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为了掌握贯穿型节理岩体的变形和破坏规律,对人工制备的不同倾角模拟节理岩体圆柱试样进行了系列静力三轴试验,得到了相关的应力应变曲线结果和破坏特征,进而分析了结构面倾角对节理岩体试样力学特性的重要影响.结果表明:1)随着结构面倾角的变化,节理岩体试样的应力应变曲线将不全为典型的四阶段曲线,在结构面倾角较大时结构面的变形特征十分显著,峰前曲线发生了明显转折,结构面变形占据了主导作用.2)峰值强度、残余强度和峰前线性阶段变形模量随结构面倾角增大而单调降低,而试样的脆性和剪胀性强弱、压密阶段的变形模量以及体胀、体缩量最大值等与结构面倾角的变化关系则均为非单调的.3)结构面的倾角大小影响了其与基质的相互作用规律,使得结构面或基质或者两者一起控制了节理岩体试样的变形、强度和破坏,从而形成了节理岩体试样显著不同的变形、强度和破坏特征,其变形和强度各向异性与破坏模式随结构面倾角变化而不同.  相似文献   

首先根据节理岩体的损伤机制 ,建立了三维弹塑性损伤本构模型反映节理岩体的损伤变形特性 ,然后考虑节理岩体的岩锚支护效应 ,建立了空间损伤锚柱单元模型模拟锚杆的支护效果 ,最后将建立的模型应用于三峡船闸高边坡 ,进行了边坡加锚节理岩体开挖卸荷三维非线性有限元计算 ,获得了一些有益的工程结论  相似文献   

节理分布对岩体破坏影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为研究含断续节理岩体的宏观破坏过程和特征,采用岩石破裂过程分析RFPA^2D系统,分析了断续节理岩体中裂纹的产生、扩展机理与过程.结果表明,当节理倾角从30°,45°到60°时,岩体强度从小到大增加,并且破坏前期的声发射现象增强、变形增大;随着节理密度的增大,裂纹的产生从互不影响到相互抑制,裂纹扩展长度减小;中间节理受压剪作用很快与相邻节理贯通导致节理岩体破坏.据此,明确界定断续节理产生贯通破坏的范围就是围岩破裂区.  相似文献   

采用数值方法对岩体结构影响下覆岩冒落及地表岩移特征进行了研究.采矿过程中,覆岩冒落呈现缓慢-快速周期性发展;地表岩移发展主要由急倾斜节理控制,总体上以横向扩展为主;开采区域内岩移发展受断层的影响大于节理的影响,断层倾角的减小将增加其上盘岩体的弱化效应,可能导致岩体发生倾倒破坏,增加地表岩移范围.  相似文献   

主要介绍节理扩展对岩边坡破坏的影响,分别从节理类型及其受力特征,节理的扩展方向,节理的扩展尖灭分析节理扩展的过程。从传统的岩石断裂力学出发,分析节理扩展对边坡破坏的影响。针对贯通地面的节理,分析了其力学特征和扩展过程与包围在岩体中节理的不同之处,提出贯通地面节理的扩展研究思路。  相似文献   

该文通过对围岩岩体开展数值力学试验,在确定连续微元尺寸δc,并获取该围岩岩体各项基本力学参数的基础上,进一步研究了该围岩岩体的破裂过程,重点讨论了该围岩含单条横向节理和单条竖向节理岩体的变形破坏特征。  相似文献   

岩体力学参数具有表征单元体(REV).以特大型露天矿内蒙古白云鄂博铁矿东矿为研究背景,根据现场节理测线法调查与室内岩石力学试验,将随机节理三维网络模拟技术与块体离散元分析方法相结合,构建了反映节理真实空间状态的多尺度等效节理岩体模型.通过数值试验得出了各尺度等效岩体单轴压缩应力-应变曲线,研究了岩体的单轴压缩力学性质及力学参数表征单元体.研究表明:随着等效岩体尺度增大,岩体峰值强度、变形模量和残余强度逐渐减小,当尺度增大到15~20m时趋于恒定,进而得到研究对象的岩体表征单元体为15m×15m×15m,该尺度岩体的单轴抗压峰值强度和变形模量分别为0.67 MPa,22.0GPa,为后续岩体工程稳定与安全评价提供了基础数据.  相似文献   

