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通过评议文档与专家库的专家学术专长匹配,可以输出领域相关的候选专家列表,是同行评议中专家遴选和专家推荐的重要参考依据.针对学术专长匹配存在语义鸿沟、无法反映专家和评议文档多源信息间语义关联的问题,首先对专家信息和评议文档的多源信息进行语义特征抽取,融合多类特征进行表示学习,利用卷积神经网络设计专家特征抽取器ExpFeat和评议特征抽取器RevFeat,采用词嵌入方法和注意力机制对专家专长标签、评议文档关键词、学科分类树语义特征进行抽取和融合,生成具有“小同行”特征的专家和评议文档语义特征向量表示,解决多类信息源间不同学术分类标准造成的语义差异,反映内在语义联系,利用低维稠密向量表达语义信息,降低匹配复杂度.然后,根据专家语义特征表示和评议文档语义特征表示进行学术专长语义匹配,将专家和评议文档特征向量映射到相同语义空间,计算向量间余弦相似度衡量语义相似性,引入负例专家进行模型训练,通过softmax函数计算最大化正例专家概率优化特征提取器参数,进一步提升语义差异的捕捉能力,解决专家信息和评议文档之间的语义鸿沟问题,提升专家匹配效果.最后,在开源的论文评审数据集和项目评审数据集上进行了实验...  相似文献   

针对基于公开新闻数据的重大事件趋势预测研究在文本特征提取上语义理解不足问题,提出基于图卷积网络的重大事件趋势预测方法.利用结构化事件信息构建以事件为中心的语义关联图;按时间片粒度分割出局部事件语义关联图,利用预训练词向量对节点文本初始化特征表示;将带有节点特征的局部事件语义关联图输入图卷积网络,聚合节点邻域信息计算图特征表示并输入到分类器,训练预测模型并输出预测结果.以朝鲜核行为趋势预测问题验证所提出方法的有效性,对测试集(2017年3月~2018年3月)预测准确率达到76.92%,全时间段预测准确率为89.58%.预测结果表明,该方法增强了对文本的语义理解,预测精度优于基于专家知识构建特征的方法.  相似文献   

同行评议专家网络评价是根据专家近几年评审过的项目,结合项目立项资助情况和专家的评审结果,对专家的评审质量和能力进行的网上评估,是专家评审结果的科学性和可信度的重要保障。文章提出了影响同行评议专家综合评价的五因素,并基于此模型,开发了同行评议专家网络评价子系统。  相似文献   

现有基于多兴趣框架的序列推荐方法仅从用户近期交互序列中学习得到用户多兴趣表示,忽略了数据集中项目间的关联信息。针对这一问题,提出了一种关联项目增强的多兴趣序列推荐方法IAMIRec(item associations aware multi-interest sequential recommendation method)。首先通过数据集中用户交互序列计算得到项目关联集合和对应的项目关联矩阵,然后根据项目关联矩阵通过多头自注意力机制建模用户的近期交互序列,最后使用多兴趣框架学习得到用户的多个兴趣向量并进行top-N推荐。在三个数据集上对该方法进行了测试与分析,IAMIRec在recall、NDCG(normalized discounted cumulative gain)和hit rate指标上的表现均优于相关方法。实验结果说明 IAMIRec可以实现更优的推荐性能,也表明引入项目关联信息可以有效增强用户的多兴趣表示。  相似文献   

通过基于随机游走的网络表示学习算法得到节点的低维嵌入向量,进而将其应用于推荐系统是推荐领域很流行的研究方向.针对当前基于随机游走的网络表示学习算法仅着重考虑了网络结构特性而忽略文本信息的问题,提出一种关联文本信息的网络表示学习推荐算法.首先在随机游走阶段,考虑到了节点文本间的相似度,联合结构和文本信息对下一游走节点进行筛选;然后在网络表示学习部分融合文本信息,引入注意力矩阵,对文本信息矩阵中的向量进行加权表示;最后将生成的节点向量应用于推荐系统.在实验部分,将所提算法与常见的3种算法在两个数据集上进行对比分析,并对所提算法进行了参数敏感性分析.实验结果表明所提算法在AUC评价指标上的性能优于另外3种算法,可见该算法在个性化推荐中的有效性.  相似文献   

