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为了更好地提高求解高维复杂优化问题的能力,提出一种动态自适应和声搜索(DSHS)算法。该算法采用正交试验来设计算法的初始化和声记忆库;利用多维动态自适应调整算子和单维和声微调算子相结合的策略进行和声创作;改进和声音调调解步长,从而增强算法的扰动能力,避免其陷入局部搜索。通过6个标准Benchmark函数测试表明,该算法在全局搜索能力、收敛速度和稳定性方面都有明显提高。  相似文献   


提出一种全局竞争和声搜索(GCHS) 算法, 给出随机局部平均和声和全局平均和声的概念, 建立竞争搜索机制, 实现每次迭代产生两个和声向量并进行竞争选择. 设计自适应全局调整和局部学习策略, 平衡算法的局部搜索和全局搜索, 详细分析参数HMS、HMCR和PAR对算法优化性能的影响. 数值结果表明, GCHS 算法在精度、收敛速度和鲁棒性方面比和声搜索算法及最近文献中提出的7 种优秀改进和声搜索算法要好.


为了增强和声搜索算法在求解高维多模态问题时的空间全局探索能力和求解精度,通过定义的4种反向计算方法和高斯分布估计算法,提出一种动态自适应高维和声搜索算法.该算法采用正交试验初始化和声记忆库;利用多维动态自适应算法进行和声创作;采用动态反向选择算法更新和声记忆库,并改进和声音调微调调解步长,从而增强算法的空间探索能力,避免陷入局部搜索.通过6个标准的高维Benchmark函数测试表明,本文算法在全局搜索能力、收敛速度和求解精度等方面都有明显改进.  相似文献   

自适应和声粒子群搜索算法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高立群 《控制与决策》2010,25(7):1101-1104
针对现有改进和声搜索算法(IHS)的不足,提出一种自适应和声粒子群搜索算法(AHSPSO).首先对和声记忆库中每个变量用粒子群算法寻优,再利用自适应参数PAR和bw调节来提高对多维问题的搜索效率.利用5个标准的优化算法测试函数对AHSPSO算法进行测试,并与IHS,PSO和SA算法进行对比,仿真结果表明了AHSPSO算法具有较强的精确寻优和跳出局部最优的能力.  相似文献   

和声搜索(HS)是一种已广泛应用于连续优化问题的元启发式方法。针对典型的组合优化问题——多维背包问题(MKP),提出一种改进二进制和声搜索(IBHS)算法。算法通过伯努利随机过程生成二进制群体,在候选和声生成算子中,引入动态自适应参数,通过算法参数的自适应调整来协调算法的全局搜索和局部搜索,并提出一种新的更有效的衡量商品多维加权价值密度的方法用于二进制个体修正和优化;引入精英局部搜索机制进行协同寻优,提高IBHS的收敛速度。通过求解10组不同规模的典型多维背包算例和与贪心二进制狮群优化(GBLSO)算法、改进的差分演化(MBDE)算法以及二进制修正和声(BMHS)算法的对比分析,实验结果表明,所提算法在求解MKP时有具有良好的收敛效率、较高的寻优精度和很好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

针对基本和声搜索(Harmony search, HS)算法收敛速度较慢、易陷入局部最优和计算精度不高的缺点,结合正余弦优化算子、Levy飞行机制和参数动态调整策略,提出一种改进的和声搜索算法。该算法在即兴创作阶段,首先引入正余弦优化算子和微调带宽相结合的方式对和声向量进行微调操作,充分利用最优个体和当前个体的位置信息,提高算法的计算精度和收敛速度;再采用Levy飞行机制对微调带宽进行更新,避免算法陷入局部最优,提高全局搜索能力;在算法迭代过程中,对和声记忆库存储概率、基音微调概率和搜索域进行自适应动态调整,以进一步提高算法收敛性能。在10个基准函数上进行性能对比试验的结果表明,本文提出的算法具有较强的全局搜索能力,较快的收敛速度和较高的计算精度。  相似文献   

混合粒子群算法及在可靠性优化中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李小青 《计算机系统应用》2012,21(3):167-170,223
针对粒子群算法搜索精度低和早熟收敛的缺陷,通过算法混合,提出了基于混沌与和声搜索算法思想的混合粒子群优化算法。该算法采用Tent映射,利用混沌特性提高种群的多样性和粒子搜索的遍历性,同时采用和声策略对解空间进行开发,引入了柯西变异,帮助粒子跳出局部陷阱,采用云模型的自适应策略来调整惯性权重。最后将该优化算法应用于可靠性优化设计中,仿真实验表明,改进后的混合粒子群优化算法较基本粒子群算法收敛速度加快,且不易陷入局部极值点。  相似文献   

