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针对三维网格模型孔洞保特征修复问题,提出一种基于"几何-拓扑"迭代优化的三维数据修复算法.给定残缺的三角网格模型,首先识别孔洞区域,利用动态规划方法对孔洞区域进行初始的三角剖分,赋予孔洞区域拓扑连接关系;然后识别孔洞边界一对特征点,基于特征点及其法向粗略拟合特征曲线,在特征曲线的指导下调整孔洞局部的拓扑结构,即孔洞区域拓扑连接关系优化;最后基于孔洞及其N环邻域构建保特征的局部总变分能量函数,迭代求解孔洞及其邻域的顶点几何位置,即局部顶点几何位置的优化,重复局部拓扑连接关系优化和顶点几何位置优化,直到拓扑结构优化处理中不再发生连接关系调整,即完成了三维网格模型的修复.在现有的完整三维网格模型上人为去除部分构造带孔洞的残缺模型,以此作为数据,与其他修复算法进行对比实验的结果表明,所提算法可以有效地恢复孔洞区域的显著特征,并且在修复时间和误差统计上占有明显优势.  相似文献   

与传统制造所生产的产品相比,3D打印产品的成本仍相对较高.因此,如何能在不牺牲打印物体表面质量的前提下通过模型优化来减少打印材料消耗,对于降低打印成本至关重要.针对这一问题,借鉴传统渐进结构优化方法,结合Von Mises应力计算,给出一种面向3D打印体积极小的拓扑优化算法.该算法通过模型力学计算所得的最大Von Mises应力与材料允许应力之比来引导模型体积减小进化,直至最大Von Mises应力达到允许应力值为止.同时,引入多分辨率技术,由粗网格再到细网格进行优化计算,有效地提高了计算效率.与现有其他给定结构模式的方法相比,该优化结果能更好地体现模型荷载受力的传递路径.  相似文献   

针对传统方法优化后的油气集输管网拓扑结构误差较高大、人力物力成本较高等问题,提出基于改进粒子群算法的油气集输管网拓扑结构优化方法.分析井口—计量站-联合站的布站程序,计算体积流量等工艺参数;将油汽集输费用最小作为目标函数;在计量站储油能力、中转站加工能力以及各站点位置约束下,构建管网拓扑结构优化模型;调节最优粒子编码顺...  相似文献   

针对3D打印材料费用昂贵问题,提出一种改进的蒙皮-桁架结构快速构建与优化方案,使打印模型的体积在满足产品物理机械性能、受力平衡性、自平衡性和可打印性等多约束条件下实现最小化,达到节省打印耗材、降低成本的目的.利用网格简化策略快速构建表层桁架结构,与原始网格模型在拓扑上保持相似性,避免桁架与蒙皮之间的冲突;基于实验分析,提出无内节点的内部桁架构建方法,可大幅缩短整体优化时间,且可在保证满足力学约束条件下获得更优的节材效果;将力学准则法与粒子群优化算法有机结合,利用满应力法计算桁架结构的支杆半径作为优化算法的初始值,提高算法在全局范围内搜索最优解的能力和效率,实现桁架结构支杆截面尺寸与系统拓扑结构协同优化的目标.实验结果表明,该方法健壮、有效,具有成本优势和效率优势.  相似文献   

针对结构承载面抗变形的设计需求,提出增广拉格朗日框架下的多节点位移约束拓扑优化方法.首先,建立以多节点位移为约束、以体积分数最小化为目标的拓扑优化列式;其次,利用增广拉格朗日方法将数量众多的位移约束方程转化到目标函数中,将多约束优化问题转化为无约束优化问题;最后,采用移动渐进线法求解无约束优化问题.数值算例结果表明,与包络函数方法相比,该方法能够进一步减少结构体积,且具有稳健、高效和不受参数影响的优势;与柔顺度最小化列式相比,该方法能够有效地控制局部区域的变形,在如风电叶片结构轻量化设计等工程应用中具有必要性.  相似文献   

