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带释放时间的并行机调度问题的ILS & SS算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究工件带释放时间的两类并行机最小化总完成时间的调度问题.针对问题提出了一种新的基于变深度环交换邻域结构的Iterated local search(ILS)算法.1)提出了变深度环交换邻域结构.2)基于变深度环交换和传统Swap的混合邻域,提出了带有两种kick策略的ILS算法.3)为了加强ILS逃出局部最优的能力,将Scatter search(SS)搜索方法引入了ILS算法中;算法将当前最好解和次好解进行分散处理,再从处理后的解开始继续迭代.为了验证算法的有效性,对两类并行机问题分别随机产生100组数据进行试验.实验结果表明:对于同构并行机问题,引入SS的ILS算法的计算结果与下界的平均偏差为0.99%,而没有引入SS的ILS算法的为1.06%;对于无关并行机问题,引入SS搜索方法后,ILS算法的计算结果改进了6.06%,并明显优于多点下降算法.  相似文献   

基于增强型kick策略的ILS算法求解一类聚类问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗家祥  唐立新  田志波 《控制与决策》2006,21(12):1369-1373
提出一种新型的基于环交换邻域的迭代局部搜索算(ILS).用于求解一类聚类问题,算法的主要特点是:1)基于环交换的邻域结构;环交换邻域与传统的Swap和Insert邻域相比,算法在一次迭代中允许多个点同时移动;2)针对聚类问题提出了增强型的kick移动策略:根据每组内点的密度分布摄动聚类中心,对给定的解重新聚类,实验结果表明,基于环交换的迭代局部搜索算法对求解该类聚类问题是有效的.  相似文献   

汪恭书  唐立新 《自动化学报》2012,38(10):1713-1720
以长材产线为背景, 研究了炉次在连铸及轧制阶段的组批及批排序问题. 与以往将连铸、轧制分开研究不同, 本文同时考虑连铸和轧制阶段对组批及批排序的要求, 还考虑了下游工序精整机组负荷均衡生产的要求. 为该问题建立了新的混合整数规划(Mixed integer programming, MIP) 模型. 由于问题的NP-hard 属性和模型的大规模特征, 以及工业应用的实际要求, 本文提出了改进的分散搜索(Scatter search, SS) 算法用于求解该问题. 在改进的SS 算法中, 利用解的相关性质来限制搜索空间, 并将变邻域搜索策略引入, 从而结合解的多样性及邻域互补性特点, 充分发挥算法混合的优势. 实际数据的计算结果验证了改进SS 算法的有效性.  相似文献   

强化Dynasearch & TS算法求解酸轧生产调度问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
唐立新  赵任 《自动化学报》2010,36(2):304-313
酸轧生产调度的主要任务是在满足酸轧机组生产工艺和能力约束下, 考虑下游机组的流向需求,为保证生产连续性和平滑过渡的要求,从给定候选池中选择适合的板卷构成一个酸轧调度单元. 针对此问题, 本文建立了以最小化过渡费用和调度单元剩余容量惩罚费用为目标的整数规划模型, 提出了一种嵌入强化Dynasearch算法的禁忌搜索混合算法. 该混合算法采用基于最小插入法的两阶段启发式产生初始解, 根据采用邻域结构的不同设计双禁忌表, 为了避免算法陷入局部最优, 在禁忌搜索的每次迭代过程中嵌入Swap邻域和Inner-insert邻域相结合的多交换Dynasearch邻域, 并设计了多项式动态规划算法搜索该邻域. 针对问题的特征, 提出了Block分区结构, 基于此分析了多个可行解性质, 有效降低了搜索空间. 与一般禁忌搜索算法比较, 结果表明所提出的强化Dynsearch TS (Tabu search)算法求解效果明显优于一般TS算法, 平均改进量为3.62%, 算法运行时间大大缩短. 验证了该算法在解决此类问题的有效性.  相似文献   

