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1 前言塑料制品具有重量轻、可设计性好,且成形容易等优点。随着材料的高性能化,以汽车零件和家电制品为中心,塑科制品的需要量有了显著的增加。另外,塑料制品的发展趋势是从批量生产向多品种小批量生产过渡,塑料模具的制造数量也随之进一步增加,同时。对可缩短模具交货期和降低加工成本的切削性优良的塑料模具用钢的要求日益提高。  相似文献   

将木质素作为一种有机颗粒填料添加到热塑性塑料中,可解决造纸黑液资源化利用、石油原料日渐紧张以及环境污染加剧等严峻问题。而木质素与热塑性塑料之间相容性直接影响木质素在塑料工业中的应用与发展。首先简要概述了木质素结构与性质和木质素/热塑性塑料复合材料的性能分析,然后系统地阐述国内外研究木质素/热塑性塑料复合材料界面增容方法及其原理;增容方法按添加相容剂、改性木质素和改性塑料进行归类,并对3种增容方法进行比较分析;接着综述了木质素复合材料中增容方法的交叉复合使用;最后对未来木质素/热塑性塑料复合材料界面增容的研究方向以及思路进行了展望。  相似文献   

民用工业中复合材料桁架的应用和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文叙述了复合材料桁架的构造、分类和计算方法,突出了复合材料桁架的优越性能和在民用工业中的应用前景;在分析大量文献资料的基础上阐述复合材料桁架杆件的多种加工工艺,并比较不同截面形式对杆件性能的影响;探讨复合材料杆件的破坏机理和分析方法,介绍节点的类型和各自的特点,提出节点及连接部位存在的关键问题;根据国内外复合材料桁架的研究和应用现状,阐述了复合材料桁架的性能和不同的设计方法,总结归纳影响复合材料桁架性能的关键因素和设计中存在的一些问题,并提出改进杆件设计、节点设计和优化复合材料桁架的建议。  相似文献   

王辉  吴志连  邰志军  裴仁彦  任晓光 《化工进展》2019,38(10):4497-4503
合成气经二甲醚羰基化及乙酸甲酯加氢路线制无水乙醇技术因具有诸多优点而备受市场关注。本文综述了该工艺的核心反应机理和最近研究进展。主要探讨了丝光沸石8元环与12元环对羰基化反应的作用。阐明了如何通过调变丝光沸石8元环与12元环的活性位来提高羰基化催化剂的活性与稳定性。评述了铜纳米粒子的粒径、分散度以及Cu+与Cu0的分布等特点对铜基催化剂加氢催化活性的影响。提高乙醇选择性与催化剂稳定性是该研究的重点与难点。指出羰基化催化剂的优化重点是调变丝光沸石的孔道结构,加氢催化剂的发展方向是构建高分散度的铜纳米粒子,并在反应过程中保持稳定。  相似文献   

酚类化合物的提取是实现煤焦油高附加值利用的有效途径之一,掌握煤焦油中酚类化合物的分布情况、结构特点有助于高效分离方法的开发。针对煤焦油中粗酚的提取及精制,本文综述了碱液抽提法、溶剂萃取法和新型分离方法3类粗酚提取方法的研究现状,介绍了粗酚精制的研究进展,并讨论了不同粗酚提取、精制方法之间的优势与不足。系统阐述了光谱法、色谱法及核磁共振法3大类酚类化合物组成结构鉴定方法。探讨了该领域技术的发展趋势,认为酚类的分析鉴定需将多种先进手段结合,多层次、全方位地分析其组成及结构;粗酚的提取可以加快环保高效萃取剂的优选,推动新型萃取法的应用进度;粗酚精制在重点开发间、对甲酚及混合二甲酚高效提纯工艺的同时,加强高级酚提取的研究力度。  相似文献   

随着国内石油开采进入中后期,采出液含水率高达70%~90%,油田集输能耗大大增加,这使得不加热集油工艺得以广泛应用。但凝油粘壁现象所引起的一系列流动保障问题受到了国内外研究者的广泛关注。本文重点阐述了国内外凝油粘壁的研究进展,对现阶段凝油粘壁规律的影响因素与相关研究成果作了总结与分析,介绍了粘壁规律的主要实验设备与研究方法,对国内外学者的实验情况作了概述。结合上述研究成果,总结了凝油粘壁的宏观规律、原油物性与组成的影响以及胶凝原油的影响,并认为凝油粘壁是动力学与热力学共同作用的结果。特别提出了对凝油粘壁温度的判别方法与经验关联式。最后给出了进一步开展凝油粘壁研究的建议与方向。这将对未来缓解与治理凝油粘壁问题与确保管道安全运行有着重要意义。  相似文献   