针对某航空望远镜主结构的重量过高的问题,提出了对航空相机望远镜主框架进行拓扑优化设计的方法.基于拓扑优化理论,在重力过载的工况下对望远镜主框架拓扑优化,以整个框架作为设计变量,以框架的体积分数和固有频率作为约束条件,选结构的柔度最小化为目标函数,建立拓扑优化模型.采用MSC.PATRAN/NASTRAN软件对航空望远镜拓扑优化结果进行仿真,分析结果表明,结构的重量减少了77%,结构静态刚度提高,动态刚度符合要求,温度变化环境下光学成像条件改善.  相似文献   

针对传统的迭代优化算法不能保证优化之后的网格不含翻转单元的问题,提出一种保证无翻转的四边形网格几何优化算法.首先采用传统的拉普拉斯光滑化方法优化输入网格,确定网格翻转的局部区域;然后对区域内网格根据拓扑结构进行分层,并在保持原始网格拓扑结构的前提下对区域内的网格结点逐层重新布局;最后,将网格优化问题转化为给定初值的带约束的优化问题进行求解.实验结果表明,该算法能够保证结果网格中无翻转单元.  相似文献   

用页组拓扑平均距离改善页面聚类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种支持站点结构优化的页面聚类改进算法,通过引入图论中的拓扑平均距离,量化评估与挖掘站点结构中访问效率较低的内容文档集合为结构优化的兴趣页组,挖掘的页组具有更高的兴趣性,并将兴趣页组挖掘算法融入到拓扑优化算法中.实验结果表明改进算法能更好地优化站点结构,较一般算法收敛性好.  相似文献   

针对传统分步式结构优化设计的不足,提出一种同时进行结构拓扑、形状和尺寸统一优化的设计方法.首先采用水平集函数描述统一的结构优化模型和几何尺寸边界,通过引入紧支径向插值基函数将结构拓扑优化变量、形状优化变量和尺寸优化变量变换为基函数的扩展系数;然后取该扩展系数为设计变量,借助一种参数的变化表达3种优化要素对结构性能的影响,将复杂的多变量优化问题变换为相对简单的参数优化问题,有利于与相对成熟的优化算法相结合提高求解效率;进一步用R函数将其融合为一个整体,构造出统一优化模型,并用最优化准则法进行求解.最后通过数值案例证明了该方法的有效性和精确性.  相似文献   

为使粒子群优化算法(PSO)优化过程的多样性与收敛性得到合理解决,以提高算法优化性能,基于种群拓扑结构与粒子变异提出两种粒子群改进算法RSMPSO和RVMPSO.改进算法将具有信息定向流动的闭环拓扑结构与星型拓扑结构或四边形拓扑结构相结合,促使粒子在前期寻优过程中具有较高的多样性,保证搜索的广度,而在后期满足粒子群的整体收敛性,保证寻优的精度.同时,将布谷鸟搜索算法(CS)中的偏好随机游走变异策略引入改进算法中,增强粒子跳出局部最优的能力.对标准测试函数的仿真实验表明,所改进的PSO算法与其他6个对比算法相比不仅操作简单,优化精度高,而且在算法收敛性及稳健性方面都有着更出色的表现.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an evolutionary accelerated computational level set algorithm for structure topology optimization. It integrates the merits of evolutionary structure optimization (ESO) and level set method (LSM). Traditional LSM algorithm is largely dependent on the initial guess topology. The proposed method combines the merits of ESO techniques with those of LSM algorithm, while allowing new holes to be automatically generated in low strain energy within the nodal neighboring region during optimization. The validity and robustness of the new algorithm are supported by some widely used benchmark examples in topology optimization. Numerical computations show that optimization convergence is accelerated effectively.  相似文献   

