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网络教育游戏的特点 网络游戏是基于现代互联网络的一种游戏,具有娱乐性、趣味性等特点。网络游戏从一产生就受到了游戏爱好者特别是青少年的青睐,成为人们一种新的休闲娱乐方式。而把相关学科知识和生活百科常识等融入到游戏中,让青少年在休闲娱乐的同时轻松掌握或复习巩固知识,就是网络教育游戏的特点。这为实现真正意义上的寓教于乐提供了可能。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于游戏闯关教学模式:将课程知识融入到闯关式的游戏场景中,学生通过独立自主的游戏闯关完成课程学习,并获得综合客观的成绩评估。阐述了游戏闯关教学模式的基本理念,并详细讨论了具体的方案设计,通过分析得出该教学模式具有优势的结论。  相似文献   

游戏化学习理念是将游戏与教学有机结合,使得学生能够在一种轻松愉快的环境下学习知识,这种理念的应用能够有效提高学生的学习水平和效率。而翻转课堂教学则是对传统教学中知识传授和内化的一种改革,通过不同阶段教学方法等的应用来改变学生的学习习惯、优化其知识结构,为学生自主学习能力的提升奠定良好的基础。以课堂教学环节的设计和科学应用将游戏化学习理念应用于翻转课堂教学中,促使学生改变其观念,能够更好的投入到学习中,提高课堂教学的效率并保证教学目标的实现。  相似文献   

本文主要论述了一个用Java程序实现的一个小游戏,即魔方游戏。由于这个游戏设计简单,比较适合我们这一知识层次的人编写,并且编写出的游戏非常有内涵,有可玩性,针对人群非常广泛,是一种智力开发游戏,对游戏爱好者来说比较适合。  相似文献   

陈铁明  江颉  黄洪 《计算机时代》2012,(3):54-55,58
提出了一种基于闯关游戏式的课程教学考核方法:将课程知识融入到闯关式的游戏场景中,学生通过独立自主的游戏闯关完成课程考核,并获得综合客观的成绩评估。阐述了闯关游戏式考核的基本理念,并详细讨论了具体的方案设计,通过分析得出该考核方法具有优势的结论。  相似文献   

以音视频系统为例,设计制作出一款基于音视频系统的学习型卡牌游戏,游戏将Unity 3D游戏引擎作为开发工具,C sharp作为开发语言。游戏中使用了UGUI绘制主菜单及相关界面,以不同Button按钮实现不同界面和不同场景之间的切换,编辑不同动画及音效,为玩家营造一种欢快、轻松的游戏环境。通过卡牌游戏学习知识,相较于一般单纯的课本学习,能够有效提高人们的学习效率,增强学习热情和主动性。  相似文献   

在化学教学中加入脑筋急转弯之类的游戏很受学生欢迎。若在游戏中附带相关的化学知识解释与拓展,让学生在喜闻乐见的游戏中思考、分析答案,对培养学生学习化学的兴趣,巩固学生所学知识,锻炼学生发现信息、挖  相似文献   

一种游戏化教学设计模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机以及网络的普及,游戏已经成为目前一种流行的娱乐学习方式.游戏与教育的结合带给教育新的改变,越来越为人们所接受.文中在分析游戏应用于教学的优势和一般教学模式后,提出了一种游戏化教学的教学设计模式,融合游戏设计的关卡设计艺术和教学的一般设计模式,利用游戏关卡的形式增强学生学习乐趣和合作学习的精神,减轻学生的心理压力与焦虑感,提高学生的身心活力,文中将其应用在小学数学教学当中.让小学生在通过游戏关卡的同时实现对知识的了解.  相似文献   

教学改革进程在高等职业教育中不断地推进和深入,网络信息更以音速状的突飞发展,使新一代特别是90后的年青人绝大部分成为"网络人",成为游历网络游戏的"宠儿"。游戏式教学方式是基于网络平台,将课程教学以模拟游戏方式,由知识点组合成游戏模块,学习时间和学习成果成为学习者的能量和武器,学习游历过程是经验值的积累过程,具有一定的知识武器和经验值后,游戏者可以闯关斩将。游戏者在闯关斩将过程中不断提升级别,课程知识点完全整合在游戏中,当游戏者闯过所有关卡,则本课程顺利通过。这种教学方式能适应当下青少年的个性发展,适应"网络人"在网游中学习;游戏式教学方式在高职或中职教学上应能成为一种趋势。  相似文献   