针对并行密度聚类算法在处理大数据集时存在伸缩困难、参数寻优能力不佳、并行化效率较低等问题,提出一种基于分组和重力搜索优化算法(improve gravitational search algorithm,IGSA)的并行密度聚类算法(densi-ty-based clustering algorithm based on groups and improve gravitational search,MR-GDBIGS).首先,该算法设计了基于图形的分组策略(grouping strategy based on pattern,GSP)来有效划分数据,加速邻域搜索,解决了处理大数据集时伸缩困难的问题;其次,在局部聚类中提出基于位置更新函数(position update function,PUF)的重力搜索优化算法,动态寻找局部聚类中的最优参数,提升了局部聚类的效果;最后,提出基于覆盖树的并行局部簇合并策略(cluster merging strategy by using MapReduce,MR-CTMC),在实现局部簇并行化合并的同时加快了合并局部簇的收敛速度,提升了算法整体的并行化效率.实验结果表明,MR-GDBIGS算法在处理大数据时的聚类效果更佳,且并行化性能更好.  相似文献   

针对迭代局部搜索(iterated local search,ILS)算法求解旅游线路时间花费较长的问题,提出了一种ILS结合布谷鸟搜索(cuckoo search,CS)的优化算法,来优化旅游线路的时间花费。该算法首先根据相关目标和约束采用ILS算法求解旅游景点及初始旅游线路,然后在满足旅游景点时间窗约束及景点总数不变的情况下采用CS算法进一步最小化旅游线路的时间花费。该研究获得的线路更符合旅游习惯,并且旅游时间花费更少。通过Daminaos数据集和桂林景点数据集进行验证,结果表明该优化算法相比于仅使用ILS算法所规划出的旅游线路,平均时间花费减少8%,更符合用户旅游选择习惯。  相似文献   

胡蓉  李洋  钱斌  金怀平  向凤红 《自动化学报》2022,48(12):3006-3023
针对带时间窗的低能耗多车场多车型车辆路径问题(Low-energy-consumption multi-depots heterogeneousfleet vehicle routing problem with time windows,LMHFVPR_TW),提出一种结合聚类分解策略的增强蚁群算法(Enhanced ant colony optimization based on clustering decomposition,EACO_CD)进行求解.首先,由于该问题具有强约束、大规模和NP-Hard等复杂性,为有效控制问题的求解规模并合理引导算法在优质解区域搜索,根据问题特点设计两种基于K-means的聚类策略,将LMHFVPR_TW合理分解为一系列带时间窗的低能耗单车场单车型车辆路径子问题(Low-energy-consumption vehicle routing problem with time windows,LVRP_TW);其次,本文提出一种增强蚁群算法(Enhanced ant colony optimization,EACO)求解分解后的各子问题(LVRP_TW),进而获得原问题的解.EACO不仅引入信息素挥发系数控制因子进一步动态调节信息素挥发系数,从而有效控制信息素的挥发以提高算法的全局搜索能力,而且设计基于4种变邻域操作的两阶段变邻域局部搜索(Two-stage variable neighborhood search,TVNS)来增强算法的局部搜索能力.最后,在不同规模问题上的仿真和对比实验验证了所提EACO_CD的有效性.  相似文献   

并行机间歇过程生产调度的遗传局部搜索算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
苏生  战德臣  徐晓飞 《软件学报》2006,17(12):2589-2600
研究了一类集成分批的并行机间歇过程调度问题(parallel machine batch process scheduling problem,简称PBPSP),将此问题转化为固定费用运输问题(6xed charge transportation problem,简称FCTP)后,提出了具有集中邻域搜索机制和局部最优逃逸机制的遗传局部搜索算法(genetic local search algorithm,简称GLSA).GLSA算法用先根遍历边排列模式编码生成树解,具有高效的子树补充式单点交叉操作.将基于网络单纯型方法的邻域搜索作为变异算子,并提出了连续随机节点邻域搜索的集中邻域搜索策略以及随机旋转变异与全局邻域搜索相结合的局部最优逃逸策略,极大地强化了遗传局部搜索算法的全局寻优能力.实验表明:GLSA算法获得的解质量优于基于排列编码的遗传算法和基于矩阵编码的遗传算法,得到了所有Benchmark问题的最优解,且具有高鲁棒性.针对一定规模的FCTP问题,GLSA算法比Tabu启发式搜索算法具有更高的获得最优解几率.  相似文献   