基于知识图谱的推荐可以提高推荐的精确性、多样性和可解释性.结合知识图谱与用户长短期兴趣提出了基于用户长短期兴趣与知识图卷积网络的推荐模型(LSKGCN).在知识图谱推荐算法的基础上提出了将用户长期兴趣偏好与短期兴趣偏好结合的用户表示方法.根据时间筛选近期历史项目并通过知识图卷积网络得到历史项目的向量表示,通过注意力机制得到短期兴趣表示.根据与所有历史项目的最小欧氏距离得到长期兴趣表示.最后在真实数据集MovieLens-20、Amazon Music、Last.FM上进行测试,验证了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

与普通网络相比,超网络具有复杂的元组关系(超边),然而现有的大多数网络表示学习方法并不能捕获元组关系。针对上述问题,提出一种超边约束的异质超网络表示学习方法(HRHC)。首先,引入一种结合团扩展和星型扩展的方法,从而将异质超网络转换为异质网络;其次,引入感知节点语义相关性的元路径游走方法捕获异质节点之间的语义关系;最后,通过超边约束机制捕获节点之间的元组关系,从而获得高质量的节点表示向量。在3个真实世界的超网络数据集上的实验结果表明,对于链接预测任务,所提方法在drug、GPS和MovieLens数据集上都取得了较好的结果;对于超网络重建任务,当超边重建比率大于0.6时,所提方法在drug数据集上的准确性(ACC)优于次优的Hyper2vec(biased 2nd order random walks in Hyper-networks),同时所提方法在GPS数据集上的ACC超过其他基线方法中次优的基于关联图的超边超边约束的异质超网络表示学习方法(HRHC-关联图)15.6个百分点。  相似文献   

现有基于图神经网络的序列推荐模型大多仅关注用户与项目交互的结构性信息,序列偏好的学习仅涉及项目交互顺序,缺乏项目自身的内容信息,并且未有效利用用户信息及挖掘项目之间更深层的语义关系。提出一种知识增强的图神经网络序列推荐模型KGGNN,引入知识图谱,并结合用户交互数据构建协同知识图谱,学习得到项目语义关联辅助信息以及用户关联辅助信息。将交互序列构建成有向序列图,利用门控图神经网络以及用户关联辅助信息学习序列中项目节点的结构性信息。通过注意力机制组合项目向量作为全局序列偏好,将最近交互的项目作为当前兴趣偏好,融合两者形成最终序列偏好,并结合项目语义关联辅助信息进行模型预测。在Amazon-Book、Last-FM、Yelp2018这3个公开数据集上的实验结果表明,辅助信息能有效提升序列推荐的准确性,该模型在命中率(HIT@K)和归一化折损累计增益(NDCG@K)2个指标上相较于GRU4Rec、NARM、SASRec等模型均有显著提升。当评估指标K值选取10时,与KGSR模型相比,其HIT@10指标在3个数据集上分别提升12.9%、4.5%、6.9%,NDCG@10指标在3个数据集上分别提升...  相似文献   

针对传统的基于模型的协同过滤推荐算法未能有效利用用户与项目的属性信息以及用户之间与项目之间的关系结构信息, 本文提出一种基于图注意力网络表示学习的协同过滤推荐算法. 该算法使用知识图谱表示节点的属性特征信息和节点间的关系结构信息, 并在用户和项目的同质网络上进行节点的图注意力网络表示学习, 得到用户和项目的网络嵌入特征表示, 最后构建融合网络嵌入信息的神经矩阵分解模型获得推荐结果. 本文在Movielens数据集上与相关算法进行对比实验, 实验证明该算法能优化模型的推荐性能, 提高推荐的召回率HR@K和归一化折损累计增益NDCG@K.  相似文献   

构建用户—项目交互网络并学习其表征是一种有效的推荐方法。已有的方法大多将交互网络视为静态同质网络,忽略了交互时序性和节点异质性的影响。针对这一问题,提出一种基于动态二分网络表示学习的推荐方法,首先构建时序加权二分网络;然后将用户节点和项目节点分别映射到不同的向量空间以保留网络的异质性,选择图卷积网络来聚合节点的一阶和高阶邻居信息;最后使用多层感知机学习两类节点嵌入的非线性关系并进行top-N推荐。在Amazon和Taobao数据集上的实验结果表明,该方法在HR和NDCG推荐指标上均显著优于相关的基于静态、异质网络表示学习的方法。  相似文献   

