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聚团是气固循环流化床(CFB)中最常见的现象,对气固之间的热量和质量传递有重要影响。为了考察循环流化床内不同运动方向聚团速度的特性,采用高速相机对提升管内气固流动进行摄像,并利用Matlab图像处理程序,分离出颗粒聚团区域并计算颗粒的运动速度。采用拉格朗日(Lagrange)法计算聚团速度,并根据聚团运动方向对上行和下行聚团的速度分别研究。研究结果表明:采用拉格朗日法能准确地计算聚团速度,上行聚团速度略大于下行聚团速度,聚团速度主要分布在[?3,3] m?s?1且随表观气速的增加而增加;边壁区域下行聚团数量远大于上行聚团数量,中心区域上行聚团数量略大于下行聚团,下行聚团数量占聚团总数的60%~70%。聚团速度沿轴向高度略有增加,在顶部受出口的影响略有减小。聚团横向移动在边壁区域较小,中心区域较大。  相似文献   

通过实验,比较系统地研究了气固流化床内,不同筛分组合的颗粒在流化状态时的气泡特征、轴向固含量和颗粒粒径分布、床层空隙率等特征。实验结果显示:宽筛分物系中的细颗粒,一方面可提高气泡聚并破碎频率,从而抑制大气泡的产生;另一方面可使颗粒整体流化高度增加,提高轴向固含量分布的均匀性及流化状态的稳定性。实验结果也表明,在表观气速一定的条件下,若逐渐增大颗粒粒径,则流化床空隙率逐步减小,细颗粒可有效地提高床层空隙率。  相似文献   

采用内径为56 mm的玻璃管流化床,考察了平均粒径分别为5~10 nm(1#), 0.5 mm(2#)及10 mm(3#)的SiO2超细颗粒在无声场及声场存在下的流化行为. 无声场时,1#和2#颗粒可在较高的气速下形成稳定聚团,单位质量颗粒团间作用力与原生颗粒相比显著下降,因而可实现稳定的聚团流化,3#颗粒因颗粒间粘性力较大,无法实现稳定流化. 40~60 Hz的声场对3种超细颗粒的流化行为均可起到一定的改善作用,在此频率范围外,声场的作用不明显. 提高声压级,可以使1#和2#颗粒团发生一定程度的破碎,聚团尺寸减小,最小流化速度降低. 在实验范围内,添加声场无法使3#颗粒实现稳定流化.  相似文献   

建立了基于粘性颗粒鼓泡流化床中气泡直径得到聚团相对运动速度,进而计算聚团尺寸的方法,对周涛的原聚团-力平衡模型进行了有效的修正,并对修正模型的正确性进行了验证。采用了基于聚团-力平衡修正模型对粘性颗粒的流化状态进行了三维模拟。不同气速下固含率的计算结果与实验数据基本吻合,但由于该模型未能很好地体现颗粒在床层顶部的返混情况,使得顶部固含率的计算值和实验值之间存在一定的偏差。计算得到的聚团尺寸随着所处床层高度或气速的增加而逐渐减小。正如实验现象所观察到的,通过对颗粒聚团运动速度的矢量分析验证了固相从床层中心和边壁下落、从两侧上升的双循环结构。  相似文献   

魏庆  姚秀颖  张永民 《化工学报》2016,67(5):1732-1740
针对细颗粒气固鼓泡流化床中床料与竖直传热管壁面间的传热行为,在前期实验的基础上,采用计算颗粒流体力学(CPFD)方法从颗粒在传热壁面更新的角度,深入分析了传热特性与壁面气固流动行为之间的关联性。结果表明,模拟得到的传热管壁面颗粒更新通量和基于颗粒团更新模型的颗粒团平均停留时间均能很好解释实验测得的传热系数变化规律,这证实颗粒团更新是影响传热过程的控制性因素。模拟还发现随加热管从床层中心向边壁的移动,加热管周向方向上颗粒更新通量和传热系数的不均匀性都呈增大趋势。随着表观气速的增大,气泡行为导致床层颗粒内循环流率增大,这是导致颗粒团在加热管壁面上的更新频率增大以及床层与壁面间传热系数增大的根源。  相似文献   

