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针对海上稠油油藏地质特征及提高采收率的具体要求,选择聚合物微球与缔合聚合物进行复配,通过填砂管封堵实验和人造岩心驱油实验,发现复合体系兼具深部调剖和增黏驱油的性能,封堵性能、液流改向能力和驱油效果均优于单纯聚合物溶液。说明微球和缔合聚合物之间产生较好协同作用,为改善聚合物驱效果提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

聚合物微球作为一种分散型调驱体系,具有注入性好、成本低、配液方便、耐温耐盐性强等优点。本文针对M型聚合物微球体系,开展了膨胀性能、封堵性能、传输运移能力及驱油效果评价。结果表明,M型聚合物微球可在7d内膨胀15~16倍,膨胀倍数不受浓度影响,同时具有良好的封堵性、传输运移能力及增油效果,岩心实验采收率增幅可达16.5%。  相似文献   

聚合物纳米微球因其对水、温度和矿化度具有良好抵抗力以及较低的使用成本而受到更多关注,作为一项新型调驱技术,可大幅提高油田采油效率。为了更好地认识聚合物纳米微球的驱油效果,开展了聚合物纳米微球的封堵及驱油研究。进行了微通道驱替实验,透过滤膜实验,通过激光粒度仪分析了溶胀后微球的尺寸变化,通过透射电镜观察了微球乳液,并研究了空气中微球乳液与干粉的表面张力。结果显示,在50和100 nm微球的微通道实验中都观察到了微米级别的团聚物,扩大了水分散体系的波及体积,2种纳米聚合物微球都会出现一定程度的团聚行为,具有溶胀性能,还发现了微球和乳化剂、油滴之间的缠结现象。微球乳液中含有的表面活性剂使其表面张力降低,从而提高了驱油效率。对纳米微球的封堵性能和驱油性能进行了研究,对揭示纳米微球的驱油机理和产品的可持续发展与创新具有显著意义。  相似文献   

缔合聚合物驱油是一种新兴的提高采收率的技术之一,经过驱油效率的室内研究和评价,证明在高温、高矿化度的油藏或存在高渗透层油藏驱油效果较好,具有广阔的应用前景。本文针对卫95—1块的地层特点,经过缔合聚合物体系配方优化、性能指标评价等实验,综合岩芯驱油效果评价的岩芯驱油试验,选出了具有良好抗温、抗盐及剪切恢复性能的缔合聚合物体系,在此基础上制定了卫95—1块的缔合聚合物驱油方案并评价和分析了缔合聚合物驱油效果。  相似文献   

针对高含水期采用常规调驱剂调驱效果不理想情况,剖面调整和驱油结合起来的泡沫-聚合物微球复合体系调驱治理技术引起广泛关注。通过室内填砂岩心驱替实验,计算了不同驱替实验的岩心阻力因子及封堵率。结果表明,泡沫微球复合体系具有封堵叠加效应,聚合物弹性微球反复变形移动和封堵现象明显;氮气泡沫+微球段塞注入方式的封堵效果优于其他注入方式,型号YG375的聚合物微球封堵性能较好。可见,泡沫微球复合体系结合了泡沫和聚合物微球两种调驱剂的优势,具有更好的深部调剖效果。  相似文献   

杜娟 《当代化工》2022,51(4):766-769
为了进一步提高海上低渗透油藏水驱开发后的采收率,将聚合物微球和表面活性剂相结合,研究了一种新型复合调驱技术,并对其驱油效果进行了评价.结果表明:聚合物微球CQ-2具有良好的膨胀性能和封堵性能,推荐其最佳注入质量浓度为3000 mg·L-1,最佳注入量为0.5 PV,其对岩心的封堵率可以达到98%以上.表面活性剂SN-5...  相似文献   

