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用GIS软件(MapInfo)以矢量化的1∶5万珲春河流域水系图为底图对该流域盆地形状、水系平面形状、河网密度、河流分歧率和弯曲系数等水系特征进行定量分析.研究得出∶该流域水系平面形状主要以树枝状水系为主并伴有钳状水系等;河网密度为0.7,属于密集型河流;E值接近于0.6,说明流域盆地形状接近椭圆;河流平均分歧率为4.0,说明受地质构造影响不大,但局部区域受其影响仍较为明显;干流弯曲系数为3.4,是属于弯曲系数较大的河流.  相似文献   

广西百色盆地油气勘探潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据圈闭成因分类法,将盆地油气藏类型划分为构造油气藏、地层-岩性油气藏和复合油气藏三大类型及七种亚类型.油气藏类型受盆地不同的含油气结构层系控制,油藏主要围绕盆地主力生油凹陷呈环带分布,盆地不同构造带发育不同的油气藏类型.盆地资源探明率仅16.8%,还有可观的油气勘探潜力.盆地可划分为六个聚油单元,按各个单元的剩余资源潜力的分析,东部坳陷中央断凹-南部斜坡和西部坳陷是盆地今后勘探主要接替区带.  相似文献   

孙吴-嘉荫盆地中新生代构造特征及演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对东北亚中新生代盆地构造演化具有复杂性和特殊性,依据对各种地质资料的综合解释与分析,剖析了孙吴-嘉荫盆地中新生代断裂特征,建立了一条横穿整个盆地的地震-地质区域大剖面,由此分析了盆地演化史.结果表明:孙吴-嘉荫盆地在宁远村组沉积时期,全盆地属于受北北东向伸展断裂控制的断陷盆地.淘淇河组沉积早期,盆地出现东西部的分异,东部表现为早期控陷断裂反转逆冲活动,此后进入了拗陷发育阶段,而此时西部仍为持续的断陷阶段;至淘淇河组沉积晚期,西部开始抬升剥蚀,东部为持续拗陷阶段.晚白垩世时盆地整体进入断陷后热沉降阶段;晚白垩世末盆地再次遭受挤压,形成典型的"下正上逆"正反转构造.新生代盆地进入挤压改造期,形成一系列以北西西向为主的具有压扭性质的右行走滑断裂.  相似文献   

油气生成和聚集的基本单元是盆地.由于盆地内部在纵向上和平面上存在着明显的成藏条件、油气富集程度和油气藏特征方面的差异性,在盆地之下还要划分出次一级的评价单元.根据对世界上各种盆地的分析,盆地内纵向上地层层系之间的成藏条件和勘探工程条件的差异性大于盆内各个构造带之间的差异性.以层系为基础形成的成藏组合作为商业性的勘探单元适用于各类盆地,特别是对长期发育的多旋回盆地更具有重要意义.  相似文献   

被动大陆边缘盆地是现今全球发现油气田数量最多的盆地类型,也是控制油气形成最重要的盆地类型.以墨西哥湾盆地为例,分别阐述被动大陆边缘盆地对烃源岩、储层、盖层、圈闭和运移的控制作用.结果表明:在被动大陆盆地的发育演化过程中为油气形成提供连续稳定的时间和空间;提供烃源岩物源;提供优质的碎屑岩和碳酸盐储层;提供保存烃源岩并且形成盖层和圈闭的蒸发盐;提供烃源岩保存及盖层形成的构造等.被动大陆边缘盆地对油气形成具有良好的控制作用.  相似文献   

由于盆地内外介质的阻抗差别及特殊的几何形状,盆地内部将出现显著的地震动放大效应.针对出平面线源作用下沉积盆地地震响应问题,利用谱元法研究了震源主频率、空间位置和沉积盆地形状等因素对沉积盆地地震响应的影响.数值分析表明:点源的频率和沉积形状对地表的响应影响较大;点源的不同位置对于边缘效应有一定影响.  相似文献   

雅布赖盆地西南缘煤矿床地质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李科 《宁夏工程技术》2010,9(2):185-187
通过已有资料,对雅布赖盆地进行找煤探索性勘查.结果表明,在中-下侏罗统芨芨沟组(J1j)-龙凤山组(J2l)下部发现了工业煤层.该盆地属北山—阿拉善盆地群中的一个次级盆地,是早侏罗世晚期开始形成的一个断陷盆地,广泛沉积了煤系地层,在河流至湖泊过渡相形成煤层.雅布赖盆有较好的找煤前景。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地下奥陶统碳酸盐岩储层特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鄂尔多斯盆地下奥陶统碳酸盐岩分布全盆地,目前已在奥陶系马家沟组灰岩获得高产工业气流.文章从石油地质特征和成岩作用分析入手,阐述成岩作用对鄂尔多斯盆地下奥陶统储层的影响,研究碳酸盐岩的油气储集潜力,进而指明鄂尔多斯盆地下奥陶统碳酸盐岩储层的找气前景.  相似文献   

