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针对已有的本体映射方法在处理大规模本体映射任务时效率和有效性较低的问题,文中提出了一个基于数据场的本体映射算法.该算法首先使用高效的相似度算法,建立本体中元素对另一本体的初始相关度;然后,利用数据场势函数引入周围本体元素对当前元素的影响,修正初始相关度,并最终确定本体间的相关子本体;最后,利用针对性的方法对上述相关子本体进行更有效的映射.实验结果表明,该算法可以在提高映射结果质量的同时保证较高的映射效率.  相似文献   

为了能够充分地挖掘、分享和重复利用本体中的知识,提出一种基于映射关系的分簇方法,先通过已存在的高质量的本体映射关系,对原本体和目标本体分别进行分簇,再挖掘出实体间潜在的关系。通过实验证明,采用改进的映射方法提高了本体映射的质量,采用具有完善实体关系的映射结果提高了检索系统的准确率和查全率。  相似文献   

针对维英本体共性知识的获取问题,提出一种基于跨语本体重用的快速构建维语领域本体方法。该方法将初始维语本体转换为英语本体,通过本体选择、映射和合并等过程对其丰富,达到一定阈值,转换为维语本体。提出了数据源势、本体势等概念和构建维语本体的数据模型。基于该方法构造了一个旅游领域本体实例,转换率达到78.8%,充分验证了该方法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

在语义数据集成中本体映射是关键,手工设置映射关系不仅消耗时间而且不准确,需要使用本体映射工具自动发现这种映射关系.在现有本体映射方法的基础上提出了基于领域学习的映射发现策略,可以从领域知识中发现复杂映射的规则,增加映射时的实例数据,从而提高映射发现的查全率和准确率;同时利用本体中丰富的语义知识去筛选候选数据,从而降低映射方法的算法复杂度.实验证明该方法是有效的.  相似文献   

利业鞑  庞雄文 《计算机应用》2009,29(7):1981-1984
在语义数据集成中本体映射是关键,手工设置映射关系消耗时间并且不准确,需要使用本体映射工具自动发现这种映射关系。在现有本体映射方法的基础上提出了基于领域学习的映射方法,可以发现本体中概念之间的映射关系,可以从领域知识中发现复杂映射的规则、增加映射时的实例数据,提高映射发现的查全率和准确率。实验结果验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

数据集成的难点是如何解决数据之间的语义异构问题,本文利用本体在语义集成上的优点,提出了一种基于本体语义映射的数据集成框架。根据本体概念的定义及其结构,给出了一种本体语义映射算法,该算法通过属性集合间的比较确定概念语义关系,在计算概念相似度时,考虑了概念名称、概念属性集合和相关概念的语义信息。最后通过概念的属性集映射算法和概念映射算法实现了本体语义映射,从而重点解决了数据集成中的语义映射问题。  相似文献   

基于属性结构的本体映射方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
提出基于本体概念属性结构的本体映射方法。从多角度提取本体属性的描述特征,综合处理本体之间属性的映射,形成2个本体共同的属性结构树。利用属性结构树寻找概念属性的层次关系,以度量本体概念间的语义相似度。实验结果表明,属性结构是影响本体映射的因素之一,该方法有效。  相似文献   

对现有本体映射方法进行比较和分析后,提出了一种基于视图的映射方法。本体视图实际上是对本体的抽取,即本体的一种应用模式。作为对用户知识的反映它不仅增加了本体映射的可理解性和清晰性,同时也简化了用户对信息的检索。通过构造本体视图间的双向映射关系,既保证了信息查找和定位准确、高效,又提高了映射关系的可扩展性,使本体映射更适合动态变化的信息环境。  相似文献   

文中介绍了数据仓库领域一种基于本体的语义集成方法。首先建立领域本体和数据源的局部本体,然后通过局部本体对应的概念树间的映射算法得到数据源全局本体,再和领域本体映射,得到映射关系。最后通过本体推理,得出隐含的语义关系,用最终的语义关系来指导数据抽取、转换和加载过程,实现数据仓库语义程度上的数据集成。  相似文献   

语义网中基于机器学习的本体映射研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本体映射是解决语义网中不同本体间的知识共享和重用问题的有效方法.本论文从解决语义网中本体的各种异构问题出发,同时考虑到目前的本体大多映射效率不高、映射结果不够准确的问题,在对比分析了本体映射各种方法的基础上,重点研究了基于机器学习技术的本体映射机制,提出了一种高效地建立本体映射的方法及系统框架,该方法利用机器学习技术来提高本体映射的自动化程度,利用综合评判技术来修正映射结果,以提高本体映射的准确率.  相似文献   

