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面向脑外科微创手术的医疗机器人系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
机器人为微创外科手术的实施提供了有利的技术支持。本文针对传统脑外科手术的不足,开发研制了一套机器人辅助脑外科微创手术系统,主要由5自由度机器人、手术规划和导航软件及基于标志点的标定模块组成,其中机器人系统不仅可用于系统标定和导航,而且可作为手术的支撑平台。该系统已应用到临床中,成功完成了大量的微创脑外科手术。  相似文献   

开发了面向全膝关节置换手术的机器人辅助截骨系统,实现了膝关节解剖结构精准建模、术前截骨路径3维规划、图像配准以及术中机器人可视化导航.采用多模态图像融合与主动轮廓模型分割技术实现了包含关节软骨在内的膝关节自动化建模与可视化;在此基础上采用3维交互技术实现截骨路径的术前规划;术中基于自主研发的双目视觉跟踪系统,采集关节骨表面3维点云与术前3维模型进行形状配准,完成图像空间和机器人空间之间的映射;最后通过视觉导航技术引导机器人完成截骨操作.实验结果表明,机器人系统综合定位误差为0.87 mm,截骨操作误差小于1 mm.  相似文献   

机器人技术在中医正骨手术中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王田苗  李伟  刘达  刘敬猛  胡磊  余传仁 《机器人》2003,25(3):255-258
本文介绍了一套自行开发的机器人辅助正骨医疗手术平台系统.系统由计算机辅助 手术规划软件和正骨机器人两大部分组成,其中计算机辅助手术规划软件可以采集患者骨折 处的X光图像,机器人则在医生的控制下完成拉伸牵引、旋转、模拟手法复位等动作,使患 者骨折处闭合复位.本系统能够代替医生在X光辐射环境下进行正骨手术,避免射线对医生 身体的损伤,同时提高了手术效率、手术精度和安全性.系统已成功地应用于临床.  相似文献   

智能机器人三叉神经3D导航技术获准临床应用近日,我国著名疼痛医学专家、全国三叉神经痛研究中心主任彭胜领衔开展的"智能机器人三叉神经3D导航技术"已通过国家医疗器械监管部门批准,正式应用于临床,这标志着我国临床治疗三叉神经痛的学科水平已经迈入"机器人时代"。智能机器人系统是一个庞大复杂的计算机系统,属于国家863计划项目。智能机器人三叉神经3D导航技术"是由北京彭胜医院专家团队基于计算机辅助外科机器人  相似文献   

双平面导航机器人系统在不同骨科适应症中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王豫  贠超  张丰全  杨闯 《机器人》2007,29(3):200-206
从双平面定位算法和模块化导航机器人两方面阐述了双平面导航机器人系统.该系统通过对映射算法和导航机器人结构的调整,来适应不同的骨科适应症.本文从工作空间、投影模型、定位算法、临床实验及评价指标等方面介绍了双平面导航机器人系统在胫骨髓内钉、股骨髓内钉、股骨颈空心钉和骨盆骶髂关节螺钉这四种不同的骨科手术适应症中的应用研究情况.  相似文献   

针对超声导航肝肿瘤消融术的不足之处,研制了辅助微创手术的机器人系统.该系统由机器人本体、磁定位系统、超声图像处理系统、手术规划及人机交互系统组成.辅助机器人系统可协助外科医生精确定位消融针于目标病灶点,提高手术操作的精度和适形消融的能力,减少对医生经验的依赖,从而使超声引导下的肝肿瘤消融治疗建立在更加科学、可控和具有预见性的基础上,促进热消融治疗肿瘤技术在,临床的广泛应用.  相似文献   

随着21世纪医学技术发展,手术机器人已经成为近些年国内外机器人领域的一大热点,骨科1手术机器人更是其中的核心问题。为了解决目前骨科手术机器人中设备结构庞大、难以适用多场景复杂手术的问题,以六自由度机械臂作为研究对象,使用D-H法对机械臂进行数学建模;针对骨科手术的实际需求,使用ROS对单机械臂进行控制;使用串口通信原理,构建出基于包围盒碰撞检测算法和RRT路径规划算法的双机械臂防碰撞系统,并利用该系统完成基于主从协调的策略的跟踪任务。结果表明,该双机械臂防碰撞系统可以有效完成目标任务,这将为之后骨科手术机器人的协同控制研究提供平台。  相似文献   

