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本文在开源(Open Source)项目Jakarta Lucene的基础上,结合多种开源文档格式分析工具,设计和实现了一种可扩展的全文检索框架,该框架可高效地对XML、HTML、MS Word、PDF等格式的文档进行全文检索.整个框架完全基于开源工具包,可以有效地对信息系统的开发进行支持.  相似文献   

jini 《程序员》2005,(7):31-32
1999年,IBM与Novell签订合作协议,成功地提供电子商务的解决方案给予原先使用NetWare的用户。同年更是推出了WebSphere Application Server3.0,并且推出WebSphere Studio与VisualAge for Java让工程师可以快速开发相关的程序。2001年,IBM更是宣布将应用服务器、开发工具整合在一起,与DB2、Tivoli及Lotus结合成为一套共通解决方案,如今、IBM更是并入了Rational Rose(UML tools)让开发流程更是完整化。  相似文献   

基于XML的开放式WebGIS的系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于XML的开放式WebGIS的系统设计是解决传统WebGIS数据共享、服务互操作问题的好方法.本文分析了基于XML的开放式WebGIS系统的设计目标,提出了一个基于XML技术的WebGIS系统设计方案.  相似文献   

"道德底线不似法律底线,没有明文规定,也没有强制性,是相对软性的东西,每个人心中都会有一些自认为神圣庄严的情感或信仰。那么我们只能够将其设定为‘不引起多数人的审美反感’、‘不伤害多数人的情感’、‘不损害多数人的利益’。""互联网拆除的不仅仅是进行表达时所可能遇到的障碍,它还拆除声音达致自己的受众的障碍。"  相似文献   

计算机网络信息安全面临的问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机的广泛应用把人类带入了一个全新的时代,特别是计算机网络的社会化,已经成为了信息时代的主要推动力.目前,全世界的军事、经济、社会、文化各个方面都越来越依赖于计算机网络,人类社会对计算机的依赖程度达到了空前的纪录.由于计算机网络的脆弱性,这种高度的依赖性使国家的经济和国防安全变得十分脆弱,一旦计算机网络受到攻击而不能正常工作,甚至瘫痪,整个社会就会陷入危机.  相似文献   

茶余饭后的人们总是需要谈资的,而需求的力量往往巨大.所以对于"报纸"的发明和"狗仔队"的产生也就很好解释了,说来每年都有些网络大热话题作为热门话题,不过一般都逃不出什么品牌电脑的促销风暴,还有就是什么名流、富豪榜和个人年终奖的猜想.而在2008年,一场发生在著名主持人张斌和胡紫薇间"婚姻事件"  相似文献   

<正>2007年11月1日,美国国家仪器公司(NI)在北京喜来登长城饭店成功举办了测量、控制和设计领域的年度盛会—NIDays 2007,这已经是NI公司连续第9年在中国地区举办这样的行业技术会议了。来自全国范围内各行各业的600多位用户、12家合作伙伴以及十多家媒体  相似文献   

美国阿姆斯壮国际公司(Armstrong Intemational,Inc.)成立于1900年,是一家具有百年历史的国际公司,北京康森阿姆斯壮机械有限公司系中美合资生产型企业,由美国阿姆斯壮国际公司(Armstrong Intemational Inc)和北京拓峰科技开发有限责任公司共同投资建立,目前的北京康森阿姆斯壮继承了母公司的业务,主要从事蒸汽系统节能产品的生产制造,用户遍布全国,覆盖了包括石油、石化、冶金、化工、制药、机械、电子、电力、橡胶、造纸、食品等诸多行业.  相似文献   

5月12日,一场突如其来的大地震袭击了四川省及其周边一些地区,这场大地震,夺去了数万人的生命,也牵动了国家和亿万人民群众的心。灾害发生后,全体中国人民众志成城,在罕见的特大地震面前表现出钢铁般的意志和战胜灾害的决心。党和国家领导人对抗震救灾工作迅速作出重要指示,温家宝总理灾后四个小时,不顾随时可能发生的余震,亲临救  相似文献   

