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分析了科研协同平台发展现状,总结了目前三种常见的科研协同平台构建方式,即基于Web2.0的科研协同平台、基于管理流程的科研协同平台、基于文档管理的科研协同平台.常见科研协同平台虽各有特色,但对科研核心活动的协同支持不足.然后探讨了科研协同的概念及类型,设计了基于私有云盘的科研管理流程、科研协同流程,提出了基于私有云盘的科研协同平台的总体架构,并设计了其功能结构.最后对基于私有云盘的科研协同平台的实现及应用进行讨论.基于私有云盘的科研协同平台对于当前高校科研信息化具有很好的支持及借鉴意义.  相似文献   

基于VB技术的科研项目管理系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教学科研项目管理系统是高校科研管理的重要组成部,应用于科研处及各相关业务部门.教学研究项目管理系统包括科研项目申报、在研项目管理、科研成果管理、科研获奖管理、项目经费管理、科研机构管理等.实现教学研究项目从中报到量化统计全过程的计算机化、信息化与网络化.  相似文献   

Scientific research works conducted by researchers spread all over the world in every research field, which are hard to be tracked and quantified. Although there are many research works focused on scientific community discovery and researcher profiling, it is still a big challenge to track the research patterns and assess the research development for an individual researcher or a research group over time. In this study, we seek to model researchers’ scientific activities and quantify their outcome during their research career. A temporal tracking and assessing model is introduced to represent the research development and quantify the scientific outcome for both an individual and a group along the time. Based on our model, a research topic analyzing approach is developed to extract the topics covered by a research group for the research pattern analysis. Furthermore, a latent research pattern discovering approach is proposed to depict how a research group’s research works contributed by its members are discovered and visualized. The effectiveness of our approach is evaluated based on a real academic dataset.  相似文献   

水利信息化是现代信息技术和水利、供排水等多学科交叉的研究领域,正在获得政府水行政主管部门和学术界学者越来越多的重视和关注。研究选取1996—2020 年 CNKI 数据库收录的水利信息化和智慧水务等文献作为样本数据,以 CiteSpace 和 VOSviewer 知识图谱可视化软件为支撑,采用文献计量方法对水利信息化研究群体及历程,以及不同发展阶段的研究热点进行分析。结果表明:水利信息化已初步形成政府机构、科研院所、高校及产业界共同推进和合作研究的局面,研究初具规模,但以理念探讨和定性研究为主,理论和权威性研究成果较少。水利信息化研究自1996年起步,2001—2010 年为信息系统大规模建设与应用阶段,2011 年起开始进入智慧水务研究和建设的新阶段,预计未来在政策引导、技术创新和业务需求“三轮”共同驱动下,研究成果将快速增加,研究手段逐渐从定性描述转向定量研究。  相似文献   

Since the third wave in human–computer interaction (HCI), research on user experience (UX) has gained momentum within the HCI community. The focus has shifted from systematic usability requirements and measures towards guidance on designing for experiences. This is a big change, since design has traditionally not played a large role in HCI research. Yet, the literature addressing this shift in focus is very limited. We believe that the field of UX research can learn from a field where design and experiential aspects have always been important: design research. In this article, we discuss why design is needed in UX research and how research that includes design as a part of research can support and advance UX design practice. We do this by investigating types of design-inclusive UX research and by learning from real-life cases of UX-related design research. We report the results of an interview study with 41 researchers in three academic research units where design research meets UX research. Based on our interview findings, and building on existing literature, we describe the different roles design can play in research projects. We also report how design research results can inform designing for experience methodologically or by providing new knowledge on UX. The results are presented in a structured palette that can help UX researchers reflect and focus more on design in their research projects, thereby tackling experience design challenges in their own research.  相似文献   

