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针对传统蒙特卡罗定位(MCL)算法在结构化相似环境中容易出现定位失败的问题,提出一种基于多假设粒子群优化的改进蒙特卡罗定位方法(MPSO-CL).以激光传感器的观测信息作为适应度函数,对MCL算法的采样粒子进行多假设粒子群优化更新,使得采样粒子向当前群体中多个最优粒子方向移动,从而使得粒子迅速收敛到后验概率密度分布取值较大的区域,实现了移动机器人高效精确自主定位.实验结果表明,MPSO-MCL算法克服了相似环境中定位的粒子匮乏问题,并且提高了定位的精确度.  相似文献   

Gert  Bart   《Robotics and Autonomous Systems》2009,57(11):1107-1118
Monte-Carlo localization uses particle filtering to estimate the position of the robot. The method is known to suffer from the loss of potential positions when there is ambiguity present in the environment. Since many indoor environments are highly symmetric, this problem of premature convergence is problematic for indoor robot navigation. It is, however, rarely studied in particle filters. We introduce a number of so-called niching methods used in genetic algorithms, and implement them on a particle filter for Monte-Carlo localization. The experiments show a significant improvement in the diversity maintaining performance of the particle filter.  相似文献   

在分析多目标优化问题的基础上,提出一种随机多目标微粒群算法,该算法采用在已经获得的Pareto解集中随机选取的两个Pareto解作为微粒更新公式中的pbest和gbest微粒,从而使微粒群的多样性增加,获得均匀分布的Pareto前沿。之后利用有限齐次马尔科夫理论给出了SMOPSO算法的收敛性进行了分析,证明SMOPSO算法以概率1收敛于极小元。最后通过对两个常用多目标函数的仿真实验,验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于梯度直方图的全景图像匹配算法, 并将该算法与蒙特卡罗定位方法相结合, 构建了一种基于全景视觉的移动机器人定位方法. 在分析所提出的匹配算法特点的基础上建立了系统的观测模型, 推导出粒子滤波中重要权重系数的计算方法. 该方法能够抵抗环境中相似场景对于定位结果的干扰, 同时能够使机器人从“绑架”中快速恢复. 实验结果证明该方法正确、有效.  相似文献   

移动机器人的改进无迹粒子滤波蒙特卡罗定位算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粒子滤波是移动机器人蒙特卡罗定位(Monte Carlo localization, MCL)的核心环节. 首先, 针对粒子滤波过程的粒子退化问题, 利用迭代Sigma点卡尔曼滤波来精确设计粒子滤波器的提议分布, 以迭代更新方式将当前观测信息融入顺序重要性采样过程, 提出IUPF (Improved unscented particle filter)算法. 然后, 将IUPF与移动机器人MCL相结合, 给出IUPF-MCL定位算法的实现细节. 仿真结果表明, IUPF-MCL是一种精确鲁棒的移动机器人定位算法.  相似文献   

传统群机器人的室外定位主要依靠单一的GPS定位,精度较低,且在城市及野外复杂环境下容易受到障碍物的影响,导致其无法获得准确位置。利用差分GPS定位技术和RSSI无线定位技术组建了一种基于AVR单片机的控制平台,XBee为通讯网络的组合定位系统,显著提高了定位精度,消除了定位盲点,在复杂环境下也能得到较为准确的位置,且具有低功耗,低成本,高稳定性的特点,并在实验和仿真中得到了验证。  相似文献   

针对移动机器人在不完整地图中定位的问题,提出了一种改进的粒子聚类蒙特卡罗定位(Monte Carlo localization, MCL)算法。在定位过程中,将机器人的位姿分为六种状态,每一种状态对应一个粒子簇。在机器人运动的过程中,这六种状态之间可以相互转移,在计算状态转移概率的基础上,实现了不完整地图中移动机器人蒙特卡罗定位算法。实验验证了该算法在解决移动机器人在不完整地图中定位问题的有效性。  相似文献   

Production planning is concerned with finding a release plan of jobs into a manufacturing system so that its actual outputs over time match the customer demand with the least cost. For a given release plan, the system outputs, work in process inventory (WIP) levels and job completions, are non-stationary bivariate time series that interact with time series representing customer demand, resulting in the fulfillment/non-fulfillment of demand and the holding cost of both WIP and finished-goods inventory. The relationship between a release plan and its resulting performance metrics (typically, mean/variance of the total cost and the fill rate) has proven difficult to quantify. This work develops a metamodel-based Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) method to accurately capture the dynamic, stochastic behavior of a manufacturing system, and to allow real-time evaluation of a release plan's performance metrics. This evaluation capability is then embedded in a multi-objective optimization framework to search for near-optimal release plans. The proposed method has been applied to a scaled-down semiconductor fabrication system to demonstrate the quality of the metamodel-based MCS evaluation and the results of plan optimization.  相似文献   

