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侯薇  董红斌  印桂生 《计算机科学》2014,41(2):114-118,152
利用基于分解的多目标进化算法框架(MOEA/D),将混合策略的进化算法用于求解分解后的若干单目标优化子问题,提出了一种带局部搜索的基于分解的多目标混合策略进化算法(LMS-MOEA/D)。算法利用均匀设计产生子问题的聚合权重向量,混合交叉策略能够充分利用不同交叉算子的优势;同时算法针对演化过程收敛的特点,结合局部搜索策略,获得逼近Pareto前沿的最优解集。最后通过实验验证算法在多样性和收敛性方面的有效性。  相似文献   

高维多目标优化问题普遍存在且难以解决, 到目前为止, 尚缺乏有效解决该问题的进化优化方法. 本文提出一种基于目标分解的高维多目标并行进化优化方法, 首先, 将高维多目标优化问题分解为若干子优化问题, 每一子优化问题除了包含原优化问题的少数目标函数之外, 还具有由其他目标函数聚合成的一个目标函数, 以降低问题求解的难度; 其次, 采用多种群并行进化算法, 求解分解后的每一子优化问题, 并在求解过程中, 充分利用其他子种群的信息, 以提高Pareto非被占优解的选择压力; 最后, 基于各子种群的非被占优解形成外部保存集, 从而得到高维多目标优化问题的Pareto 最优解集. 性能分析表明, 本文提出的方法具有较小的计算复杂度. 将所提方法应用于多个基准优化问题, 并与NSGA-II、PPD-MOEA、ε-MOEA、HypE和MSOPS等方法比较, 实验结果表明, 所提方法能够产生收敛性、分布性, 以及延展性优越的Pareto最优解集.  相似文献   

高维混合多目标优化问题因包含多个不同类型指标,目前尚缺乏有效求解该问题的进化优化方法。提出一种基于目标分组的高维混合多目标并行进化优化方法。采用深度学习神经网络预测种群隐式性能指标;基于指标相关性,将高维混合多目标优化问题分解为若干子优化问题;采用多种群并行进化算法,求解分解后的每一子优化问题,并基于各子种群的非被占优解构建外部保存集;采用聚合函数对外部保存集个体进一步优化,得到Pareto最优解集。在室内布局优化问题中验证所提方法,实验结果表明,所提方法的Pareto最优解在收敛性、分布性以及延展性等方面均优于对比方法。  相似文献   

在多目标最优化问题中,如何求解一组均匀散布在前沿界面上的有效解具有重要意义.MOEA?D是最近出现的一种杰出的多目标进化算法,当前沿界面的形状是某种已知的类型时,MOEA?D使用高级分解的方法容易求出均匀散布在前沿界面上的有效解.然而,多目标优化问题的前沿界面的形状通常是未知的.为了使MOEA?D能求出一般多目标优化问题的均匀散布的有效解,利用幂函数对目标进行数学变换,使变换后的多目标优化问题的前沿界面在算法的进化过程中逐渐接近希望得到的形状,提出了一种求解一般的多目标优化问题的MOEA?D算法的权重设计方法,并且讨论了经过数学变换后前沿界面的保距性问题.采用建议的权重设计方法,MOEA?D更容易求出一般的多目标优化问题均匀散布的有效解.数值结果验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

为了优化无线传感器网络(WSN)的覆盖方法,针对MOEA/D中缺少对本代优质个体的保存和最优解集中的个体极少的两个问题,提出了粒子群优化的基于分解的多目标进化算法(MOEA/D-PSO)。通过保留种群本代优质个体,改进本地优化解集在进化过程中的搜索方向和搜索进度,弥补了MOEA/D不足。仿真实验证明,相对于MOEA/D和非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-II),MOEA/D-PSO所得非支配解更接近Pareto最优曲面,解集分布的均匀性和多样性表现更佳,WSN的覆盖范围更广,能量消耗更少。  相似文献   

一种基于拉丁超立方体抽样的多目标进化算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统多目标进化算法(MOEA)在解决具有复杂Pareto解集的多目标优化问题(CPS_MOP)时存在严重的退化现象.为此,本文提出两种进化模型-基于个体的进化模型和基于种群的进化模型.并在此基础上,设计两类基于拉丁超立方体抽样(LHS)的MOEA(LHS-MOEA).LHS-MOEA采用LHS局部搜索开采目前较优秀的区域,采用进化操作在可行解空间中探测新的搜索区域,从而有效克服退化现象.实验结果表明,LHS-MOEA求解CPS_MOPs的效果较好,比经典算法NSGA_Ⅱ具有明显的优势.  相似文献   