针对注水开发过程中含水率越来越高、高含水井输量越来越多等问题,急需开展深度调剖技术研究。通过对聚合物微球调剖剂在地温环境中,不同养护时间的微观结构、粒径分布测试,开展岩芯驱替物模实验,分析聚合物微球的封堵性能。研究结果表明:聚合物微球经过恒温55℃养护,会发生水化现象,粒径可增大到原始粒径20倍左右,起到较好的封堵作用;与渗透率为1、10和100mD岩芯相匹配的聚合物微球养护时间分别为0、1和10d;双管岩芯驱替实验综合采收率随聚合物微球注入浓度和注入量增加而增加,渗透率级差越大,综合采收率越低。  相似文献   

原油的高效开采是我国可持续发展的重要基础,如何提高原油采收率是迫切需要解决的问题。纳米聚合物微球作为一类新型深部调驱剂,在油田中取得了显著的应用效果,提高水驱采收率效果明显,有力支撑了油田的稳产。在综述纳米聚合物微球开发历程、制备方法的基础上,介绍了纳米聚合物微球深部调驱的机理研究现状,指出亟需建立一套能够揭示纳米聚合物微球微观作用机制的实验方法和数学模型,从提高波及效率和洗油效率2方面,系统地解释纳米聚合物微球的微观驱油机理,这对阐明纳米聚合物微球提高原油采收率的微观机理和指导新型纳米驱油材料开发与应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

滨五油藏是典型的高温高盐、中低渗透油气藏,中高含水的开发中期阶段出现了层间动用差异、平面上注水不均衡等问题。为此应用新型的聚合物微球调驱理论,合成了适合滨五油层物性的聚合物微球,室内对聚合物微球的粒径、溶胀、封堵驱油性能进行了研究,分析了调驱机理。结果表明,所测微球具有低粘度、耐温、耐盐特性,溶胀后最大粒径可增大30倍,模拟实验封堵率大于90%,采收率提高20%以上。  相似文献   

储层非均质性严重、裂缝孔道分布复杂与近井地带剩余油饱和度下降等现象严重制约了常规调驱技术在低渗油藏的应用。采用分散聚合法制备了纳米聚合物微球,表征了微球吸水与干燥时的微观形貌,研究了微球的吸水膨胀性能与调驱机理。结果表明,微球形状规则、球形度高,分散在模拟地层水中最低达145 nm。模拟油藏环境下,微球吸水浸泡102 h,体积膨胀可达30倍,表现出较好的抗温耐盐与吸水膨胀能力。设计微观驱油实验,微球在孔道中表现出"运移—封堵—突破—再封堵"的调驱过程,显著提升了波及体积,体现出良好的选择封堵性能,适用于低渗油藏深部调驱。  相似文献   

智能高分子与高分子凝胶   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述智能高分子材料,并进行了详细分类。从合成及其加工设备、新产品开发、设计方案、应用前景等诸方面详细的阐述了智能高分子凝胶。  相似文献   

聚合物/聚合物分子复合材料的研究动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合讨论了聚合物/聚合物分子复合材料的定义、特征和优势,重点介绍了分子复合材料相容的有效途径及分子复合材料的常用制备方法。并简述了热固性分子复合材料的研究情况及分子复合材料研究前景。  相似文献   

We report on a neutron scattering study of the molecular structure of a self-assembled supramolecular polymer composed of a bicopper complex within a solution of a covalent polymer (atactic polystyrene/trans-decalin). The study is achieved by putting two binary phases in contact and allowing for diffusion of both components in either phase. It is shown that the one-dimensional bicopper filaments are compatible to a high extent with the atactic polymer. These results are discussed in the light of a recently devised encapsulation process of the bicopper filaments within the fibrils of a physical network of isotactic polystyrene.  相似文献   