针对细颗粒气固鼓泡流化床中床料与竖直传热管壁面间的传热行为,在前期实验的基础上,采用计算颗粒流体力学(CPFD)方法从颗粒在传热壁面更新的角度,深入分析了传热特性与壁面气固流动行为之间的关联性。结果表明,模拟得到的传热管壁面颗粒更新通量和基于颗粒团更新模型的颗粒团平均停留时间均能很好解释实验测得的传热系数变化规律,这证实颗粒团更新是影响传热过程的控制性因素。模拟还发现随加热管从床层中心向边壁的移动,加热管周向方向上颗粒更新通量和传热系数的不均匀性都呈增大趋势。随着表观气速的增大,气泡行为导致床层颗粒内循环流率增大,这是导致颗粒团在加热管壁面上的更新频率增大以及床层与壁面间传热系数增大的根源。  相似文献   

为了快速有效地预测喷动床颗粒聚团现象,采用了上升管压力测点脉动标准差的方法进行了喷动床颗粒聚团现象的预报研究。在喷动床上升管的不同标高位置布置压力测点,每一测点的下方设有清洗气流,避免了颗粒对压力测点产生堵塞,通过调节通带滤波的频率界限,保证了压力的准确测量。实验研究发现,在较低的表观气速下,上升管压力脉动的标准差与表观气速存在线性关系并服从卡方分布,基于以上发现提出了上升管压力脉动标准差预报颗粒聚团发生率的关系式模型。通过上升管压力脉动标准差预报方法与常规的平均压力降预报方法的对比发现,上升管压力脉动标准差预报方法在预报颗粒的聚团现象时具有较高的表观气速识别率和较小的响应时间,实现了喷动床颗粒聚团现象的快速预报。  相似文献   

综合考虑鼓泡流化床内气泡及聚团对床内细颗粒流动的影响,建立基于气泡和聚团的结构曳力模型及结构参数模型,同时,借助计算流体软件预测细颗粒在鼓泡床中流动状态。首先,基于细颗粒在鼓泡流化床的流动状态,在介观尺度上将床内气固流动结构划分为3个子结构,即气泡相、相间相及乳化相(聚团相)。然后,综合考虑细颗粒鼓泡流化床中气泡和聚团对气固流动的影响,根据力平衡、质量守恒建立基于气泡和聚团的结构参数模型及结构曳力模型。通过对结构参数模型封闭求解,得到11个结构参数值(f_b,U_b,d_b,U_(gb),f_i,U_(gi),ε_i,f_e,U_(ge),ε_e,d_c)。对结构参数计算结果进行分析,结构参数模型能够很好反映床内流动情况及床内各结构参数之间的关系,并能有效地预测颗粒聚团直径。此外借用非均匀因子,耦合结构曳力模型及结构参数模型到欧拉双流体模型对气固在床内流动行为进行数值模拟。模拟结果表明,使用基于气泡和聚团的结构曳力模型能够较好地预测细颗粒在鼓泡流化床中的流动行为。在对模拟结果中颗粒径向浓度比较时,可以发现,相对比基于气泡模型的结构曳力模型,使用基于气泡和聚团的结构曳力模型的模拟结果与实验结果更一致。  相似文献   

起始外循环流化速度是影响气液固外循环流化床正常操作的重要参数之一。提出了以流化床内压差随表观液速的变化阈值来确定流化床起始外循环流化速度的方法。通过实验研究,考察了颗粒直径、颗粒体积分率和表观气速等操作参数,对强制循环条件下流化床起始外循环流化速度的影响。结果表明,液固流化床起始外循环流化速度远大于单个颗粒终端速度,与颗粒体积分率、颗粒平均直径成正比;强制循环时,颗粒体积分率较小的情况下,加入气体后的起始外循环流化速度比液固两相起始外循环流化速度要大,颗粒体积分率较大时,几乎与液固两相相同。  相似文献   

根据粘附性颗粒在流化过程中形成的聚团具有较宽粒径分布并因此导致大聚团在流化床中沉积和死床的问题,提出了循环流化床的锥形回料系统设计. 该回料系统包括两部分:锥形料腿和带辅助进气的V型阀. 实验证明,锥形料腿通过提供变化的表观流化气速,克服了流化聚团沉积死床等现象;而V型阀的辅助进气,对于保证V型阀顺利输送粘附性颗粒具有关键性作用. 借助这种回料系统,实现了高粘附性超细CaCO3颗粒在循环流化床的稳定快速流化. 从提升管内部拍摄的照片显示,尽管提升管采用较高的流化气体速度,但超细CaCO3颗粒仍然是以聚团的形式被流化. 对在提升管不同高度采集的聚团分析表明,处于快速流化状态的CaCO3聚团的直径远小于传统流化床中聚团的直径,并且在提升管高度方向聚团直径没有较大的变化. 同时实验还显示,提升管轴向空隙率呈S型分布,而径向则体现环-核结构,具有典型的快速床特征.  相似文献   

