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人脸检测级联分类器快速训练算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐徙文  曾义 《计算机仿真》2007,24(12):324-327
目前AdaBoost训练算法已被广泛地应用于人脸检测中级联分类器的构建,而AdaBoost算法训练级联分类器的周期却十分漫长.为了减少训练时间,文中提出了一种基于AdaBoost的改进训练算法.该算法通过对弱分类器的阈值选择进行一趟处理来降低运算时间复杂度,并根据AdaBoost训练迭代中只改变样本权值而不更新样本的特点对特征值和排序结果进行缓存来提高训练算法的性能.实验结果表明,该算法大幅提高了人脸检测分类器训练系统的性能,使得分类器的训练时间缩短了60多倍.由于AdaBoost算法的通用性,该改进算法不仅适用于人脸检测,也适合所有进行权值更新迭代训练的Boosting算法.  相似文献   

文中提出一种基于Haar-Like T特征的人脸检测算法。 Haar-Like T特征是在Haar-Like特征的基础上的扩展,由于人脸五官分布的特殊性,在人脸模型上可以找到大量T字型结构特征。结合Haar-Like 矩形特征描述人脸纹理的原理,文中提出4种类似Haar-Like特征的Haar-Like T特征,并将这些Haar-Like T特征与现有的Haar-Like特征一起输入Adaboost分类器进行特征选择,最终构建出分类性能强大的级联分类器并用于人脸检测。人脸检测实验表明该算法的有效性和优越性,其与Haar-Like分类器、LBP分类器等传统的人脸检测分类器相比获得更好的效果。  相似文献   

基于级联式Boosting方法的人脸检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱文球  罗三定 《计算机应用》2005,25(9):2128-2130
提出一种基于级联式Boosting方法的人脸检测算法。先用PCA方法对人脸图像进行特征参数的提取,在此基础上,利用算法中的每一个Boosting分类器学习的历史信息,基于线性回归特征消除(RFE)策略,消除AdaBoost中的冗余,据此判别一幅图像是否为人脸图像。在ORL人脸图像库的仿真实验结果显示,这种方法明显提高了检测性能,证明了该算法是有效的。  相似文献   

AdaBoost算法要提高检测精度,需要级联更多的强分类器,这样会降低检测速度.针对这个问题,在AdaBoost级联分类器中引入加权判决函数,对其中相互独立的级联分类器判决结果进行信息融合,不增加级联的强分类器个数,提高了检测率.实验结果表明,该方法在保证检测速度的同时,提高了检测率,在CMU+MIT人脸测试库上取得较好的效果.  相似文献   

针对传统AdaBoost算法存在的所需样本数量大、训练时间长、分类器检测费时的问题,提出一种快速样本选择和分类器优化算法.首先,提出一个基于SVM的训练样本选择算法,来提高样本的有效率;其次,提出一种将多个分类器组合成一个新的分类器的算法,减少了分类器的总数,且新生成的分类器比原有多个分类器分类能力更强,提高了检测性能.实验结果表明,算法能够用更少的样本与时间达到与传统方法相同的性能.  相似文献   

李湘  施化吉 《福建电脑》2014,(12):30-33
针对传统Adaboost算法训练时间过长、误检率高以及检测速度慢的缺点,提出了一种基于GH-YJ混合型Adaboost改进算法,该算法从简化Haar特征和优化级联分类器两方面进行改进,以降低本级分类器误检率。最后,通过实验证明了改进算法的可行性。  相似文献   

基于肤色分割和AdaBoost算法的彩色图像的人脸检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章提出了肤色分割和AdaBoost算法结合的人脸检测算法。首先,对彩色图像进行肤色分割,通过人脸肤色的统计特征得到候选人脸区域:然后,基于AdaBoost算法,使用由强分类器组成的级联分类器对候选人脸区域进行扫描,最终得到精确定位的人脸。实验证明,该方法具有肤色检测快速和AdaBoost算法误检率低的优点,可以有效的运用于多姿态、多人脸和复杂背景的情况。  相似文献   

针对实时行人检测中AdaBoost级联分类算法存在的问题,改进AdaBoost级联分类器的训练算法,提出了Ada-Boost-SVM级联分类算法,它结合了AdaBoost和SVM两种算法的优点.对自定义样本集和PET图像库进行行人检测实验,实验中选择固定大小的窗口作为候选区域并利用类Haar矩形特征进行特征提取,通过AdaBoost-SVM级联分类器进行分类.实验结果表明AdaBoost-SVM级联分类器的分类器准确率达到99.5%,误报率低于0.05%,优于AdaBoost级联分类器,训练时间要远远小于SVM分类器.  相似文献   

人脸图像中包含丰富的特征信息,不同特征具有其各自的优势。基于此,提出一种基于级联支持向量机有效融合多种特征的人脸检测算法。该算法首先利用肤色模型对待检图像进行预处理,筛选出疑似人脸区域。然后在疑似区域中提取图像的HOG(Histogram of Oriented Gradients)和LBP(Local Binary Patterns)特征,并分别对这两种特征集进行特征选择,训练两个SVM(Support Vector Machine)分类器,最后将两个SVM分类器级联起来实现人脸检测。在多个人脸图像数据库上的实验结果表明,该人脸检测算法提高了人脸检测率,降低了误检率,并且对多种光照条件、姿态、表情以及部分遮挡的情况都具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

