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为实现互联多区域电网系统的频率稳定,负荷频率控制需要通过开放通信网络获取信号和发送命令。在开放的通信网络环境下,系统不免会受到天气、网络攻击等外界环境的干扰,引起电网频率波动。例如拒绝服务(denial-of-service, DoS)攻击,这些因素会阻止一定数量的信号传输,从而降低负载频率控制方案的性能,甚至导致电网系统不稳定。针对测量通道和控制通道拒绝服务攻击下互联多区域电网系统,完成弹性负载频率控制。首先给出DoS攻击频率和持续时间满足的假设条件,然后设计灵活的弹性控制器,保证闭环系统的输入状态稳定性,并确定合适的采样机制,实现系统性能和通信资源的有效折衷平衡。最后,以两区域互联电网系统为对象进行仿真,得到所提方法能够有效地克服DoS攻击和扰动带来的影响,保证了闭环系统的输入状态稳定性,验证了此方法的有效性。  相似文献   

蓄意流量攻击通过抢占有限的网络带宽降低正常数据流的时效性。对于网络化负荷频率控制(load frequency control, LFC),流量攻击将造成稳定裕度下降、频率偏差幅度上升甚至越限事故。现有控制方案一般采用单一且固定的控制器保证最大攻击强度下的渐进稳定性,存在设计约束多、保守性大的缺点。因此提出了一种跟随攻击强度自适应调整控制器增益的LFC策略。首先,基于确定性网络演算,得到了无攻击场景下数据流传输延时上边界,并预设了一系列表征不同攻击强度的传输延时范围。其次,通过构造Lyapunov泛函,推导了针对每个攻击强度的控制器设计准则。最后,基于切换控制理论,确定了所提自适应方案所能容忍的最大攻击强度变化频率。仿真表明,与现有控制方案相比,所提方法的频率偏差幅度可下降12.60%,区域控制误差的绝对值误差积分可下降10.85%。  相似文献   

轧机液压伺服位置系统多模型切换滑模变结构控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对轧机液压伺服系统随工况变化而引起的弹性负载刚度系数发生跳变的问题,建立了轧机液压伺服位置系统在不同工况下的非线性多模型集.通过选择系统共同的稳定滑模面,设计了各子模型对应的自适应滑模变结构控制器,并应用Lyapunov稳定性理论证明了整个系统可从任意初始状态趋向于系统的共同滑模面,进而保证了整个变结构切换控制系统的渐近稳定性.为有效削弱系统参数跳变的不良影响,采用模型最佳匹配性能指标作为各子模型切换控制的依据,实现了各子模型控制器之间的切换.仿真研究结果表明:所设计的多模型切换自适应滑模变结构控制器能够保证轧机液压伺服系统具有良好的动静态性能,对系统参数跳变具有良好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

负荷重分配(LR)攻击是一种特殊的网络攻击形式,对LR攻击进行建模并研究其对电力系统运行的影响具有重要的现实意义.首先,对LR攻击过程进行了分析,并基于半马尔可夫链建立了LR攻击的随机过程模型;其次,对LR攻击作用下攻击者与调度员之间的交互作用过程进行分析,建立了考虑LR攻击的发输电系统负荷削减模型;然后,从保护关键量...  相似文献   

分布式一致性控制因其灵活性和协同能力成为多端柔性直流(multi-terminal flexible direct current,MTDC)系统二次频率控制的新选择。然而,分布式控制结构虽提高了MTDC系统调频能力,但也带来了网络攻击的威胁。为此,该文首先研究了常值虚假信息注入(false data injection,FDI)攻击对分布式二次控制器的不利影响,分析表明受FDI攻击的站点会持续存在与攻击向量有关的频率偏差。进而为消除攻击造成的频率偏差,该文利用常值微分为0的特性提出了一种抵御常值FDI攻击的分布式一致性控制策略,并从理论上证明了所提策略能消除FDI攻击引起的偏差。最后基于MATLAB/SIMULINK搭建了四端柔性直流系统仿真模型,分别进行单换流站遭受攻击、全部换流站同时遭受攻击及全部换流站在不同时间遭受攻击的3种攻击场景仿真。仿真结果表明所提控制策略在3种场景下均能消除FDI攻击影响,使MTDC系统实现二次调频。  相似文献   