一、传统保存方案的缺陷 传统的工程图样和资料的保存归档形式是通过纸质或胶片的形式进行的,很多企业都用专门的仓库保管这些珍贵的技术资料.这些资料的内容相当广泛,包括机械设计、建筑设计、工程设计、测绘及地图等各行业的信息.资料的介质也有不同的分类,包括硫酸纸、纸质蓝图、白图及胶片等.  相似文献   

This study examined the covariability between interannual changes in the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and actual evapotranspiration (ET). To reduce possible uncertainty in the NDVI time series, two NDVI datasets derived from Pathfinder AVHRR Land (PAL) data and the Global Inventory Monitoring and Modeling Studies (GIMMS) group were used. Analyses were conducted using data over northern Asia from 1982 to 2000. Interannual changes over 19 years in the PAL-NDVI and GIMMS-NDVI were compared with interannual changes in ET estimated from model-assimilated atmospheric data and gridded precipitation data. For both NDVI datasets, the annual maximum correlation with ET occurred in June, which is the beginning of the vegetation growing season. The PAL and GIMMS datasets showed a significant, positive correlation between interannual changes in the NDVI and ET over most of the vegetated land area in June. These results suggest that interannual changes in vegetation activity predominantly control interannual changes in ET in June. Based on analyses of interannual changes in temperature, precipitation, and the NDVI in June, the study area can be roughly divided into two regions, the warmth-dominated northernmost region and the wetness-dominated southern region, indicating that interannual changes in vegetation and the resultant interannual changes in ET are controlled by warmth and wetness in these two regions, respectively.  相似文献   

Archaeological ruins in ancient times can play an important role in studying and restoring the past human activities,as well as understanding regional environmental changes.There were many flourishingly agricultural activities in different historical periods that were developed in ancient Juyan Oasis in the downstream of the Heihe River Basin.A large number of historical ruins that reflect past human activities remained in numerous of the nebkhas and sand dunes.This study combined high-resolution remote sensing images and in situ truths investigated during the fieldwork,certain parts of unknown remnants were identified by the image features of ancient remnants that appear in the remotely sensed data,which were not found in the past field archaeological investigations and unreported in the past public literatures.Most of the unknown remnants that were identified using remote sensing images are distributed in the surroundings of the ancient city sites,including Lvcheng and BJ2008.New findings fill the gaps that the historical remnants were missed during the previous field surveys.  相似文献   

Hotness, weight, fitting problems etc., have been found to be the chief causes of the unpopularity of industrial safety helmets in tropical environments in developing countries (DC). Some selected safety helmets manufactured in industrialized countries (IC) were modified to provide extra head ventilation and to reduce weight, in order to make them more acceptable to users in hot environments. The modified helmets were subjected to ergonomics evaluation both objectively and subjectively in the laboratory (in simulated tropical conditions) as well as in the field situation. There was evidence that white helmets had some advantages in comfort, viz. reduction of hotness, compared to the other colours, e.g. red, green etc., when worn in the presence of radiant heat in the laboratory. Ventilation holes provided at the top of the shell seemed to reduce the greenhouse effect within the helmet shell which therefore felt less uncomfortable than a fully covered helmet. Even with a small reduction of weight, such as 45 g in helmets weighing about 350g, the difference in weight was perceived by the wearers. In adapting helmets made in IC for use in tropical climates, head ventilation and low weight perception are important aspects in comfort which need to be considered. In addition to low cost, a harness material suitable for sweat absorption is required. Adjustability and sizing to fit 90% of the user population also needs to be considered in the design and manufacture of safety helmets for people in DC.  相似文献   