生物质能源作为可再生能源的重要组成部分,其综合高效利用在能源替代与补充、保护生态环境等方面具有重要的战略意义。生物油是生物质通过热裂解技术获得的液体产物,具有能量密度较高、环境友好、可再生及可直接输送等优点,可替代传统化石燃料推广使用,解决日益严重的能源紧缺与环境污染等问题。生物质热解制油技术的开发与利用,已成为新世纪可持续能源研究领域的重要课题之一。总结了近年来生物质热解制油技术的主要研究进展,重点关注热解反应器、催化热解技术与生物油的提质利用方面的研究,介绍了碱金属、氧化物和分子筛3种生物质热解催化剂,以及乳化、催化加氢、催化裂解、催化酯化和重整制氢5种生物质提质方法,最后对生物质热解技术的现状及发展趋势进行了总结和概括。  相似文献   

Soiling and soil removal from cotton fabrics that had been chemically modified by mercerization and carboxymethylation were studied using electron microscopy and radiotracer techniques. The distribution of lard soil in specimens before and after laudering was determined by means of chemical tagging with osmium tetroxide. Both the chemical and physical changes of the cotton resulted in differences in soiling and soil removal of lipid soil. Mercerization and carboxymethylation of cotton swell the cotton fiber, decrease the crenulation and the lumen, and smooth the fiber surface. These finishes also increase the pore volume and thus the chemical accessibility of the fibrillar structure. In addition, carboxymethylation causes changes in the chemistry of the fiber by increasing the carboxyl group content. These structural changes reduce the amount of soil deposited in the lumen of the fiber, particularly for the carboxymethylated cotton. They also increase soil removal from the crenulation and the interfiber spaces in the yarn bundle. Soil removal from fiber surfaces and from within the fiber—both lumen and secondary wall—was highest for the carboxymethylated cotton, and mercerization also enhanced lipid soil removal. The results of this experiment indicate that chemical accessibility and hydrophilicity of the fiber structure influence both soil deposition and soil removal of lipid soils. Soil removal of these modified cottons is enhanced by multiple mechanisms: (i) the decrease in small crevices and the crenulation or small capillary along the fiber, (ii) the increase in pore volume that enhances chemical accessibility and thus detergency within the fiber structure, (iii) the increase in hydrophilicity that enhances soil removal from the surface by the roll-up mechanism, (iv) the increase of mechanical action due to enhanced swelling of the carboxymethylated cotton, and (v) the reduction of soil redeposition on carboxymethylated surfaces.  相似文献   

Previous results obtained in soybean-wheat rotations under no-tillage conditions showed reductions in the seedbank of the weed species Commelina benghalensis, but no alteration in the seedbank of Acanthospermum hispidum in areas infested with Brachiaria plantaginea. Analyses of the soluble fraction of B. plantaginea indicated the predominance of aconitic acid (AA) among the aliphatic acids and ferulic acid (FA) among the phenolic acids. Laboratory bioassays using C. benghalensis and A. hispidum were carried out to evaluate phytotoxic effects of pure organic acid solutions and dilute extracts of B. plantaginea on seed germination, root development, and fungal germination. Solutions of AA and FA were prepared at 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0 mM. Extracts of B. plantaginea were diluted to obtain concentrations of AA similar to those in the prepared solutions. Seeds were sown on 0.5% agar (containing AA, FA, or diluted extract) in plastic-covered receptacles and maintained in a germination chamber for 10 days. AA and FA solutions and the B. plantaginea extract reduced germination and root length, mainly of C. benghalensis. AA also stimulated the development of endophytic fungi (Fusarium solani), which had complementary adverse effects on C. benghalensis germination. FA and AA may play important roles in reducing the seedbank of some weed species, acting directly on germination and development and, indirectly, by stimulating endophytic fungi that alter germination.  相似文献   

Technology and colour are viewed as interfaces between the environment, humans and human activity. Examples are provided of ways of facilitating and improving access to and use of colours by commercial users of colour coatings through improvements in the accuracy of measuring and displaying colour. By analogy, the task of providing effective interfaces within the coatings industry, between the coatings industry and the environment and between the coatings industry and the public and political domain are discussed. Examples of information shortfalls are cited to illustrate how distortions arise. Examples of more effective, integrated technological, organisational and political interfacing are culled from the author's experiences.  相似文献   

纤维对PM2.5过滤性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在日常的生产和生活排放的残留物中存在许多有毒的PM2.5细颗粒物,对人体呼吸功能损害大,因此研究如何有效去除PM2.5细颗粒物具有十分重要的意义。对不同尺寸“Y”形截面和圆形截面的单纤维丝对烟气中PM2.5颗粒物的过滤性能进行实验,分析不同烟气流速和颗粒物浓度对颗粒物截留率的影响,进而研究纤维集合体在不同单丝线密度和孔隙率的条件下对烟气中PM2.5颗粒物过滤性能的作用。结合Euler法和Lagrange法对上述单纤维丝和纤维集合体实验工况进行数值模拟,将其结果与实验数据进行对比发现实验与数值模拟结果吻合较好。研究结果表明,同一时刻“Y”形截面的单纤维丝比圆形截面单纤维丝对颗粒物截留率更高。对于纤维集合体,单丝线密度为0.27 tex和孔隙率为0.88工况下,纤维集合体对颗粒物PM2.5的捕集性能最好。  相似文献   

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