针对直流配电系统的高频振荡现象,以下垂控制的辐射状直流配电系统为研究对象,建立了电压源型换流器、直流线路和恒功率负荷的频域模型,进一步建立了直流配电系统的频域降阶模型.推导了频域下系统参数对高频振荡频率影响的解析式,分析了下垂控制系数、直流线路以及负荷参数变化对系统振荡频率的影响,发现下垂控制器和恒功率负荷的负阻尼特性易引发高频振荡.据此,文中提出了基于线路参数的前馈补偿下垂控制方法和改进虚拟电阻的控制器设计方法,并对补偿前后系统的稳定性进行了比较.通过频域、时域仿真验证了理论分析的正确性以及所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

为满足园区重要负荷在配电网失电后的可靠供电以及园区并网下的经济运行需求,设计了一种集光伏发电、储能装置、负荷等可控设备于一体的园区光储型微电网。开展了系统的容量配置和控制架构设计,研发了微电网中央控制器和园区能量管理系统等关键模块。园区微电网中央控制器提供的并离网下模式切换控制方法,在配电网发生故障时可快速切换运行模式,保障了园区重要负荷的稳定供电,最大化减小了配电网故障带来的影响。园区能量管理系统提供的经济调度模型,以最小运行费用为目标,通过商业软件CPLEX求解,给出了园区各设备在多场景下的最优运行结果。设计的系统已在某产业园成功应用,通过实测数据证明了所设计系统的合理性。  相似文献   

互联电网负荷频率控制对保障电网安全可靠运行具有重要作用,适宜的控制器参数整定使得电网在各种随机扰动下维持系统频率稳定和联络线功率交换值恒定。针对两区域互联电网的负荷频率控制器参数优化整定问题,提出一种基于智能优化算法的控制器参数整定设计方案。该方案采用最小化时间乘误差绝对值积分作为目标函数,运用灰狼优化算法搜索获得最优化的负荷频率控制器参数。灰狼优化算法模拟了狼群的社会分层机制和群体狩猎行为,使得控制器参数优化整定过程具有快速、高效、自适应和精度高等优点。此外,重点考虑了控制器参数不确定性可能导致的控制器性能衰减,讨论了控制器的脆弱性问题。建立了两区域互联电网负荷频率控制系统仿真模型,采用所提优化算法获取PI/PID型负荷频率控制器参数,仿真结果显示所提算法设计PI/PID控制器相比于传统方法和其他的智能优化算法具有更好的寻优能力和控制性能,并且优化获得的控制器在系统参数和控制器参数不确定性下具有鲁棒性和非脆弱性。  相似文献   

针对外部扰动及系统参数摄动引起微电网负荷频率波动问题,设计了混合H_2/H_∞鲁棒控制器对系统负荷频率进行控制。建立了包含电池的柴油发电机组二次频率控制模型,引入低通滤波器,使电池对系统高频扰动信号具有较好的抑制能力。以误差平方的积分最小作为系统的目标函数,在综合H_2范数表征的系统性能和H_∞范数表征的鲁棒性能下,设计具有多目标约束条件的混合H_2/H_∞鲁棒控制器。采用差分进化算法对控制器加权函数参数进行寻优,使控制器在满足约束条件下达到最优。仿真实验结果表明所提出方法在满足系统鲁棒性能的基础上,同时具备较好的控制输出,保证微电网频率在外部功率扰动和系统参数摄动情况下具有较好的动态性能。  相似文献   

