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基于Mooney-Rivlin模型和Yeoh模型2种橡胶本构模型,建立了硅橡胶、丁腈橡胶和氟橡胶的单轴压缩实验有限元模型,对比了3种橡胶材料的名义应力-应变曲线及模拟仿真。结果表明,Mooney-Rivlin模型适合橡胶的小变形行为,Yeoh模型适合橡胶的大变形行为,且Yeoh模型在橡胶小变形时也具有较好的拟合度。  相似文献   

顾铖璋 《橡胶科技》2021,19(8):0375-0381
在深冷环境下密封橡胶易发生变脆、丧失高弹性等现象,从而导致密封性能降低。密封橡胶的力学性能是评估密封可靠性的重要参数。选择低苯基硅橡胶及以低苯基硅橡胶为基体分别添加全氟聚醚油和聚酰亚胺粉的改性橡胶为研究对象,考察3种橡胶在超低温下的力学性能,在常温(23℃)和超低温(-196℃)下进行单轴拉伸和压缩永久变形试验,并利用有限元软件Abaqus超弹性材料拟合板块对本构模型进行参数模拟,探讨Mooney-Rivlin模型、Ogden模型和Yeoh模型对超低温下密封橡胶的适用性。结果表明:在超低温下,聚酰亚胺粉改性低苯基硅橡胶的密封性能优于其他两种橡胶材料;在单轴拉伸试验拟合中,Yeoh模型拟合误差较小;在压缩试验拟合中,Mooney-Rivlin模型和Ogden模型能更准确地描述橡胶力学性能。  相似文献   

李昊  肖光辉  贺才春  涂奉臣 《橡胶工业》2020,67(7):0529-0533
分别采用Mooney-Rivlin,Odgen和Yeoh橡胶材料本构模型对永磁同步直驱系统用弹性联轴器进行有限元建模和径向刚度仿真计算,并将仿真计算结果与试验结果进行对比。分析得出,采用Mooney-Rivlin和Odgen模型得到的弹性联轴器径向刚度与试验值偏差较大,采用能够模拟大变形的Yeoh模型得到的弹性联轴器径向刚度与试验值偏差较小,Yeoh模型适合用于弹性联轴器及同类产品进行力学性能分析。  相似文献   

基于Mooney-Rivlin模型和Yeoh模型的超弹性橡胶材料有限元分析   总被引:32,自引:8,他引:24  
介绍橡胶材料两种常用的应变能密度函数模型--Mooney-Rivlin模型和Yeoh模型,并解析求得其材料常数.采用ANSYS有限元分析软件,分析比较两种模型的位移和应力云图,验证其适用性,即Mooney-Rivlin模型适合模拟中小变形行为;Yeoh模型适合模拟炭黑填充NR的大变形行为.  相似文献   

闫昱全  宋国臣 《橡胶科技》2023,21(7):0325-0329
基于橡胶试样单轴拉伸试验得到的拉力和变形量等试验数据,利用最小二乘法拟合求得橡胶材料的Mooney-Rivlin模型及Yeoh模型常数。基于有限元方法,用得到的模型常数对试样变形量进行计算并与试验结果对比。结果表明,Mooney-Rivlin模型在小应变和中等应变时可以较好地描述材料的力学行为,Yeoh模型适合模拟大应变时材料的力学行为。利用得到的模型常数计算分析异形密封圈的静态性能,最大变形量计算值与试验值的相对误差为2.74%,表明了所选模型常数的准确性。  相似文献   

对螺杆泵定子橡胶材料分别进行不同温度下常规与油浸介质下的单轴拉伸与平面剪切试验。基于试验数据,运用ABAQUS软件,对常规与油浸定子橡胶不同温度下的单轴拉伸与平面剪切组合的应力-应变状态分别采用M-R,Yeoh,Ogden,A-B和VDW五种本构模型进行拟合对比分析,确定出拟合效果较好的螺杆泵定子橡胶材料本构模型为Ogden模型且50℃下模型参数较优。  相似文献   

基于Mooney-Rivlin模型的橡胶材料常数实测及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用阻尼材料试验机进行单轴向拉伸试验,获取橡胶材料常数C_(10)和C_(01),将其代入两参数Mooney-Rivlin模型,采用ANSYS有限元分析软件对筒形橡胶减振器和行星齿轮减速器性能进行预测。所设计产品装机实车试验结果表明,新型筒形减振器振动加速度下降了67.5%,改进后行星齿轮减速器固有频率大幅下降。  相似文献   