This paper discusses why commissioned research is often neglected and misunderstood, as well as how its use can be enhanced. We argue that the lack of use of such research can be attributed to differences in researchers’ and practitioners’ knowledge and expectations regarding research problems, solutions, interpretations, and applications. Two hypotheses are proposed, which link the use of research to cooperation between researchers and users during the production of the research, and to assistance in interpreting and applying the research results. The hypotheses were tested on a sample of 65 buyers of 86 research projects in the seafood industry. The reported findings reveal that collaboration fosters research utilisation, but also that close cooperation between the providers and the users of research may substitute assistance in enhancing research utilisation.  相似文献   

我院关于女性IT教育的研究已经取得了一些成果,日常的教学管理在校园网上也积累了大量可用于女性IT教育研究的数据。如何利用这些信息资源为女性IT教育研究服务,也是我院重要的研究课题。本文针对女性IT教育研究支持系统需求特点,提出了3层结构化的研究支持系统的体系结构,并提出了支持系统数据仓库的设计思路和实现方法。  相似文献   

为了分析我国源地址验证研究领域的研究现状、发展趋势和研究热点,梳理源地址验证研究的发展趋势,以推进国家网络数据可信化传输研究的进一步深入.以中国知网数据库收录的基于源地址验证研究的论文文献为研究的数据来源,应用文献计量学和科学知识图谱两种方法,采用可视化工具CiteSpace对研究样本进行信息统计、共引统计和聚类分析,...  相似文献   

The data systems supporting managed care are not structured to facilitate scientific research. We discuss the different types of research typically done within a managed care setting and the strategies successfully used by an affiliated research foundation to develop a data infrastructure to support a multi-investigator research mission. We describe our path from (1) diverse data systems supporting membership, claims, laboratory and pharmacy functions (2) the development of a corporate data warehouse for reporting and (3) the progression to a research data mart designed specifically to support research. We review the technical and resource issues encountered and how the evolution of the data systems for research paralleled and interacted with the research directions of the foundation.  相似文献   

HCI research has come of age, and now is a good time to reflect upon the HCI research processes that have become established over the years. This paper examines the HCI research process itself with respect to funding opportunities and the methods used for empirical research, assessing in particular the efficacy of standard methods for research dissemination. The focus of the paper is HCI research for older people. The nature of this user group is explored, and Alexandrian patterns are proposed both as a means of dissemination of research results and for strengthening the framework of HCI knowledge.  相似文献   

我院关于女性IT教育的研究已经取得了一些成果,日常的教学管理在校园网上也积累了大量可用于女性IT教育研究的数据.如何利用这些信息资源为女性IT教育研究服务,也是我院重要的研究课题.本文针对女性IT教育研究支持系统需求特点,提出了3层结构化的研究支持系统的体系结构,并提出了支持系统数据仓库的设计思路和实现方法.  相似文献   

In the field of information systems (IS) there is an observable trend towards the use of multi-method research. Using different research methods allows for the cross-validation of data obtained via multiple approaches, with the potential to increase the robustness of research results. Such a multi-method approach is applicable to a comprehensive research agenda on critical success factors, an agenda that needs to take into account not only the identification, but also the analysis and management of critical success factors. The goal of this article is to contribute new knowledge on how to carry out research on critical success factors in IS projects using a multi-method approach. For this purpose, two research projects are presented, each a variation of the research design customized to particular circumstances. First, there is an outline of the research approach taken for a critical success factor research project in the field of portal implementation, with discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the project. Taking into consideration these experiences, the research approach of a similar critical success factor research project in the field of offshore software development is then described. Finally, recommendations for using the multi-method research approach in critical success factor research are presented.  相似文献   

This paper examines the status of information ecology research through studying the published papers on the topic of information ecology included in Social Sciences Citation Index and Science Citation Index database from 1992 to 2013. It applies bibliometrics and knowledge mapping to analyze the changes in the number of published papers as time goes on, in terms of country and geographic area, research topics, research methods, funding sources, hot research spots, and research trends. In addition, this paper summarizes the origin and the evolution of information ecology research and introduces institutions that conduct information ecology research. The results indicate that information ecology is an emerging field with vigorous development in recent years, and information ecology research is a multi-disciplinary subject. The research also reveals that information ecology research mainly focuses on information ecosystems, information ecology in e-commerce, and information ecology in a network. This paper calls for wider and deeper research on information ecology, in order to explore information ecology issues caused by the rapid development of new technologies.  相似文献   

