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在内径为0.38 m的鼓泡塔中采用双电导探针法对不同通气速率下的气泡尺寸分布和局部气含率进行了实验研究,分析了气泡尺寸的概率密度分布。结果表明:气泡尺寸随轴向高度的增加而增大,随径向距离增加而减小;鼓泡塔中气液流动可分为过渡流域和充分发展流域,在过渡流域气含率随轴向高度增加而增大,在充分发展流域气含率趋于均值,径向局部气含率分布呈抛物线型下降。高气速下气泡尺寸概率密度分布比低气速下宽,且随轴向高度的增加分布变宽。  相似文献   

采用压缩空气作为输送介质,在工业级水平管(内径50 mm)上开展了粉煤密相气力输送实验研究。在实验获得最小压降速度基础上,通过电容层析成像系统观察到,随着表观气速降低而存在分层流、沙丘流、移动床流以及栓塞流4种流型。不同流型压力信号的概率密度分布和功率谱密度分析表明,压力信号的波动特征与流型紧密联系;由于流动形态的变化,存在由稳定输送过渡到不稳定输送的临界气速,且该速度小于最小压降速度。  相似文献   

在含内置过滤器的三相流化床装置中,以空气、水、沙子三相为研究介质,对其过滤特性进行研究,考察了操作条件对过滤通量、反吹时间间隔、临界液速、最大液速的影响.结果表明:气速越大过滤通量越大;反吹时间间隔随液速增大明显减小,随气速增大而减小的慢;临界液速随气速增加而增大;最大液速随气速的增大而减小.  相似文献   

常温常压下,在三相气升式内环流反应器中,将硅铝球、石英砂和瓷球分别与空气、水组成三相物系,考察了细颗粒与大颗粒物系中上升区相含率轴向分布规律、固体装载率和颗粒粒径对该规律的影响,以及各物系中上升区循环液速随表观气速的变化规律。结果表明:随轴向高度的增加,瓷球物系中上升区固含率εsr先增大后减小;硅铝球物系中εsr减小;石英砂物系中εsr均匀分布。随轴向高度的增加,瓷球物系中上升区气含率εgr增大;硅铝球物系中εgr减小;石英砂物系中εgr先增大后减小。固定表观气速,各轴向位置处的上升区气含率随固体装载率、颗粒粒径的增大而增大。当固体装载率相同时,各物系中上升区循环液速随表观气速的增大而增大。  相似文献   

试验研究了小长径比组合立管的液塞耗散作用,分析了组合立管进出口持液率、液塞频率及液塞长度的变化规律。结果表明:组合立管中的扩径管使出口段液膜区与液塞区的持液率均小于入口段,出口段液塞区随折算气速增加而减小直至消失,而随折算液速的增加变化不大;液塞频率变化率随折算气速增加而增大;在中低气速下,液塞频率变化率随折算液速增加而增大,在高气速下,液塞频率变化率先稳定在最大值而后又下降;液塞长度变化率随折算气速增加而增大,在最低与最高气速下,液塞长度变化率随折算液速增加先稳定后减小,在中等气速下,液塞长度变化率稳定在0.6附近。  相似文献   

在一套直径300mm、高7000mm有机玻璃冷模实验装置上对一种脱油油砂颗粒流态化特性进行了实验研究。粒度测试结果表明该脱油油砂颗粒的粒度分布宽,细颗粒含量较多。采用FXC-Ⅱ/32型压力迅检仪测量了不同表观气速下脱油油砂颗粒沿流化床轴向平均颗粒浓度分布,采用压力梯度法测量了脱油油砂颗粒的密相床膨胀,采用容积法测量了自由空域内脱油油砂颗粒的夹带量。实验结果表明,该脱油油砂颗粒的流化性能较好;轴向平均颗粒浓度分布整体表现为下浓上稀,其中,在密相区随表观气速增加而减小,在稀相区随表观气速增加而增大;基于床高比表示的密相床膨胀随表观气速增加先增大后减小,在表观气速为0.362m·s-1时密相床最大;自由空域内的夹带量随表观气速增加而增大;建立了密相轴向平均颗粒浓度的数学模型,模型预测值与实验值吻合较好。  相似文献   

在以焦末为固相、空气为气相、水为液相的三相流化床中研究了局部气含率和局部固含率径向分布。实验用流化床内径100 mm,高1.7 m,焦末粒度1.07 mm。分别采用电导探针法和光纤法测定局部气含率和局部固含率。结果表明:表观气速为0.35—0.71 cm/s,表观液速为2.12—3.54 cm/s时,局部气含率在流化床中沿径向r/R=0—0.8处分布较均匀,在靠壁面处下降至约0.5%,且随表观液速增加而减小,随表观气速增加而增大,且在距分布板轴向高度分别为370 mm和470 mm时趋势一致,大小沿轴向增加,在表观气速一定时,液速小于2.12 cm/s时,气含率沿径向减小的趋势较明显。局部固含率沿径向分布较均匀,基本不随表观气速变化而变化,随表观液速增大而增大,且在距分布板轴向高度分别为370 mm和470 mm时趋势一致,大小沿轴向减小。  相似文献   