A semantic social network-based expert recommender system   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This research work presents a framework to build a hybrid expert recommendation system that integrates the characteristics of content-based recommendation algorithms into a social network-based collaborative filtering system. The proposed method aims at improving the accuracy of recommendation prediction by considering the social aspect of experts’ behaviors. For this purpose, content-based profiles of experts are first constructed by crawling online resources. A semantic kernel is built by using the background knowledge derived from Wikipedia repository. The semantic kernel is employed to enrich the experts’ profiles. Experts’ social communities are detected by applying the social network analysis and using factors such as experience, background, knowledge level, and personal preferences. By this way, hidden social relationships can be discovered among individuals. Identifying communities is used for determining a particular member’s value according to the general pattern behavior of the community that the individual belongs to. Representative members of a community are then identified using the eigenvector centrality measure. Finally, a recommendation is made to relate an information item, for which a user is seeking an expert, to the representatives of the most relevant community. Such a semantic social network-based expert recommendation system can provide benefits to both experts and users if one looks at the recommendation from two perspectives. From the user’s perspective, she/he is provided with a group of experts who can help the user with her/his information needs. From the expert’s perspective she/he has been assigned to work on relevant information items that fall under her/his expertise and interests.  相似文献   

The project review information plays an important role in the recommendation of review experts. In this paper, we aim to determine review expert's rating by using the historical rating records and the final decision results on the previous projects, and by means of some rules, we construct a rating matrix for projects and experts. For the data sparseness problem of the rating matrix and the “cold start” problem of new expert recommendation, we assume that those projects/experts with similar topics have similar feature vectors and propose a review expert collaborative recommendation algorithm based on topic relationship. Firstly, we obtain topics of projects/experts based on latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model, and build the topic relationship network of projects/experts. Then, through the topic relationship between projects/experts, we find a neighbor collection which shares the largest similarity with target project/expert, and integrate the collection into the collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on matrix factorization. Finally, by learning the rating matrix to get feature vectors of the projects and experts, we can predict the ratings that a target project will give candidate review experts, and thus achieve the review expert recommendation. Experiments on real data set show that the proposed method could predict the review expert rating more effectively, and improve the recommendation effect of review experts.   相似文献   

Accelerating the cognitive expertise of professionals is a critical challenge for many organizations. This paper reports a collaborative, longitudinal, academic practitioner project which aimed to elicit, document, and accelerate the cognitive expertise of engineering professionals working with the manufacture and management of petroleum additives. Twenty-five engineering experts were trained by three academic psychologists to use applied cognitive task analysis (ACTA) interview techniques to document the cognition of their expert peers. Results had high face validity for practitioners who elicited hot/sensory-based cognition, a number of perceptual skills and mental models, highlighting undocumented context specific expertise. We conclude from a peer review of findings, combined with experienced CTA analysts that ACTA techniques can be advanced in context by the explicit recognition and development of socio-cognitive competence/insight.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of semantics-based temporal expert finding, which means identifying a person with given expertise for different time periods. For example, many real world applications like reviewer matching for papers and finding hot topics in newswire articles need to consider time dynamics. Intuitively there will be different reviewers and reporters for different topics during different time periods. Traditional approaches used graph-based link structure by using keywords based matching and ignored semantic information, while topic modeling considered semantics-based information without conferences influence (richer text semantics and relationships between authors) and time information simultaneously. Consequently they result in not finding appropriate experts for different time periods. We propose a novel Temporal-Expert-Topic (TET) approach based on Semantics and Temporal Information based Expert Search (STMS) for temporal expert finding, which simultaneously models conferences influence and time information. Consequently, topics (semantically related probabilistic clusters of words) occurrence and correlations change over time, while the meaning of a particular topic almost remains unchanged. By using Bayes Theorem we can obtain topically related experts for different time periods and show how experts’ interests and relationships change over time. Experimental results on scientific literature dataset show that the proposed generalized time topic modeling approach significantly outperformed the non-generalized time topic modeling approaches, due to simultaneously capturing conferences influence with time information.  相似文献   

田保军  刘爽  房建东 《计算机应用》2020,40(7):1901-1907
针对传统的协同过滤算法中数据稀疏和推荐结果不准确的问题,提出了一种基于隐狄利克雷分布(LDA)与卷积神经网络(CNN)的概率矩阵分解推荐模型(LCPMF),该模型综合考虑项目评论文档的主题信息与深层语义信息。首先,分别使用LDA主题模型和文本CNN对项目评论文档建模;然后,获取项目评论文档的显著潜在低维主题信息及全局深层语义信息,从而捕获项目文档的多层次特征表示;最后,将得到的用户和多层次的项目特征融合到概率矩阵分解(PMF)模型中,产生预测评分进行推荐。在真实数据集Movielens 1M、Movielens 10M与Amazon上,将LCPMF与经典的PMF、协同深度学习(CDL)、卷积矩阵因子分解模型(ConvMF)模型进行对比。实验结果表明,相较PMF、CDL、ConvMF模型,所提推荐模型LCPMF的均方根误差(RMSE)和平均绝对误差(MAE)在Movielens 1M数据集上分别降低了6.03%和5.38%、5.12%和4.03%、1.46%和2.00%,在Movielens 10M数据集上分别降低了5.35%和5.67%、2.50%和3.64%、1.75%和1.74%,在Amazon数据集上分别降低17.71%和23.63%、14.92%和17.47%、3.51%和4.87%,验证了所提模型在推荐系统中的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

