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消费者购买商品后发表的商品评论中包含了对商品的正向或负向评价。一些贪心商家通过发表虚假评论来美化自己的商品或诋毁竞争对手的商品从而获得非正当利益,因此需要识别虚假商品评论。商品评论的文本内容是最容易获取的分析数据,因此对基于文本内容的虚假商品评论检测领域相关研究进行分析,主要分为传统机器学习方法和深度学习方法。  相似文献   

为提高对虚假评论的识别精度并对评论数据的有效性进行准确预测,提出一种面向在线产品数据的有效性建模与测量方法。通过结合基于核主成分的特征提取方法和最小二乘支持向量机对在线产品的虚假评论进行识别,另一方面,基于排序Logit构建回归模型对量化的评论数据进行有效性判别预测。实验结果表明,本文方法在虚假评论识别和数据有效性分析方面效果良好,可以为消费者提供了更为精确的消费参考、为商业机构提供了更具辨识意义的评论数据,具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

为了有效识别商品虚假评论,提出一种基于情感极性与SMOTE过采样的虚假评论识别方法。首先,根据在线虚假评论的特点,构建一个多维虚假评论特征模型。其次,在情感极性算法中增加了情感极性均值和情感极性标准差等统计指标来全面刻画虚假评论。最后,针对虚假评论中的类不平衡问题,使用SMOTE算法优化随机森林分类模型,从而提高虚假评论识别效果。基于大众点评网的真实评论数据进行了多组实验,实验结果表明该方法在正负样本不平衡的虚假评论数据集中具有更高的准确率、召回率及F值。综合考虑情感极性和正负样本不平衡等因素可帮助电商平台有效过滤虚假评论,为消费者提供更加真实可靠的评论数据。  相似文献   

为了有效识别在线虚假评论,提出一种基于XGBoost-EasyEnsemble算法的虚假评论识别方法。首先,根据虚假评论的特点和提出的主观倾向值计算方法,建立多维特征模型;其次,针对评论数据中的类别不平衡问题,EasyEnsemble算法借助集成策略弥补欠采样的缺陷,充分利用样本信息;最后,选择“好而不同”的XGBoost模型作为基分类器训练最终分类器。基于Yelp网站上的评论数据,以AUC作为评价指标,与支持向量机、GBDT、神经网络等热门机器学习算法进行对比,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,用户倾向于在购物、旅游、用餐之前参考线上评论.之后,他们也会发表评论来表达自身意见.线上评论越来越具有价值.评论对用户决策的重要导向作用催生了虚假评论.虚假评论,指用户由于利益、个人偏见等因素发布的不符合产品真实特性的评论.这些虚假评论语言上模仿真实评论,消费者很难识别出来.国内外学者综合运用自然语言处理技术来研究虚假评论检测问题.从特征工程的角度分析,虚假评论检测方法可以分为三类:基于语言特征和行为特征的方法、基于图结构的方法、基于表示学习的方法.主要描述了检测的一般流程,归纳了三类研究方法常用的特征,比较了方法的优缺点,并且介绍了研究常用的数据集.最后探讨了未来研究方向.  相似文献   

张璐 《计算机工程》2019,45(10):293-300
受经济利益驱使,大量恶意用户发布包含不实内容的虚假评论以影响用户的购买决策,从而提高自身商品的销售业绩并打压竞争对手,严重扰乱电子商务运营秩序。为此,介绍虚假评论识别的研究成果,包括虚假评论内容、发布者及虚假评论者群组的识别,对识别过程所使用的特征及检测方法进行对比分析,并给出虚假评论识别效果的评价方式和指标。在此基础上,对未来虚假评论识别研究工作进行探讨和展望。  相似文献   


微博是信息共享的重要平台,同时,也成为虚假消息产生和推广的重要平台,虚假消息的传播严重扰乱了社会秩序。为了快速、有效地识别微博虚假消息,提出一种基于梯度提升决策树(GBDT)的虚假消息检测方法。首先,从评论的角度分析微博虚假消息和真实消息之间存在的差异,在此基础上提取评论中的文本内容、用户属性,信息传播和时间特性的分类特征;然后,基于分类特征,采用GBDT算法实现微博虚假消息识别模型;最后,在两个真实的微博数据集上进行验证。实验结果表明,基于GBDT的识别模型能有效提高微博虚假消息检测的准确率。  相似文献   

在线评论是用户判断商品质量的一个依据。虚假评论严重影响了消费者的购买行为,现有的虚假评论检测方法从文本出发,忽略了评分的虚假性,评分通常是不精确和不确定的,对虚假评论检测效果不佳。提出融合情感极性与信任函数的虚假评论检测方法(EP-BFRD),利用信任函数处理给定评论者评分中的不确定性和不准确性,考虑与其他评分者提供的评分的相似性,以检测误导性,并判断评论文本情感极性与评分一致性。综合考虑信任函数处理的结果以及评分与文本情感一致性的结果来判断评论的虚假性。在一个真实的数据库上进行实验,实验表明该方法可有效解决虚假评论检测问题。  相似文献   

为了提高商品虚假评论的识别效果,提出了一种基于习惯偏差与xgboost算法的虚假评论识别方法。首先,通过提出新的算法来计算情感极性,同时在位置因素的基础上加入本地化情感词,从而提高评论文本情感极性计算的精准度。然后,提出新的用户习惯偏差指标和商家异常波动区间值并将其与几维重要特征融合在一起,进而得到一个关于评论-评论者-商户三者特征的新模型。最后,再与xgboost算法进行结合完成虚假评论的检测。实验结果证明,其能更有效识别虚假的评论信息,为消费者提供更加安全有价值的参考信息。  相似文献   