针对多层三相流化床进行冷模试验,以饱和KCl溶液为示踪剂,采用电导法测定不同液速、气速和固相浓度条件下液相流体在床内的停留时间分布曲线、平均停留时间。采用多釜串联模型得到模拟参数以及其返混特性随着各操作参数变化的情况。结果表明:液相速度对平均停留时间影响显著,随液速增大而急剧减小;气速和载体对平均停留时间影响较小,随着气速和载体量增加平均停留时间均呈下降趋势。液相返混程度随气相速度增加而增加,随液相速度和载体含量的增加而减小。  相似文献   

在高径比为22的三相内环流反应器中,在常温常压下以空气-水-石英砂为物系,研究了在不同粒径下上升区固含率、下降区固含率和上升区循环液速随表观气速的变化规律和不同粒径下轴向固含率的分布情况,以及在固体体积分数不同的条件下,平均气含率和上升区气含率随表观气速的变化情况。结果表明:当粒径(ds)≤0.3 mm时,上升区固含率随表观气速的增加呈平缓变化趋势,下降区固含率随表观气速的增加而增加;当0.3 mm相似文献   

采用欧拉双流体模型模拟了加压下二维鼓泡床内的气固流动特性,结果表明:在相同的表观气速下,加压使气泡体积分数增大,气泡相与乳化相间的分解越发明显,气固两相流动、混合剧烈;同时,床层中上部颗粒轴向速度的径向分布不均匀性增强:中心区颗粒速度增加,近壁区下降;随着操作压力变大,流化床膨胀高度增大,相应地,整体气含率增大,床层下部的颗粒浓度减小,而上部颗粒浓度增加,固含率在轴向上的分布更均匀;床层压力波动主要由两种成分构成:低频率高幅值和低幅值高频率成分.压力脉动强度随床高的增加呈现先增大后迅速减小的趋势;此外,加压下床层压力脉动强度变大,即床压波动更加剧烈;而且加压下颗粒拟温度增大,即颗粒速度脉动增强.  相似文献   

基于神经网络的两相流流型识别方法研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
采集了水平管内气水两相流动的差压信号,利用概率密度函数(PDF)对差压信号特征进行了分析;定义了PDF的四个特征参数,即PDF波峰个数K1、波峰峰值K2、波峰位置K3、以及PDF的方差K4来反映流型的特征。运用四个参数构成的特征向量对径向基函数(RBF)神经网络进行训练并识别流型,结果表明,该方法具有识别速度快、准确率高的特点,从而为两相流的流型识别提供了一种有效的手段。  相似文献   

在自行设计的有机玻璃流化料仓系统上对粉煤下料过程及其特性进行了实验研究。研究发现,在筒仓段与料斗段连接处上方存在一个临界面。在临界面以上的筒仓段,粉煤以柱塞流形式下料,在临界面以下,粉煤以不定向螺旋运动下料。研究结果表明,料斗下部的流化气对下料稳定性和下料流率有重要影响,存在最佳流化气位置区间和最佳流化气表观气速范围,当流化气补气位置太低,在补气位置附近易形成气压平衡拱。研究还表明,增加料仓压力能提高粉煤下料流率,改善下料稳定性,减弱流化气补气位置及气速对下料的影响,阻止气压平衡拱生成。  相似文献   

采用气-固环流反应器与输送床烧焦管相结合的结构形式,建立了一套适应石油焦或气化余焦燃烧要求的大型冷态实验装置. 在不同操作条件下,采用差压变送器测定了环流混合段内环区及外环区内床层轴向压力梯度及密度的分布规律. 结果表明,内环床层密度分布可分为底部密相区和上部湍流扩散区;内环颗粒循环强度对底部密相区的密度分布影响较小,只对导流筒上部湍流扩散区有影响;随着内环表观气速的增大,整个内环床层密度均降低. 外环床层密度分布与内环的表观气速、颗粒循环强度和外环床层密相料位高度有关. 利用实验数据回归出了内环和外环轴向颗粒密度分布的经验模型,其计算值与实验值吻合较好.  相似文献   

A computational study on the flow behavior of a gas-solid injector by Eulerian approach was carried out. The gas phase was modeled with k-ε turbulent model and the particle phase was modeled with kinetic theory of granular flow. The simulations by Eulerian two-fluid model (TFM) were compared with the corresponding results by discrete element method (DEM) and experiments. It was showed that TFM simulated results were in reasonable agreement with the experimental and DEM simulated results. Based on TFM simulations, gas-solid flow pattern, gas velocity, particle velocity and the static pressure under different driving jet velocity, backpressure and convergent section angle were obtained. The results showed that the time average axial gas velocity sharply decreased and then slightly increased to a constant value in the horizontal conveying pipe. The time average axial particle velocity increased initially and then decreased, but in the outlet region of the convergent section the particle velocity remarkably increased once more to the maximal value. As a whole, the static pressure distribution change trends were found to be independent on driving gas velocity, backpressure and convergent section angle. However, the static pressure increased with increase of convergent section angle and gas jet velocities. The difference of static pressure to backpressure increased with increasing backpressure.  相似文献   