当前,对网络教育游戏的研究已经成为热点。但许多实践者认为,只要把一定的教学知识点和游戏元素简单嫁接,就可以形成一款教育游戏。事实上,教育游戏绝不是教育软件与娱乐游戏的简单叠加,而应该是教育与游戏从根本上进行结合的产物。本文从游戏与学习两个角度出发,深入分析学生参与角色扮演型教育游戏的内在动机,寻求让学生在教育游戏中潜移默化地获取知识的最佳结合点。  相似文献   

Consciousness, Agents and the Knowledge Game   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper has three goals. The first is to introduce the “knowledge game”, a new, simple and yet powerful tool for analysing some intriguing philosophical questions. The second is to apply the knowledge game as an informative test to discriminate between conscious (human) and conscious-less agents (zombies and robots), depending on which version of the game they can win. And the third is to use a version of the knowledge game to provide an answer to Dretske’s question “how do you know you are not a zombie?”.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate multiple aspects of a problem-solving-based educational adventure game, Boom Room©. The learning effectiveness, game acceptance, and flow experience of the game were empirically investigated. The game was designed and developed for teaching knowledge of computer assembly. Sixty-seven university students in Taiwan were asked to complete a pre-test before playing the game and a post-test after playing the game. These students also provided evaluations of not only the usefulness, ease of use, and design elements of the game but also their experience with various flow dimensions of the game. A 2-stage cluster analysis was also conducted to explore the potentially different groups of students by categorizing them in accordance with their performance, degree of game acceptance and flow states. The results suggest that this game is beneficial for students with insufficient background knowledge of computer assembly, allowing these students to obtain vital knowledge of this topic if they achieved a sufficient acceptance of the game and an adequate flow experience from their game-playing experiences. The various dimensions of flow that were experienced by these students were significantly correlated with game acceptance. Suggestions for future study, game design, and instructional practice are discussed.  相似文献   

为了帮助用户快速检索感兴趣的游戏攻略,提出了知识驱动的游戏攻略自动标注算法。首先,对每款游戏的多个资讯网站进行融合,自动构建游戏领域知识库;然后,再通过游戏领域词汇发现算法和决策树分类模型,抽取游戏攻略中的游戏术语;由于游戏术语在攻略中大多以简称的形式存在,故最后将攻略中游戏术语和知识库进行链接得到该术语所对应的全称即语义标签对攻略进行标注。在多款游戏上的实验结果表明,所提出的游戏攻略标注方法的准确率高达90%。同时,游戏领域词汇发现算法与其他术语抽取方法n-gram语言模型相比取得了更好的效果。  相似文献   

Due to fierce competition in game markets, to identify customers’ true needs is one of the crucial factors in online game industry. Traditionally, game producers heavily rely on game testers, who are primarily responsible for analyzing computer games, finding software defects and being a part of quality control process, to achieve this goal. But, it is not often reliable. To ensure the investment can be returned, game producers need an effective approach to discover frequently shifted customer preferences in time. Recently, Kano model and data mining techniques have been successfully applied to recognize customers’ preferences and implement customer relationship management tasks, respectively. However, in traditional Kano analysis, only basically statistical analysis techniques are used, and they are insufficient to provide advanced knowledge to enterprisers. Therefore, in order to discover the relationship between/among quality elements in Kano model and to extract knowledge related to customer preferences, this study proposes a knowledge acquisition scheme that integrates several data mining techniques including association rule discovery, decision tree, and self-organizing map neural network, into traditional Kano model. An actual case of customer satisfaction survey regarding massively multiplayer online role playing game has been provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed scheme.  相似文献   

A package of computer programs that have been developed to implement an oil exploration game is described. The game is a simulation of oil exploration in the petroleum industry. Decisions are made to acquire leases and drill wells on the basis of geological knowledge and economic considerations. The programs facilitate the management of the game and enhance the learning experience.  相似文献   

The present study addressed the effectiveness of an educational math game for improving proportional reasoning in prevocational education, and examined the added value of support in the form of reflection. The study compared four conditions: the game with reflection prompts, the game with reflection prompts plus procedural information, the game with procedural information only and the game without additional support. It was found that students' proportional reasoning skill improved after playing the game. The game managed to target prevocational students with low prior knowledge, a group that has the potential to understand proportional reasoning but has not yet encountered the right learning situation to live up to their potential. However, it was also found that students need to be computational fluent to profit from the game. Furthermore, no added value of the support was found. The way the support was structured may have been too demanding for most of the students. The fact that the prevocational students (and specifically those with low prior knowledge) improved by playing the game is noteworthy, because the topic of proportional reasoning is demanding for this group of students who often have lower abilities as well as in some cases a high resistance to learning.  相似文献   

