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2008年5月12日四川汶川8.0级地震造成了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失,认真研究和反思这次地震中所反映的地震预报方面的科学问题,对地震预报科学的发展是十分重要的.本文简要叙述了1966年以来地震预报工作和地震预报研究的进展情况,通过分析汶川8.0级地震的形成机理,对如何认识大型断层长期缓慢积累能量的特征,如何认识这种积...  相似文献   

Bridges are built to stride over natural obstacles. They are “Key Links” in roadway network. In recent 30 years, with the reform and opening policy, many huge projects of National Expressway Network and river crossings and bay bridges have been built in mainland China, which remark great historic significance and strategic decisions. More than one hundred bridges connecting north and south of China along the Yangtze River, are making the economy and society more integrated than ever. The construction of river crossings and bay bridges is a system integration of both engineering and non-engineering achievements. Through the self-construction practices and along with the "inheritance, development and innovation", Chinese bridge engineering technology has been stepped into the world's advanced levels. Moreover, with the support of the nation's technical strength and application of modern project management method, continues efforts have been made to seek for systematic and integrated management practices, which is more fitted with the specific Chinese conditions. Many valuable experience and lessons has accumulated through the world's largest-scale bridge construction projects. In this paper, the construction achievements of long-span bridges in the Yangtze River Delta Zone have been summarized and reviewed, using methodology of engineering philosophy.  相似文献   

高原  王大明 《工程研究》2011,3(1):41-49
美国在20世纪80年代决定建造投资巨大的超导超级对撞机,但该大科学工程在进行了七年后又戛然而止.建造的理由和停顿的原因,都有其复杂的政治、经济和军事等方面的背景.文章对其产生、发展和夭折的历程进行了回顾和分析,对造成工程夭折的各种因素进行了初步的探讨,并认为该工程的决策、建造和停建所反映出来的各种问题,对我国大科学工程...  相似文献   

李浩鸣  向鹏  陈雅忱 《工程研究》2009,1(3):292-303
中国杂交水稻育种理论研究及其成果的推广应用是世界作物育种及其推广史上一项伟大的科学工程。本文阐述了近50年时间里以袁隆平为代表的中国杂交水稻育种学家、技术专家勇于探索,独创中国杂交水稻育种理论与技术方法的关键点;讨论了此项成就的产生、形成与发展过程。本文认为,杂交水稻科研成果及推广是新中国科技领域自主创新、社会主义大协作的标志性成就;袁隆平在他50多年的作物育种科研生涯中,实现了从育种专家向育种学家的转变;中国杂交水稻事业的巨大成就,得益于袁隆平院士的献身科学与不懈追求,得益于全国成千上万杂交水稻研究者的无私奉献和勇于实践,得益于从中央到地方各级领导的重视和相关部门的鼎力支持。  相似文献   

大飞机工程的战略意义、实施瓶颈及改革建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large Aircraft Project is a major ongoing strategic engineering project of China. This project will have historical impact on China's future society, economy, national defense, and the advancement of the scientific technology as a whole in particular. This paper systematically expounds the strategic significance of the Large Aircraft Project on China's national economy and analyzes the technological as well as insititutional bottleneck of this Project. At last, in response to these bottleneck, the paper proposes corresponding recommendation for change.  相似文献   

工程进度优化与控制问题的研究现状及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王学民  高随祥 《工程研究》2010,2(2):131-136
This paper mainly discusses the optimization and process control of project management. Special attention has been paid to the optimization of process-cost, process-cost-quality and project quarterly control in China and overseas. This paper describes the main researching methods on project optimization and process control and discusses the future tendency in this field.  相似文献   

栾恩杰 《工程研究》2014,(4):323-331
从工程与科学技术辩证关系的角度,在四个方面讨论了工程在创新驱动发展中的作用和意义.从劳动与劳动工具对人类进化和发展过程中的关键作用入手,讨论了工程的本质以及科学、技术、工程三者的关系,认为三者处于“无首尾逻辑”的不断循环的融合体状态,三者互相依赖、互相推动,而工程直接联系着技术的应用和科学的基础,在这一循环中起着“扳机”和载体的作用.以中国航天经历仿制阶段、自主研制阶段、跟踪发展阶段以及开始步入创新驱动发展新时期的58 年发展历程为例,论述了以重大工程带动科技发展对我国来说是一条成功之路.提出在未来的创新驱动发展中要坚持两项原则:一是坚持通过重大工程带动科技发展和社会进步;二是要将基础科研按其本身的特点并吸纳重大工程的成功经验制定发展规划.讨论了工程成果对于科学发展的基础作用,提出工程成果不仅是现代基础科学取得重大突破的必要手段和基础,还牵引着诸多基础学科的生成,完善和推动基础学科的发展;工程设施所提供的成果,既是设计成果、验证结果,也是运营的伴行装置;既是对象的物理表现,也是模型化认识的基础科学.对工程师的使命强调了三点认识:一是要依据系统工程的原则、方法和程序指导工程实践,一项重大工程系统在其运行中,必然要包括“非拥护性评审”以及相应的机会成本权衡;二是系统工程实施的第一步是工程需求论证,而复杂工程系统的需求论证必须是全域性的,涉及技术、经济、社会的诸多方面,否则可能造成巨大的损失;三是科技进步将人类社会推到高科技时代的同时,也把我们带进了为科技进步和工程建设而付出的各种代价之中,工程师要与科学家携手,通过“科学一技术一工程”无首尾逻辑的综合运用,共同解决当代民生难点课题,这是工程师的?  相似文献   