针对服务机器人服务业务的无监督实现问题,设计并实现了一种基于ROS(机器人操作系统)的智能服务机器人系统。该系统包括管理中心、机器人本体和客户端,采用基于ROS系统的node节点分布式架构。管理中心由服务器组成,管理中心是任务管理与执行调度的核心组成部分,负责对系统内各种资源进行管理和调度,机器人本体使用高性能核心处理器搭载环境传感器,通过基于EKF(扩展卡尔曼滤波)的SLAM算法解决移动机器人导航问题,客户端与机器人本体的信息交互采用基于rosbridge的节点通信技术。机器人系统通过语音交互技术实现了语音自主导航。本设计在实验室环境采用Turtlebot机器人进行实际测试,测试结果表明本方案可以初步实现机器人基础服务场景中的自主定位与导航及语音控制功能。  相似文献   

基于虚拟现实的计算机辅助立体定向神经外科手术系统   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
介绍了一个计算机辅助立体定向神经外科手术系统,该系统基于实时可视化绘制、机器人和虚拟现实技术,辅助医生完成立体定向神经外科手术,系统首先利用患者脑部的扫描数据重构并绘制出患者脑部的三维组织结构,为医生调整和确定手术规划提供参照。系统采用了标记点的校准方法,在手术前和手术中分别进行脑部模型和患者的坐标校准。通过机械臂的导航,使机械壁达到了手术规划规定的位置和姿态,医生利用安装在机械臂上的手术器械完成  相似文献   

靳海洋  邓震  王宇  张朋 《集成技术》2016,5(1):75-84
手术机器人应用于脊柱手术中,辅助医生完成脊柱手术中钉道定位、钻钉道等操作,有助于降低医生工作强度,保证了手术操作的精确性、稳定性和安全性.文章针对椎弓根钉内固定术,设计研制了脊柱手术辅机器人系统RSSS-Ⅱ.首先,从脊柱手术的临床需求出发,充分考虑术中安全性、手术区域覆盖范围、患者术中摆位以及对机器人占地空间等多方面因素,设计六自由度串联式手术机械臂以及力反馈钻骨装置.其次,以椎弓根钉内固定术中准确定位为目的,对机器人导航定位所涉及的关键技术展开研究,构建了图像导航定位系统.最后,通过精度测试实验和离体样本骨实验,对关键技术及系统的精度、安全性等进行原理性验证.实验结果显示,脊柱手术机器人系统RSSS-Ⅱ能满足手术对精度的要求.  相似文献   

基于CAN总线的移动机器人通信系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,对移动机器人的研究已成为热点,尤其是对移动机器人数据通信系统的研究。由于CAN总线技术具有网络功能,因此本文利用CAN总线构建了一个移动机器人的数据通信系统,使得机器人内部可以灵活地挂接多个功能模块。本文所设计的移动机器人具有动作模块、语音交互模块、避障与导航模块等。实验表明利用CAN总线技术可以提升移动机器人数据通信的可靠性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

Supervised Autonomy: A Framework for Human-Robot Systems Development   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper we present a paradigm for robot control, Supervised Autonomy. Supervised Autonomy is a framework, which facilitates the development of human robot systems. The components which this framework embraces has been devised in a human-oriented manner, to augment users in accomplishing their task. The general concept of our paradigm is to incorporate supervisory control with a qualitative approach for the control of robots. Supervisory control does not rely on human users to perform all the basic functions of perception and action in a system. The approach we have taken shifts all basic autonomous functions to the physical robot agent, integrated with a set of qualitative instructions, in combination with a simple graphical user interface, and together with suitable feedback form the complete framework. Experimental results of applying this framework to the use of a mobile robot teleoperation system are presented. The system we have developed make extensive use of behavior-based control technology, embracing a number of real-time visual behaviours, together with a set of intuitive instructions designed for the navigation of a mobile robot.  相似文献   

针对脊柱手术中的椎弓根钉内固定术,为克服医生操作手术时定位精度难以保证、长时间手术易疲劳等问题,设计了一套脊柱手术机器人系统用于辅助实施椎弓根钉内固定术。机器人为5自由度,充分考虑手术机器人对安全性和工作空间有效覆盖的要求,进行了构型设计,并完成了相应的机器人运动学分析。控制系统是由图像导航下的主动控制和基于力传感器的被动拖拽控制两个模式进行控制。主动控制下,医生通过导航系统提供最优钉道的精确位置信息,机器人根据医生的规划路径自主到达手术点;被动力拖拽控制基于导纳控制原理对医生作用在机器人末端执行器的操作力进行映射,并以此形成跟随拖动动作的机器人运动控制指令。针对力拖拽控制的实验验证了机器人在被动拖拽控制模式下能够柔顺地跟踪医生的操作动作。  相似文献   