以压缩永久变形为寿命分析研究对象,研究了常用工况下老化时间对黏弹性阻尼硅橡胶的储能模量、损耗模量及损耗因子的影响,同时采用热空气加速老化试验方法探究了黏弹性阻尼硅橡胶在不同温度(348,363,378,393 K)下压缩永久变形性能保持系数随老化时间的变化规律,并通过对两种老化动力学模型进行研究分析和修正获得了黏弹性阻尼硅橡胶的老化反应速率,此外,还对不同老化动力学模型下老化反应速率对Arrhenius模型的非线性行为进行了分段研究,推测了黏弹性阻尼硅橡胶的储存寿命。结果表明,在室温(298 K)下两种老化动力学模型在储存寿命为10.0 a时的压缩永久变形性能保持系数均为0.60;当选择压缩永久变形性能保持系数为0.50作为失效判据时,黏弹性阻尼硅橡胶的储存寿命分别为20.0 a和19.2 a,使用两种模型所得黏弹性阻尼硅橡胶的储存寿命误差仅为4%。  相似文献   

超弹性本构模型在轮胎有限元分析中的应用   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
王友善  王锋  王浩 《轮胎工业》2009,29(5):277-282
对3种主要的超弹性本构模型进行对比,并基于非线性力学理论对轮胎用橡胶材料单轴拉伸力学行为进行测试;假设橡胶为完全不可压缩材料,给出Neo-Hookean,Mooney-Rivlin和Yeoh 3种超弹性本构模型常数的确定方法;在Ansys软件中采用不同的本构模型对轮胎充气状态的力学性能进行分析.结果表明,在轮胎小变形条件下,线弹性模型的模拟结果与实测值比较吻合.  相似文献   

利用Solidwork软件建立楔形橡胶减振器三维模型,由单轴压缩试验得到橡胶材料(天然橡胶胶料)的应力-应变曲线,通过有限元仿真结果与试验结果对比确定Mooney-Rivlin模型为橡胶材料本构模型;采用正交试验方法,以橡胶材料邵尔A型硬度、橡胶层厚度、橡胶层倾斜角度及钢板数量为变量因子,研究其对楔形橡胶减振器三向刚度的影响。结果表明:橡胶材料邵尔A型硬度和橡胶层倾斜角度增大,楔形橡胶减振器的轴向和纵向刚度先增大后减小;橡胶层厚度增大,减振器的轴向和纵向刚度减小;钢板数量增多,减振器的轴向和纵向刚度增大;这4个变量因子对减振器的横向刚度影响不大;同时满足减振器三向许用刚度的橡胶材料邵尔A型硬度、橡胶层厚度、橡胶层倾斜角度和钢板数量分别为66度以上、30~35 mm、64°~67°、1—2。  相似文献   

采用Mooney-Rivlin模型作为应力锥硅橡胶的本构模型,计算电缆终端应力锥的变形。MooneyRivlin模型的参数C01和C10通过拟合硅橡胶单轴拉伸试验的数据得到。通过Abaqus软件对应力锥进行数值模拟,得到应力锥的受力变形,同时通过实验对应力锥的变形进行测量,发现数值模拟结果和实验结果相吻合,证实了Mooney-Rivlin模型能在电缆终端应力锥硅橡胶材料数值分析中的准确性。  相似文献   

The mechanical and damping properties of blends of ethylene‐vinyl acetate rubber(VA content >40 wt %) (EVM)/nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) and EVM/ethylene‐propylene‐diene copolymer (EPDM), both with 1.4 phr BIPB (bis (tert‐butyl peroxy isopropyl) benzene) as curing agent, were investigated by DMA. The effect of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC), and dicumyl peroxide (DCP) on the damping and mechanical properties of both rubber blends were studied. The results showed that in EVM/EPDM/PVC blends, EPDM was immiscible with EVM and could not expand the damping range of EVM at low temperature. PVC was miscible with EVM and dramatically improved the damping property of EVM at high temperature while keeping good mechanical performance. In EVM/NBR/PVC blends, PVC was partially miscible with EVM/NBR blends and remarkably widened the effective damping temperature range from 41.1°C for EVM/NBR to 62.4°C, while CPVC mixed EVM/NBR blends had an expanded effective damping temperature range of 63.5°C with only one damping peak. Curing agents BIPB and DCP had a similar influence on EVM/EPDM blends. DCP, however, dramatically raised the height of tan δ peak of EVM/NBR = 80/20 and expanded its effective damping temperature range to 64.9°C. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011  相似文献   

制备了高速铁路减振垫板用三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)/顺丁橡胶(BR)/三元乙丁橡胶(EBDM)复合材料,考察了EPDM生胶种类及三者配比、增塑剂种类及硫化体系对复合材料性能的影响。结果表明,EPDM生胶2502可提高复合材料的耐寒性能。少量BR与EPDM并用可提高复合材料的耐寒性,且BR用量不宜超过10份。EBDM与EPDM和BR并用,复合材料具有优异的耐寒性能,EBDM的用量宜为40~60份。当EPDM、BR与EBDM的质量比为50/10/40时,以己二酸二辛酯为增塑剂,EPDM/BR/EBDM复合材料的玻璃化转变温度为-68.9 ℃,室温损耗因子为0.10,高低温压缩永久变形分别为14%和17%,拉伸强度为16.2 MPa。  相似文献   