随着计算机软硬件的飞速发展及网络的迅速普及,科学计算中的数据量呈现爆炸式增长。大数据可视化已经成为科学计算中的重要研究内容之一。本文介绍了大数据的定义,阐述了可视化分析领域及科学计算中大数据可视化的重要意义;分析和讨论了传统的科学计算可视化研究方法,以研究数据场的类型为标准,对算法和技术进行了分类阐述;分析了大数据背景下,传统的科学计算可视化方法的不足,进而介绍了基于GPU环境的科学计算中大数据可视化的并行计算和绘制方法;最后结合本课题组在科学计算中针对大数据可视化领域取得的主要理论和应用成果,给出了大数据环境下的科学计算可视化进一步的发展及研究方向。  相似文献   

基础设施的发展是一个动态变迁过程。在21世纪的经济社会背景下,网络信息平台在人类的生产、生活和交流中将起到不可或缺的基础性作用。为了充分发挥网络信息平台对于经济社会发展的促进作用,有必要将面向科研、教育、医疗和社区服务等公益领域的公共网络信息平台建设纳入基础设施范畴进行规划、建设和管理。这将有助于推动我国的信息化建设,促进信息化、工业化之间的协调。  相似文献   

The western route project is in a relatively stable area and the construction technology of dam and long deep tunnel is feasible. This project is economically reasonable, with 11.8% economic internal rate of return, 108.395 billion Yuan economic net present value, and 1.7 economic benefits cost ratio. In addition to the quantitative calculation of the benefits of the project, there are more important social and environmental benefits. The project promotes the economic and social development of Yellow River Basin and the Northwestern area. This project enlarges the water supply of Yellow River and alleviates substantially the contradiction between supply and de-mand of the Yellow River water resources, and further protects and improves the ecological environment. The ef-fects of this project on the intake areas include: 1) the range of the water supply is extensive; 2) maintain the eco-logical development of Yellow River; 3) improve the ecological environment of the intake areas; 4) maintain the ecological safety of China. The project’s positive effects on the society and economy of the water supply areas in-clude: 1) bring economic opportunities for the water supply areas; 2) promote the upgrading of local economic structure; 3) promote the urbanization of water supply areas; 4) improve local citizens’ scientific and cultural qual-ity. The project’s negative effects on the society and economy of water supply areas include: 1) the adverse impact on farming industry of water supply areas; 2) the adverse impact on migrates and religious facilities; 3) the adverse impact on the development of hydroelectric resources of downstream areas.  相似文献   

清洁发展机制及其面临的形势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
清洁发展机制(Clean Development Mechanism,CDM)是<京都议定书>下的三个基于市场的节能减排机制之一.由于我国是一个处于工业化发展阶段的国家,没有减排的具体额度,所以CDM机制可以很好地促进我国在经济高速发展的同时开展节能减排工作.本文主要介绍CDM的申报流程和实施步骤,综述我国CDM项目申...  相似文献   

郭佳  ;尚智丛  ; 《工程研究》2013,5(4):374-379
在互联网时代,伴随着网络传输数据量的激增,流量给网络带宽带来越来越大的压力,用户越来越关注自己的网络体验情况,并对高带宽网络的需求越来越迫切.但如何反映并且度量用户体验仍是一个难题.本文对网络带宽使用现状(是否流畅)进行合理分析,利用网络流畅度反映用户体验,从宏观和微观两个层面分别建立网络流畅度模型,并利用上述模型对中国科技网进行评价,对其现状和产生此现状的原因进行了深入的分析.本文的方法能够为现有网络是否进行带宽扩容及如何合理地配置带宽提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

尚智丛  张伟娜 《工程研究》2009,1(2):143-151
大科学工程是实现国家重要科学技术目标的大型科研设施,在推进国家科学技术发展与实现国家目标过程中具有不可替代的作用。北京正负电子对撞机是我国大科学工程的代表。自20世纪80年代以来,其建设、运行和改造都紧密结合国家目标,在推进科学研究、发展高新技术、实现成果产业化等方面,做出了突出贡献。本文以此为案例讨论大科学工程与国家目标之间的关系。  相似文献   

