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张亚萍 《无机盐工业》2022,54(8):96-100
有机胺法是最有效的燃煤烟气二氧化碳(CO2)捕集技术之一。使用Aspen plus模拟乙醇胺(MEA)捕获烟气CO2的过程,先进行单独的吸收塔与再生塔模拟,在单独系统模型收敛的基础上,再进行吸收-解吸的综合模拟。在入塔烟气流量为8.22 m3/min、CO2物质的量分数为0.18、MEA流量为2 311.3 kg/h、MEA物质的量分数为0.12条件下,MEA捕集燃煤烟气中CO2的模拟结果: CO2脱除率为69.3%,净化气中CO2物质的量分数为5.33×10-2,再生塔顶再生气中CO2物质的量分数为0.956,基本达到了设计要求。此为更深入地开展胺法吸收CO2的研究提供了依据。  相似文献   

采用混合胺吸收剂替代传统一乙醇胺(MEA)吸收剂是降低有机胺法碳捕集工艺能耗的重要方法。利用Aspen plus软件模拟了以甲基二乙醇胺(MDEA)/哌嗪(PZ)混合胺为吸收剂的燃煤电厂每年百万吨CO2捕集工艺系统,考察了贫液负荷、MDEA/PZ混合胺浓度、MDEA/PZ比例和解吸压力等因素对解吸塔再沸器热负荷和冷凝器冷负荷的影响。通过对这些影响因素下吸收塔内液相温度分布和CO2负荷分布变化揭示了MDEA/PZ对CO2的吸收特性。此外,进一步分析了不同影响因素下解吸塔内气液相CO2浓度驱动力和气液相级间温度驱动力分布特性,发现了强浓度驱动力和低温度驱动力分布更有利于降低再生能耗。研究表明,由30%MDEA和20%PZ组成的混合胺液在贫液负荷为0.08和解吸压力为2.02×105Pa时,再沸器热负荷和塔顶冷凝负荷分别为2.76GJ/tCO2和0.60GJ/tCO2,相比传统MEA吸收剂降低了20.92%和40.0%。  相似文献   

醇胺法捕集CO2技术是一种较成熟的CO2捕集技术,具有吸收速度快、脱除效果好等显著优点,但其操作费用高、解吸能耗大。本文以降低醇胺法捕集烟气中CO2系统再生能耗为出发点,对常规醇胺法捕集CO2工艺统进行了节能优化研究。在常规工艺流程基础上引入压缩式热泵节能技术,并利用Aspen Plus软件建立了基于压缩式热泵技术的CO2捕集工艺流程模型。研究了压缩式热泵与机械蒸汽压缩回收(MVR)热泵、分流解吸、分布式换热、级间冷却4种节能工艺耦合,通过模拟计算与优化,结果说明了最佳节能工艺组合为“解吸塔压缩式热泵+贫液MVR热泵+分流解吸+级间冷却”耦合的CO2捕集工艺流程,当解吸塔顶气体分流比为0.25∶0.75、冷富液分流比为0.05∶0.95、级间冷却器位于吸收塔17块塔板位置、吸收塔输入冷量为-3.0GJ/h时,系统再生能耗最低,为2.533 GJ/tCO2,相比常规有机胺工艺(再生能耗4.204GJ/tCO2)节能率39.748%。  相似文献   

ZIF-8/2-甲基咪唑-乙二醇-水浆液(ZIF-8浆液)可以高效低耗能地分离CO2。为了进一步评估ZIF-8浆液在填料塔中分离CO2的塔效率及能耗,使用Peng-Robinson(PR)状态方程,求出CO2和ZIF-8浆液的二元交互作用参数(kCO2),将二元交互作用参数和Aspen Plus软件进行关联,对CO2/N2多级吸收分离进行过程模拟。计算结果表明在中试填料塔中,ZIF-8浆液仅需要5块理论塔板即可将CO2浓度由20%(mol)降低至2%(mol)以下,填料塔的塔板效率为25%。对中试分离CO2/N2进行能耗计算,结果表明当解吸条件为解吸温度333 K,解吸压力0.8 MPa和空气吹扫流量200 L/h时,CO2捕集等效功最低可至0.474 GJ/t CO2。在同样条件下使用ZIF-8浆液和MEA(30%(mass))水溶液进行碳捕集时,CO2捕集等效功分别为0.507 GJ/t CO2和0.957 GJ/t CO2,ZIF-8浆液的CO2捕集等效功仅为MEA水溶液的53%。  相似文献   

徐令君  王淑娟 《化工学报》2018,69(9):3879-3886
搭建汽液平衡实验台,对液液分相CO2吸收剂1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸盐([Bmim][BF4])/乙醇胺(MEA)混合水溶液与CO2的汽液平衡进行了实验测量与分析,并对该吸收剂解吸能耗进行计算。结果表明,随着温度的升高,相同担载量溶液对应的CO2分压升高,[Bmim][BF4]质量分数的改变对汽液平衡的影响不明显。与传统有机胺溶液30%(质量)MEA相比,该吸收剂在能耗方面主要优势在于解吸过程中显热和潜热的减小。其反应热在担载量大于0.45之后明显减小,潜热的减小主要由于解吸塔内H2O气相分压和摩尔分数的减小,当[Bmim][BF4]质量分数大于30%时,显热可以减少30%以上,减少的原因主要为比热容的降低和富液胺浓度的提升。  相似文献   