以云环境下的科研管理服务平台建设为研究对象,通过云计算的体系架构搭建具有分布式存储、虚拟化应用的科研管理服务平台,平台用户包括管理员、科研管理服务工作者和科研人员三种用户,平台提供的功能主要包括用户管理、科研管理、科研服务管理、系统管理。服务平台利用HDFS分布式文件系统功能对海量的数据进行处理,通过实践的应用证明了该平台对科研课题的申报和科研统计具有很好的服务能力,极大的提高科研管理服务的效率,推动科研项目成果的转化规范化发展。  相似文献   

城市道路交通系统可靠性研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
总结了目前城市道路交通系统可靠性研究方法的主要特点,介绍了连通可靠性、容量可靠性、行程时间可靠性与出行行为可靠性等几种主要可靠性指标的定义和研究方法,并对各种指标和研究方法进行了比较分析。综述了城市道路交通系统可靠性研究的发展及该领域的一些主要研究成果,讨论了该领域现有研究的局限性,最后结合现有的系统可靠性研究理论,提出了几点进一步深入研究的思路。  相似文献   

主要应用CiteSpace可视化工具,以近16年在恶意代码检测领域的CNKI中文期刊数据和WOS数据为研究对象,基于文献计量内容分析方法系统地回顾了国内外在恶意代码检测领域的关注点、研究脉络的发展规律、存在的共性与差异性和研究现状。通过对比国内外恶意代码检测的研究进展,可以发现目前恶意代码检测的研究处于增长阶段,并且研究主要关注领域为手机客户端和WEB应用安全等。同时,恶意代码检测研究目前存在的典型问题也暴露出来。展望了恶意代码检测研究可能的发展方向,为国内相关的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

民办高校青年教师提升教学与科研能力,关键在于将教学和科研相结合,以“教学带动科研、科研促进教学,教学科研相长”,真正做到教学与科研并重,这样才能培养出一支高素质的民办高校教师队伍。  相似文献   

本文通过分析一个革命性产品的戏剧性失败,得出进行设计前期用户研究的重要性。在用户和相关的市场研究中,需要有设计师参与进来,用设计师独特的观察角度加之人种志的研究方法,这样的设计前期调研,才有可能洞察用户内心的需求,真正的以用户为中心,找到切实可行的设计导则。运用定性研究为主,结合一定的定量研究,即运用人种志的方法。  相似文献   

软件工程经济是近年来出现的崭新的研究方向,是软件工程和经济学相互融合深入的产物。该文从总体上讨论了软件工程经济的概念、软件工程经济在软件产品价值中的关系以及和经济学研究的关系,描述了当前应用的模型分类和具有代表性的模型,以及关于软件工程经济的未来研究内容、研究趋势整体框架和分层结构。  相似文献   

The organizational and social issues associated with the development, implementation and use of computer-based information systems have increasingly attracted the attention of information systems researchers. Interest in qualitative research methods such as action research, case study research and ethnography, which focus on understanding social phenomena in their natural setting, has consequently grown. Case study research is the most widely used qualitative research method in information systems research, and is well suited to understanding the interactions between information technology-related innovations and organizational contexts. Although case study research is useful as a means of studying information systems development and use in the field, there can be practical difficulties associated with attempting to undertake case studies as a rigorous and effective method of research. This paper addresses a number of these difficulties and offers some practical guidelines for successfully completing case study research. The paper focuses on the pragmatics of conducting case study research, and draws from the discussion at a panel session conducted by the authors at the 8th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, September 1997 (ACIS 97), from the authors' practical experiences, and from the case study research literature.  相似文献   

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