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基于聚类的位置数据库动态重组   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在无线移动计算环境中,如何合理地组织和存储移动对象(mobile object)的配置信息从而有效地降低查询和更新代价是位置管理(location management)中的一个重要问题.将数据挖掘应用到移动计算环境中是一项具有挑战性的研究课题,具有广阔的应用前景.从数据挖掘的角度出发,提出了一种优化位置数据库的解决方案.首先采用一种新的层次聚类算法对移动日志聚类,然后根据聚类的结果对位置数据库动态重组,从而有效地降低了查询和更新代价.  相似文献   

LWIS——基于位置的无线信息服务应用模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用的匮乏和不易使用性制约了无线信息服务的发展,迫切需要新的适合移动环境的应用模型。基于位置的无线信息服务(LWIS)模型结合移动定位、移动GIS、移动通信技术,以用户位置为线索构建应用逻辑,改善系统易用性。该文提出了基于用户位置构建服务应用的思想,分析了LWIS系统结构框架、关键技术、终端平台设计等问题,并介绍了一个可运行的LWIS终端原型范例。  相似文献   

无线网络中的定位现今主要是由基于移动台的定位技术、基于移动网络的定位技术、基于GPS定位技术三种类型来实现。本文将重点介绍移动台的定位和移动网络的定位两种定位技术。移动台定位包括估计定位参数,根据参数选择合适的算法求出移动台的位置。移动网络定位主要是根据利用信号到达的方位角(AOA)进行无线定位,根据利用信号到达时间(TOA)进行无线定位,根据利用信号到达时间差(TDOA)进行无线定位。  相似文献   

介绍了一种适用于无线局域网的入侵检测方案。该方案分别实现了无线局域网的主机安全检测和网络安全检测。针对无线局域网的特点,该方案把基于嵌入式的入侵检测系统嵌入到移动终端作为基于主机的入侵检测系统,把基于移动Agent的入侵检测系统安装到MSS(Mobile Support Station,支持移动计算的固定站点)上用于实现基于网络的入侵检测。该入侵检测方案能有效消除无线局域网的来自主机与网络两方面的安全威胁。  相似文献   

面向无线传感器网络节点定位的移动锚节点路径规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
节点定位是无线传感器网络技术研究的一个基本问题,大多数无线传感器网络的应用和中间件技术都需要节点的位置信息.目前比较实用的定位方法是利用一些移动锚节点(如安装有GPS)根据有效的规划路径移动,通过发送包含其自身坐标的信息来定位其他节点,该方法不过多地增加无线传感器网络成本,还可以获得较高的定位精度.在该方法中,移动锚节点的路径规划问题是需要解决的基本问题.主要研究移动锚节点的路径规划问题,把图论引入到无线传感器网络节点定位系统.把无线传感器网络看成一个连通的节点无向图,路径规划问题转化为图的生成树及遍历问题,提出了宽度优先和回溯式贪婪算法.仿真实验和真实系统实验结果表明,该方法能够很好地适应无线传感器网络节点随机分布的节点定位,可以取得较高的定位精度.  相似文献   

介绍了一种适用于无线局域网的入侵检测方案。该方案分别实现了无线局域网的主机安全检测和网络安全检测。针对无线局域网的特点,该方案把基于嵌入式的入侵检测系统嵌入到移动终端作为基于主机的入侵检测系统,把基于移动Agent的入侵检测系统安装到MSS(Mobile Support Station,支持移动计算的固定站点)上用于实现基于网络的入侵检测。该入侵检测方案能有效消除无线局域网的来自主机与网络两方面的安全威胁。  相似文献   

介绍了一种在无线传感网中针对移动节点的自适应定位算法,通过建立移动节点运动模型,借助运动模型估计信息辅助移动节点的定位,解决了只有2个或1个信标节点的无法定位的问题,本算法能够适应不同移动节点的运动状态,动态地调整定位时间间隔,从而既能提高节点定位的精度,也能在保证定位误差的情况下降低定位频率,节省定位能量的消耗,延长整个无线传感网的生存时间。  相似文献   

移动应用商店(商场)的兴起,已经成为移动互联网发展的关键机遇。应用零售模式正在改变移动增值业务的收入结构,形成新的市场板块;应用零售集市的迅速发展也推动了移动产业链上下游的资源整合,甚至引发产业角色的重新定位。预测应用商店正在成为无线宽带时代新的服务入口,驱动用户消费习惯的转变。  相似文献   