Nitrile rubber (NBR)/sliding graft copolymer (SGC) composites with significantly improved strength and damping property are successfully prepared. SGC is a novel kind of supramolecular material with sliding crosslink junctions. The micromorphology analyses of NBR/SGC composites indicate that the SGC phase with particle size less than 500 nm is fairly uniformly dispersed in the NBR matrix. As SGC content increases, the loss factors (tan δ) of NBR/SGC composites increase gradually. Specifically, the tan δ of NBR/SGC (100/40) is about 1.2 times higher than that of pristine NBR rubber. The tensile strength and elongation at break of NBR/SGC composites are unexpectedly improved after the addition of SGC. The significantly improved damping performance and tensile strength can be ascribed to the pulley effect of SGC and the strong interfacial hydrogen bonds between SGC and NBR. The high damping performance and good mechanical strength make the NBR/SGC composite a promising high-performance damping material. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2019 , 136, 47188.  相似文献   

The mechanical and damping properties of blends of ethylene–vinyl acetate rubber (VA content > 40% wt) (EVM)/acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), with 1.4 phr BIPB [bis (tert‐butyl peroxy isopropyl) benzene] as curing agent, were investigated by DMA and DSC. The effect of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC), silica, carbon black, and phenolic resin (PF) as a substitute curing agent, on the damping and mechanical properties of EVM/NBR blends were studied. The results showed that 10 phr CPVC did not contribute to the damping of EVM700/NBR blends; Silica could dramatically improve the damping of EVM700/NBR blends because of the formation of bound rubber between EVM700/NBR and silica, which appeared as a shoulder tan δ peak between 20 and 70°C proved by DMA and DSC. This shoulder tan δ peak increased as the increase of the content of EVM in EVM/NBR blends. The tensile strength, modulus at 100% and tear strength of the blend with SiO2 increased while the elongation at break and hardness decreased comparing with the blend with CB. PF, partly replacing BIPB as the curing agent, could significantly improve the damping of EVM700/NBR to have an effective damping temperature range of over 100°C and reasonable mechanical properties. Among EVM600, EVM700, and EVM800/NBR/silica blend system, EVM800/NBR/silica blend had the best damping properties. The EVM700/NBR = 80/10 blend had a better damping property than EVM700/NBR = 70/20. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012  相似文献   

A theory is presented for the effect of axial strain on the stiffness and damping of a rubber strip clamped at its ends and deformed laterally. Experiments on such a system were carried out, varying the tensile strain and the sample dimensions. Both free and forced oscillations were used, the former giving more accurate results for the damping. The results were compared with the theoretical predictions with very good agreement. The work suggests that it may be possible to vary the damping of an engineering component by design of the shape and mode of application of the forces, rather than by variation of the rubber compound out of which it is made. This presents possible advantages with regard to overall performance of the component, for example, the temperature sensitivity. It also suggests a mechanism for possible artefacts in characterisation tests for elastic and loss moduli of the material.  相似文献   

橡胶Mooney—Rivlin模型材料系数对轴向刚度影响分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
左亮  肖绯雄 《弹性体》2008,18(3):54-56
在橡胶小变形范围内,采用理论推断的方法,得到在相同硬度下橡胶Mooney—Rivlin模型材料系数由C2/C1决定的关系式。并采用ABAQUS有限元软件分析的方法,结合橡胶轴向刚度常规解,分析了C2/C1不同值对橡胶轴向刚度的影响进行,结果显示其影响呈现一定规律性。  相似文献   

高阻尼硅橡胶的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同阻尼剂分别对硅橡胶主链和填料表面进行改性的途径制备了阻尼硅橡胶,分别通过DMTA和应力应变法对制备的阻尼硅橡胶进行了研究,结果表明:采用阻尼剂DA-1/DA-3=15/5并用的配方,硅橡胶的阻尼性能最优,综合性能最好。硅橡胶的蠕变性能随着阻尼剂DA-1比例的增加而改善。  相似文献   

使用ANSYS有限元分析软件建立了CRH3型动车组用V型橡胶减振器模型,其中橡胶材料采用Mooney-Rivlin超弹模型;通过橡胶单轴压缩试验拟合得到了不同硬度的Rivlin参数,比较性分析了不同硬度橡胶材料的V型橡胶减振器静刚度有限元计算值与试验值。结果表明,使用有限元计算的V型橡胶减振器静刚度与橡胶材料硬度的关系与实际试验结果十分吻合;V型橡胶减振器垂向静刚度与橡胶层厚度的倒数成正比,随其倾斜角α的增大垂向静刚度逐渐变小;模拟分析得到的橡胶应力集中与实际载荷下的分布位置相一致。  相似文献   

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