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杨桦 《中国水利》2006,(12):I0036-I0036
山西省万家寨引黄工程位于山西省北中部,是一项大型跨流域引水工程。山西省万家寨引黄工程管理局从工程建设之初就高度重视工程沿线的环境治理和保护,陆续治理工程沿线各类水土流失面积314万m2。  相似文献   

万家寨引黄工程位于山西省西北部,西起晋蒙交界的万家寨水库,南至太原,东至大同,是一项大型跨流域引水工程。其任务是向国家能源重化工基地太原、大同、朔州提供城市生活用水,以及沿线地区工农业用水。引黄工程1992年开工,随着土建工作的开展,安全监测手段也逐步引入这项大型工程。在监测工程的实施中,主要遇到了以下问题,而这些问题在监测开展较晚的山西省甚至全国是具有普遍意义的。  相似文献   

山西省万家寨引黄工程是一项大型跨流域引水工程。绿化项目属引黄一期工程水土保持项目的一部分。本文拟从万家寨引黄一期工程绿化项目内容、绿化树种的选择及种植工艺、完成主要工程量、经验及体会等方面,就如何做好水利工程特别是引水项目绿化做一探讨。  相似文献   

山西省万家寨引黄工程完工通水到太原,将形成自来水、自备水和地表水三种水源共同供水的局面,确保引黄工程正常运行,贷款投资按期回收,合理的水价是关键,对当前太原市自来水价格进行现状分析,对引黄工程通水后的自来水价格进行预测,并提出水价改革的配套措施。  相似文献   

山西省万家寨引黄工程是一项跨流域的大型引水工程,是根本解决山西水资源紧缺的生命工程。本文对工程规模、引水线路走向、总体布置进行了重点介绍。  相似文献   

万家寨水利枢纽及引黄工程的主要任务是供水并建设调峰水电站,同时兼有防洪、防凌效益。一、万家寨水利枢纽工程概况万家寨水利枢纽位于黄河北干流托克托至龙口峡谷内,左岸为山西省偏关县,右岸为内蒙古自治区准格尔旗。河段两岸邻近地区蕴藏着丰富的煤炭资源,是华北的主要能源重化工基地。库区以东有山西大同、平朔和太原能源  相似文献   

山西省万家寨引黄工程概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山西省万家寨引黄工程是一项解决山西省太原、大同、朔州等地区水资源紧缺,促进工农业发展,提高人民生活水平,维系国家能源重化工基地发展的生命工程,整个工程投资大,科技含量高,施工难度大,管理任务重,是举世罕见的在型跨流域引水工程,工程由万家寨水利枢纽、总干、南干、南干联接段及北干部分组成。  相似文献   

金鑫 《人民黄河》2003,25(11):39-40
万家寨引黄工程是解决山西省太原、大同、朔州三市工业和生活用水的一项大型引水工程,其未来供水水质的好坏直接关系到整个工程的成败。通过对影响南干线未来供水水质主要因素万家寨水库水质状况、汾河水库上游河段及汾河水库的水质状况的监测评价,定性地指出了未来的供水水质状况、影响供水水质的主要因素和水污染治理的重点。  相似文献   

1 概述山西省万家寨引黄工程是一项超大型跨流域地下引水工程。第一期工程引水到太原,引水线路全长204km,计划2001年竣工,工程总投资125亿元人民币。其工程规模及技术要求、施工工艺、施工设备都属世界先进水平。1997年引进世界银行贷款后,引黄工程对以下土建项目进行国际竞争性招标:国际标(位于总干线)主要建筑物为2座地下泵站(每站装机10台,单机流量6.45m3/s)及2km地下输水隧洞;国际、标(位于南干线)主要建筑物为88km地下输水隧洞(采用全断面双护盾掘进机施工)和其间多座交叉建筑物。为了合理确定利用外资建设的水利工程项目投资,加强项…  相似文献   

高旭彪 《人民黄河》1999,21(4):45-45
山西省万家寨水利枢纽工程是我国一项大型工程,也是山西省引黄工程的“龙头”工程。自黄河万家寨水利枢纽有限公司成立后,年轻的领导层在带领职工全力加快工程进度、提高工程质量的同时,更多考虑的是公司的长远发展。1998年初,董事长王文珂在公司工作会议上提出的...  相似文献   

<正>2018年以来,在水利部的关心支持下,宁夏坚持山水林田湖草系统治理,大力实施生态立区战略,打好水污染防治攻坚战、碧水保卫战和新时代黄河保卫战,推进河长制湖长制落地见效。黄河宁夏段22年来首次连续18个月保持Ⅱ类水质,全区河湖生态环境面貌及水环境质量持续改善。  相似文献   

Water is arguably the world's most critical resource, although its aesthetic and recreational functions typically receive less attention than its consumptive uses. Views of, and access to, attractive water resources are capitalized into property prices in the form of sales price and rental premiums, measured since the 1970s with the hedonic pricing technique. This study synthesizes the evidence to date with respect to the value of lakes and reservoirs as aesthetic and recreational resources to nearby residents. Findings are reported relating to the effects of scenic views of, and proximity, to reservoirs and large artificial lakes, the North American Great Lakes, and other smaller inland lakes. Of the 44 distinct reviewed studies that included tests of statistical significance, only two failed to produce any significant findings in the directions anticipated (i.e., a positive impact of water frontage or view and/or negative impact of increasing distance). Improvements in methodological approaches—from early studies employing anecdotal observation and visual comparison to more recent investigations employing advanced geographical information systems and rigorous spatially explicit regression techniques—are traced. The potential implications of climate variability and changes for property values are addressed, as is the growing movement towards the adoption of green infrastructure. The need to consider changes to aesthetic and recreational values, in addition to outcomes for more traditional consumptive uses during cost–benefit analyses associated with proposed (re)developments, is emphasized.  相似文献   