正面向移动网络运营商提供实时的移动定位和无线接入网络体验加州费利蒙市2014年8月4日电/美通社/--全球性用户体验公司Procera Networks,Inc.(NASDAQ:PKT)今天宣布推出一款面向移动宽带运营商的开创性新用户体验解决方案RAN Perspectives,提供实时定位和无线接入网(RAN)体验质量(QoE)意识。RAN Perspectives是一款软件解决方案,提供实时定位和无线接入网体验质量数据,可以用来增强消费者的移动宽带体验。  相似文献   

基于移动锚节点的无线传感器网络三边质心定位   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了无线传感器网络(WSN)定位技术的意义,研究基于移动锚节点的测距定位技术;设计了移动锚节点运动轨迹,在利用无线电与超声波到达时间差(TDOA)测得锚节点到待定位节点距离的情况下,给出了一种新的定位算法——三边质心定位算法,该算法通过求解待定位节点的定位近点所构成几何图形的质心来完成定位;仿真结果表明,该定位技术能够明显减小定位误差与锚节点数量。  相似文献   

随着移动数据库和移动通信技术的发展,客户要求能在任何地点随时访问他所需要的信息。该文就是基于客户机移动的不确定性,从影响位置管理的两个方面:位置更新和位置查询出发,在分析前人的研究成果基础上,提出了一种基于虚拟服务器的位置管理方案,分析了其基本结构和工作流程。最后作了简短评价,并提出了以后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Analysis of mobile agents in network fault management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Network domains have become more and more advanced in terms of their size, complexity and the level of heterogeneity. Comprehensive fault management is the most significant challenge in network management. Fault management can help increase the availability of the network by quickly identifying the faults and then, proactively, start the recovery process. Current centralized configured network management systems suffer from problems such as insufficient scalability, availability and flexibility as networks become more distributed. Mobile agents (MAs), with integral intelligence, can present a reasonable new technology that will help to achieve distributed management, several researchers have embraced these approaches. In this paper, we introduce a general analytical model for network management client/server (CS) and MA paradigms. We express how to build up an analytical framework, which can be used to quantitatively assess the performances of the MA and CS paradigms under different scenarios. We present some numerical and experimental results that demonstrate the applicability of our proposed framework, which will be based on a combination of MA and CS schemes called Adaptive Intelligent Mobile Agent.  相似文献   

文章对无线ATM的一些关键技术进行了分析,提出了在ATM网络中支持终端移动性的网络体系结构—移动ATM(Mobile ATM),并重点讨论了位置管理和切换管理问题。  相似文献   

移动通信网络中,位置管理用于跟踪移动台,有位置更新和寻呼两个基本操作。现行位置管理策略在查找移动台时对整个位置区进行同步寻呼,由于位置区由众多小区组成,而移动台只在其中一个小区,所以现行策略造成了网络资源的大量浪费。该文基于增强学习理论与方法,提出了自适应的多阶段智能寻呼策略,通过学习寻呼过程所获得的移动台位置信息,动态调整各阶段所寻呼组的小区,以降低寻呼费用。仿真实验结果表明,所提出的寻呼策略能较大地降低寻呼代价。  相似文献   

The current Internet was originally designed for “fixed” terminals and can hardly support mobility. It is necessary to develop new mobility management schemes for the future Internet. This paper proposes an Identifiers Separating and Mapping Scheme (ISMS), which is a candidate for the future Internet mobility management, and discusses the basic principles and detailed message flow. ISMS is a network-based mobility management scheme that takes advantage of the identity and location separation. The mobility entities in the core network are responsible for the location management. ISMS is designed to satisfy the requirements of faster handover, route optimism, advanced management, location privacy and security. The average handover delay of ISMS is on the order of milliseconds only, which is far smaller than that of Mobile IPv6. Analyses show that ISMS can reduce packet overhead on wireless channels. We build a prototype and perform some experiments. Results verify the feasibility of ISMS.  相似文献   