In the process of Research and Development (R&D) project selection, experts play an important role because their opinions are the foundation on which to judge the potential value of a project. How to assign the most appropriate experts to review project proposals might greatly affect the quality of project selection, which in turn could affect the return on investment of the funding organization. However, in many funding organizations, current approaches to assigning reviewers are still based on simply matching the discipline area of the reviewers with that of the proposal, which could result in poor quality of project selection and poor future financial return. Additionally, these approaches might make it difficult to balance resources and resolve conflicts of interests between reviewers and applicants. Therefore, to overcome these problems, there is an urgent need for a systematic approach to support and automate the reviewer assignment process. This research aims at proposing an intelligent decision support approach for reviewer assignment and developing an Assignment Decision Support System (ADSS). In this approach, heuristic knowledge of expert assignment and techniques of operations research are integrated. The approach uses decision models to determine the best solution of reviewer assignment that maximizes the total expertise level of the reviewers assigned to proposals. It also balances the distribution of proposals at different grades and solves conflicts of interests between reviewers and applicants. Its application in the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the computational results of its effectiveness and efficiency are also described.  相似文献   

设计和实现了一个基于本体的项目和领域专家匹配原型系统。首先在集成基于点和基于边的语义相似度计算方法的基础上,提出一种计算两棵树型概念结构中两个概念节点之间以及两棵树型概念结构之间的语义相似度的方法;然后以项目文档和领域专家文档匹配为实例,按照相似度大小排序,为一个项目选择合适的评审专家。测试结果表明,所提出的方法及实现的系统原型可以在较大程度上拟合人工判断,获得较高的准确率和召回率,为评审项目时选择合适的领域专家提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

随着数据驱动智能技术的快速发展,个性化推荐算法及相关应用成为了研究热点。推荐可视为将用户与物品进行匹配的问题,但用户与物品之间存在的语义差距不便于两者之间的直接匹配。现有的许多基于深度学习的推荐算法采用的思路都是将不同空间中的实体映射到统一潜在语义空间,利用其嵌入表示来进行匹配度计算。随着网络表示学习方法的出现,由于用户和物品的交互可构成二分图,用户和物品的嵌入表示可被视作二分图节点表示,许多基于二分图节点表示的推荐算法被提出,但现有算法仍难以对高阶交互信息进行有效提取。针对这一问题,文中提出了一种基于二分图卷积表示学习的推荐算法BGCRRA(Bipartite Graph Convolution Representation-based Recommendation Algorithm)。该算法首先将用户和物品交互视作二分图,然后通过实现自适应融合多阶、多层次的图卷积模型来对节点进行嵌入表示,最后计算用户和物品的匹配度,并实现推荐。文中在3个公开的数据集上进行对比实验,通过将该算法与当前表现优异的算法进行HR和NDCG(Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain)指标的比较分析,验证了所提推荐算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Assignment of experts to project proposals is a significant task for funding agencies which have to assess the potential value of the research and development (R&D) projects through peer review. The problem is known as reviewer assignment problem and has real-world applications in funding agencies, conferences and research journals. Given a set of experts and a set of proposals; the problem can be defined as assigning the most suitable experts to the proposals under some constraints, which are generally encountered by funding agencies. In this study, a fuzzy model is offered to solve the reviewer assignment problem. The objective of the model is to maximize the total matching degree of assigned experts under some constraints such as cost of forming a panel and the size of a panel. The matching degrees are defined using linguistic variables to denote the expertise of each expert with respect to each proposal. The fuzzy mathematical model, which also takes into account different constraints related to the problem, is solved via the selected fuzzy ranking methods namely; the signed distance method and the method of ranking fuzzy numbers with integral value. The solution of an example problem – inspired from a real-life situation – with both of the mentioned methods revealed the effectiveness of the solution approach. It is believed that the use of the offered fuzzy approach could improve the accuracy of the decisions made by funding agencies.  相似文献   

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