环境因素导致无线传感器网络定位存在噪声影响,实质上是非平滑的非线性问题,针对传统粒子滤波算法在处理该问题时精度不高的缺点,提出一种基于后验泊松分布的Monte Carlo-Gaussian重采样粒子滤波算法的无线传感器网络定位算法。首先,基于粒子滤波算法,借鉴扩展卡尔曼滤波算法采用近似后验高斯分布思想,设计了后验泊松分布Monte Carlo-Gaussian重采样粒子滤波器。其次,采用该滤波器设计实现了无线传感器网络定位算法,解决了非平滑非线性的噪声干扰定位问题。最后,分别对滤波器和定位算法的性能进行了对比仿真实验,结果验证了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   

In wireless monitoring networks, wireless sniffers are distributed in a region to monitor the activities of users. It can be used for fault diagnosis, resource management and critical path analysis. Due to hardware limitations, wireless sniffers typically can only collect information on one channel at a time. Therefore, it is a key topic to optimize the channel selection for sniffers to maximize the information collected, so as to maximize the quality of monitoring (QoM) of the network. In this paper, a particle swarm optimization (PSO)-based solution is proposed to achieve the optimal channel selection. A2D mapping particle coding and its moving scheme are devised. Monte Carlo method is incorporated to revise the solution and significantly improve the convergence of the algorithm. The extensive simulations demonstrate that the Monte Carlo enhanced PSO (MC-PSO) algorithm outperforms the related algorithms evidently with higher monitoring quality, lower computation complexity, and faster convergence. The practical experiment also shows the feasibility of this algorithm.  相似文献   

针对蒙特卡洛定位(Monte Carlo Localization,MCL)采样效率不高,定位精度较低的问题,提出一种新的基于爬山法优化策略的移动无线传感网络定位算法HCPSO-MCL(Hill Climbing Particle Swarm Optimization-MCL),将节点定位问题转化为全局优化问题。HCPSO-MCL算法采用基于爬山策略的混合粒子群优化算法对MCL的估计值进行修正,从而实现节点快速准确定位。实验仿真结果表明,HCPSO-MCL较之于MCL算法在定位精度上有很大改进,而且比PSO-MCL(Particle Swarm Optimization-MCL)算法有更快的收敛性。  相似文献   

为降低接收信号强度指示测距方法的测距误差,提出一种适用于无线传感器网络(WSNs)的混沌粒子群优化(CPSO)节点定位算法:依据未定位节点信度选择定位次序;根据测距距离,通过粒子群优化(PSO)算法估算出待定位节点位置,并采用混沌扰动机制避免粒子群寻优早熟收敛,扰动机制的启动取决于早熟检验的结果.实验结果表明:算法能在提高定位精度的同时,有效解决粒子群寻优早熟收敛的问题.  相似文献   

考虑机器人间的通信受限约束,将机器人抽象为微粒,提出基于微粒群优化的多机器人气味寻源方法.首先,采用结合斥力函数的策略,引导机器人快速搜索烟羽;然后,基于无线信号对数距离损耗模型,估计机器人间的通讯范围,据此形成微粒群的动态拓扑结构,并确定微粒的全局极值;最后,将传感器的采样/恢复时间融入微粒更新公式,以跟踪烟羽.将所提出方法应用于3个不同场景的气味寻源,实验结果验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