Homogenization or density-based topology optimization methods work by distributing a fixed amount of material to the most effective areas of the design domain so as to create an optimal structural configuration that meets the minimum compliance criteria. These topology optimization methods generally cannot control the maximum stress levels of the structure; therefore, the smoothened optimum structure is not guaranteed to be ready for immediate use. This can be because it is either unsafe if the maximum stress at this structure exceeds the strength limit, or over designed if the maximum stress is far below the stress limit. Difficult and complex shape optimization must then be done to obtain a minimum-weight structure that meets the maximum stress constraint. This paper proposes an adaptive volume constraint (AVC) algorithm, a heuristic approach, in place of traditional topology optimization methods so that the maximum stress in the optimal structural configuration will be below the predefined stress limit and the smoothened structure will be directly applicable. In order to test the applicability and robustness of the AVC algorithm, topology optimization using both a traditional fixed volume constraint and an AVC are tested on a number of configuration design problems. To further illustrate the usefulness of the AVC algorithm, shape optimizations at the maximum stress constraint are also conducted on the smooth structural models by both optimization approaches on an identical problem set.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the stress-constrained topology optimization of minimizing the structural volume and compliance. A new method based on adaptive volume constraint and stress penalty is proposed. According to this method, the stress-constrained volume and compliance minimization topology optimization problem is transformed into two simple and related problems: a stress-penalty-based compliance minimization problem and a volume-decision problem. In the former problem, stress penalty is conducted and used to control the local stress level of the structure. To solve this problem, the parametric level set method with the compactly supported radial basis functions is adopted. Meanwhile, an adaptive adjusting scheme of the stress penalty factor is used to improve the control of the local stress level. To solve the volume-decision problem, a combination scheme of the interval search and local search is proposed. Numerical examples are used to test the proposed method. Results show the lightweight design, which meets the stress constraint and whose compliance is simultaneously optimized, can be obtained by the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a piecewise constant level set method for the topology optimization of steady Navier-Stokes flow. Combining piecewise constant level set functions and artificial friction force, the optimization problem is formulated and analyzed based on a design variable. The topology sensitivities are computed by the adjoint method based on Lagrangian multipliers. In the optimization procedure, the piecewise constant level set function is updated by a new descent method, without the needing to solve the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. To achieve optimization, the piecewise constant level set method does not track the boundaries between the different materials but instead through the regional division, which can easily create small holes without topological derivatives. Furthermore, we make some attempts to avoid updating the Lagrangian multipliers and to deal with the constraints easily. The algorithm is very simple to implement, and it is possible to obtain the optimal solution by iterating a few steps. Several numerical examples for both two- and three-dimensional problems are provided, to demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper the topological derivative concept is applied in the context of compliance topology optimization of structures subject to design-dependent hydrostatic pressure loading under volume constraint. The topological derivative represents the first term of the asymptotic expansion of a given shape functional with respect to the small parameter which measures the size of singular domain perturbations, such as holes, inclusions, source-terms and cracks. In particular, the topological asymptotic expansion of the total potential energy associated with plane stress or plane strain linear elasticity, taking into account the nucleation of a circular inclusion with non-homogeneous transmission condition on its boundary, is rigorously developed. Physically, there is a hydrostatic pressure acting on the interface of the topological perturbation, allowing to naturally deal with loading-dependent structural topology optimization. The obtained result is used in a topology optimization algorithm based on the associated topological derivative together with a level-set domain representation method. Finally, some numerical examples are presented, showing the influence of the hydrostatic pressure on the topology of the structure.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing (AM) eliminates many of the geometric restrictions in conventional manufacturing, and hence complex geometry, such as lattice structures, can be produced with little additional cost. AM designs based on lattice structuring have become increasingly popular as it possesses tunable properties and can be designed to be self-supporting easily. For these reasons, lattice infill recently has been actively studied and a variety of lattice structure topology optimization methods have been developed. On the other hand, lattice infill cannot span the design domain when there are functional features in the mechanical design (e.g. assembly holes and cooling channels). Also, the geometric form of these functional features need to be maintained and cannot be replaced by the lattice structure. Thus far, lattice structure topology optimization considers these features fixed in space without design freedom and obviously, this treatment lacks overall optimality. To fill this critical gap, this work combines the feature evolution into the variable-density lattice structure topology optimization framework, which leads to a concurrent lattice density and feature layout optimization method. Parametric level set functions are employed for the feature representation and R-functions are adopted to combine the density and level set fields. Sensitivity information is calculated on both the lattice densities and feature parameters, in order to solve the problem through a unified gradient-based approach. Several 3D numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A new topology optimization using adaptive inner-front level set method is presented. In the conventional level set-based topology optimization, the optimum topology strongly depends on the initial level set due to the incapability of inner-front creation during the optimization process. In the present work, in this regard, an algorithm for inner-front creation is proposed in which the sizes, the positions, and the number of new inner-fronts during the optimization process can be globally and consistently identified. In the algorithm, the criterion of inner-front creation for compliance minimization problems of linear elastic structures is chosen as the strain energy density along with volumetric constraint. To facilitate the inner-front creation process, the inner-front creation map is constructed and used to define new level set function. In the implementation of inner-front creation algorithm, to suppress the numerical oscillation of solutions due to the sharp edges in the level set function, domain regularization is carried out by solving the edge smoothing partial differential equation (smoothing PDE). To update the level set function during the optimization process, the least-squares finite element method (LSFEM) is adopted. Through the LSFEM, a symmetric positive definite system matrix is constructed, and non-diffused and non-oscillatory solution for the hyperbolic PDE such as level set equation can be obtained. As applications, three-dimensional topology optimization of shell structures is treated. From the numerical examples, it is shown that the present method brings in much needed flexibility in topologies during the level set-based topology optimization process.  相似文献   