特征选择技术能有效解决维数灾难问题,许多搜索策略已经被应用到特征选择问题中。针对和声特征选择算法搜索能力低下的问题,提出了一种基于全局自适应调距的和声特征选择算法(HSFS-GPA)。将特征集的距离定义引入到特征选择问题中,在算法搜索过程中结合全局信息对随机产生的新和声进行调整,以一定概率减小候选和声与当前最优和声的距离来加快算法搜索速度,或减少候选和声与最差和声的距离以避免陷入局部最优;同时,采用竞争选择方案随时更新和声库全局信息,改进和声库的更新机制提高算法搜索质量。将HSFS-GPA与原始和声特征选择算法、粒子群算法和遗传算法进行对比实验,HSFS-GPA所选特征子集的大小比原始和声算法减少15%,子集评价值平均提高到0.98。实验结果表明,HSFS-GPA能在相同的条件下搜索到更优质的特征子集。  相似文献   

针对粒子群算法(PSO)算法局部搜索能力差的问题,提出一种对PID控制器参数进行自整定的基于和声搜索(HS)的改进粒子群优化算法(HS-PSO).通过引入种群进程因子对惯性权重进行自适应调节以提高PSO算法的收敛速度.另外在PSO进化过程中每代产生的最优个体以新陈代谢方式进入和声记忆库中并进行和声搜索,以克服粒子群优化...  相似文献   

针对多模态复杂优化问题,提出了一种基于和声搜索和差分进化的混合优化算法:HHSDE算法。在不同的进化阶段,HHSDE算法依据累积加权更新成功率来自适应地选择和声算法或差分算法作为更新下一代种群的方式,并改进了差分算法的变异策略来平衡差分算法的全局与局部搜索能力。通过对10个多模态Benchmark函数进行测试,利用Wilcoxon秩和检验对不同算法的计算结果进行比较,结果表明HHSDE算法具有收敛速度快,求解精度高,稳定性好等优势。  相似文献   

研究了一种新的进化算法-和声搜索(HS)算法,针对其在处理复杂函数优化问题时容易陷入局部最优、收敛精度低的缺点,提出一种改进的和声搜索算法,算法在保留和声搜索的搜索机理的同时,把混合蛙跳算法中的局部搜索策略引入其中,维持了和声库的多样性,从而提高了对复杂问题的搜索效率.与同类算法相比,本文提出的和声搜索算法全局搜索能力强,收敛速度快,数值实验结果验证了算法的有效性和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel hybrid harmony search (HHS) algorithm based on the integrated approach, is proposed for solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP) with the criterion to minimize makespan. First of all, to make the harmony search (HS) algorithm adaptive to the FJSP, the converting techniques are developed to convert the continuous harmony vector to a kind of discrete two-vector code for the FJSP. Secondly, the harmony vector is mapped into a feasible active schedule through effectively decoding the transformed two-vector code, which could largely reduce the search space. Thirdly, a resultful initialization scheme combining heuristic and random strategies is introduced to make the initial harmony memory (HM) occur with certain quality and diversity. Furthermore, a local search procedure is embedded in the HS algorithm to enhance the local exploitation ability, whereas HS is employed to perform exploration by evolving harmony vectors in the HM. To speed up the local search process, the improved neighborhood structure based on common critical operations is presented in detail. Empirical results on various benchmark instances validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed algorithm. Our work also indicates that a well designed HS-based method is a competitive alternative for addressing the FJSP.  相似文献   