二连盆地中新生代经历了复杂的发育历史,是一个多期叠加的盆地系统,它经历了早侏罗世-中侏罗世-伸展断陷盆地期、晚侏罗世末-区域性构造反转期、早白垩世早中期-强烈断陷盆地期、早白垩世晚期-晚白垩世-盆地南东部抬升期、古近纪-新近纪-盆地北西部抬升期、第四纪-盆地南部抬升期等6个阶段.二连盆地特定的构造部位和沉积构造演化历史,决定了其具有良好的砂岩型铀成矿前景.  相似文献   

通过对西峡盆地晚白垩世地层沉积特征的观察研究,分析了其形成环境和盆地充填演化历史.根据古水流特征,认为西峡盆地北部边界断层以北是主要物源区,南部物源区是次要物源区,由北向南依次展布为冲积扇体系、辫状河体系和曲流河体系,整个盆地为不对称充填,是典型的雁行式排列的走滑引张盆地中的一个.  相似文献   

通过对关中盆地地下热水2H、18O、13C、14C、34S分布特征的研究,阐述了关中盆地腹部与其周边地区地下 热水环境同位素异同现象及其水文地质意义,论证了关中盆地地下热水的补给循环及其赋存环境特征。研究表 明:关中盆地地下热水中环境同位素δ(18O)、δ(D)、δ(13C)、δ(14C)、δ(34S)的分布除δ(D)外均呈现中部富集、周边 贫化趋势,指示关中盆地腹部咸阳及西安城区1500m以下地下热水赋存环境相对封闭;地下热水滞留时间较 长,以碳酸盐矿物溶解为主的水岩反应强烈,热储层中碳酸盐溶解对地热水中的HCO- 3、δ(18O)、δ(13C)随深度 增加趋势有明显贡献,δ(D)在盆地中部的贫化指示地下热水补给时的温度偏低,根据补给高程计算,西安、咸阳 城区地下热水分别为秦岭和北山末次冰期雪水补给。  相似文献   

通过对关中盆地地热井中地下热水的同位素和水化学成分分析,结合研究区的地热地质和水文地质条件,进行了地下热水补给时的温度研究,结果表明,关中盆地地下热水接受补给时的温度以西安地区最低,咸阳次之。同时应用Na-K-Mg三角图和水化学平衡温度理论的方法,估算在平衡条件下关中盆地最大热储温度为118℃。热储温度计算结果表明,关中盆地腹部应为中低温热储层。  相似文献   

Geothermal water of Xi'an and Xianyang in the central Guanzhong basin is typically geopressured thermal water in China. δ18O and δD data of geopressured thermal water in Xi'an and Xianyang, combined with data from the perimeter of the basin, are analyzed to study features of hydrogen and oxygen shifts. The results show that 18O exchange of geothermal water at the pc-rimeter of the basin and in the non-geopressured thermal water in the center of the basin is not evident, while in most of the geo-pressured thermal water in the central basin, in cities such as Xi'an and Xianyang, significant oxygen exchange had taken place as well as hydrogen exchange, suggesting that isotope exchanges would slowly move the geothermal water system towards equilib-rium. Thermal water reservoirs in the central basin have passed through significant water-rock reactions. Moreover, the geothermal reservoir of Xianyang city is relatively much more enclosed than that of Xi'an city. It has been observed that the more enclosed the geological environment of geothermal water is, the more obvious the oxygen shifts are. With the increasing of the depth, residence time, total amounts of thssolute solids and temperatures of geothermal waters, the oxygen exchange accelerates.  相似文献   

There exists abundant thermal water recourses in Guanzhong basin, Shaanxi province (northwestern China). With the deepening of exploitation for thermal aquifer nowadays, the information about the origin and movement of thermal water is limited by using traditional methods. This paper applies environmental isotope techniques to offer direct constraints on the recharge and movement of thermal water and improve the geological and hydrogeological database in Guanzhong Basin. The research on the environmental isotopes shows that the geothermal water of the area is mainly recharged by meteoric water. The temperature of meteoric water which replenishes geothermal water in the study area is -16 ℃. The estimated age of recharging the geothermal water is 13.3-28.2 ka based on the isotope analysis, belonging to the last glacial period in Late Quaternary. The source of replenishment of the geothermal water is thought to have been derived from glacial snow-melt water with an elevation higher than 1 500 m (ASL) in the north side of Qinling Mountain. The isotopic analysis denotes that the geothermal water in the southern Guanzhong basin is the mixture of net thermal water and normal temperature groundwater. Based on calculating the percentage of the mixture, nearly half of cold groundwater had participated the circulating of the geothermal water. However, in the center part of the basin, some artificial factors such as mismanage of pumping are probably the reason for the mixturing. The temperature range of the geothermal reservoirs in the basin is estimated at about 80-121 ℃ based on calculation of both SiO2 geothermometer and thermal water saturation index, which are basically in accordance with the measured temperature of thermal water. Based on the replenishment time and mixture extent with cold water, the thermal water in the studied area can be classified into three parts: mixed thermal water replenished by modern meteoric water; mixed thermal water replenished by both modern and ancient meteoric water, and deep circulating thermal water replenished by ancient meteoric water without mixture.  相似文献   