本文在考查了不同细颗粒的流态化过程及物料的气动特性与粘附力关系的基础上,提出了当量流态化的概念;实验发现聚团密度的减小是改善细颗粒流化性能的一种有效途径;根据气动情况下不同的成团结果,把细颗粒的聚团流态化分成了三类:沟流;似A类聚团流态化;似B/D类聚团流态化;同时,结合实验结果,给出了不同细颗粒聚团流态化类型的定量判据  相似文献   

Particle characteristics are important factors affecting gas fluidization. In this work, the effects of both particle size and shape on fluidization in different flow regimes are studied using the combined computational fluid dynamic–discrete element method approach. The results are first analyzed in terms of flow patterns and fluidization parameters such as pressure drop, minimum fluidization, and bubbling velocities. The results show that with particle size decreasing, agglomerates can be formed for fine ellipsoidal particles. In particular, “chain phenomenon,” a special agglomerate phenomenon exists in expanded and fluidized beds for fine prolate particles, which is caused by the van der Waals force. The minimum fluidization velocity increases exponentially with the increase of particle size, and for a given size, it shows a “W” shape with aspect ratio. A correlation is established to describe the dependence of minimum fluidization velocity on particle size and shape. Ellipsoids have much higher minimum bubbling velocities and fluidization index than spheres. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 62–77, 2016  相似文献   

Multiphase flow hydrodynamics in a novel gas–liquid–solid jet-loop reactor (JLR) were experimentally investigated at the macroscales and mesoscales. The chord length distribution was measured by an optical fiber probe and transformed for bubble size distribution through the maximum entropy method. The impacts of key operating conditions (superficial gas and liquid velocity, solid loading) on hydrodynamics at different axial and radial locations were comprehensively investigated. JLR was found to have good solid suspension ability owing to the internal circulation of bubbles and liquid flow. The gas holdup, axial liquid velocity, and bubble velocity increase with gas velocity, while liquid velocity has little influence on them. Compared with the gas–liquid JLRs, solids decrease the gas holdup and liquid circulation, reduces the bubble velocity and delays the flow development due to the enhanced interaction between bubbles and particles (Stokes number >1). This work also provides a benchmark data for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model validation. © 2019 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 65: e16537, 2019  相似文献   

气固环流燃烧器内颗粒流动行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
严超宇  卢春喜 《化工学报》2010,61(6):1357-1366
针对石油焦及气化余焦的燃烧特点和流态化特性,提出了一种采用气固密相环流烧焦与快速床管式烧焦技术相组合的新型燃烧器结构。在不同操作条件(导流筒区表观气速0.772~1.674m.s-1,环隙区表观气速0.223~0.519m.s-1,装置系统的颗粒外循环强度40.8~229.4kg.m-2.s-1)及两类颗粒体系下,采用光纤测量仪对组合燃烧器环流段内颗粒流动特性进行了系统的实验研究。结果表明,两类颗粒体系的固含率和颗粒轴向速度在导流筒区、底部区和颗粒分流区床层内沿径向的分布规律为中心区小、边壁区大的环-核型分布,体现了气固流化床典型聚式流态化的非均一性特征;在环隙区,受环流段结构的影响,两类颗粒体系的固含率和颗粒轴向速度参数沿床层径向的分布相对较均匀;混合颗粒体系的固含率、颗粒轴向速度较单一石英砂颗粒体系的要小,细颗粒的加入在一定程度上能改善气固混合的均匀程度;两类颗粒体系在底部区和颗粒分流区的径向流动具有剪切破碎气泡的作用,有利于环流段内气固的充分混合接触。  相似文献   

The results from a two-fluid Eulerian–Eulerian three-dimensional (3-D) simulation of a cylindrical bed, filled with Geldart-B particles and fluidized with air in the bubbling regime, are compared with experimental data obtained from pressure and optical probe measurements in a real bed of similar dimensions and operative conditions. The main objectives of this comparison are to test the validity of the simulation results and to characterize the bubble behavior and bed dynamics. The fluidized bed is 0.193 m internal diameter and 0.8 m height, and it is filled with silica sand particles, reaching a settle height of 0.22 m. A frequency domain analysis of absolute and differential pressure signals in both the measured and the simulated cases shows that the same principal phenomena are reproduced with similar distributions of peak frequencies in the power spectral density (PSD) and width of the spectrum. The local dynamic behavior is also studied in the present work by means of the PSD of the simulated particle fraction and the PSD of the measured optical signal, which reveals as well good agreement between both the spectra. This work also presents, for the first time, comparative results of the measured and the simulated bubble size and velocity in a fully 3-D bed configuration. The values of bubble pierced length and velocity retrieved from the experimental optical signals and from the simulated particle fraction compare fairly well in different radial and axial positions. Very similar values are obtained when these bubble parameters are deduced from either simulated pressure signals or simulated particle volume fraction. In addition, applying the maximum entropy method technique, bubble size probability density functions are also calculated. All these results indicate that the two-fluid model is able to reproduce the essential dynamics and interaction between bubbles and dense phase in the 3-D bed studied.  相似文献   