高压直流输电系统在孤岛运行方式下,由于缺少负荷的频率调节效应,交、直流系统的扰动极易造成送端系统频率的不稳定。采用TLS-ESPRIT算法辨识出某实际电网系统的传递函数,并根据根轨迹校正原则设计了一种直流系统附加频率控制器,利用直流输电系统功率的快速可控性,来稳定送端系统频率。同时,设计了传统比例积分控制器与所提控制器进行比较。在PSCAD/EMTDC中仿真结果表明,所设计的频率附加控制器可以有效地提高孤岛系统的频率稳定性。  相似文献   

Based on indirect adaptive fuzzy control technique, a new load frequency control (LFC) scheme for multi-area power system is proposed. The power systems under study have the characterization of unknown parameters. Local load frequency controller is designed using the frequency and tie-line power deviations of each area. In the controller design, the approximation capabilities of fuzzy systems are employed to identify the unknown functions, formulate suitable adaptive control law and updating algorithms for the controller parameters. It is proved that the proposed controller ensures the boundedness of all variables of the closed-loop system and the tracking error. Moreover, in the proposed controller an auxiliary control signal is introduced to attenuate the effect of fuzzy approximation error and to mitigate the effect of external disturbance on the tracking performance. Simulation results of a three-area power system are presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed LFC and show its superiority over a classical PID controller.  相似文献   

针对风电并网时的随机波动功率、负荷频率控制(load frequency control, LFC)系统参数变化所引起的电力系统频率稳定问题,提出了一种基于智能优化算法与改进目标函数的互联电网LFC系统最优PID控制器设计方法。首先,分析了基于PID控制的含风电互联电力系统LFC闭环模型。其次,在时间乘误差绝对值积分(integral of time multiplied absolute error, ITAE)性能指标的目标函数中考虑了区域控制器的输出信号偏差,对优化目标函数进行改进。采用性能优良的多元宇宙优化(multi-verse optimizer, MVO)算法先计算后验证的思路,寻优获得最优PID控制器参数。最后,以两区域4机组互联电力LFC系统为例,仿真验证了基于MVO算法结合改进目标函数所获得的PID控制器,比基于MVO算法所获得的PID控制器,对阶跃负荷扰动、随机负荷扰动、风电功率偏差扰动以及系统的参数变化,具有相对较好的鲁棒性能。并且,对控制器参数也具有相对较好的非脆弱性指标。  相似文献   

Linear active disturbance rejection control (LADRC) method is investigated for the load frequency control (LFC) of power systems in deregulated environments. The connections between one area and the rest of the system and the effects of possible contracts are treated as a set of new disturbances besides the system load. LADRC uses an extended state observer (ESO) to estimate the disturbances and compensates them quickly. Thus it can achieve good disturbance rejection performance and is a good candidate for LFC design. The proposed method is tested on two power systems. Simulation results show that the LADRC is simple to tune for load frequency control systems, and good performance can be achieved.  相似文献   

Open communication system in modern power systems brings concern about information staleness which may cause power system frequency instability. The information staleness is often characterized by communication delay. However, communication delay is a packet-centered metric and cannot refect the requirement of information freshness for load frequency control (LFC). This paper introduces the age of information (AoI), which is more compre-hensive and informative than the conventional communication delay modeling method. An LFC controller and com-munication are integrated into the design for LFC performance improvement. An AoI-aware LFC model is formulated frst, and considering each allowable update period of the smart sensor, diferent AoI-aware PI controllers are then designed according to the exponential decay rate. The right AoI-aware controller and update period are selected according to the degree of frequency fuctuation of the power system. Case studies are carried out on one-area and two-area power systems. The results show the superior performance of the AoI-aware controllers in comparison to the delay-dependent controllers.  相似文献   