基于Adaboost算法的多角度人脸检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
龙敏  黄福珍  边后琴 《计算机仿真》2007,24(11):206-209
文中提出了一种基于Adaboost算法的多角度人脸检测方法.多角度人脸检测问题的研究与正面人脸检测相比,相对薄弱,离实际应用的需求还比较远.首先使用Haar特征设计并构造弱分类器空间,用Adaboost算法学习得到基于视图的多分类器级联的人脸检测器;然后将多角度人脸划分成三类:全侧脸,半侧脸及正面人脸,并为不同角度的人脸建立不同的检测器分别用于检测.在CMU侧面人脸检测集合上,用基于Adaboost的方法对多角度人脸图像进行仿真实验,检测正确率为89.8%,误报数为243个.相比Schneiderman等人的方法,该方法具有更好的性能.  相似文献   

基于无锚点的单阶段全卷积目标检测算法(FCOS)无需生成大量的锚点避免了样本不平衡问题,但FCOS可能更适应于某一特定场景。为了增强特征融合,并提高目标检测的准确性,提出了全卷积目标检测算法FCOS的改进算法ConFCOS。该算法设计了一个增强的特征金字塔网络,引入带有全局上下文信息的注意力模块和空洞卷积模块,以减少特征融合过程中的信息衰减。另外,构建了一个级联检测头来检测对象,对检测的边界框进行细化来提高分类和回归的置信度。此外,针对提出的ConFCOS的损失函数进行了优化以提高目标检测的准确率。在COCO数据集上进行的实验表明,ConFCOS的准确度比FCOS提高了1.6个百分点。  相似文献   

Human detection is fundamental in many machine vision applications, like video surveillance, driving assistance, action recognition and scene understanding. However in most of these applications real-time performance is necessary and this is not achieved yet by current detection methods.This paper presents a new method for human detection based on a multiresolution cascade of Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) that can highly reduce the computational cost of detection search without affecting accuracy. The method consists of a cascade of sliding window detectors. Each detector is a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) composed of HOG features at different resolutions, from coarse at the first level to fine at the last one.In contrast to previous methods, our approach uses a non-uniform stride of the sliding window that is defined by the feature resolution and allows the detection to be incrementally refined as going from coarse-to-fine resolution. In this way, the speed-up of the cascade is not only due to the fewer number of features computed at the first levels of the cascade, but also to the reduced number of windows that need to be evaluated at the coarse resolution. Experimental results show that our method reaches a detection rate comparable with the state-of-the-art of detectors based on HOG features, while at the same time the detection search is up to 23 times faster.  相似文献   

基于Harr式特征分层筛选的人脸检测方法速度快、检测率高。但Harr式特征对边缘、线段比较敏感,只能描述特定走向的图形结构。结合分层筛选技术,提出了Boosting协方差特征人脸检测方法。该方法先计算协方差矩阵特征,然后由这些特征构造弱分类器,最后借助Adaboost方法组合这些弱分类器的输出结果来对测试图片进行瀑布式分层筛选,从而获得最终判决结果。测试实验显示所提方法具有较强的抗噪能力,检测率相比原基于Harr式特征分层筛选的方法有显著提高。  相似文献   

一种基于多特征和机器学习的分级行人检测方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对单幅图像中的行人检测问题,提出了基于自适应增强算法(Adaboost)和支持向量机(Support vector machine, SVM)的两级检测方法, 应用粗细结合的思想有效提高检测的精度.粗级行人检测器通过提取四方向特征(Four direction features, FDF)和GAB (Gentle Adaboost)级联训练得到,精密级行人检测器用熵梯度直方图(Entropy-histograms of oriented gradients, EHOG)作为特征, 通过支持向量机学习得到.本文提出的EHOG特征考虑到熵, 通过分布的混乱程度描述,具有分辨行人和类似人的物体能力. 实验结果表明,本文提出的EHOG、粗细结合的两级检测方法能准确地检测出复杂背景下不同姿势的直立行人, 检测精度优于以往Adaboost方法.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose multi-view object detection methodology by using specific extended class of haar-like filters, which apparently detects the object with high accuracy in the unconstraint environments. There are several object detection techniques, which work well in restricted environments, where illumination is constant and the view angle of the object is restricted. The proposed object detection methodology successfully detects faces, cars, logo objects at any size and pose with high accuracy in real world conditions. To cope with angle variation, we propose a multiple trained cascades by using the proposed filters, which performs even better detection by spanning a different range of orientation in each cascade. We tested the proposed approach by still images by using image databases and conducted some evaluations by using video images from an IP camera placed in outdoor. We tested the method for detecting face, logo, and vehicle in different environments. The experimental results show that the proposed method yields higher classification performance than Viola and Jones’s detector, which uses a single feature for each weak classifier. Given the less number of features, our detector detects any face, object, or vehicle in 15 fps when using 4 megapixel images with 95% accuracy on an Intel i7 2.8 GHz machine.  相似文献   