雷德明  杨海 《控制与决策》2022,37(5):1174-1182
针对具有预防性维修(PM)和顺序相关准备时间(SDST)的不相关并行机调度问题,提出一种多群体人工蜂群算法(MABC)以同时最小化完工时间和总延迟时间.该算法将雇佣蜂分割成s个雇佣蜂群,除最差雇佣蜂群外,每个雇佣蜂群都对应1个跟随蜂群.结合2个目标函数、PM和SDST的特征设计3种邻域搜索,采用全局搜索和邻域搜索的不同...  相似文献   

订单拣选是仓库运营管理中一项高劳动强度与高成本的操作,拣货员在仓库中从货位拣选出满足订单需求的货物.订单分批问题(order batching problem, OBP)是订单拣选中的重要规划问题,该问题以最小化拣选批次路径时长为目标,将用户订单分配至拣选批次中.首先,为了优化订单分配构造高质量批次,提出一种混合元启发式算法,在自适应大邻域搜索框架中融入基于不可行下降的局部搜索,同时引入自适应惩罚机制和一批基于订单与基于批次的移除启发式以及新的算法组件;其次,为了优化拣选路径进一步降低批次旅行时间,提出单向启发式,利用动态规划优化组合多个路径策略.实验表明,在合理计算时间内,所提出算法的求解质量优于多重启变邻域搜索(MS-VNS)、混合自适应大邻域搜索及禁忌搜索(ALNS/TS),而且所提出算法的最大路径长度减少率达到22.36%.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the non-preemptive scheduling problem of scheduling jobs on identical parallel machines to minimize the maximum completion time or makespan. The problem has been proved to be NP-hard in the strong sense. The NP-hardness of the problem motivates us to develop a new methodology to obtain near-optimal solutions. We formulate the problem as an integer programming and then propose a new iterated local search (ILS) algorithm based on a variable number of cyclic exchanges to solve it. The properties of the solutions are derived and the results are used to improve the computational efficiency of our algorithm. Computational experiments show that the cyclic exchange neighborhood embedded in an iterated local search framework is effective for solving the scheduling problems with up to 1000 jobs and 40 machines within a reasonable amount of computation time. Received: April 2005 / Accepted: January 2006  相似文献   

This paper presents a tabu search approach for scheduling jobs on identical parallel machines with the objective of minimizing the mean tardiness. Initially, we consider a basic tabu search that uses short term memory only. Local search is performed on a neighborhood defined by two types of moves. Insert moves consist of transferring each job from one machine to another and swap moves are those obtained by exchanging each pair of jobs between two machines. Next, we analyze the incorporation of two diversification strategies with the aim of exploring unvisited regions of the solution space. The first strategy uses long term memory to store the frequency of the moves executed throughout the search and the second makes use of influential moves. Computational tests are performed on problems with up to 10 machines and 150 jobs. The heuristic performance is evaluated through a lower bound given by Lagrangean relaxation. A comparison is also made with respect to the best constructive heuristic reported in the literature.  相似文献   

The problem of parallel machine scheduling for minimizing the makespan is an open scheduling problem with extensive practical relevance. It has been proved to be non-deterministic polynomial hard. Considering a job’s batch size greater than one in the real manufacturing environment, this paper investigates into the parallel machine scheduling with splitting jobs. Differential evolution is employed as a solution approach due to its distinctive feature, and a new crossover method and a new mutation method are brought forward in the global search procedure, according to the job splitting constraint. A specific local search method is further designed to gain a better performance, based on the analytical result from the single product problem. Numerical experiments on the performance of the proposed hybrid DE on parallel machine scheduling problems with splitting jobs covering identical and unrelated machine kinds and a realistic problem are performed, and the results indicate that the algorithm is feasible and efficient.  相似文献   

We propose a new approach, called cluster-based search (CBS), for scheduling large task graphs in parallel on a heterogeneous cluster of workstations connected by a high-speed network (e.g., using an ATM switch at OC-3 speed). The CBS algorithm uses a parallel random neighborhood search which works by refining multiple different initial schedules simultaneously using different workstations. The workstations communicate periodically to exchange their best solutions found thus far in order to direct the search to more promising regions in the search space. Heterogeneity of machines is exploited by the biased partitioning of the search space. The parallel random neighborhood search is fault-tolerant in that the workload of a failed workstation is automatically redistributed to other workstations so that the search can continue. We have implemented the CBS algorithm as a core function of our on-going development of SSI middleware for a Sun workstation cluster.  相似文献   