为了提高本体映射的精度,往往需要考虑1:1,1:n,n:m等多种不同情况。以往的算法主要考虑1:1映射,忽略了同样重要的复合映射问题。损失了映射的精度。针对该问题,提出一个基于多种关系的复合映射发现算法。实验证明,该算法在对复合映射的发现问题上非常有效,提高了映射结果的精度。  相似文献   

针对规模庞大的应用如何在NoC平台上低功耗地运行,本文提出了一种基于改进遗传算法的片上网络低功耗映射方法。该方法利用任务节点的通信权重和映射平台的结构特征,对任务节点进行优先级划分并根据任务节点优先级及其连接关系获取较优初始映射解集。在此基础上,在遗传操作中加入轮盘转赌、最优邻居选择、进化逆转等操作,同时每次迭代中都以一定的概率选择初始解,防止算法停滞。实验结果表明,在相同任务模型和映射平台下,改进遗传算法对比于传统遗传算法和随机映射方法,都大幅度降低了功耗。  相似文献   

随着处理器核数的增加,片上互连网络NoC结构日趋复杂,导致片上互连网络功耗所占的比重和功耗分析的难度也在增加。片上互连网络的任务映射,既要保证多处理器核心之间通信的高性能,又要保证耗费尽可能少的功耗和面积,即在有限的功耗和面积开销下获得较高的性能。在进行任务映射时,核心之间的通信距离是减少任务通信功耗的关键。连续且近凸的区域有助于缩短任务的通信距离。分析了一种功耗最优的片上互连网络启发式映射算法(INC),该算法由区域选择算法和节点映射算法组成。对区域选择算法的2个因子进行了改进,使应用总的通信开销最小化且保证后续应用以很小的通信代价进行区域选择。提出了新的基于选择区域的映射算法。它们在动态到达程序映射问题中的实验结果表明,新的区域选择算法和节点映射算法相比于INC,可以减少12.10%的通信功耗,并且带来11.23%的通信延迟优化。  相似文献   

针对当前克隆谱系的构建方法较为复杂、演化模式亟需扩充等问题,提出了新的克隆代码演化模式,并根据软件版本间的克隆代码映射关系自动构建了克隆谱系。首先,针对软件每一版本进行克隆检测并利用潜在狄利克雷分配(LDA)抽取克隆代码的主题信息;然后,根据克隆代码主题的相似度确定版本间克隆代码的映射关系;进而,根据已有的映射关系为克隆代码添加演化模式并分析演化特征;最终,结合映射信息与演化模式信息完成克隆谱系的构建。针对4款开源软件进行了克隆谱系的构建实验,实验结果表明所提克隆谱系构建方法可行,证实了新提出的演化模式在克隆代码演化过程中确实存在。实验发现约90%的克隆代码在软件演化过程中比较稳定,约67%的克隆群经历的发布版本数不超过发布版本总数的一半。实验结论及理论分析将为克隆代码的后续研究及克隆代码的维护与管理提供有力支持。  相似文献   

The TREES-3 project of the Joint Research Centre aims at assessing tropical forest cover changes for the periods 1990-2000 and 2000-2010 using a sample-based approach. This paper refers to the 1990-2000 assessment. Extracts of Landsat satellite imagery (20 km × 20 km) are analyzed for these reference dates for more than 4000 sample sites distributed systematically across the tropical belt. For the processing and analysis of such a large amount of satellite imagery a robust methodological approach for forest mapping and change detection has been developed. This approach comprises two automated steps of multi-date image segmentation and object-based land cover classification (based on a supervised spectral library), followed by an intense phase of visual control and expert refinement. Image segmentation is done at two spatial scales, introducing the concept of a minimum mapping unit via the automated selection of a site-specific scale parameter. The automated segmentation of land cover polygons and the pre-classification of land cover types mainly aim at avoiding manual delineation and at reducing the efforts of visual interpretation of land cover to a reasonable level, making the analysis of 4000 sample sites feasible. The importance of visual control and correction can be perceived when comparing to the initial automatic classification result: about 20% of the polygon labels were changed through expert knowledge by visual interpretation. The component of visual refinement of the mapping results had also a notable impact on forest area and change estimates: for a set of sample sites in Southeast Asia (~ 90% of all sites of SE-Asia) the rate of change in tree cover (deforestation) was assessed at 0.9% and 1.6% before and after visual control, respectively.  相似文献   