公路建设产生弃土、弃石、弃渣量的预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨建成  周全 《人民长江》2007,38(6):15-16
拟建公路所经过的地形地貌不同,建设过程中将产生的弃土、弃石、弃渣量差别较大.公路工程在建设过程中产生的弃土、弃石、弃渣量的多少,直接关系到工程造成新增水土流失量的预测和弃渣场的水土保持防治措施的布置.弃渣场的防护是水土保持方案的重要内容之一,若工程建设过程中产生的弃土、弃石、弃渣量的预测不准,将导致水土保持方案新增投资不足,从而影响后续工作的开展.对预测方法作了系统介绍.  相似文献   

北京市水利科学研究所始建于1963年,是北京市水利局下属的社会公益性科研机构.1980年以前,水科所处于边建设边搞科研的恢复阶段,受人力、财力和试验条件等制约,业务领域、科研成果和经济收入都比较少.  相似文献   

Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, have been recognized for several decades as one of the most important forage fish in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Although massive alewife die-offs have regularly been observed throughout the Great Lakes and other inland lakes, little substantive information is available regarding physiological mechanisms associated with adult alewife mortality. Long-term field surveys have shown a correlation between cold winter temperatures, poor condition and adult alewife mortality. In this study, adult alewife were raised in replicate pond systems and subjected to contrasting cold temperatures (4 and < 2°C) representing mild and severe winter conditions. We evaluated alewife mortality, condition and immune response to these temperatures. In contrast to our expectations, alewife exposed to mild and severe winter temperatures showed no difference in mortality or condition (measured as the ratio of dry to wet weight). Survival of alewife held in ponds with mild winter conditions (∼ 4°C) was similar to that of alewife exposed to prolonged periods (more than six weeks) of temperatures < 2°C. This result contrasts with previous observations indicating that alewife cannot tolerate temperatures < 3°C. Circulating lymphocytes from alewife exposed to severe winter temperatures were significantly lower in number (∼40%) compared to fish experiencing milder° winter conditions, suggesting sub-lethal immunosuppression in response to the colder winter temperatures. Although colder winter temperatures did not directly induce alewife mortality, these results suggest that winter conditions that result in colder water temperatures can produce immunosuppression, thereby increasing alewife susceptibility to disease and mortality.  相似文献   

范世平 《山西水利》2009,25(2):47-49
2008年是山西省实施兴水战略的攻坚年,监理公司围绕发展这条主线,初步进行体制改革,不断加强制度建设,从十一个方面全面完善了公司运行机制,最终取得了可喜成绩,并圆满完成了山西省兴水战略各项建设任务。  相似文献   

攸县地处湘江流域氵米水支流的中上游 ,罗霄山脉中段武功山的西南端 ,是一个农业大县 ,又是一个矿产资源丰富县 ,也是湖南省水土流失严重的县份之一。县域经济要发展 ,生态环境要改善 ,水土保持工作必需进一步加强。1 水土流失的现状和成因攸县地处典型的丘陵地区 ,地表以紫色页岩和风化花岗岩、红沙壤为主。全县水土流失较严重 ,据 1996年全县水土流失普查统计 ,全县水土流失面积686 6km2 ,占全县土地面积的 2 5 9%。其中轻度流失面积 2 2 0 9km2 ,中度流失面积 2 84 1km2 ,强度流失面积163 8km2 ,极强度流失面积 17 8km2 。…  相似文献   


Heavy metal concentrations (cadmium, chromium, lead, zinc) in 46 cistern water supply systems from single-family dwellings on St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles were considerably below US drinking water limits in most cases. Release of zinc, lead, and cadmium in the distribution system, which is not related to the corrosiveness of the cistern water, caused lead and cadmium to exceed the US Public Health Service standard for 3 (6.5%) and 1 (2.2%) of the cisterns, respectively.

The following recommendations are suggested for protecting the roof catchment drinking water supply against heavy metal contamination:

? engineer the withdrawal of cistern water to exclude the metal-laden sediment

? identify appropriate paints to be used for cistern collection systems

? install substituted materials, protective coatings, and replacement of corroded metal parts in the distribution system

? discourage the usage of metal containers (e.g., oil) for prolonged water storage

? expand cistern water quality analyses to include lead

? exercise plumbosolvency control by treating the cistern water before distribution.

These recommendations, based on the case study, also apply to other areas of the world where cisterns of similar construction are used or are being planned.  相似文献   

各位领导,同志们: 部党组对这次会议高度重视,陈雷部长亲自出席会议并作了重要讲话,胡四一副部长还将作会议总结。陈部长在讲话中总结了近年来的农村水电工作,分析了农村水电工作面临的新形势,对当前和今后一个时期的农村水电工作提出了目标任务和明确要求。陈部长的讲话,高屋建瓴,全面深刻,内涵丰富,任务明确,具有很强的针对性、指导性和可操作性。我们一定要认真学习、深刻领会,结合实际、抓好落实。  相似文献   

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