Early detection of ventricular fibrillation (VF) is crucial for the success of the defibrillation therapy in automatic devices. A high number of detectors have been proposed based on temporal, spectral, and time-frequency parameters extracted from the surface electrocardiogram (ECG), showing always a limited performance. The combination ECG parameters on different domain (time, frequency, and time-frequency) using machine learning algorithms has been used to improve detection efficiency. However, the potential utilization of a wide number of parameters benefiting machine learning schemes has raised the need of efficient feature selection (FS) procedures. In this study, we propose a novel FS algorithm based on support vector machines (SVM) classifiers and bootstrap resampling (BR) techniques. We define a backward FS procedure that relies on evaluating changes in SVM performance when removing features from the input space. This evaluation is achieved according to a nonparametric statistic based on BR. After simulation studies, we benchmark the performance of our FS algorithm in AHA and MIT-BIH ECG databases. Our results show that the proposed FS algorithm outperforms the recursive feature elimination method in synthetic examples, and that the VF detector performance improves with the reduced feature set.  相似文献   

The discriminative power of a feature has an impact on the convergence rate in training and running speed in evaluating an object detector. In this paper, a novel distribution-based discriminative feature is proposed to distinguish objects of rigid object categories from background. It fully makes use of the advantage of local binary pattern (LBP) that specializes in encoding local structures and statistic information of distribution from training data, which is utilized in getting optimal separating hyperplane. The proposed feature maintains the merit of simplicity in calculation and powerful discriminative ability to distinguish objects from background patches. Three LBP-based features are derived to adaptive projection ones, which are more discriminative than original versions. The asymmetric Gentle Adaboost organized in nested cascade structure constructs the final detector. The proposed features are evaluated on two different object categories: frontal human faces and side-view cars. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed features are more discriminative than traditional Haarlike features and multi-block LBP (MBLBP) features. Furthermore they are also robust in monotonous variations of illumination.  相似文献   

利用空间矩提取亚象素角特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A novel subpixel corner detection method based on spatial moment is developed in this paper. Firstly, the spatial-moment-generating function, gradient magnitude and variation of gradient-direction corner are used as the decision rule of corner detection by analyzing the mathematical formula of corner-model spatial moment. Then Non-max suppression technique is utilized to detect the vertex of feature corner. Finally, in order to improve its localization performance, subpixel corner detection is implemented by the bilinear interpolation and Newton iteration method. Experiments illustrate that the spatial moment corner detector has better robustness and localization performance than Kitchen detector and Harris detector.  相似文献   

Cascades of boosted ensembles have become popular in the object detection community following their highly successful introduction in the face detector of Viola and Jones. Since then, researchers have sought to improve upon the original approach by incorporating new methods along a variety of axes (e.g. alternative boosting methods, feature sets, etc.). Nevertheless, key decisions about how many hypotheses to include in an ensemble and the appropriate balance of detection and false positive rates in the individual stages are often made by user intervention or by an automatic method that produces unnecessarily slow detectors. We propose a novel method for making these decisions, which exploits the shape of the stage ROC curves in ways that have been previously ignored. The result is a detector that is significantly faster than the one produced by the standard automatic method. When this algorithm is combined with a recycling method for reusing the outputs of early stages in later ones and with a retracing method that inserts new early rejection points in the cascade, the detection speed matches that of the best hand-crafted detector. We also exploit joint distributions over several features in weak learning to improve overall detector accuracy, and explore ways to improve training time by aggressively filtering features.  相似文献   

目的 基于深度学习的飞机发动机损伤检测是计算机视觉中的一个新问题。当前的目标检测方法没有考虑飞机发动机损伤检测问题的特殊性,将其直接用于发动机损伤检测的效果较差,无法满足实际使用的要求。为了提高损伤检测的精度,提出检测器和分类器级联的发动机损伤检测方法:Cascade-YOLO (cascade-you only look once)。方法 首先,将损伤区域作为正例、正常区域作为负例,训练损伤检测网络,初始化特征提取网络的网络参数;其次,固定特征提取网络,使用多个检测头分别检测不同类型的发动机损伤,每个检测头独立进行检测,从而提高单类别损伤的检测召回率;最后,对于置信度在一定范围内的损伤,训练一个多分类判别器,用于校正检测头输出的损伤类别。基于检测结果,利用语义分割分支可以准确分割出损伤区域。结果 构建了一个具有1 305幅且包含9种损伤类型的孔探图像数据集,并在该数据集上量化、对比了6个先进的目标检测方法。本文方法的平均精确率(mean average precision,MAP)、准确率、召回率相比单阶段检测器YOLO v5分别提高了2.49%、12.59%和12.46%。结论 本文提出的检测器和分类器级联的发动机损伤检测模型通过对每类缺陷针对性地训练单独的检测头,充分考虑了不同缺陷间的分布差异,在提高召回率的同时提升了检测精度。同时该模型易于扩展类别,并可以快速应用于分割任务,符合实际的应用需求。  相似文献   

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