垂直上升管汽液两相流型的压差波动特征识别   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
白博峰  郭烈锦  赵亮 《化工学报》1999,50(6):799-805
运用现代数字信号处理技术,对垂直上升管水/水蒸气两相流不同流型时的压差波动信号特性进行了分析研究,提出了基于压差波动特征的两相流流型的客观识别方法。通过提取压差波动信号的功率谱分布特征,表明利用功率谱随频率的分布特性的均方根可客观识别出泡状流、间歇流和环状流。  相似文献   

采用CFD方法对折流式旋转床气液两相流动及压降进行数值模拟,建立了二维物理模型,研究了折流式旋转床转速、动静圈对数、进气量对气相压降和气相流场的影响,并用实验数据对模型进行验证. 结果表明,计算与实验相对误差在15%以内. 气相压降随进气量和动静圈对数增加而显著增大;转速增加,压降增大,但不明显,压降主要集中在转子内部,占总压降的88%~97%,其中转子压降的55%~73%由拐弯处的摩擦阻力引起;气体在静圈下隙存在回流,在动圈上隙气体流动缓慢,存在流动死区,气速主要以切向速度为主(占80%以上),峰值位于转子外缘,并与气体入口存在较大速度梯度,径向和轴向速度所占比例较小,且因位置不同而不同. 速度变化和压降的变化是转速、进气量和动静圈数等共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with an upward co-current flow of a gas-solid two-phase mixture through a packed bed, a system employed in a number of industrial processes. Experimental work was carried out by using glass balls for packed bed, and both glass beads and FCC as suspended particles. The effects of solids loading and gas velocity on the pressure drop as well as the static and dynamic solid hold-ups within packed bed were examined. Experimental results showed different behaviour of the FCC from glass beads. At a given gas velocity, pressure drop increased approximately linearly with solids loading with a slope for FCC much higher than that for glass beads. The static hold-up of glass beads was much lower than corresponding dynamic hold-up at a given gas velocity, and it did not seem to change much with solids loading under the conditions of this work. At a given gas velocity, the static hold-up of FCC, however, was found to be comparable with the corresponding dynamic hold-up. An analysis was conducted on the pressure drop using a modified version of the Ergun equation by taking into account the effects of suspended particles on the viscosity and density, as well as the gravitational force. It was found that the modified Ergun equation agreed well with the experimental results of both this work and those reported in the literature. Effort was also made to develop relationships for the dynamic hold-up and the interaction coefficient between the suspended and the packed particles, the so-called solid-phase friction factor in the literature. The dynamic hold-up was found to increase with an increase in the product of velocity ratio of the solid to gas phases and the square root of the diameter ratio of the suspended to packed particles, whereas the interaction coefficient increased in general with increasing Froude number but with significant scattering.  相似文献   

This article presents void fraction and pressure gradient data for sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) with gas densities of 28 and 45 kg/m3 and oil (with viscosity 35 times that for water) in a 127 mm diameter pipe. The superficial velocities of gas ranged from 0.1 to 3 m/s and those for liquid from 0.1 to 1 m/s, respectively. Measurements of void fraction data were recorded using a capacitance wire mesh sensor (WMS) system, which permits the 3D visualization of the flow patterns. All the data were obtained with a data acquisition frequency of 1,000 Hz. A differential pressure transducer was used to measure the pressure drops along the length of the pipe. The WMS provide time and cross-sectionally resolved data on void fraction and from an analysis of its output, flow patterns were identified using the characteristic signatures of probability density function (PDF) plot of time series of void fraction. The PDF plots showed the single peak shapes associated with bubbly and churn flows but not the twin-peaked shape usually seen in slug flows. This confirms previous work in larger diameter pipes but with less viscous liquids. For the bubble and churn flows investigated, the pressure gradient was observed to decrease with an increase in gas superficial velocity. Nevertheless, there was an insignificant observed effect of pressure on void fraction below certain transitional flow rates, the effect however became significant beyond these values. In the present work, wisps appear to be smaller, which might be due to the different fluid properties of the working fluids employed. In addition, wisps are easily revealed as long as there is a transition between churn and annular flows regardless of the pressure. Experimental data on void fraction and pressure gradient are compared against existing data. Reasonably good agreements were observed from the results of the comparison.  相似文献   

In fully developed slugging fluidized beds, the maximum amplitude of absolute pressure fluctuations is reached with increasing superficial gas velocity when the slug length reaches a maximum, and the separation distance between successive slugs starts to decrease. Uc, the superficial gas velocity at which absolute pressure fluctuations reach a maximum, thus indicates the early stage of transition from slugging to core-annular flow. Uc, identified based on standard deviations of differential pressure fluctuations or local voidage fluctuations, can be predicted by slug flow models and does not signify a transition to turbulent fluidization.  相似文献   

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