We present a level set based shape and topology optimization method for maximizing the simple or repeated first eigenvalue of structure vibration. Considering that a simple eigenvalue is Fréchet differentiable with respect to the boundary of a structure but a repeated eigenvalue is only Gateaux or directionally differentiable, we take different approaches to derive the boundary variation that maximizes the first eigenvalue. In the case of simple eigenvalue, material derivative is obtained via adjoint method, and variation of boundary shape is specified according to the steepest descent method. In the case of N-fold repeated eigenvalue, variation of boundary shape is obtained as a result of a N-dimensional algebraic eigenvalue problem. Constraint of a structure’s volume is dealt with via the augmented Lagrange multiplier method. Boundary variation is treated as an advection velocity in the Hamilton–Jacobi equation of the level set method for changing the shape and topology of a structure. The finite element analysis of eigenvalues of structure vibration is accomplished by using an Eulerian method that employs a fixed mesh and ersatz material. Application of the method is demonstrated by several numerical examples of optimizing 2D structures.  相似文献   

In this paper, a parameterization approach is presented for structural shape and topology optimization of compliant mechanisms using a moving boundary representation. A level set model is developed to implicitly describe the structural boundary by embedding into a scalar function of higher dimension as zero level set. The compactly supported radial basis function of favorable smoothness and accuracy is used to interpolate the level set function. Thus, the temporal and spatial initial value problem is now converted into a time-separable parameterization problem. Accordingly, the more difficult shape and topology optimization of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation is then transferred into a relatively easy size optimization with the expansion coefficients as design variables. The design boundary is therefore advanced by applying the optimality criteria method to iteratively evaluate the size optimization so as to update the level set function in accordance with expansion coefficients of the interpolation. The optimization problem of the compliant mechanism is established by including both the mechanical efficiency as the objective function and the prescribed material usage as the constraint. The design sensitivity analysis is performed by utilizing the shape derivative. It is noted that the present method is not only capable of simultaneously addressing shape fidelity and topology changes with a smooth structural boundary but also able to avoid some of the unfavorable numerical issues such as the Courant–Friedrich–Levy condition, the velocity extension algorithm, and the reinitialization procedure in the conventional level set method. In particular, the present method can generate new holes inside the material domain, which makes the final design less insensitive to the initial guess. The compliant inverter is applied to demonstrate the availability of the present method in the framework of the implicit free boundary representation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new level set-based method to realize shape and topology optimization of hinge-free compliant mechanisms. A quadratic energy functional used in image processing applications is introduced in the level set method to control the geometric width of structural components in the created mechanism. A semi-implicit scheme with an additive operator splitting (AOS) algorithm is employed to solve the Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equation (PDE) in the level set method. The design of compliant mechanisms is mathematically represented as a general non-linear programming with a new objective function augmented by the high-order energy term. The structural optimization is thus changed to a numerical process that describes the design as a sequence of motions by updating the implicit boundaries until the optimized structure is achieved under specified constraints. In doing so, it is expected that numerical difficulties such as the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition and periodically applied re-initialization procedures in most conventional level set methods can be eliminated. In addition, new holes can be created inside the design domain. The final mechanism configurations consist of strip-like members suitable for generating distributed compliance, and solving the de-facto hinge problem in the design of compliant mechanisms. Two widely studied numerical examples are studied to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in the context of designing distributed compliant mechanisms.  相似文献   

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