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基于.Net的毕业论文选题系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨凌云 《计算机时代》2010,(3):36-37,41
对学院毕业论文选题、论文指导以及论文备份等工作流程进行了可行性分析,采用ASP.NET语言并结合SQLServer数据库实现了在线毕业论文的选题系统开发,为学生提供了一个完全公正、开放的选题平台,方便了学生与指导教师间的相互交流.提高了教务人员的工作效率。  相似文献   

毕业论文选题是开展论文写作的前提,直接影响论文质量。以2005-2012 届沈阳农业大学土地资源管理专业本科生毕业论 文为研究对象,从论文选题方向、来源和范围分析土地资源管理专业本科毕业论文选题的特点,在总量上看,土地经济及房地产方 向的题目居多,但选题比例出现下降趋势,土地利用工程方向选题增长态势明显。本科毕业论文选题主要来源于教师科研课题,但 结合毕业实习选题是新的增长点。学生选题出现大而广、题目越大越好写的误区。因此,创新本科毕业论文指导机制,培养和提高 论文指导教师的素养,强化学生选题教育和能力培养,鼓励学生在感兴趣的研究方向选题,选题不能过于陈旧或追求热点问题,选 题内容的深度和广度要适宜。  相似文献   

针对当前高等院校学生学位论文写作过程中存在选题与自身学术能力不匹配、论文审阅流程复杂繁冗等问题,经过对高等院校学生学位论文书写流程进行调查分析后,基于微服务架构并使用Spring Cloud、Spring Boot等技术,设计开发一种学位论文写作辅助平台,包括用户登录注册、鉴权认证、数据抓取、选题推荐、论文在线批注、平台运营等功能。经过实际运行后,该平台可通过推荐功能提升选题与自身学术能力的匹配度,实现论文审核流程线上化,提高了学术论文审核效率。  相似文献   

本科生撰写毕业论文是当今高校教育中一个重要的实践环节.但是本科生在毕业论文选题时能力有限,存在选题空泛、缺乏创新、没有实际应用价值等诸多问题.究其根源,有学生自身的原因,也有论文指导教师的原因.本文认为应从打好专业基础、加强兴趣引导、培养学生问题意识和进行 PDCA 循环等方面来强化学生的选题能力,进而提高学生毕业论文的撰写质量.  相似文献   

毕业设计管理系统采用ASP.NET和SQLSEVER.2000数据库技术进行开发,可实现教师上报课题,学生在线选题和与指导教师交流讨论以及时课题、论文、作品的管理等功能。并以WEB页的形式呈现给所有网络用户,具有及时、准确等优点。本文对系统的开发原理、系统的功能和设计方案进行了全面阐述。  相似文献   

高职院校毕业生在大三第二学期初一般都会进行论文的选题。考虑到每位老师的出题数,论题的选择上限,以及学生的实习情况,毕业论文的选题已经不是传统意义上的简单选择而已了,而是得充分利用教师资源,结合学生实际实习情况来合理的进行分析分配选择。本系统采用THINKPHP框架进行开发设计,主要实现教师发布论题,学生选题,管理员进行学生、教师、论题审核以及岗位信息发布管理等主要功能。方便快捷有效的将学生、论文、导师三者最优的结合起来。  相似文献   

传统毕业论文管理工作因学校、指导老师和学生在时空上的冲突而效率低下。该文设计并实现了我校基于B/S模式的集用户统一登录、学生网上选题、论文提交,导师评阅论文、发布公告及用户管理、选题管理等功能于一体的高校毕业论文管理系统。文章重点讨论了主要模块的设计与实现。该系统的成功运行为我校毕业论文管理工作的信息化、规范化提供了保障。  相似文献   

基于Web的毕业论文申报管理系统设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丁华锋  徐军 《福建电脑》2009,25(2):108-109
针对当前本科毕业论文的特点和存在的问题,构建基于Web的毕业论文中报管理系统。系统采用JSP+SQL SERVER2000进行开发,实现了毕业论文题目信息发布、学生选题申报、教师的申报、报表的生成等功能,通过相应的机制对学生的论文申报进行管理控制。  相似文献   

为有效指导计算机专业学生毕业设计的选题,从计算机专业学生毕业设计工作的经验教训出发,对学生在毕业设计选题过程中应当把握的原则进行归纳,并从实用性原则、创造性原则、可行性原则3个方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

杨凌云 《软件导刊》2010,(2):105-106
采用ASP.NET语言并结合简单灵活的SQL-Sever数据库实现在线毕业论文的选题工作,提供学生一个完全公正、开放的选题平台,同时在一定程度上方便了学生与指导教师间的相互交流,提高了教务人员工作效率。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experiment conducted to assess the affects of teaching recursion in two disjoint, non-consecutive units of instruction. One group of students was taught basic and advanced recursion topics in four consecutive class periods, while a second group was taught recursion in two two-period blocks that were separated by several class periods. It was unknown whether the time period separating the presentation of basic and advanced material would benefit, or hinder, student comprehension. Statistical analysis of empirical data indicates that students learning basic and advanced recursion in a consecutive unit of instruction spend less time solving their problems than the students learning the topic in two separated units, while achieving comparable scores.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the effectiveness of a student controlled computer program for high school mathematics based on instruction principles derived from Schoenfeld’s theory of problem solving. The computer program allows students to choose problems and to make use of hints during different episodes of solving problems. Crucial episodes are: analyzing the problem, selecting appropriate mathematical knowledge, making a plan, carrying it out, and checking the answer against the question asked.  相似文献   