群机器人在未知动态环境下进行多目标搜索时,存在碰撞预测和搜索效率不高等问题。提出了一种碰撞几何锥和改进惯性权重的粒子群优化算法相结合的多目标搜索策略。首先,根据静、动态威胁物的不同分别引入碰撞锥(CC)和速度障碍法(VO),提出了简化复杂障碍物的膨胀几何法(SG)和一种改进CC和VO的碰撞几何锥模型(CGC);有效解决了复杂不规则威胁物的避碰预测问题,并根据CGC模型作出威胁评估报告以确定最优避障方向。其次,提出一种改进惯性权重的粒子群优化算法(IWPSO),提高了搜索效率同时有效解决了粒子群优化算法易陷入局部最优的问题。最后,将两种改进的方法(CGC-IWPSO)相结合以实现群机器人的多目标任务搜索,相比于简化虚拟受力(SVF)、自适应机器人蝙蝠算法(ARBR)、具有运动学约束的粒子群算法(KCPSO),本文方法在搜索时耗、能耗以及避障次数上分别至少减少了15.59%、 10.14%、 14.12%。  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of indoor localization in wireless networks is addressed relying on a swarm-based approach. We assume to know the positions of a few number of sensor nodes, denoted as anchor nodes (ANs), and we aim at finding the position of a target node (TN) on the basis of the estimated distances between each AN and the considered TN. Since ultra wide band (UWB) technology is particularly suited for localization purposes (owing to its remarkable time resolution), we consider a network composed of UWB devices. More precisely, we carry out an experimental investigation using the PulsOn 410 ranging and communication modules (RCMs) produced by time domain. Using four of them as ANs and one of them as TN, various topologies are considered in order to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed swarm-based localization approach, which relies on the pairwise (AN-TN) distances estimated by the RCMs. Then, we investigate how the accuracy of the proposed localization algorithm changes if we apply to the distance estimates a recently proposed stochastic correction, which is designed to reduce the distance estimation error. Our experimental results show that a good accuracy is obtained in all the considered scenarios, especially when applying the proposed swarm-based localization algorithm to the stochastically corrected distances. The obtained results are satisfying also in terms of software execution time, making the proposed approach applicable to real-time dynamic localization problems.  相似文献   

The global localization methods deal with the estimation of the pose of a mobile robot assuming no prior state information about the pose and a complete a priori knowledge of the environment where the mobile robot is going to be localized. Most existing algorithms are based on the minimization of an L2-norm loss function. In spite of the extended use of the L2-norm, the use of the L1-norm offers some alternative advantages. The present work compares the L1-norm and the L2-norm with the same basic optimization mechanism to determine the advantages of each norm when applied to the global localization problem.The algorithm has been tested subject to different noise levels to demonstrate the accuracy, effectiveness, robustness, and computational efficiency of both L1-norm and L2-norm approaches.  相似文献   

The probabilistic reliability evaluation of composite power systems is a complicated, computation intensive, and combinatorial task. As such evaluation may suffer from issues regarding high dimensionality that lead to an increased need for computational resources, MCS is often used to evaluate the reliability of power systems. In order to alleviate this burden, an analytical method known as state space decomposition has previously been used to prune the state space that is sampled using MCS.This paper extends the state-of-the-art by proposing a novel algorithm known as intelligent state space pruning (ISSP). This algorithm leverages the intelligence of highly modified population based metaheuristic (PBM) algorithms including genetic algorithms (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), ant colony optimization (ACO), and artificial immune systems (AIS) to quickly, efficiently, and intelligently prune the state space that is used during MCS. The presented PBMs are modified using domain-specific knowledge to improve their performance and fine tune their intelligence. This new algorithm leads to reductions of up to 90% in total computation time and iterations required for convergence when compared to non-sequential MCS. Results are reported using the IEEE Reliability Test Systems (RTS79/MRTS).  相似文献   

Solving the optimization problem to approach a Nash Equilibrium point plays an important role in imperfect information games, e.g., StarCraft and poker. Neural Fictitious Self-Play (NFSP) is an effective algorithm that learns approximate Nash Equilibrium of imperfect-information games from purely self-play without prior domain knowledge. However, it needs to train a neural network in an off-policy manner to approximate the action values. For games with large search spaces, the training may suffer from unnecessary exploration and sometimes fails to converge. In this paper, we propose a new Neural Fictitious Self-Play algorithmthat combinesMonte Carlo tree search with NFSP, called MC-NFSP, to improve the performance in real-time zero-sum imperfect-information games. With experiments and empirical analysis, we demonstrate that the proposed MC-NFSP algorithm can approximate Nash Equilibrium in games with large-scale search depth while the NFSP can not. Furthermore, we develop an Asynchronous Neural Fictitious Self-Play framework (ANFSP). It uses asynchronous and parallel architecture to collect game experience and improve both the training efficiency and policy quality. The experiments with th e games with hidden state information (Texas Hold’em), and the FPS (firstperson shooter) games demonstrate effectiveness of our algorithms.  相似文献   

将智能算法应用到无线传感器网络定位技术中是一种全新的尝试,粒子群算法是其中的一种典型算法.根据超宽带(UWB)定位原理,建立基于粒子群算法的定位模型,在非视距(NLOS)环境下,利用NLOS误差导致的附加时延和由信道决定的均方根时延扩展的联合统计特性,进行NLOS误差补偿,在迭代过程中采用线性递减的惯性权重,粒了群通过不断追踪个体极值和局部极值,更新自身的位置与速度,从而找到全局最优解,仿真结果表明正确率达90%以上.  相似文献   

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