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110kV高压输电线路电磁场分析及评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨高压输电线路下的电磁环境问题,对110kV高压输电线路的工频电磁场进行了理论研究和实际测量.利用模拟电荷法,计算了工频电场强度,而且通过建立合适的模型,对工频磁场进行了计算.得出结论:在地面附近高度,电场强度主要由垂直分量决定,而磁感应强度由水平和垂直分量共同决定.由HJ/T24-1998可知,电场强度的推荐标准是4kv/m,磁感应强度限值是0.1mT,此次计算和测量值都远远小于国家标准.研究结果减少了人们对高压线下生活的恐惧心理,具有现实意义.  相似文献   

将垃圾焚烧飞灰与适量废玻璃粉混合后用电弧炉熔融处理,产生的水冷熔渣进一步粉碎、压型并在750~1 050℃间热处理制取微晶玻璃,运用同步热分析仪、X射线衍射仪、扫描电镜等测试设备对微晶玻璃的晶化行为及性能进行分析测试.研究表明:微晶玻璃主晶相为硅灰石CaSiO3和少量透辉石Ca(Mg,Al)(Si,Al)2O6,其衍射峰随处理温度升高呈增加趋势,850℃热处理时所得微晶玻璃具有较佳的微观结构和物理、机械及化学性能,其密度为2.62 g/cm3、抗弯强度达90.44 MPa,耐酸碱性分别为2.7%、0.9%,重金属浸出浓度非常低.  相似文献   

The nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) method was used to model the nanocolloids and the solvent particles. By introducing a non-uniform electric field, colloids were polarized to have opposite polarities. Separation of colloids driven by dielectrophoresis (DEP) could be seen clearly under a strong electric field at low temperatures. Analyzing the ratio of DEP velocities of colloids to thermal velocities of neutral solvent particles showed that when the ratio was correspondingly big, collision between colloids and solvent particles would be intense, making the DEP velocity of colloids fluctuate frequently. By changing the electric field strength, it was found that the enhancement of electric field strength would quicken the separation of colloids. But when the electric field strength increased to a certain degree, the separation motion would be slow because of the strong friction resistance of the solvent particles to the colloids. Moreover, studying the separation reason of colloids based on the potential energy showed that after colloids were polarized, the attractive potential energy among the colloids would be weaker than before, while the increase of temperature would reduce the attractive potential energy and increase the repulsive potential energy, which accorded with the DLVO theory. Supported by the National Hi-Tech Research and Derelopment Program of China (“863” Project) (Grant No. 2006AA04Z351) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 50675033, 30770553)  相似文献   

针对微波等离子体化学气相沉积金刚石过程中,矩形谐振腔中激发的等离子体稳定性和均匀性差的问题,提出通过用Ansoft软件对矩形压缩谐振腔进行模拟计算来优化设计谐振腔的方法.模拟中,假设除了微波输入端口以外,所有的边界都定义为理想电导体;微波能以平面波的形式,通过矩形波导被耦合到微波谐振腔内;再用高频结构仿真器联合求解满足模型条件的麦克斯韦方程组,得出谐振腔中的电场分布结果.分别模拟了基底深入谐振腔内高度为1.5、2、2.5、3、4mm和基底半径为11、13、15、17mm时,腔体内的电场分布.数值模拟结果表明,压缩谐振腔内的最大电场强度为817V/m左右,较压缩之前的电场强度增高了近一倍,且基底深入谐振腔高度为2mm,基底半径为13mm左右时,装置内电场强度较集中.  相似文献   

针对安装均压环可以提高分压器的测量精度,但其尺寸和安装位置的不同会直接影响电场畸变效果的问题,搭建了500 kV直流电阻标准分压器有限元模型,并基于迭代正交实验法分析不同尺寸和安装位置的均压环对直流电阻标准分压器周围电场分布的影响.计算出均压环圆心到地面的距离、内环半径、圆心到对称轴的距离等最优尺寸与最佳安装位置.结果表明,迭代算法使分压器周围的最大电场强度从4 212. 5 V/mm降低到820. 719 V/mm.  相似文献   

压机电热板的温控手段及其板面温度场的均匀性是影响产品质量的重要因素之一。平板采用电加热,板面温度分布难以均匀。需要用热传导的数值解法计算出板面的温度分布值,提高温控精度,合理地选用电加热器,增大热板的热容量,根据板面的温度补偿系数决定电阻加热器的位置及加热器的结构设计,并建议改进板面温度场均匀性检测手段,使用多点同时取值、自动显示及连续记录的测温装置,准确的检测板面的温度。  相似文献   