针对衡水市第三系地热水供热系统提出了一个有效的梯级综合应用技术方案,对运行模式进行了优化分析,并获得了最佳回灌模式.结果表明,经过优化设计,整个供热系统运转安全可靠,地热资源利用率提高了15%,回灌水温度可降至33℃,回灌率达到50.32%,可有效解决当前第三系地热资源普遍存在的综合利用程度低、尾水温度过高且直接排放等现象,带来显著的社会效益、经济效益以及环境效益.  相似文献   

陕西关中盆地地下热水资源丰富,是中国典型的隐伏型中、低温地热资源分布区。为研究关中盆地中、低温地热系统形成机理,认识深部热源条件,利用地球物理方法分析了该区壳幔温度结构。结果表明:计算得到的居里面平均深度为25.0 km,莫霍面平均深度为36.6 km,地壳平均地温梯度为22.60 ℃·km-1,咸礼断阶、西安凹陷、固市凹陷地壳地温梯度高于平均值,是地热地质条件较好的构造分区。咸阳、西安之下,上地幔存在向南下倾的高温带,咸阳北侧约175 km深度是一个温度大于1 500 ℃的高温区; 其上,莫霍面、居里面上隆,形成高温基底,加热沉积地层中的地下水。富平、渭南之间,上地幔存在“下沉”低温区,低温区北、南两侧约175 km深度分别对应温度大于1 450 ℃的高温区; 高温区之上,莫霍面、居里面上隆,形成聚热中心,为地表地热资源提供稳定热源条件。总体上,关中盆地新生代潜水受莫霍面、居里面上隆带入的地幔热量传导加热,热物质随莫霍面、居里面向上抬升,是盆地中、低温地热田的深部热源。上地幔流变边界层控制研究区重要的构造活动,此边界层受周缘构造带不同动力作用,在重力均衡调整过程中,导致深大断裂活动,进而引起地壳深、浅部水体沿断裂带热对流,形成带状分布热泉。  相似文献   

可控源音频大地电磁测深法在地热田勘查中应用效果初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地热作为新的清洁能源越来越得到重视和开发。我国地热资源以中低温地热田为主,成因类型多为传导型和对流型,其中以沉积盆地隆起传导型地热田最多,这类地热田面积大,资源储量丰富,紧邻城市周围,利用率高,经济效益潜力巨大。地热田勘查方法较多,但以电磁法勘查为主,电阻率异常是指示地热田的重要信息。本文介绍了利用可控源音频大地电磁法在对流型和传导型两种地热田上的成功勘查实例。  相似文献   

1IntroductionAlthoughwaterresourcesarerenewable,theirutilizationissubjecttoheavypres-surepresently.Thestudyonwaterresourcesrenewabilitywillprovideatheoreticalbasisanddecision-makingreferenceforthesustainableutilizationofwaterresources[1,2].Wa-terresourcesrenewability[3]isacomprehensiveconcept;itreferstotheabilityofwaterresourcestobeutilizedrepetitivelybyhumansthroughnaturalactionorartificialman-agement.Affectedbybothnaturalandsocialfactors,thecomprehensiveassessmentonwaterresourcesrenewability…  相似文献   

In order to estimate water resources renewability scientifically, an Ideal Interval Method of Multiple Objective Decision-Making (IIMMODM) is presented. This method is developed through improving an ideal point method of multiple objective decision-making. The ideal interval is obtained with assessment standard instead of ideal points. The weights are decided by using the basic point and gray code accelerating genetic algorithm. This method has synthesized the expert’s suggestion and avoided giving a mark for the objective again. It could solve the complicated problem of compatible or incompatible multi-objective assessment. The principle of IIMMODM is presented in this paper. It is used to assess the water resources renewability for nine administrative divisions in the Yellow River basin. The result shows that the water resources renewability in the Yellow River basin is very low. Compared with the gray associate analysis method, fuzzy synthesis method and genetic projection pursuit method, the IIMMODM is easier to use. Compared with the ideal point method of multiple objective decision-making, the IIMMODM has good robustness, which is applicable to the comprehensive assessments of water resources.  相似文献   


Water cycling process in a river basin becomes more complicated because of the intensified impact by human activities. Study of the law of annual runoff, evolution in a river basin is of great significance to quantitative analysis of the water resources condition in varied environment and prediction of the law of the water resources evolution in the future because year-based time span may best reflect the law of the water resources evolution driven by the nature and human activities in the river basin. This paper advances the theory of annual runoff evolution under natural-artificial dual mode based on the dual mode of the water resources evolution, and the theory is applied for the Wuding River Basin on the middle Yellow River as a case study. A thorough analysis of the precipitation-runoff relationship is made in the case of dynamic variation of ground surface conditions of the Wuding River basin, and the concept of water-soil conservation index are a that indicates adoption of various measures for water and soil conservation to reflect ground surface conditions. Furthermore, precipitation-runoff empirical model is developed to reflect dynamic variation of the ground surface conditions of the river basin. The study may lay a solid foundation for the integrated theoretical platform of the law of the water resources evolution in the Yellow River basin and the dual model of the evolution.


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