该文标注《世说新语》的篇章结构,据此研究其连接词的显隐、语义及用法。研究发现: 1)隐式关系(3 346,81.4%)多于显式关系(786,18.6%),17类关系仅有三类(假设,选择,让步)显多隐少;2)各类关系的同义连接词种数与使用有差异,其中种数最多36(顺承),最少则无(总分,背景);3)连接词(90种)单义为多(55),多义为少(35),义项最多为八种(“乃”),分布也有差异。对比发现,《世说新语》与同时期《文心雕龙》的连接词使用有一定差异。  相似文献   

针对离散空间的最优化问题,提出了二进制乌鸦算法,并在初始解中利用Chebyshev映射产生两种混沌序列优化乌鸦的初始解,保证个体的初始位置在整个搜索空间均匀分布;然后,为快速有效地求解0-1背包问题,引入贪心修复与优化策略处理非正常编码个体,得到基于混沌理论的二进制乌鸦算法(chaotic binary crow search algorithm,CBCSA)。仿真实验表明,CBCSA具有良好的全局寻优能力和收敛速度,能快速求得最优解,且混沌序列的第一映射方式比第二映射方式性能更佳。  相似文献   

A comparison of the performance of three feature extraction methods was made for mapping forest crown closure (CC) and leaf area index (LAI) with EO-1 Hyperion data. The methods are band selection (SB), principal component analysis (PCA) and wavelet transform (WT). Hyperion data were acquired on October 9, 2001. A total of 38 field measurements of CC and LAI were collected on August 10-11, 2001, at Blodgett Forest Research Station, University of California at Berkeley, USA. The analysis method consists of (1) conducting atmospheric correction with High Accuracy Atmospheric Correction for Hyperspectral Data (HATCH) to retrieve surface reflectance, (2) extracting features with the three methods: SB, PCA and WT, (3) establishing multivariate regression prediction models, (4) predicting and mapping pixel-based CC and LAI values, and (5) validating the CC and LAI mapped results with photo-interpreted CC and LAI values. The experimental results indicate that the energy features extracted by the WT method are the most effective for mapping forest CC and LAI (mapped accuracy (MA) for CC=84.90%, LAI MA=75.39%), followed by the PCA method (CC MA=77.42%, LAI MA=52.36%). The SB method performed the worst (CC MA=57.77%, LAI MA=50.87%).  相似文献   

Biomedical entity alignment, composed of two subtasks: entity identification and entity-concept mapping, is of great research value in biomedical text mining while these techniques are widely used for name entity standardization, information retrieval, knowledge acquisition and ontology construction.Previous works made many efforts on feature engineering to employ feature-basedmodels for entity identification and alignment. However, the models depended on subjective feature selection may suffer error propagation and are not able to utilize the hidden information.With rapid development in healthrelated research, researchers need an effective method to explore the large amount of available biomedical literatures.Therefore, we propose a two-stage entity alignment process, biomedical entity exploring model, to identify biomedical entities and align them to the knowledge base interactively. The model aims to automatically obtain semantic information for extracting biomedical entities and mining semantic relations through the standard biomedical knowledge base. The experiments show that the proposed method achieves better performance on entity alignment. The proposed model dramatically improves the F1 scores of the task by about 4.5% in entity identification and 2.5% in entity-concept mapping.  相似文献   

Network-on-Chip (NoC) has been proposed to replace traditional bus based System-on-Chip (SoC) architecture to address the global communication challenges in nanoscale technologies. A major challenge in NoC based system design is to select Intellectual Property (IP) cores for implementing tasks and associate the selected cores to the routers to optimize cost and performance. These are commonly known as the process of core selection and application mapping respectively. In this paper, integrated core selection and mapping problem has been addressed. Mesh architecture has been considered for experimentation. The integrated core selection and mapping problem takes as input the application task graph, topology graph and a core library. It outputs the selected cores for the tasks and their mapping onto the topology graph, such that, all communication requirements of the application are satisfied. The cores present in a core library may perform more than one task and have non-uniform sizes. For this, a technique based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has been proposed to select cores from the given core library and map the resultant core graph onto mesh based architectures. An efficient heuristic for mapping has also been proposed, which maps the selected cores onto mesh based architectures, considering non-uniform core sizes. Comparisons have been carried out with step-by-step core selection and mapping approach and also with mapping algorithms that exist in the literature. Significant reductions have been observed in terms of communication cost over all the cases. Area comparisons have also been made. On average, improvement of 13.05% in communication cost and 2.07% in area have been observed. The proposed approach has also been compared in dynamic environment and significant reductions in the average network latency could be observed. On average, improvement of 5.48% in average network latency and 15.68% in network throughput has been observed. Comparison of energy consumption has also been done in both the cases.  相似文献   

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