This paper presents several search heuristics and their performance in batch scheduling of parallel, unrelated machines. Identical or similar jobs are typically processed in batches in order to decrease setup times and/or processing times. The problem accounts for allotting batched work parts into unrelated parallel machines, where each batch consists of a fixed number of jobs. Some batches may contain different jobs but all jobs within each batch should have an identical processing time and a common due date. Processing time of each job of a batch is determined according to the machine group as well as the batch group to which the job belongs. Major or minor setup times are required between two subsequent batches depending on batch sequence but are independent of machines. The objective of our study is to minimize the total weighted tardiness for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling. Four search heuristics are proposed to address the problem, namely (1) the earliest weighted due date, (2) the shortest weighted processing time, (3) the two-level batch scheduling heuristic, and (4) the simulated annealing method. These proposed local search heuristics are tested through computational experiments with data from dicing operations of a compound semiconductor manufacturing facility.  相似文献   

This study considers the problem of scheduling jobs on unrelated parallel machines with machine-dependent and job sequence-dependent setup times. In this study, a restricted simulated annealing (RSA) algorithm which incorporates a restricted search strategy is presented to minimize the makespan. The proposed RSA algorithm can effective reduce the search effort required to find the best neighborhood solution by eliminating ineffective job moves. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed RSA algorithm is compared with the basic simulated annealing and existing meta-heuristics on a benchmark problem dataset used in earlier studies. Computational results indicate that the proposed RSA algorithm compares well with the state-of-the-art meta-heuristic for small-sized problems, and significantly outperforms basic simulated annealing algorithm and existing algorithms for large-sized problems.  相似文献   

求解工件车间调度问题的一种新的邻域搜索算法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
王磊  黄文奇 《计算机学报》2005,28(5):809-816
该文提出了一种新的求解工件车间调度(job shop scheduling)问题的邻域搜索算法.问题的目标是:在满足约束条件的前提下使得调度的makespan尽可能地小.定义了一种新的优先分配规则以生成初始解;定义了一种新的邻域结构;将邻域搜索跟单机调度结合在一起;提出了跳坑策略以跳出局部最优解并且将搜索引向有希望的方向.计算了当前国际文献中的一组共58个benchmark问题实例,算法的优度高于当前国外学者提出的两种著名的先进算法.其中对18个10工件10机器的实例,包括最著名的难解实例ft10,在可接受的时间内都找到了最优解.这些实例是当前文献中报导的所有规模为10工件10机器的实例.  相似文献   

This paper presents a scheduling problem for unrelated parallel machines with sequence-dependent setup times, using simulated annealing (SA). The problem accounts for allotting work parts of L jobs into M parallel unrelated machines, where a job refers to a lot composed of N items. Some jobs may have different items while every item within each job has an identical processing time with a common due date. Each machine has its own processing times according to the characteristics of the machine as well as job types. Setup times are machine independent but job sequence dependent. SA, a meta-heuristic, is employed in this study to determine a scheduling policy so as to minimize total tardiness. The suggested SA method utilizes six job or item rearranging techniques to generate neighborhood solutions. The experimental analysis shows that the proposed SA method significantly outperforms a neighborhood search method in terms of total tardiness.  相似文献   

The NP-hard problem of scheduling jobs on unrelated parallel machines, in the presence of machine-dependent and sequence-dependent setup times, with the objective of minimizing the makespan, is considered. A variable neighborhood descent search algorithm, hybridized with mathematical programming elements, is presented and its performance is evaluated on a large set of benchmark problem instances. The extensive computational experiments show that the proposed algorithm outperforms previously proposed methods in terms of solution quality as well as computation time.  相似文献   

分析并行机Job-Shop调度问题的特点并建立其约束满足优化模型,结合约束满足与变邻域搜索技术设计了一个求解该问题的混合优化算法。该算法采用变量排序方法和值排序方法选择变量并赋值,利用回溯和约束传播消解资源冲突,生成初始可行调度,然后应用局部搜索技术增强收敛性,并通过结合问题特点设计的邻域结构的多样性提高求解质量。数据实验表明,提出的算法与其他两种算法相比,具有一定的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

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