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王子宜  韩海燕  王静 《广州化工》2020,48(12):18-20
样品分析的主要目标包括提高对目标分析为的灵敏度、选择性和萃取效率,避免基体效应,并开发更快、更简单、更环保的样品制备程序。而固相微萃取法(SPME)是集取样、萃取、预浓缩一体的绿色无溶剂萃取技术,是一种便捷、低成本、通用、易于自动化的样品高通量检测方法。在环境、食品和生物医学等领域具有广阔的应用前景。本综述概述了SPME涂层在该领域研究中的最新发展和应用,展望了SPME方法在样品分析中的发展和潜在应用。  相似文献   

天然产物中所含有机成分种类复杂,为了实现对天然有机成分快速高效地研究利用,需要通过提取技术对天然产物进行有效地分离提纯。文中综述了一些新型微提取技术,固相微萃取、基体分散固相萃取技术、磁性固相微萃取技术、泡腾固相微萃取和液相微萃取,并对固相微萃取和液相微萃取进行详细论述。  相似文献   

复杂基质样品中痕量物质的分析一直是研究的焦点和难点,具有特异识别性的分子印迹固相萃取技术能够选择性地分离富集分析物,较好地去除基质干扰,非常适用于复杂样品的前处理与富集。本文介绍了分子印迹固相萃取技术的原理,并对其在环境监测、食品安全、生物样品和天然产物分析等领域中的应用进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

李玲玲 《广东化工》2011,38(11):78+71-78,71
分子印迹技术是制备具有分子特异识别功能聚合物的一种技术。分子印迹固相萃取技术由于具有高通量和高特异性,在食品、环境、药物、生物样品中分析物的分离、净化、富集中具有广阔的应用前景。文章中综述了分子印迹固相萃取技术的应用、分子印迹技术的最新进展和在应用中存在的问题等。  相似文献   

天然产物资源丰富,其高效利用离不开先进的分离技术。兼具离子液体高选择性及聚合物安全、易回收等特性的聚离子液体为天然产物的分离提供了新途径。在介绍聚阳离子型、聚阴离子型和聚两性型离子液体制备技术的基础上,综述了使用聚离子液体的固相萃取、固相微萃取、分子印迹固相萃取、液液萃取及毛细管电泳技术在黄酮类、生物碱类、酚类、蛋白质类等天然产物分离中的研究进展,分析了聚离子液体分离作用机理及其具有良好的分离效率、稳定性和回收再利用性能的原因,特别强调了刺激响应聚离子液体在天然产物分离中的优势,并从聚离子液体设计和定制出发对聚离子液体在分离领域所存在的挑战和潜在的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

天然雌激素在生物体中起着重要的作用,各种样品中天然雌激素的检测具有一定的难度,液-液萃取、固相萃取及固相微萃取等样品前处理方法结合气相色谱-质谱及液相色谱-质谱检测成为天然雌激素检测的重要手段,综述了天然雌激素的检测方法研究进展情况。  相似文献   

天然雌激素在生物体中起着重要的作用,各种样品中天然雌激素的检测具有一定的难度,液-液萃取、固相萃取及固相微萃取等样品前处理方法结合气相色谱-质谱及液相色谱-质谱检测成为天然雌激素检测的重要手段,综述了天然雌激素的检测方法研究进展情况。  相似文献   

样品前处理技术是分析化学的瓶颈,1987年提出固相微萃取(SPME)后样品前处理领域极大进步。近年出现的多种SPME涂层材料和制备技术,进一步拓宽了SPME在活体和现场分析中的应用。综述了固相微萃取技术相关模式,包括纤维固相微萃取、管内萃取和搅拌棒萃取等模式,并阐述了固相微萃取的发展趋势。  相似文献   

样品前处理技术是分析化学的瓶颈,1987年提出固相微萃取(SPME)后样品前处理领域极大进步。近年出现的多种SPME涂层材料和制备技术,进一步拓宽了SPME在活体和现场分析中的应用。综述了固相微萃取技术相关模式,包括纤维固相微萃取、管内萃取和搅拌棒萃取等模式,并阐述了固相微萃取的发展趋势。  相似文献   

崔丽伟  胡平  王璐 《广东化工》2014,41(19):93+99
文章系统地阐述了一种新型的样品制备方法—固相微萃取的影响因素及其在食品分析中的应用。该法的优越之处在于可一步完成取样、萃取和浓缩。操作简便、快速且易于实现自动化,适用于挥发性非挥发性的有机样品的前处理。  相似文献   

Secondary metabolites from plants, animals and microorganisms have been proven to be an outstanding source for new and innovative drugs and show a striking structural diversity that supplements chemically synthesized compounds or libraries in drug discovery programs. Unfortunately, extracts from natural sources are usually complex mixtures of compounds:: often generated in time consuming and for the most part manual processes. As quality and quantity of the provided samples play a pivotal role in the success of high-throughput screening programs this poses serious problems. In order to make samples of natural origin competitive with synthetic compound libraries, we devised a novel, automated sample preparation procedure based on solid-phase extraction (SPE). By making use of a modified Zymark RapidTrace® SPE workstation an easy-to-handle and effective fractionation method has been developed which allows the generation of highquality samples from natural origin, fulfilling the requirements of an integration into high-throughput screening programs.  相似文献   