环丁砜对乙醇胺溶液吸收和解吸CO2的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
郭东方  郜时旺  罗伟亮  陈健 《化工学报》2016,67(12):5244-5251
利用物理溶剂环丁砜替代部分水,采用气液搅拌实验装置和真实热流量热法测定了环丁砜对乙醇胺(MEA)溶液吸收和解吸二氧化碳(CO2)过程的影响,考察了CO2循环负载、吸收速率、吸收热和解吸热等性质变化。研究表明:环丁砜对MEA溶液负载CO2的吸收热影响较小,但对吸收速率、循环吸收容量和解吸过程影响较大。环丁砜可降低MEA溶液对CO2的表观吸收速率,且随CO2负载量的增大,降幅也逐渐变大。环丁砜有利于富液解吸过程,加快解吸速率,增大CO2解吸程度,同时单位热流负荷、单位冷流负荷和单位能耗均有不同程度的降低。在燃煤电厂烟气条件下,20% MEA+20% sulfolane体系相对20% MEA体系,其表观吸收速率平均降低约10%,CO2循环吸收容量增加24%,单位CO2解吸能耗降低18%。  相似文献   

高红霞  刘森  徐彬  梁志武 《化工学报》2015,66(9):3739-3745
胺法捕集回收二氧化碳工艺存在的最大缺陷是高吸收速率与低再生能耗不能共存,高效溶剂的开发是解决这一问题的有效途径之一。为筛选出吸收解吸综合性能良好的吸收剂,本文利用溶剂快速筛选实验装置对几种不同醇胺吸收剂进行了实验研究,主要从溶液吸收负载、吸收速率、解吸负载、解吸速率、循环容量及相对再生能耗等方面进行了分析比较,实验结果显示N,N-二乙基乙醇胺(DEEA)溶液表现出较好的CO2捕获性能。此外,通过溶解度装置、填料吸收塔及再生塔分别对DEEA溶液的平衡溶解度、传质系数及再生能耗进行了实验研究与验证。实验结果表明:增加溶液浓度会降低其CO2平衡溶解度;增加CO2分压能增加其CO2平衡溶解度;增大进料温度能增加溶液在填料塔中的传质系数;提高富液负载及贫液负载会降低溶液的再生能耗。因此,基于其较好的吸收解吸性能,DEEA是一种可以工业化应用的潜在吸收剂。  相似文献   

全球气候变化是目前世界面临的严峻问题之一,CO2等温室气体的过量排放是导致全球气候变暖的主要原因。碳捕集、利用和封存(CCUS)是现阶段解决全球气候变暖的必要手段,基于有机胺的化学吸收法因捕集效率高、烟气适应性好,成为目前燃煤燃气电厂捕集CO2的关键技术路径。本文详细介绍了胺法CO2捕集技术的基本原理及胺法CO2捕集技术工艺流程,分析了新型吸收剂的开发、节能技术的优化等降低胺法CO2捕集技术再生能耗和成本的关键手段。结合研究现状以及烟气胺法CO2捕集需求,对其未来的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

有机胺吸收法是一种高效环保型烟气脱硫技术,而从系统工程的角度对烟气SO2捕集工艺的分析、优化和能耗评估尚未有详细报道。对N-甲基二乙醇胺(MDEA)为吸收剂的烟气SO2捕集过程工艺进行研究,考察了MDEA浓度、温度、SO2解吸率对捕集效果的影响规律。结果显示,MDEA溶液浓度为30%(质量)、烟气温度不高于45℃、回流贫液温度不高于41℃时,SO2吸收效果较好;增加SO2解吸率是以降低解吸气中SO2纯度和增大再沸器负荷为代价,水分汽化是再生能耗增高的主要原因。针对吸收剂再生过程能耗大的问题,采用热泵辅助精馏对解吸过程进行能量集成,吸收剂再生能耗可降低47%,年度总费用(TAC)可降低9.93%。本研究对有机胺体系的SO2捕集系统工业化应用具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

张卫风  周武  王秋华 《化工进展》2022,41(4):2090-2101
化学吸收法作为目前最有效的CO2捕集技术,吸收剂常用有机胺,但过高的再生能耗和成本限制了其在工业中的应用。基于传统有机胺溶剂开发出来的相变吸收剂被认为可以大幅减少解吸能耗,成为近几年研究的热点。本文详细介绍了相变吸收剂的常见类型、分相机理,并根据其具体组成进行了种类划分,对比分析了常用相变吸收剂和传统乙醇胺(MEA)吸收液的再生能耗,并指出温度、CO2负荷以及相分离等因素对相变吸收剂的工艺流程长期运行稳定性的影响。在制备相变吸收剂的过程中,可加入活化剂来降低CO2富液黏度,加入助溶剂来提高传质特性。本文阐述了现有相变吸收剂的挥发、降解和腐蚀等特性的研究现状。最后,结合研究现状和烟气捕集需求对相变吸收剂今后的研究方向给出了建议。  相似文献   

