise features in order of expected frequency of use, or reveal faults as early as possible. We focus on the last goal, which we describe as "increasing a test suite's rate of fault detection" or the speed with which the test suite reveals faults. A faster fault detection rate during regression testing provides earlier feedback on a system under test, supporting earlier strategic decisions about release schedules and letting engineers begin debugging sooner. Also, if testing time is limited or unexpectedly reduced, prioritization increases the chance that testing resources will have been spent as cost effectively as possible in the available time.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法测试用例集极小化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种应用于软件回归测试过程中的基于遗传算法的最小化测试用例集算法模型。该算法针对在软件回归测试过程中,测试套间内的测试用例间往往存在着重复覆盖测试需求的情况,因而测试套间中将存在着大量的冗余测试用例,将测试用例与测试需求之间的覆盖关系模型转化为集覆盖模型。然后利用遗传算法强大的全局搜索能力,优化在极小化的测试用例空间,较低的测试成本条件下,覆盖回归测试需求。并通过对算法的仿真结果进行分析表明,该算法较一般的优优化算法具有更高算法性能与效率。  相似文献   

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