在过去几十年里,许多多目标进化算法被广泛应用于解决多目标优化问题,其中一种比较流行的多目标进化算法是基于分解的多目标进化算法(MOEA/D)。花朵授粉算法是一种启发式优化算法,但迄今为止,花朵授粉算法在基于分解的多目标进化算法领域的研究还非常少。本文在基于分解的多目标进化算法的框架下,将花朵授粉算法拓展至多目标优化领域,提出一种基于分解的多目标花朵授粉算法(MOFPA/D)。此外,为了保证非支配解的多样性,本文提出一种基于网格的目标空间分割法,该方法从找到的Pareto最优解集中筛选出一定数量且分布均匀的Pareto最优解。实验结果表明,基于分解的多目标花朵授粉算法在收敛性与多样性方面均优于基于分解的多目标进化算法。  相似文献   

针对现有的动态多目标优化算法种群收敛速度慢、多样性难以保持等问题,提出了一种基于Pareto解集分段预测策略的动态多目标进化算法BPDMOP。当检测到环境变化时,对前一时刻进化得到的Pareto最优解根据任一子目标函数进行排序,并按照该子目标的大小均分为3段,分别计算出每一段Pareto解集中心点的移动方向;对每一段Pareto子集进行系统抽样得到Pareto前沿面的特征点,利用线性模型分段预测下一代种群;根据优化问题的难易程度,自适应地在预测的种群周围产生随机个体来增加种群的多样性。通过对3类标准测试函数的实验表明了该算法能够有效求解动态多目标优化问题。  相似文献   

将差分进化算法(DE)用于多目标优化问题,提出了一种精英保留和进化进程中非支配解集迁移操作的差分进化算法,以保证所求得多目标优化问题Pareto最优解的多样性。采用双群体约束处理技术,构建进化群体的Pareto非支配解外部存档集,并进行基于非支配解集的迁移操作,以增加非支配解的数目和质量。用多个经典测试函数测试的结果表明,与标准DE相比,该方法收敛到问题的Pareto前沿效果良好,能有效保持Pareto最优解多样性与收敛之间的平衡。  相似文献   

为了提高多目标优化算法解集的分布性和收敛性,提出一种基于分解和差分进化的多目标粒子群优化算法(dMOPSO-DE).该算法通过提出方向角产生一组均匀的方向向量,确保粒子分布的均匀性;引入隐式精英保持策略和差分进化修正机制选择全局最优粒子,避免种群陷入局部最优Pareto前沿;采用粒子重置策略保证群体的多样性.与非支配排序(NSGA-II)算法、多目标粒子群优化(MOPSO)算法、分解多目标粒子群优化(dMOPSO)算法和分解多目标进化-差分进化(MOEA/D-DE)算法进行比较,实验结果表明,所提出算法在求解多目标优化问题时具有良好的收敛性和多样性.  相似文献   

邱兴兴  张珍珍  魏启明 《计算机应用》2014,34(10):2880-2885
在多目标进化优化中,使用分解策略的基于分解的多目标进化算法(MOEA/D)时间复杂度低,使用〖BP(〗强度帕累托策略的〖BP)〗强度帕累托进化算法-2(SPEA2)能得到分布均匀的解集。结合这两种策略,提出一种新的多目标进化算法用于求解具有复杂、不连续的帕累托前沿的多目标优化问题(MOP)。首先,利用分解策略快速逼近帕累托前沿;然后,利用强度帕累托策略使解集均匀分布在帕累托前沿,利用解集重置分解策略中的权重向量集,使其适配于特定的帕累托前沿;最后,利用分解策略进一步逼近帕累托前沿。使用的反向世代距离(IGD)作为度量标准,将新算法与MOEA/D、SPEA2和paλ-MOEA/D在12个基准问题上进行性能对比。实验结果表明该算法性能在7个基准问题上最优,在5个基准问题上接近于最优,且无论MOP的帕累托前沿是简单或复杂、连续或不连续的,该算法均能生成分布均匀的解集。  相似文献   

污水处理过程中,能耗与出水水质是两个相互矛盾的评价指标.为了找出这两个目标的最优解,本文在基于分解的多目标进化算法(MOEA/D)的基础上进行改进,期望用更少的进化次数得到分布均匀的近似帕累托前沿.针对MOEA/D算法每一次产生的新解,本文中改进的算法从所有子问题中找到最合适新解的子问题,并在其邻域范围内进行种群的更替,在原本子问题的基础上进行二次寻优,提高子代利用率,进而用更少的迭代次数找到优化问题中的近似帕累前沿.实验证明,该算法明显减少了找到帕累托前沿的步数,使得MOEA/D算法的性能明显提升,在污水处理过程优化问题中达到了优化目标的作用.  相似文献   

Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEA/D) provides an excellent algorithmic framework for solving multi-objective optimization problems. It decomposes a target problem into a set of scalar sub-problems and optimizes them simultaneously. Due to its simplicity and outstanding performance, MOEA/D has been widely studied and applied. However, for solving the multi-objective vehicle routing problem with time windows (MO-VRPTW), MOEA/D faces a difficulty that many sub-problems have duplicated best solutions. It is well-known that MO-VRPTW is a challenging problem and has very few Pareto optimal solutions. To address this problem, a novel selection operator is designed in this work to enhance the original MOEA/D for dealing with MO-VRPTW. Moreover, three local search methods are introduced into the enhanced algorithm. Experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm can obtain highly competitive results on Solomon׳s benchmark problems. Especially for instances with long time windows, the proposed algorithm can obtain more diverse set of non-dominated solutions than the other algorithms. The effectiveness of the proposed selection operator is also demonstrated by further analysis.  相似文献   

Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEA/D) has been considered as a promising method for solving multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs). It devotes most of its effort on convergence by optimizing a set of scalar optimization subproblems in a collaborative manner, while maintaining the diversity by using a set of uniformly distributed weight vectors. However, more recent studies illustrated that MOEA/D faces difficulties on MOPs with complicated Pareto fronts, mainly because the uniformity of weight vectors no longer lead to an evenly scattered approximation of the Pareto fronts in these cases. To remedy this, we suggest replacing the ideal point in the reciprocal Tchebycheff decomposition method with a more optimistic utopian point, with the aim of alleviating the sensitivity of MOEA/D to the Pareto front shape of MOPs. Experimental studies on benchmark and real-world problems have shown that such simple modification can significantly improve the performances of MOEA/D with reciprocal Tchebycheff decomposition on MOPs with complicated Pareto fronts.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to show how the hybridization of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) and a local search method based on the use of rough set theory is a viable alternative to obtain a robust algorithm able to solve difficult constrained multi-objective optimization problems at a moderate computational cost. This paper extends a previously published MOEA [Hernández-Díaz AG, Santana-Quintero LV, Coello Coello C, Caballero R, Molina J. A new proposal for multi-objective optimization using differential evolution and rough set theory. In: 2006 genetic and evolutionary computation conference (GECCO’2006). Seattle, Washington, USA: ACM Press; July 2006], which was limited to unconstrained multi-objective optimization problems. Here, the main idea is to use this sort of hybrid approach to approximate the Pareto front of a constrained multi-objective optimization problem while performing a relatively low number of fitness function evaluations. Since in real-world problems the cost of evaluating the objective functions is the most significant, our underlying assumption is that, by aiming to minimize the number of such evaluations, our MOEA can be considered efficient. As in its previous version, our hybrid approach operates in two stages: in the first one, a multi-objective version of differential evolution is used to generate an initial approximation of the Pareto front. Then, in the second stage, rough set theory is used to improve the spread and quality of this initial approximation. To assess the performance of our proposed approach, we adopt, on the one hand, a set of standard bi-objective constrained test problems and, on the other hand, a large real-world problem with eight objective functions and 160 decision variables. The first set of problems are solved performing 10,000 fitness function evaluations, which is a competitive value compared to the number of evaluations previously reported in the specialized literature for such problems. The real-world problem is solved performing 250,000 fitness function evaluations, mainly because of its high dimensionality. Our results are compared with respect to those generated by NSGA-II, which is a MOEA representative of the state-of-the-art in the area.  相似文献   

Many-objective optimization problems are common in real-world applications, few evolutionary optimization methods, however, are suitable for solving them up to date due to their difficulties. A reference points-based evolutionary algorithm (RPEA) was proposed in this paper to solve many-objective optimization problems. The aim of this study is to exploit the potential of the reference points-based approach to strengthen the selection pressure towards the Pareto front while maintaining an extensive and uniform distribution among solutions. In RPEA, a series of reference points with good performances in convergence and distribution are continuously generated according to the current population to guide the evolution. Furthermore, superior individuals are selected based on the evaluation of each individual by calculating the distances between the reference points and the individual in the objective space. The proposed algorithm was applied to seven benchmark optimization problems and compared with ɛ-MOEA, HypE, MOEA/D and NSGA-III. The results empirically show that the proposed algorithm has a good adaptability to problems with irregular or degenerate Pareto fronts, whereas the other reference points-based algorithms do not. Moreover, it outperforms the other four in 8 out of 21 test instances, demonstrating that it has an advantage in obtaining a Pareto optimal set with good performances.  相似文献   

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