采用全自动固相萃取装置(SPE)代替传统的液液萃取前处理方式,通过不断优化固相萃取仪器条件,筛选各种类型的固相小柱,调节不同pH值的样品,增加有机改良剂等方式,使样品的加标回收率及重现性等得到了很大提高。使用气相色谱一质谱联用仪(GC/MS)代替气相色谱仪,使被测物质定性更加准确,也排除了一些杂质和仪器假阳性的干扰,为及时准确地分析检测地表水中的苯胺类物质提供了方法依据。  相似文献   

分子印迹技术与固相微萃取技术的联用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高会云  何娟  刘德仓 《化学世界》2008,49(4):252-254
固相微萃取是一项新颖的样品前处理技术,分子印迹技术是一种制备具有分子识别能力材料的新兴技术。将两项技术相联用,即将分子印迹聚合物作为固相微萃取的涂层材料,具有良好的应用前景。它既具有固相微萃取高效萃取的优点,又具有分子印迹聚合物所具有的强大的分子识别能力。综述了分子印迹技术与固相微萃取技术相联用的研究进展。  相似文献   

分子印迹固相萃取技术在食品有害物质分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
固相萃取是对样品富集、分离的一种有效方法,因而得到广泛应用。分子印迹是近些年发展起来的新技术,由于分子印迹聚合物具有高的选择性,被应用于环境、药物、生物、食品等样品的分析。本文介绍了固相萃取和分子印迹技术的原理以及两者结合用于固相萃取的过程,对近10年来国内外分子印迹固相萃取技术在检测食品中农药和兽药残留方面中的应用、分子印迹固相萃取技术在应用中存在的问题以及将来的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

The response surface methodology was used to evaluate the effects of extraction time, power of ultrasound, liquid to solid ratio, and solvent composition on the quantity and quality (from aspect of antioxidant activity) phenolics of Stachys lavandulifolia. The best extraction time, power of ultrasound, liquid to solid ratio, and solvent composition for both the quality and quantity of phenolics were 14 min, 300 W, 40 (v/w), and 57% methanol, respectively. Only the liquid to solid ratio was effective on the quality of phenolics. Also, the comparison between the ultrasound-assisted extraction and maceration methods showed the suitability of ultrasound-assisted extraction for extracting phenolics from this plant.  相似文献   

柑橘农药残留前处理技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了近年来出现的超临界流体萃取、加速溶剂萃取、凝胶渗透色谱、固相萃取、新型固相微萃取、基质固相分散萃取以及其它如QuEChERS、双逆流色谱、二维气相色谱等前处理技术在柑橘农药残留分析中的应用,主要介绍了固相萃取及其新技术在柑橘农药残留分析前处理中的应用,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Nature has always been a productive source of new drugs. With the advent of high-throughput screening, it has now become possible to rapidly screen large sample collections. In addition to seeking greater diversity from natural product sources (micro-organisms, plants, etc.), fractionation of the crude extracts prior to screening is becoming a more important part of our efforts. As sample preparation protocols become more involved, automation can help to achieve and maintain a desired sample throughput. To address the needs of our screening program, two robotic systems were designed. The first system processes crude extracts all the way to 96-well plates, containing solutions suitable for screening in biological and biochemical assays. The system can dissolve crude extracts, fractionate them on solid-phase extraction cartridges, dry and weigh each fraction, re-dissolve them to a known concentration, and prepare mother plates. The second system replicates mother plates into a number of daughter plates.  相似文献   

对天然有机化合物的提取和分离技术进行了综述.对天然有机化合物的提取方法如超临界流体萃取、超声波提取、半仿生提取、酶法提取、微波辅助提取、固相萃取、固相微萃取进行了论述,并对大孔树脂吸附分离、高速逆流色谱分离、膜分离、高速离心分离、分子蒸馏、双水相萃取在天然有机化合物分离上的应用进行了详细论述.  相似文献   

Automated fluorescence microscopy provides a powerful tool for analyzing the physiological state of single cells with high throughput and high information content. Here I discuss two types of experiments in which this technology was used to discover and characterize bioactive small molecules. In phenotypic-screening experiments, the goal is to find "hits" with specific effects on cells by screening large libraries of small molecules. An example is screening for small molecules that perturb mitosis by novel mechanisms. In cytological-profiling experiments, the goal is to characterize the bioactivity of a limited number of small molecules in considerable depth, and thus understand their mechanism and toxicities at the cellular level. I discuss an example in which 100 small molecules with known bioactivity were profiled by using multiple fluorescent probes, and clustered into mechanistic classes by automated statistical analysis.  相似文献   

简要叙述了天然有机物提取与分离方法,如超临界流体萃取技术,超声波提取技术,微波提取技术,酶提取和仿生提取技术,固相萃取和固相微萃取技术技术.对高数逆流色谱技术、大孔树脂吸附法技术进行了详细的描述.  相似文献   

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