Mobile location-based services (MLBS) refer to services around geographic location data. Mobile terminals use wireless communication networks (or satellite positioning systems) to obtain users’ geographic location coordinate information based on spatial databases and integrate with other information to provide users with required location-related services. The development of systems based on MLBS has significance and practical value. In this paper a visualization management information system for personnel in major events based on microservices, namely MEPMIS, is designed and implemented by using MLBS. The system consists of a server and a client app, and it has some functions including map search and query, personnel positioning and scheduling, location management, messaging, and location service. Managers of the events can quickly search and locate the staff on the specific area of the map in real-time, and make broadcasting messages to the staff, and manage the staff. The client app is developed on the Android system, by which staff users can send the positions information to the server timely. The client users can search fuzzily near their peers and list their locations, and also call near peers through sending messages or query the history record of staff locations. In the design of the system, several new proposed techniques, including visual annotation method for overlapping locations, correcting trajectory drift algorithm, microservices-based overall system architecture methodology and other new techniques, which are applied to the implementation of the system. Also, HTML5, JQuery, MLBS APIs (Application Program Interfaces) related programming techniques have been used and combined with loading Ajax asynchronously and Json data encapsulation, map marker optimization techniques, that can improve the positioning accuracy and the performance of the system. The developed system with practical functions can enhance the efficiencies of the organization and management of major events.  相似文献   

关于CORBA与移动代理结合用于网络管理的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CORBA和移动代理是目前在分布式网络管理领域中应用得比较广泛的两种技术。在实际应用与研究领域中,它们都在不同的方面呈现出了各自的优势。但是,这两种技术又都存在着不同程度的缺陷。为了弥补移动代理和CORBA的缺陷从而提高网络管理的性能,又出现了一种新的研究方向——将CORBA和移动代理结合起来共用于分布式网络管理。将对目前的三种解决方案作简要介绍,并借鉴其中一种方案,在此基础上进行具体的程序开发,主要针对于CORBA命名服务在这个方案中的作用来进行详细说明。  相似文献   

Fourth-generation (4G) mobile systems provide access to a wide range of services and enable mobile users to communicate regardless of their geographical location and their roaming characteristics. Due to the growing number of mobile users, global connectivity, and the small size of cells, one of the most critical issues pertaining to these networks is location management. In recent years, several strategies have been proposed to improve the performance of the location management procedure in 3G and 4G mobile networks. In this paper, we propose a new model called Seamless Mobile IPv6 (SMIPv6) to improve the performance of the handover component in location management schemes. This model improves handover by predicting user location based on Users’ Mobility Profiles. The overall goals of SMIPv6 are to reduce both handover latency and signaling loads generated during the location update process. Simulation results show that the use of SMIPv6 produces a handover with low delay, as well as a significant drop of signaling overhead. Better results have been obtained by our protocol in all cases studied when compared to Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) and Fast Handovers for MIPv6 (FMIPv6).  相似文献   

The population of mobile users seeking connectivity to the Internet has been growing over the years, spurred by the capabilities of handsets and the increasing rich Internet content and services. Mobility management to enable efficient Internet access for users on the move is thus gaining significance. IETF has standardized several protocols such as Mobile IPv6, Hierarchical Mobile IPv6, and Proxy Mobile IPv6 to provide mobility management on the IP network. With future Internet design initiatives gaining momentum, it is important that these initiatives consider mobility management as an integral part of the design. In this article, we introduce the concept of Virtual Mobility Domain and describe the main features and key strengths of Virtual Mobility Domain that are designed to provide mobility management in a newly proposed tiered Internet architecture. Instead of IP addressing, the proposed Virtual Mobility Domain uses a tiered-addressing scheme to identify a mobile node with a single address regardless of its location. The tiered addressing provides a dynamic address length which brings less signaling overhead and scalable management. We also propose a collaborative network-based mobility management mechanism to provide low-latency handoffs and less processing-overhead on the mobile node compared to the IPv6-based protocols. The proposed mobility scheme unifies inter and intra-domain mobility management by introducing common anchor cloud concept which provides a distributed management and seamless mobility experience. We present comparative qualitative and quantitative performance analysis of Virtual Mobility Domain and aforementioned IPv6-based mobility protocols for Intra-AS roaming support. We examine handoff latency and signaling overhead performance of each protocol based on numerical results retrieved from analytical models and OPNET modeler based simulations. The results from a comparative performance study show the potential for more efficient mobility management under the proposed Internet architecture.  相似文献   

移动传输网络的网元管理系统(EMS)可以划分为三层,其中性能管理处于中间层,主要实现历史性能定时采集、定时备份、性能配置以及性能属性设置。在描述了该性能管理设计思路的基础上,设计和实现过程中采用了模块化程序的设计技术,每个模块具备相对独立的功能;模块内部采用结构化设计,层次构造清晰;同时构造了系统安全及健壮方面的策略,加强异常检测和异常处理,避免了数据完整性被破坏,以保证系统安全。  相似文献   

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