Manufacturing industry is going through a period of unprecedented change as a result of the developments in micro-electronic technology. This is bringing about a transformation not only in hardware, in the form of computer-aided manufacturing, but in the manner in which production is organised and controlled.It is in the latter connection that the present paper sets out to review current developments and future trends. In particular the machine readable bar-code is seen as a key element in extending computerised control to cover not only the machines, but tools, materials and parts and their movement in the development of fully integrated manufacturing systems.As the move towards automation gathers pace it is forecast that manufacturing industry will become more process industry like in form, with consequences for the way in which production is organised and controlled.Finally consideration is given to the manner in which these current developments in the field of production are giving rise to a structural alteration in industrial labour requirements in which, in the future, fewer people will be required but on highly enriched work tasks.  相似文献   

基于因特网环境的CSCW中协同控制的研究,提出一个协同控制机制的概念模式,依此模式发展一个协同控制协议,实际应用于CSCW环境,使得在一个多用户信息共享环境中的群体合作能顺利进行,并增进了CSCW系统的协同程度和确保数据的一致性,发展成为一个可以应用于CSCW环境的协同控制协议.通过对该协同控制模式的研究结果,建立有实际应用目标的CSCW环境,推广到远程协作学习、协同设计、协同会诊、协同创作、群体决策等应用领域.  相似文献   

为准确分析中国地区气溶胶空间分布与时间变化特征规律,首先利用中国地区9个AERONET(Aerosol Robotic Network)地基站点观测资料对新一代静止气象卫星Himawari-8气溶胶光学厚度(Aerosol Optical Depth, AOD)产品数据进行一致性验证,并在此基础上选取2015年7月至2018年4月Himawari-8逐小时AOD数据分析了中国地区气溶胶光学厚度时空变化特征。结果表明:①Himawari-8 AOD与AERONET AOD之间相关性很高,9个站点的相关系数R在0.64 ~ 0.91之间,拟合曲线斜率k的范围为0.57 ~ 0.68。②Himawari AOD产品与AERONET AOD的相关性在中午时段较其他时段相对较低;北方地区Himawari-8 AOD冬季反演效果与夏季相比较差,南方地区则相反。③中国地区年平均AOD呈东高西低分布,春、夏两季AOD明显高于秋、冬两季,其中夏季最高,春季次之;地区间AOD月变化差异也较大;大部分地区AOD日变化呈现先下降后上升再下降的趋势,AOD最高值出现在午后14 ~ 16时,最低值出现在18时。研究结果为了解中国地区大气气溶胶的时空变化规律和全天时的大气污染监测方法提供新的参考。  相似文献   

机器学习算法能够处理高维和多变量数据,并在复杂和动态环境中提取数据中的隐藏关系,在预测性维护技术中具有很好的应用前景。然而,预测性维护系统的性能取决于机器学习算法的选择,对目前应用与预测性维护中的机器学习算法进行综述,详细比较了几种机器学习算法的优缺点,并对机器学习在预测性维护研究中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

Interest in the use of different methodologies, methods and tools for information systems analysis and design has been increasing for the last decade in Finland. This has resulted in the founding of a special interest group in systems analysis and design within the Finnish Data Procesing Association and in its making a survey of the methods and tools in use in Finland in 1980. This survey was in the form of a questionnaire mailed to the company members of the association. The results of the survey show a wide use of different tools in the design and implementation of information systems. In the analysis phase, there seems to be a need for more and better methods and tools. In 1980 several companies began to use new methodologies, methods and tools in the field; the most common are: the Swedish ISAC, Jackson's JSP, and the data dictionary.  相似文献   

HJ-1A/B卫星在干旱应急监测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用我国环境与灾害监测小卫星(HJ-1A/B)的CCD和IRS数据,提出了针对这种新数据源的适用性应用方法,基于成熟应用的植被健康指数,对2010年3月湄公河流域发生的干旱进行应急监测,结果表明湄公河流域大部分区域农田发生干旱,中国无论从旱情发生面积和干旱严重程度上都是最为严重的。着重分析流域上游中国境内的4个水电站的水面和水位的变化信息,探讨对下游干旱的影响,得出上游大坝建设与流域下游干旱并无直接关系的结论。进一步说明了环境与灾害卫星在干旱监测应用中的可行性,将为我国乃至全球决策部门提供辅助支持信息。  相似文献   

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