The effect of particle solubility and the dissolution rate on agglomeration was studied by drying silica and titania particles from aqueous slurries with pH values in the range of 2–12. The agglomerate strength and strength distribution were measured by a calibrated ultrasonic force, and the strength increased as the solubility and dissolution rate increased. Two silica powders of different particle size (60 nm and 500 nm) were studied, and smaller-sized particles formed stronger agglomerates. The drying rate of the powders was varied by using spray drying and tray drying, and slower drying was shown to lead to higher agglomerate strength. The agglomerate strength of titania powder (insoluble in water) was independent of pH, whereas the agglomerate strength of silica was dependent on pH. It was concluded that the solubility and dissolution rate are important parameters that govern the strength of agglomerates.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamics of fluidized beds strongly influence their operation, but are complicated and chaotic. There are many measurement techniques, but none fully characterizes gas-solid fluidized beds. Acoustic signals from fluidized beds cover a wide frequency spectrum and can be correlated to bed characteristics. Experiments were conducted to study the acoustic signals from ultrasonic transducers mounted on the outer wall of a two-dimensional fluidization column. The acoustic signals were related to bubble behavior in 550 μm glass beads. Simultaneous acoustic and pressure measurements allowed direct comparison of these signals for single bubbles, pairs and chains of bubbles. The envelope of acoustic signals, generated by particle collisions and particle-wall impacts, provided information on the behavior of bubbles. Significant peaks appeared as the top portions of the bubble wakes approached the acoustic sensor. Pressure waves propagated considerably in the horizontal direction, whereas acoustic signals propagated little in the lateral direction, but transmitted forward in the wall in the direction of bubble motion, maintaining the wave profile invariant during transmission. The strong lateral localization of acoustic signals is promising for determining the lateral bubble position in the bed. Acoustic signals provide a potential means of determining such bubble properties as velocity, frequency and volume, with some advantages relative to pressure signals.  相似文献   

高凯歌  雷玉庄  李海念  周勇 《化工学报》2017,68(6):2290-2297
超细粉的流化性能与聚团尺寸密切相关。通过分析超细粉聚团在声场导向管喷流床中的形成过程,提出了高速射流的剪切作用和聚团间的碰撞作用是决定聚团尺寸的主要原因。在此基础上,结合聚团在射流剪切过程和聚团间碰撞过程中的力平衡分析,建立了声场导向管喷流床中聚团尺寸分布的预测模型;并运用这一模型成功预测了不同射流气速下,超细TiO2颗粒在声场导向管喷流床中的聚团平均直径和聚团尺寸分布。  相似文献   

The effects of liquid phase rheology on the local hydrodynamics of bubble column reactors operating with non‐Newtonian liquids are investigated. Local bubble properties, including bubble frequency, bubble chord length, and bubble rise velocity, are measured by placing two in‐house made optical fiber probes at various locations within a bubble column reactor operating with different non‐Newtonian liquids. It was found that the presence of elasticity can noticeably increase the bubble frequency but decreases the bubble chord length and its rise velocity. The radial profiles of bubble frequency, bubble chord length, and bubble rise velocity are shown to be relatively flat at low superficial gas velocity while they become parabolic at high superficial gas velocity. Moreover, the bubble size and gas holdup are correlated with respect to dimensionless groups by considering the ratio between dynamic moduli of viscoelastic liquids. The novel proposed correlations are capable of predicting the experimental data of bubble size and gas holdup within a mean absolute percentage error of 9.3% and 10%, respectively. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 1382–1396, 2016  相似文献   

Existence of clusters in dense fluidized beds was investigated by analyzing the time-position data of a tracer obtained in several radioactive particle tracking experiments. It was found that in the case of sand particles, more gas passes through the bed as bubbles with increasing the superficial gas velocity and in the case of FCC powder, flow of the gas through the bed as bubbles does not increase in the turbulent fluidization regime. Cluster diameters were estimated from their velocities and found that descending clusters are generally larger than ascending ones and the size of both increases with increasing the superficial gas velocity. Bubble velocities evaluated in this work are in good agreement with the correlations in the bubbling regime of the fluidization available in the literature.  相似文献   

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