Harmony search (HS) algorithm is inspired by the music improvisation process in which a musician searches for the best harmony and continues to polish the harmony to improve its aesthetics. The efficiency of evolutionary algorithms depends on the extent of balance between diversification and intensification during the course of the search. An ideal evolutionary algorithm must have efficient exploration in the beginning and enhanced exploitation toward the end. In this paper, a two‐phase harmony search (TPHS) algorithm is proposed that attempts to strike a balance between exploration and exploitation by concentrating on diversification in the first phase using catastrophic mutation and then switches to intensification using local search in the second phase. The performance of TPHS is analyzed and compared with 4 state‐of‐the‐art HS variants on all the 30 IEEE CEC 2014 benchmark functions. The numerical results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed TPHS algorithm in terms of accuracy, particularly on multimodal functions when compared with other state‐of‐the‐art HS variants; further comparison with state‐of‐the‐art evolutionary algorithms reveals excellent performance of TPHS on composition functions. Composition functions are combined, rotated, shifted, and biased version of other unimodal and multimodal test functions and mimic the difficulties of real search spaces by providing a massive number of local optima and different shapes for different regions of the search space. The performance of the TPHS algorithm is also evaluated on a real‐life problem from the field of computer vision called camera calibration problem, ie, a 12‐dimensional highly nonlinear optimization problem with several local optima.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel variance-based harmony search algorithm (VHS) for solving optimization problems. VHS incorporates the concepts borrowed from the invasive weed optimization technique to improve the performance of the harmony search algorithm (HS). This eliminates the main problem of constant parameter setting in the algorithm proposed recently and named as explorative HS. It uses the variance of a current population as well as presents a solution vector to improvise the harmony memory. In addition, the dynamic pitch adjustment operator is used to avoid solution oscillation. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on 14 standard benchmark functions of various characteristics. The performance of the proposed algorithm is investigated and compared with classical HS, an improved version of HS, the global best HS, self-adaptive HS, explorative HS, and the recently proposed state-of-art gravitational search algorithm. Experimental results reveal that the proposed algorithm outperforms the above-mentioned approaches. The effects of scalability, noise, harmony memory size, and harmony memory consideration rate have also been investigated with the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm is then employed for a data clustering problem. Four real-life datasets selected from the UCI machine learning repository have been used. The results indicate that the VHS-based clustering outperforms the existing well-known clustering algorithms.  相似文献   


针对新颖全局和声搜索(NGHS) 算法过早收敛的问题, 提出自适应全局和声搜索(AGHS) 算法. 引入差分向量范数定义和声记忆库多样性, 给出新的位置更新策略, 排除变异操作. 以和声记忆库多样性信息为指导动态产生新和声, 提高算法对解空间信息开发的能力, 避免算法因过早收敛、易陷入局部最优的不足. AGHS算法操作更简单,需要设置的参数更少, 将其与目前文献中较优的几种改进HS 算法、PSO 算法和GA算法进行性能测试, 测试结果表明AGHS算法具有较高的寻优精度和较快的收敛速度.


基于和声退火算法的多维函数优化*   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
在研究和声搜索对多维函数优化问题的基础上,结合传统的模拟退火算法,提出一种混合优化算法——和声退火算法。该算法改进了和声的搜索机制,选取合理的取值概率HMCR以及动态的微调概率PAR,在和声记忆库内随机搜索,获得较高质量的新和声;然后对新和声执行一次Metropolis算法,从而增强了全局探索能力,减小了陷入局部极小值的机会。仿真实验数据表明,算法明显优于和声搜索和模拟退火算法,具有较高的求解质量和效率。  相似文献   

Constrained optimization is a major real-world problem. Constrained optimization problems consist of an objective function subjected to both linear and nonlinear constraints. Here a constraint handling procedure based on the fitness priority-based ranking method (FPBRM) is proposed. It is embedded into a harmony search (HS) algorithm that allows it to satisfy constraints. The HS algorithm is conceptualized using the musical process of searching for a perfect state of harmony. Here, the original heuristic HS was improved by combining both improved and global-best methods along with the FPBRM. The resulting modified harmony search (MHS) was then compared with the original HS technique and other optimization methods for several test problems.  相似文献   

和声搜索算法是一种模拟音乐即兴创作过程的元启发式搜索,已成功应用于解决许多实际问题.针对高维函数优化问题,提出一种基于动态行为选择的和声搜索算法.在算法中新和声的即兴创作有3种策略,迭代过程中通过计算每个策略的即时价值和综合价值选择和声的即兴创作策略,并通过个体即兴创作策略选择方法提升寻优速度或避免陷入局部最优解.将所提出算法与9个改进和声搜索算法在22个基准函数上进行对比.实验结果表明,所提出算法具有较好的求解精度、稳定性和收敛速度,擅长于解决复杂的高维问题.  相似文献   

改进的和声搜索算法在函数优化中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
韩红燕  潘全科  梁静 《计算机工程》2010,36(13):245-247
针对函数优化问题,通过分析和声搜索算法的2个关键参数(和声微调概率与和声微调幅度)对算法搜索性能的影响,提出和声微调概率与和声微调幅度随搜索过程的进行而动态适应变化的方法,从而得到9种改进的和声搜索算法。仿真实验表明,所得方法具有较好的优化性能,计算结果优于M_IHS算法。  相似文献   

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