郭世杰 《工程研究》2010,2(1):74-81
Under the international background of capital construction and city planning, this thesis investigates the making and publishing procedure and main content of the Nanjing capital Plan and analyzes the role of the main designers in order to disclose the propagation path of scientific city planning ideas and to enrich the understanding of this important historical fact in modern China's history of technology.  相似文献   

蒋高明  李霄 《工程研究》2010,2(2):112-119
Genetically modified (GM) crops may bring out serious environmental disruption and potential food safety problems which has already gone beyond the scientific and technological scope. Various business interest groups, especially GM multinationals, achieve the purpose of controlling another country's food lifeline through the monopoly of intellectual property rights of genetically modified seeds. On the basis of commercial cultivation of GM crops in national food security, food safety, health risks, environmental security, social risk and so on, this article briefly introduces the progress of the study at home and abroad, and puts forward measures to address national food security from the ecological point of view. China has the advantages of traditional ecological cycle in agriculture by adopting the theory of restoration ecology. This would be a desirable way.  相似文献   

大数据环境下,如何对高并发的视频数据进行实时地分析处理,是一个亟待解决的科学问题。本文介绍了面向互联网视频内容监管的高通量视频内容分析技术,着重对其中的四个主要关键技术(基于众核的视频高速解码和视频特征提取、基于分布式系统的高维索引和语义识别)的研究现状和发展趋势进行了综述和总结,并介绍了作者在这四个主要关键技术研究的最新成果,主要包括面向众核处理器的并行环路滤波、高鲁棒性和高并行度的局部特征提取与挖掘、分布式高维索引、面向大数据的集成学习方法,以充分发挥多粒度并行硬件平台的高并行计算能力,为互联网视频内容监管、视频搜索等重要应用提供关键技术支撑。  相似文献   

陆佑楣  张志会 《工程研究》2009,1(4):346-353
针对当前我国大众频繁使用并盲目推崇的所谓“原生态”概念,本文首先从词源学角度分析了其演化轨迹和概念内涵,指出“原生态”概念的内涵“原初性”的虚幻性,建议以科学概念“原真性”取而代之,继而在工程哲学的视角下,从实践和理论两个层面质疑了原生态概念的合理性,指出“原生态”概念的滥用可能引发弃绝一切合理的工程建设,并导致不同人群间环境正义缺失的结果。最后,笔者试图以“动态和谐的工程生态观”来替代不科学的“原生态工程观”的概念,并阐释了这种新型的工程生态观对我国当代工程发展的几点启示。  相似文献   

以WoS数据库为数据源,全面采集国际核心期刊数据库中"大数据"相关文献,以共词分析为基础,综合使用社会网络分析、聚类分析、战略坐标图等方法和工具,以期对当前大数据研究热点及演进趋势进行分析。研究发现,当前国际大数据研究可分为算法设计与开发、平台与框架实践、数据统计分析方法及实践、语义与本体研究和大数据的应用五个方面,且具有范围不断扩大、内容持续纵深、继承性逐渐体现等特点,但是整体而言仍处于起步阶段,各领域研究尚不成体系。之后,给出了下一阶段大数据研究前沿演进方向的预测:1)大数据环境下数据处理技术及方法研究,包括计算机数据处理的相关技术及统计方法在大数据环境下的应用研究;2)语义分析及本体研究;3)大数据商业价值的挖掘。  相似文献   

王佩琼 《工程研究》2010,2(2):176-189
During the Republic of China, Shanxi's industry grew up rapidly and its causes, experiences and lessons can be used for reference to today's industrial construction. Based on the view that ideas build reality, this paper introduces and comments on the scientific ideas of Yanxishan. Furthermore, the construction practice and achievements of Shanxi's industry are also presented and the association between Yanxishan's ideas and the construction achievements is discussed in the paper too. Finally, the author discusses the lessons we could draw from Shanxi's industrial construction in the Republic of China.  相似文献   

Wu Jianping  Wu Qian 《工程研究》2013,5(2):124-134
In recent years, information and communication technology (ICT) has obtained sustained and rapid development in the world, and has become the main driver of economic growth in a global scope. ICT’s development level is closely linked to GDP. Information and communication industry enters the new stage in which integrated innovation promoting integration development, and in which new features are presenting, such as integration, groups and integrated innovation. Information security and information infrastructure security have become an important part of national security. The informatization construction in China still faces many problems and challenges, such as relatively lag-ging behind of our policies for promoting the development of informatization, the lack of original innovation and core technologies. Barriers in the development need be tackled, Cyberspace strategy research needs to be strengthened and national network and information security situation is severe. The rapid development of Internet put more severe challenges on network governance. So the suggestions to these problems are as follows: to pro-mote the next generation Internet as the core of the information infrastructure, continue to promote the depth of integration of information technology and industrialization, increase R & D investment, develop the core technol-ogy of information industry, improve people's quality of informatization, and focus on promoting the construction of education informatization.  相似文献   

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