We have developed a technology for a robot that uses an indoor navigation system based on visual methods to provide the required autonomy. For robots to run autonomously, it is extremely important that they are able to recognize the surrounding environment and their current location. Because it was not necessary to use plural external world sensors, we built a navigation system in our test environment that reduced the burden of information processing mainly by using sight information from a monocular camera. In addition, we used only natural landmarks such as walls, because we assumed that the environment was a human one. In this article we discuss and explain two modules: a self-position recognition system and an obstacle recognition system. In both systems, the recognition is based on image processing of the sight information provided by the robot’s camera. In addition, in order to provide autonomy for the robot, we use an encoder and information from a two-dimensional space map given beforehand. Here, we explain the navigation system that integrates these two modules. We applied this system to a robot in an indoor environment and evaluated its performance, and in a discussion of our experimental results we consider the resulting problems.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on comprehensive application of artificial intelligence robots for community-based leisure interaction. We propose a multiple-layer perceptron network to design and implement the intelligent interactive home robot system, which includes establishment of an environment map, autonomous navigation, obstacle-avoidance control and human–machine interaction, to complete the positioning and perception functions required by the robot in the home environment. With this system, community residents use an interactive interface to manipulate robots remotely and create an environmental map. In order for the robot to adapt in this changing environment, the robot needs to have a completely autonomous navigation and obstacle-avoidance-control system. In this study, a long-distance obstacle-avoidance fuzzy system and a short-distance anti-fall obstacle-avoidance fuzzy system were used to enable the robot to accommodate unforeseen changes. This technology proved itself capable of navigating a home environment, ensuring that the robot could instantaneously dodge nearby obstacles and correcting the robot’s path of travel. At the same time, it could prevent the robot from falling off a high dropping point and thereby effectively control the robot’s movement trajectory. After combining the above-mentioned multi-sensor and image recognition functions, the intelligent interactive home robot showed that it clearly has the ability to integrate vision, perception and interaction, and we were able to verify that the robot has the necessary adaptability in changing environments and that the design of such interactive robots can be an asset in the home.


Role of laser sensor systems in automation and flexible manufacturing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New industries and production plants require a flexible system, which is capable of picking up objects of various shapes, weights, and colors with arbitrary position and orientation. Such a system also needs recognition and guiding sub-systems. The recognition system includes target function for the recognition sub-system and relation between object characteristics and recognition target. The laser sensor system can be used for such object recognition. Wire-based telemetry and control systems can cause many problems in shop floors and factories, and so there has been a strong growth of interest in wireless guidance like vehicles equipped with laser guiding and navigation systems. For the continuous measurements of parameters such as temperature, etc. optical laser sensor technology seems to become more applicable at this stage. This article describes the operational principles and the use of the most advanced laser sensor systems for quantity measurements, guiding, navigation, pattern recognition, and vision systems for inspection purposes. A variety of laser-based sensors, which can be used as sensing devices in manufacturing, and production technology, are described in this study. Adaptive cruise control systems that can be used in automobile industry to monitor distance and speed are described in this report. As a typical example, the principal operation of a laser guided mobile robot using a laser navigation system is also described.  相似文献   

Mandibular reconstruction is an extremely complex and high-risk surgery. The aim of the study was to integrate robotics technology into mandibular reconstruction surgery as it can reduce surgeons’ workload and improve the accuracy and quality of the surgery. In this study, we first introduced a mandibular reconstruction surgery robotic system, which includes integrated surgery planning, an optical navigation system, and a robot-assisted operation. Second, we addressed novel mandibular reconstruction surgery that is aided by a multi-arm robot with an optical navigation system. Finally, we conducted an accuracy test, a skull model experiment, and an animal experiment to evaluate the robotic system. Experiments showed that the robot’s mean placement error was 1.0205 mm, which was acceptable for clinical application. We will continue to study this point, however, and plan to reduce the error eventually to 1.00 mm. The robot ran smoothly and accurately. It was also able to perform fibular segment implantation, positioning, and auxiliary fixation during mandibular reconstruction surgery.  相似文献   

基于多Agent的移动机器人导航进化控制的体系结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将进化控制与多Agent技术相结合,兼顾几种经典体系结构的优点,提出了一种基于多Agent的移动机器人导航进化控制的体系结构.该体系结构特别适合于网络环境下的机器人系统,能充分发挥进化控制隐含并行性的优点.最后,结合其所在研究所实验室的条件,设计出以该体系结构为基础机器人系统实现方案.  相似文献   

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