Curricular schooling can benefit from the usage of educational computer games, but it is difficult to integrate them in the formal schooling system. Here, we investigate one possible approach to this integration, which capitalizes on using a micro-game that can be played with a teacher’s guidance as a supplement after a traditional expository lecture followed by a debriefing. The game’s purpose is to reinforce and integrate part of the knowledge learnt during the lecture. We investigated feasibility of this approach in a quasi-experimental study in 70 min long seminars on the topic of animal learning at 5 classes at 4 different high-schools in the Czech Republic. Each class was divided to two groups randomly. After an expository lecture, the game group played a game called Orbis Pictus Bestialis while the control group received an extra lecture that used media-rich materials. The time allotment was the same in both groups. We investigated the immediate and one month delayed effects of the game on students’ knowledge reinforced and integrated by the game as well as on knowledge learnt during the expository lecture but not strengthened by the game. We also investigated students’ overall appeal towards the seminar and its perceived educational value. Data from 100 students were analysed. The results showed that a) the game-playing is comparable to the traditional form of teaching concerning immediate knowledge gains and has a significant medium positive effect size regarding retention, b) the game-playing is not detrimental to information transmitted in the expository lecture but not strengthened by the game, c) perceived educational value and the overall appeal were high in the game group, nevertheless the perceived educational value was slightly lower in the game group comparing to the traditional group. Our results suggest that the proposed approach of harnessing educational computer games at high-schools is promising.  相似文献   

应用游戏是指以知识传播、技能训练、情志培养等应用需求为主要目的, 集趣味性、知识性、功能性等特征为一体的游戏类型。在一些国家也称严肃游戏或功能游戏。 本文针对目前存在的应用游戏评价指标缺乏对游戏与教育特性结合程度考察的问题,研究了 游戏与教育过程在严肃游戏中的并发关系,将应用游戏的使用过程理解为通过游戏形式组织 起来的教学过程,以信息加工理论模型延伸出9 个教学事件为参考,设计了相应的应用游戏 评价指标。尝试通过考核应用游戏对9 个教学事件的支持程度,评价其对教育目的的支持程 度,最终衡量其作为应用游戏的实用价值。  相似文献   

One of the central challenges of integrating game-based learning in school settings is helping learners make the connections between the knowledge learned in the game and the knowledge learned at school, while maintaining a high level of engagement with game narrative and gameplay. The current study evaluated the effect of supplementing a business simulation game with an external conceptual scaffold, which introduces formal knowledge representations, on learners' ability to solve financial-mathematical word problems following the game, and on learners' perceptions regarding learning, flow, and enjoyment in the game. Participants (Mage = 10.10 years) were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions: a “study and play” condition that presented the scaffold first and then the game, a “play and study” condition, and a “play only” condition. Although no significant gains in problem-solving were found following the intervention, learners who studied with the external scaffold before the game performed significantly better in the post-game problem-solving assessment. Adding the external scaffold before the game reduced learners' perceived learning. However, the scaffold did not have a negative impact on reported flow and enjoyment. Flow was found to significantly predict perceived learning and enjoyment. Yet, perceived learning and enjoyment did not predict problem-solving and flow directly predicted problem solving only in the “play and study” condition. We suggest that presenting the scaffold may have “problematized” learners' understandings of the game by connecting them to disciplinary knowledge. Implications for the design of scaffolds for game-based learning are discussed.  相似文献   

This study proposed an online learning system for energy education, modifying the typical rules of tic-tac-toe and incorporating multiple choice tests into the game in order to develop a game-based formative assessment tool for an online learning course. In order to explore how different gaming modes and feedback types in this game-based formative assessment affect knowledge acquisition effectiveness and participation perceptions, a tic-tac-toe quiz game (TRIS-Q) with two gaming modes: single-player online game (SOG) and multi-player online game (MOG), and two feedback types: immediate elaborated feedback (IEF) and no immediate elaborated feedback (no IEF), were developed. A 2(SOG vs. MOG) × 2(IEF vs. no IEF) between-subject experiment was also conducted to investigate the effects on 109 ninth-grade students from four junior high school classes. The research findings indicated that different gaming modes of TRIS-Q did not affect the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition; providing IEF for each question answered in the game facilitated the enhancement of both energy knowledge acquisition and student tic-tac-toe ability when comparing it with the no IEF type. Additionally, the different gaming modes and feedback types did not affect participation perceptions.  相似文献   

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