Post-combustion CO2 capture (PCC) process faces significant challenge of high regeneration energy consumption. Biphasic absorbent is a promising alternative candidate which could significantly reduce the regeneration energy consumption because only the CO2-concentrated phase should be regenerated. In this work, aqueous solutions of triethylenetetramine (TETA) and N,N-diethylethanolamine (DEEA) are found to be efficient biphasic absorbents of CO2. The effects of the solvent composition, total amine concentration, and temperature on the absorption behavior, as well as the effect of temperature on the desorption behavior of TETA-DEEA-H2O system were investigated. An aqueous solution of 1 mol·L-1 TETA and 4 mol·L-1 DEEA spontaneously separates into two liquid phases after a certain amount of CO2 is absorbed and it shows high CO2 absorption/desorption performance. About 99.4% of the absorbed CO2 is found in the lower phase, which corresponds to a CO2 absorption capacity of 3.44 mol·kg-1. The appropriate absorption and desorption temperatures are found to be 30℃ and 90℃, respectively. The thermal analysis indicates that the heat of absorption of the 1 mol·L-1 TETA and 4 mol·L-1 DEEA solution is -84.38 kJ·(mol CO2)-1 which is 6.92 kJ·(mol CO2)-1 less than that of aqueous MEA. The reaction heat, sensible heat, and the vaporization heat of the TETA-DEEA-H2O system are lower than that of the aqueous MEA, while its CO2 capacity is higher. Thus the TETA-DEEA-H2O system is potentially a better absorbent for the post-combustion CO2 capture process.  相似文献   

Solid amine-based adsorbents were widely studied as an alternative to liquid amine for post-combustion CO2 capture (PCC). However, most of the amine adsorbents suffer from low thermal stability and poor cyclic regenerability at the temperature of hot flue gases. Here we present an amine loaded proton type Y zeolite (HY) where the amines namely monoethanolamine (MEA) and ethylenediamine (ED) are chemical immobilized via ionic bond to the zeolite framework to overcome the amine degradation problem. The MEA and ED of 5%, 10% and 20% (mass) concentration – immobilized zeolites were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and N2 -196 ℃ adsorption to confirm the structure integrity, amine functionalization, and surface area, respectively. The determination of the amine loading was given by C, H, N elemental analysis showing that ED has successfully grafted almost twice as many amino groups as MEA within the same solvent concentration. CO2 adsorption capacity and thermal stability of these samples were measured using thermogravimetric analyser. The adsorption performance was tested at the adsorption temperature of 30, 60 and 90 ℃, respectively using pure CO2 while the desorption was carried out with pure N2 purge at the same temperature and then followed by elevated temperature at 150 ℃. It was found that all the amine@HY have a substantial high selectivity of CO2 over N2. The sample 20% ED@HY has the highest CO2 adsorption capacity of 1.76 mmol·g-1 at 90 ℃ higher than the capacity on parent NaY zeolite (1.45 mmol·g-1 only). The amine@HY samples presented superior performance in cyclic thermal stability in the condition of the adsorption temperature of 90 ℃ and the desorption temperature of 150 ℃. These findings will foster the design of better adsorbents for CO2 capture from flue gas in post-combustion power plants.  相似文献   

Phase change absorbents for CO2 are of great interest because they are expected to greatly reduce the heat energy consumption during the regeneration process. Compared with other phase change absorbents, monoethanolamine (MEA)-sulfolane-water is inexpensive and has a fast absorption rate. It is one of the most promising solvents for large-scale industrial applications. Therefore, this study investigates the mass transfer performance of this phase change system in the process of CO2 absorption in a packed tower. By comparing the phase change absorbent and the ordinary absorbent, it is concluded that the use of MEA/sulfolane phase change absorbent has significantly improved mass transfer efficiency compared to a single MEA absorbent at the same concentration. In the 4 mol·L-1 MEA/5 mol·L-1 sulfolane system, the CO2 loading of the upper liquid phase after phase separation is almost zero, while the volume of the lower liquid phase sent to the desorption operation is about half of the total volume of the absorbent, which greatly reduces the energy consumption. This study also investigates the influence of operating parameters such as lean CO2 loading, gas and liquid flow rates, CO2 partial pressure, and temperature on the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (KGaV). The research shows that KGaV increases with increasing liquid flow rate and decreases with the increase of lean CO2 loading and CO2 partial pressure, while the inert gas flow rate and temperature have little effect on KGaV. In addition, based on the principle of phase change absorption, a predictive equation for the KGaV of MEA-sulfolane in the packed tower was established. The KGaV obtained from the experiment is consistent with the model prediction, and the absolute average deviation (AAD) is 7.8%.  相似文献   

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