Edmund A. Di Marzio 《Polymer》1990,31(12):2294-2298
The entropy theory of glasses is used to derive the glass temperature, Tg, of a binary polymer blend in terms of the glass temperatures of the two substituents. The formula is Tg = B1Tg1 + B2Tg2, where Bi is the fraction of flexible bonds of substituent i. A bond is flexible if rotation about it changes the shape of the molecule. Bonds in side groups as well as in the backbone are to be counted. This formula assumes that the free volume, taken here to be the volume fraction of empty lattice sites, is the same for each of the three materials. It has no parameters. The above equation expressed in weight fractions, Wi, is (TgTg1)W111) + (TgTg2)W222) = 0, where ωi is the weight of a monomer unit and ggi is the number of flexible bonds per monomer unit. A more general treatment is given. One variation of the more general treatment which expresses the properties of the blend in purely additive terms gives Tg = B1Tg1 + B2Tg2 + KB1B2(Tg1Tg2)(V01V02), where V0i are the free volume fractions of the homopolymers at their glass temperatures and K is a constant. The added term is usually small. The most general form of the equation requires the energy of interaction between the two unlike molecules, which can be estimated by volume measurements on the blend.  相似文献   

介绍了荧光高分子近年来在理论研究中与作为一种新型功能材料在实际中的应用研究进展。在理论研究中 ,它主要是以荧光探针技术来研究聚合物的微相动力学和构象 ,聚合物相转移和聚集行为 ,聚合物能量转移及光聚合过程。它作为功能材料 ,主要用于荧光化学传感器、非线性光学装置中 ,以及用作光导树脂等材料。  相似文献   

The rapid development of two new classes of electrically active polymer materials, electronically conducting and electroactive polymers and ion-conducting polymers respectively, offers new possibilities for application of both classes of material, especially in combination with each other. While some of these combinations have been attempted before, they all met serious problems due to poor interpenetration of the two polymers. The recent availability of solubilized and soluble electroactive and conductive polymers has greatly advanced the possibilities of reducing the interpenetration problem. Some experimental studies using the combination of solubilized electroactive polypyrrole with poly(ethylene oxide) in an electroactive polymer blend electrode for solid-state polymer batteries are discussed. The opportunities for using polymer blends for solid-state electrochemical polymeric devices, and avenues for the development of materials for such devices, are also reviewed.  相似文献   

油田含聚污水聚合物降解技术室内实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三次采油技术是油田开发后期稳油增产的主要措施,但随着三次采油技术大规模推广应用,原油脱出污水含聚合物增加,含聚污水处理量也大幅度增加。聚合物的存在造成污水黏度增加、油水分离速度减慢,是造成油田污水处理难度增加的主要原因。因此选择技术经济可行的聚合物降解技术是油田含聚污水处理的关键,通过对几种聚合物降解技术室内模拟实验评价对比,为油田含聚污水处理技术优选提供依据。  相似文献   

Cyclotri(trifluoroethoxy, acryloyloxy-ethyleneoxy)phosphazene compound is synthesized from the cyclic trimer of dichlorophosphazene by replacing two CI atoms with trifluoroethoxy and acryloyloxy-ethyleneoxy groups. This compound was polymerized by UV irradiation with the aid of a photosensitizer. The polymerization proceeds in the acrylate group by opening the double bond. Whereas the matrix polymer is an insulator at low temperatures, it is a semiconductor at high temperatures. Namely, the conductivity is 8.84×10–9 S/cm at 19.2°C and 1.17×10–6 S/cm at 75.0°C. Both dielectric constant and dielectric loss increase with increasing temperature and with decreasing frequency. The conductivity of the cyclotri(trifluoroethoxy, acryloyloxy-ethyleneoxy) phosphazene monomer is higher than that of the corresponding polymer and the dielectric constants are higher at lower frequencies. These results are consistent with the existence of a charge transfer complex.  相似文献   

高分子梯度材料的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对填料/聚合物、聚合物/聚合物和单一聚合物等类型的高分子梯度材料的研究进行了综述。讨论了探索制备高分子梯度材料的途径以及表征方法。  相似文献   

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