李玲芳  陈义宣  许岩  文福拴 《电力建设》2021,42(11):125-132
负荷频率控制(load frequency control, LFC)是维持电力系统安全稳定运行的基础。对于多区域互联电力系统,由于描述动态过程的微分方程组相当复杂,这给负荷频率控制器的设计带来了困难。在此背景下,针对多区域互联电力系统,提出基于交替方向乘子法 (alternating direction method of multiplier, ADMM) 的分布式最优负荷频率控制器设计方法,以取得良好的控制性能,同时具备较高的计算效率。首先,介绍了负荷频率控制问题的微分方程模型。之后,基于二次多项式和矩阵稀疏化构建了分布式最优LFC策略的数学模型,并采用ADMM求解。最后,以三区域互联电力系统为例对所提方法进行了验证。仿真结果表明,针对负荷扰动和时变参数,所提方法能够把各区域的频率偏差和区域间联络线上的功率偏差控制到0。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new model reference-decentralized robust adaptive-output feedback controller is proposed for the load frequency control (LFC) of large-scale power systems with unknown parameters. This control strategy requires only local input–output data and can follow random changes in the operating conditions. The controller is designed such that the trajectory errors and the control gains of each area remain uniformly bounded. In the proposed method, firstly an adaptive observer is designed to estimate the state variables and system parameters using local data only. Then a locally linear combination of the estimated states and the model reference states are used to design a robust adaptive-output feedback controller for each area. Simulation results for a three-area power system show that the proposed controller achieves good performance even in the presence of plant parameter changes and system non-linearities. Received: 18 October 2001/Accepted: 24 October 2001  相似文献   

Numerous control methods based on modern control theory have been proposed to improve the load frequency control (LFC) characteristics of power systems. These control methods generally regard the load frequency control system as a linear system model. Furthermore, complicated mathematical equations have to be solved to determine control laws. However, realistic power systems are nonlinear, i.e., the nonlinearities of tie-lines connecting between the control areas and of generation rate constraints of power plants exist. Consequently, it is considered that the design of controllers is difficult. In this paper, the application of fuzzy control to the load frequency control system is proposed to solve the forementioned problems. The proposed control first, to satisfy the load frequency control requirements, estimates power demand variations of the control areas and uses them as the output set-point values of power plants, instead of using an integral-type controller. Next, to improve stability and optimality of the nonlinear load frequency control system using the fore-mentioned output set-point control method, the proportional-type fuzzy control considering a computation time-delay is implemented. Parameters of the proposed fuzzy controller are determined by minimizing the integral square of the area control error (ACE) to ensure optimality of the system.  相似文献   

区域电网间存在较高的数据传输,使有限的通信和计算资源变得拥塞。为降低区域电网间的通信负担,提出基于事件触发控制的时滞电力系统负荷频率控制(LFC)方法。针对具有通信延迟的LFC系统,建立基于事件触发控制的时滞LFC动态模型。进而采用多求和不等式,提出具有事件触发控制器的时滞相关LFC系统Lyapunov稳定分析判据;在此基础上,推导了基于事件触发通信和输出反馈的负荷频率控制器协同设计方案,以保证电力系统频率稳定性的同时提高数据传输效率。仿真结果表明,所提方法能够有效减小互联系统频率和联络线功率振荡,保证系统的时滞稳定性并减少网络通信的冗余传输。  相似文献   

In renewable penetrated power systems, frequency instability arises due to the volatile nature of renewable energy sources (RES) and load disturbances. The traditional load frequency control (LFC) strategy from conventional power sources (CPS) alone unable to control the frequency deviations caused by the aforementioned disturbances. Therefore, it is essential to modify the structure of LFC, to handle the disturbances caused by the RES and load. With regards to the above problem, this work proposes a novel coordinated LFC strategy with modified control signal to have Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) for frequency stability enhancement of the Japanese power system. Where, the coordinated control strategy is based on the PID controller, which is optimally tuned by the recently developed JAYA Algorithm (JA). Numerous simulations are performed with the proposed methodology and, the results have confirmed the effectiveness of a proposed approach over some recent and well-known techniques in literature. Furthermore, simulation results reveal that the proposed coordinated approach significantly minimizing the frequency deviations compared to the JAYA optimized LFC without PHEVs & with PHEVs but no coordination.  相似文献   

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