论述了非均匀电介质中电极边缘电场强度的理论和计算方法,表明如果材料介电常数随着接近电极边缘而增大,非均匀电介质电场强度增益系数会大大低于均匀电介质电场强度的增益系数.非均匀电介质材料影响空间测量特性和电场对称性,以致在非均匀电介质中采用平面电极设计得到电场强度的分布规律类似于均匀电介质非对称装置中电场强度的分布.  相似文献   

化学势是判断热力学系统相平衡的依据,是物质相变、扩散和化学反应的推动力。以能量公理为基础,从热力学基本原理出发推广了化学势的定义,导出了外场作用下化学势的普遍化表达式。外场作用下的化学势不仅是温度、压强和组分摩尔分数的函数,还与外场的特征参数有关。利用该普遍化表达式导出了重力场、离心力场和电磁场作用下的化学势,尤其是电场作用下电介质的化学势。利用该化学势研究了电场作用下纯物质的气液相变过程,结果表明,电场作用可以使极性物质的蒸汽压略有上升,对非极性物质没有影响,该结论与实验相符。对外场强化萃取和蒸馏等传质过程提供了一种新的研究方法。  相似文献   

电流变液及其性能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研制了两类不同重量比的电流变液,然后对基于硅油的几种配比的电流变液进行了微观结构研究,发现这一类电流变液的确存在链状结构,链的多少和粗细与液体的重量比和外加电场强度的大小有关。最后对两类电流变液分别进行了静态和动态特性实验,发现液体的重量比和外加电场强度对性能影响很大,所制得的电流变液可以认为是一种宾汉流体。  相似文献   

To study the applicability of the basalt fiber through various experimental works in thermal and chemical environments, glass fiber and carbon fiber were compared and discussed. The tensile strength testing was used to investigate the corrosive resistance of basalt fiber, meanwhile, surface study by scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis with complementary X-ray diffraction analysis (SEM/EDS) was also used to ascertain the durability of basalt fiber. The basalt fiber showed better strength retention than the glass fiber at relatively high temperature. Its tensile strength increased when exposed at 300 °C for several hours, and still maintain about 70% of the initial strength at 400 °C, whereas that of the glass fiber decreased dramatically. The better stability of the basalt fiber was observed in hydrothermal and chemical environment. The tensile strength of the basalt fiber increased by 20% after the immersion in boiling water and remained well in acid solution, when it comes to glass fiber, the tensile strength decreased to some extent. Although the alkali resistance of basalt fiber was poor at the initial stage, it shows better resistance than the glass fiber after long time treatment.  相似文献   

0 INTRODUCTIONByvirtueoftheirlowdensity ,highstrength/weightratio ,highmodulusandhighcorrosionandfatigueresis tance ,Al Lialloyhasbeendevelopedasstructuremateri alforaircraftandspacecraft[1~ 3] .Butitisdifficultforconventionalheat treatmenttechnologytofurther…  相似文献   

通过改变电凝并装置凝并区的放电类型,提出了粉尘在正负脉冲电场中的异极性荷电新方法.并将其与交变电场放电条件下粉尘的除尘效率进行了对比研究,结果表明,当集尘区板间平均场强为5kV/cm、凝并区为脉冲电场且脉冲电压峰值10kV时,除尘效率达到了97%,比凝并区为交变电场且交变电压为10kV时提高了1%.  相似文献   

The polarization and absorption principle of corona virus in the electric field is presented. It is expressed by the mathematic differential equation based on the physical model. According to the parameters of the dipole moment of virus, the electric field force exerted by the external electric field can be calculated. According to the parameters of size, mass and elastic modular, etc. , the moment of inertia of virus can be calculated. According to the viscosity of tissues, the resistant force when virus rotates can be calculated. According to the balance condition of relaxation polarization, when the drive force equals to the resistant force, the rotating or swaying frequency of virus can be calculated. According to the heat producing condition such as friction, the temperature rising of virus can be calculated. When the temperature exceeds a certain threshold, virus would be inactivated. Through the calculation, it is found that the movement type of the virus depends on the intensity and frequency of the external electric field, which are the effects of "intensity widows" and '" frequency windows". It also gives approximate calculation of the temperature rising of the virus according to this model. The vitro experiment confirms the reasonability of this model. The electric fields of different densities of a certain frequency are applied to the solution of avian infectious bronchitis virus. Through the toxicity experiment of the SPF chicken embryo, it is found that the toxicity is decreased exceedingly with a certain intensity of the applied voltage. EID50 decreases from 6. 70/0. 2 mL to 2.66/0. 2 mL. It is proved that the avian infectious bronchitis virus can be inactivated with a certain low frequency and low-density electric field.  相似文献   