毕业设计是本科教学中非常重要的实践教学环节,该文从当前毕业设计选题过程中存在的问题出发,设计和实现了一个基于ASP.NET的毕业设计选题管理系统,对系统的结构、开发环境、主要功能的实现技术等方面进行了阐述,解决了当前高校工科专业本科毕业设计工作在选题阶段存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

智能教学系统中认知型学生模型的建立   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在智能教学以学为主的学习模式中,学生模型是提供真正智能化指导的基础,该文提出在基于网络的智能教学系统中建立认知型学生模型的一种方法,介绍基于这种认知型学生模型的一个基于网络的小学数学智能教学系统,并对该系统的实验结果进行分析。  相似文献   

关联规则在课程相关性模式中的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学分制已成为高等学校教学管理制度发展趋势.在学分制体系下,如何进行教学管理和学生培养成为高校建设的主要问题.本文将Apriori算法应用于高校教务管理信息系统,对学生成绩数据进行分析,探讨了高等学校专业课程间相关性问题,得到了一些合理、可靠的课程关联规则.解释和验证了关联规则结果,针对产生的大量规则引入兴趣度分析,别除了用户不感兴趣的关联规则,从而为学分制体系下的学生选课提供指导.  相似文献   

Bayesian networks are graphical modeling tools that have been proven very powerful in a variety of application contexts. The purpose of this paper is to provide education practitioners with the background and examples needed to understand Bayesian networks and use them to design and implement student models. The student model is the key component of any adaptive tutoring system, as it stores all the information about the student (for example, knowledge, interest, learning styles, etc.) so the tutoring system can use this information to provide personalized instruction. Basic and advanced concepts and techniques are introduced and applied in the context of typical student modeling problems. A repertoire of models of varying complexity is discussed. To illustrate the proposed methodology a Bayesian Student Model for the Simplex algorithm is developed.  相似文献   

为方便教师管理个人教学过程中的消息、资料、作业和成绩等电子信息,设计和开发了一个基于Web的教师个人教学管理系统.它是一个动态、交互的Web服务器端的应用系统,由学生注册管理、消息管理、资源管理、作业管理、问答管理和成绩管理六个模块组成.具有管理教学消息、教学资源、电子作业、交互信息、学生信息以及学习成绩等功能.系统的开发,希望能使教师的个人教学管理工作变得轻松、有序和高效.  相似文献   

Due to limited budgets and manpower, most elementary schools in Taiwan do not plan or provide library instruction for students. Although students can use libraries, they typically lack the knowledge needed to use library resources effectively. Consequently, students have difficulty finding the books they need and can easily become overwhelmed by the massive amount of information in libraries. Computer-assisted instruction for teaching basic library skills to large numbers of students is an appealing method. Particularly, developing augmented reality (AR) technologies for learning have garnered considerable attention in education research. Many researchers and scholars believe that integrating teaching and AR enhances student learning performance and motivation. This work develops an educational AR system based on situated learning theory, and applies innovative augmented reality interactive technology to a library’s learning environment. Student library knowledge can be enhanced via the proposed augmented reality library instruction system (ARLIS). Experimental results demonstrate that student learning performance is improved significantly by using the proposed ARLIS. Moreover, this work demonstrates that using the proposed ARLIS for library instruction results in the same learning performance as conventional librarian instruction and there is no gender difference on learning performance between the proposed ARLIS and conventional librarian instruction. Moreover, the proposed library instruction system overcomes shortcomings of personal teaching skills of librarians that may adversely affect student learning performance by conveying the same learning content to all students. Additionally, the proposed system results in better learning performance for learners with the field-dependent cognitive style than learners with the field-independent cognitive style. Further, the proposed system provides more benefits in terms of library skills of application and comprehension than conventional librarian instruction. Moreover, the learning performance of students is not affected by their gaming skills. Therefore, student gaming skills do not need to be considered when adopting the proposed system in library instruction programs.  相似文献   

首先对网页制作课程的特点进行了介绍,进而介绍了如何提高学生学习网页制作课程的兴趣、多媒体网络教室在网页制作课程中的使用以及如何选择合理的教学内容等,其目的是提高网页制作课程的教学效果。  相似文献   

Decrease in student satisfaction and motivation in flipped classroom (FC) model of instruction is among frequently observed problems. And these problems could reduce the efficiency of FC model. It is believed that the problems related to student satisfaction and motivation in FC model of instruction are related to the e-learning readiness of the students. The purpose of the current study was to explore the impact of the e-learning readiness of the students on student satisfaction and motivation in FC model of instruction. The study was carried out with 236 undergraduate students taking Computing I class taught using FC model of instruction. Data were collected from three self-report instruments: E-learning Readiness Scale (subscales: ‘computer self-efficacy’, ‘internet self-efficacy’, ‘online communication self-efficacy’, ‘self-directed learning’, ‘learner control’ and ‘motivation towards e-learning’), Satisfaction Scale and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. The path analyses with structural equation modelling (SEM) further verified that students' e-learning readiness were related to their satisfaction and motivation while undertaking academic tasks in FC model of instruction. The results of the study indicated that students' e-learning readiness was a significant predictor of their satisfaction and motivation in FC model of instruction. Findings were presented and discussed for future studies and applications.  相似文献   

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