商品评论对消费者的购买意愿有明显导向作用,欺诈者可杜撰评论来过度褒奖或恶意贬低商品,以此来促进己方或是打击对方的商品销售,垃圾商品评论检测成为了一项迫切需要的技术。首先将相关研究分为以评论内部(文本特征)为中心和以评论外部(文本特征)为中心的两大类,然后分别综述它们在特征选择、学习方法上的研究进展,并介绍了垃圾商品评论检测领域的常用评论数据集,在此基础上,展望了该领域的热点研究方向。  相似文献   

E-commerce websites are now favourite for shopping comfortably at home without any burden of going to market. Their success depends upon the reviews written by the consumers who used particular products and subsequently shared their experiences with that product. The reviews also affects the buying decision of customer. Because of this reason the activity of fake reviews posting is increasing. The brand competitors of the product or the company itself may involve in posting fraud reviews to gain more profit. Such fraudulent reviews are spam review that badly affects the decision choice of the prospective consumer of the products. Many customers are misguided due to fake reviews. The person, who writes the fake reviews, is called the spammer. Identification of spammers is indirectly helpful in identifying whether the reviews are spam or not. The detection of review spammers is serious concern for the E-commerce business. To help researchers in this vibrant area, we present the state of art approaches for review spammer detection. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the existing spammer detection approaches describing the features used for individual and group spammer detection, dataset summary with details of reviews, products and reviewers. The main aim of this paper is to provide a basic, comprehensive and comparative study of current research on detecting review spammer using machine learning techniques and give future directions. This paper also provides a concise summary of published research to help potential researchers in this area to innovate new techniques.  相似文献   

Online reviews significantly influence decision-making in many aspects of society. The integrity of internet evaluations is crucial for both consumers and vendors. This concern necessitates the development of effective fake review detection techniques. The goal of this study is to identify fraudulent text reviews. A comparison is made on shill reviews vs. genuine reviews over sentiment and readability features using semi-supervised language processing methods with a labeled and balanced Deceptive Opinion dataset. We analyze textual features accessible in internet reviews by merging sentiment mining approaches with readability. Overall, the research improves fake review screening by using various transformer models such as Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers (BERT), Robustly Optimized BERT (Roberta), XLNET (Transformer-XL) and XLM-Roberta (Cross-lingual Language model–Roberta). This proposed research extracts and classifies features from product reviews to increase the effectiveness of review filtering. As evidenced by the investigation, the application of transformer models improves the performance of spam review filtering when related to existing machine learning and deep learning models.  相似文献   


Fraudulent online sellers often collude with reviewers to garner fake reviews for their products. This act undermines the trust of buyers in product reviews, and potentially reduces the effectiveness of online markets. Being able to accurately detect fake reviews is, therefore, critical. In this study, we investigate several preprocessing and textual-based featuring methods along with machine learning classifiers, including single and ensemble models, to build a fake review detection system. Given the nature of product review data, where the number of fake reviews is far less than that of genuine reviews, we look into the results of each class in detail in addition to the overall results. We recognise from our preliminary analysis that, owing to imbalanced data, there is a high imbalance between the accuracies for different classes (e.g., 1.3% for the fake review class and 99.7% for the genuine review class), despite the overall accuracy looking promising (around 89.7%). We propose two dynamic random sampling techniques that are possible for textual-based featuring methods to solve this class imbalance problem. Our results indicate that both sampling techniques can improve the accuracy of the fake review class—for balanced datasets, the accuracies can be improved to a maximum of 84.5% and 75.6% for random under and over-sampling, respectively. However, the accuracies for genuine reviews decrease to 75% and 58.8% for random under and over-sampling, respectively. We also discover that, for smaller datasets, the Adaptive Boosting ensemble model outperforms other single classifiers; whereas, for larger datasets, the performance improvement from ensemble models is insignificant compared to the best results obtained by single classifiers.


机器视觉应用中的图像数据增广综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深度学习是目前机器视觉的前沿解决方案,而海量高质量的训练数据集是深度学习解决机器视觉问题的基本保障。收集和准确标注图像数据集是一个极其费时且代价昂贵的过程。随着机器视觉的广泛应用,这个问题将会越来越突出。图像增广技术是一种有效解决深度学习在少量或者低质量训练数据中进行训练的一种技术手段,该技术不断地伴随着深度学习与机器视觉的发展。系统性梳理当前图像增广技术研究,从增广对象、增广空间、标签处理和增广策略生成的角度,分析现有图像增广技术的研究范式。依据研究范式提出现有图像增广技术的分类系统,重点介绍每类图像增广研究的代表性研究成果。最后,对现有图像增广研究进行总结,指出当前图像增广研究中存在的问题及未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) has become one of the most influential communication tools. Few studies have identified what makes certain online reviews more influential than others. The objective of this study is to develop a better understanding of the impact of online reviews on consumer attitude and behavioral intention through a conceptual framework built from a series of theories and models. Combined experiment and survey methods contribute to the literature. Research findings revealed that online review antecedents of eWOM like review quality, valence, credibility, and quantity exerted impact on consumers’ attitude toward products. Personal involvement was a predominant predictor of consumers’ attitude. This study identified emotional strength’s mediating role in enhancing online review credibility and inducing a favorable attitude toward products.  相似文献   

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