针对以往生物信息综合评价中生物效应指标权重确定困难、忽视指标个性信息等弱点,应用非参数广义数据包络分析方法给出了一种综合评价电场强度对植物种子影响时效性的分析方法,该方法不仅考虑了种子的个性信息,而且还克服了确定指标权重的困难。应用该方法研究了电场对小麦种子影响的时效性。研究结果表明,在0.5~6.0 kV/cm场强范围内,小麦种子幼苗形态指标随电场强度增加呈现振荡性变化,并且随着贮存时间的延长其显著性慢慢消失。  相似文献   

为了分析广播通信系统中波天线产生的电磁环境影响规律,在麦克斯维电磁场理论的基础上,建立了中波天线场强值的计算模型,并模拟了中波单塔工作模式和双频共塔工作模式的电场分布规律.同时,对北京市郊区某中波电台的电场分布进行了实际测量.结果表明,中波天线电场强度随着水平距离的增加而迅速衰减,电场强度理论值和实测值远小于国家标准,二者的分布规律吻合较好.对中波发射台的环境影响评价工作具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

电桥电路由于测量精度高、方法巧妙,在电磁测量技术中有极其广泛的应用,不仅可测电阻、电容、电感,而且在非电量电测技术上应用也十分广泛,如力、位移、形变、温度、湿度、压力等量的测定.通过充实拓展了直流电桥实验内容,既保证了基本实验的训练要求,又能以应用为背景的新知识来激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性,有助于培养学生的实验能力和素质.  相似文献   

电弧喷涂铝、锌涂层防腐研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对金属热喷涂层(Al和Zn)的防腐性能进了行研究,重点讨论了电弧喷涂层(Al和Zn)的防腐性能。研究认为:电弧喷涂铝涂层与基体结合,强度明显优于气喷铝涂层,且涂层经封闭处理后,其防腐效果亦明显优于气喷涂层。  相似文献   

Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) method was used to study the dielectrophoresis (DEP) motion of nanocolloids in non-uniform electric field. By changing the electric field strength and system temperature, aggregation phenomena of nanocolloids was analyzed. Simulation results showed that at normal temperature, though the Brownian force can affect the motion of colloids, the attractive force will increase quickly with the distance between colloids down to 12σ , which makes colloids aggregate. When the Brownian force is weak to colloid's motion, for the enhancement of electric field strength, the DEP force of colloid will increase and so did the attractive force, which finally quickens the aggregate speed. Simulation results also showed that the temperature' enhancement will increase the Brownian force of colloids, hence disturbing the colloids aggregation. Moreover, the DLVO theory was used to study the motion of a pair of interactional colloids, both the potential energy and the attractive force versus distance of colloids were presented, then the latter graph was used to compare with another graph elicited by MD method. Results showed that the two graphs were nearly the same, indicating the MD model accorded with the theory.  相似文献   

纳米复合金属陶瓷材料不仅具有较好的综合机械性能,如高强度、高硬度、耐高温、耐磨损,而且具有较好的化学稳定性、抗氧化性能和耐腐蚀性能,在模具制造方面具有广阔前景.本文综述了纳米复合金属陶瓷材料的研究现状及存在问题,并指出了今后研究的发展趋势.  相似文献   


Super-high mechanical strength and excellent lubrication property at the nanoscale render graphene a promising ultra-thin solid lubricant. However, macroscale friction tests have shown that wear of graphene often occurs resulting in failure of interface lubrication. As graphene coatings are atomically thin, a sensitive and reliable detection method for monitoring wear has been a great challenge to date. In this work, we performed tribological experiments on monolayer graphene on SiO2/Si while simultaneously measuring the in-plane electric resistance of graphene during the sliding tests. Our experiments showed that the electric resistance exhibited a sudden increase signifying the onset of graphene wear well before the macroscale friction increased rapidly. The variation of in-plane electric resistance was found to depend on the wear track length and relative orientation. Longer wear track and wear track perpendicular to the current would typically lead to higher increase in graphene electric resistance. Our work demonstrates that monitoring in-plane electric resistance can be a simple, sensitive and predictive method for detecting graphene wear, which makes it a useful inspecting technique for a wide range of mechanical applications.


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