三维加锚弹塑性损伤模型在大型山体边坡工程中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首先根据节理岩体的损伤机制,建立了三维弹塑性损伤本构模型反映节理岩体的损僵变形特性,然后考虑节理岩体的岩锚支护效应,建立了空间损作锚柱单元模型模拟锚杆的支护效果,最后将建立的模型应用于二峡船闸高边坡,进行了边坡加锚节理岩体开控御茶咕维非线性限元计算,获得了一些有益的工程结论。  相似文献   

采用有限单元法对含节理岩质边坡进行应力应变及稳定性分析,得到边坡岩体的应力分布及变形特征;通过强度折减,得到边坡的稳定安全系数以及可能的最危险滑动面;了解边坡破坏的主要控制因素及破坏过程.以某水电站坝轴线处岩质高边坡为例,采用有限单元法对边坡进行了稳定性分析.结果表明:对于含节理的岩质边坡,有限单元法可以分别研究岩块和节理的屈服情况,为分析边坡可能发生的破坏形式及破坏过程提供依据;通过工程实例验证了有限单元法在节理岩质边坡稳定性分析中的可行性.对于大型工程的含节理岩质高边坡,采用有限单元法分析其稳定性,并与刚体极限平衡方法的计算结果进行对比,能够更好地反映边坡的变形及稳定状态.本研究成果对类似边坡工程具有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

以黄河大柳树坝址为例,对松动岩体硐室围岩破坏变形特征进行了研究,松动岩体具有断裂张开、节理错动、岩体架空、岩石高强度、岩体波速等特征。研究得出松动岩体硐室围岩破坏变形特征为结构松散,塌落范围大,变形破坏受水影响大及围岩压力以重力为主等特点。  相似文献   

本研究为应用基础研究,以解决工程实际问题为目的,以围岩中客观存在的破裂区为主线,从对地下工程稳定性问题的评价入手,以相似材料模型试验和数值模拟计算为基本手段,以断裂力学为基础,研究了断续节理岩体的细观破坏机理、宏观破坏过程及其对围岩破裂区和围岩碎胀变形的影响规律;研究了断续节理岩体中围岩破裂区的性质、破裂区与地下工程稳定性的关系等问题,提出了以围岩破裂区和围岩收敛量作为判定围岩稳定性方法,为采矿工程的设计、施工和生产提供了较为可靠的决策依据.本文获得以下主要结论:1)围岩破裂区是一个综合数量指标,采用以围岩破裂区厚度作为围岩稳定性评价的指标.2)采用数字照相变形量测方法来测量围岩的变形,较好地解决了平面应变模型试验中的变形量测问题,符合非接触变形量测的发展趋势.3)断续节理岩体的破坏机制为:在集中应力作用下,节理端部岩桥首先发生张拉破坏,新生的岩桥裂纹与邻近原生节理相互串通,最终形成阶梯状滑移面而使岩体强度丧失.4)当节理两端的次生裂纹扩展长度l=h/sinβ时,节理岩体将产生贯通破坏.5)在节理岩体中,围岩破裂区是由于新生裂纹与节理相互贯通导致纵横交错的贯通裂隙所致,断续节理贯通破坏的边界可定义为围岩破裂区的边界.6)通过相似模型试验发现,当节理密度大时,围岩破裂区会跨越相邻节理;反之,节理对围岩破裂区的扩展有阻隔作用.7)围岩收敛速率的第一次突然增大,预示围岩中已产生破裂区,而围岩收敛速率的每一次突然增大,意味着围岩产生了剧烈的破坏.8)当节理角度在30°~75°之间时,节理角度对岩体强度的影响较大,并且在60°左右时岩体强度最低,稳定性也最差.9)当巷道的收敛量达到或超过2.5%时,巷道围岩中将产生破裂区;当巷道的收敛量达到或超过5%时,巷道将发生冒顶事故,已处于失稳状态;当巷道的收敛量达到或超过22.8%时,巷道将完全毁坏,并失去了人工稳定的可能.  相似文献   

Simulation of failure process of jointed rock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A modified discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) algorithm was proposed to simulate the failure behavior of jointed rock.In the proposed algorithm,by using the Monte-Carlo technique,random joint network was generated in the domain of interest.Based on the joint network,the triangular DDA block system was automatically generated by adopting the advanced front method.In the process of generating blocks,numerous artificial joints came into being,and once the stress states at some artificial joints satisfy the failure criterion given beforehand,artificial joints will turn into real joints.In this way,the whole fragmentation process of rock mass can be replicated.The algorithm logic was described in detail,and several numerical examples were carried out to obtain some insight into the failure behavior of rock mass containing random joints.From the numerical results,it can be found that the crack initiates from the crack tip,the growth direction of the crack depends upon the loading and constraint conditions,and the proposed method can reproduce some complicated phenomena in the whole process of rock failure.  相似文献   

本文基于石膏模型试验的结论,借助断裂力学理论,着重讨论了含 X型断续节理岩体的压剪断裂强度特性及破坏机理。结合有限元数值模拟计算,分析研究了节理方位、围压大小对这类岩体强度的影响。  相似文献   

节理岩体是一种自然界广泛存在的天然复合材料,作者提出了含有节理岩体的复合材料的细观力学模型,利用均匀化方法计算了任意节理交角及相对节理宽度下岩体的等效弹性参数,得到了等效弹性参数随岩体节理倾角及相对节理宽度的变化曲线.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of jointed rock masses, such as strength, deformation and the failure mechanism, can be understood only by studying the sensitivity of jointed rock mass strength (both the peak and residual strengths) to the factors that affect it. An orthogonal design of uniaxial compression tests was simulated on eighteen groups of jointed rock specimens having different geometric and mechanical properties using RFPA2D (Rock Failure Process Analysis) code. The results show that the peak strength is controlled by the geometric parameters of the joints, but that the residual strength is controlled by the mechanical properties of the joint interfaces. The failure mode of jointed rock specimens is mainly shear failure. Joint quantity, or density, is the most important index that affects jointed rock mass strength and engineering quality.  相似文献   

断续节理岩体中围岩破裂区的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究断续节理对围岩破裂区形成与扩展以及破裂区大小的影响,采用真三轴巷道平面应变模型试验台,运用数字照相进行变形量测的方法,研究分析了断续节理岩体中裂纹的产生、扩展与贯通机理及其围岩的破坏失稳行为.结果表明:在断续节理岩体中,围岩破裂区是由于新生裂纹与原有节理相互贯通,导致岩体中产生纵横交错的贯通裂隙所致;在断续节理的影响下,巷道围岩破裂区并不是均匀发展,而是首先产生于顶板节理附近,然后向巷道周边其它相邻部位发展;最终的破裂区厚度在平行于节理方向最大,而在垂直于节理方向的厚度最小.  相似文献   

Rock slope has many geological structures with different sizes, configurations and mechanical properties such as joints, fissures, faults, shear bands and so on[1]. These geological structures may make the slope unstable, producing toppling, fracturing or sliding failures. A lot of investigations have focused on the stability of jointed rock slope, however, the mechanisms on the progressive failure of jointed rock slope is still an open issue in either physical modeling or numerical simulation…  相似文献   

This paper studies the stability of jointed rock slopes by using our improved three-dimensional discrete element methods (DEM) and physical modeling. Results show that the DEM can simulate all failure modes of rock slopes with different joint configurations. The stress in each rock block is not homogeneous and blocks rotate in failure development. Failure modes depend on the configuration of joints. Toppling failure is observed for the slope with straight joints and sliding failure is observed for the slope with staged joints. The DEM results are also compared with those of limit equilibrium method (LEM). Without considering the joints in rock masses, the LEM predicts much higher factor of safety than physical modeling and DEM. The failure mode and factor of safety predicted by the DEM are in good agreement with laboratory tests for any jointed rock slope.  相似文献   

The rock bridges sandwiched in incipiently jointed rock mass were considered as barriers that block the fluid seepage, and provide certain shear strength reservation. For better revealing the influence of hydraulic pressure on the failure behaviour of rock bridges, direct shear tests were carried out through a newly proposed method on rock samples that contain two parallel incipient joints. By developing the gypsum-silicone pad coupling samples, a conventional triaxial test system was qualified to implement direct shear tests with satisfied sealing capability. The results showed that the rock bridges could be failed through the tensile failure, shear failure and mixed failure mechanism. The hydraulic pressure would facilitate the tensile failure mechanism and induce rougher fracture surfaces; while the normal stress would facilitate the shear failure mechanism and induce less rough fracture. The hydraulic pressure reduced the global shear strength of the rock block through reducing the efficient normal stress applied on the rock bridge area, which was highly dependent on the joint persistence, k. Moreover, because of the iterating occurrence of the hydraulic pressure lag with the fracture propagation, the rock bridge failure stage in the shear stress-shear displacement curves displayed a fluctuation trend.  相似文献   

岩石结构面直剪试验中声发射特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过岩石结构面直剪试验中声发射特性的研究 ,总结了结构面破坏过程中声发射事件数和能率的基本规律 ,发现用能率这一系数更容易判别岩石变形与破坏各阶段。  相似文献   

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