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在冶炼生产过程中产生的废钢铁铊(即事故钢包、铁包)是必须破碎解体成小件才能利用的。为了探索废钢铁铊解体新工艺,以便经济合理地回收利用历年积压的废钢铁铊,我公司已于1987年10月至1988年元月,对废钢铁铊进行了露天爆破解体工艺试验,获得成功。已安全地爆破解体大小废钢铁铊70余个,回收废钢铁1100多吨。  相似文献   

一.我国废钢铁资源利用现状情况 1.2013年炼钢废钢铁消耗总量同比上升,综合单耗下降 根据中国废钢铁应用协会统计,2013年炼钢废钢铁消耗总量比前一年略有增长,原因在于粗钢产量的增加,实际比2012年低0.7个百分点,“总量增加,单耗下降”的走势仍在延续。  相似文献   

废钢铁是钢铁工业的重要原材料,也是机器制造工业、轻工业、农业等各行业的原料。制定废钢铁标准,加强废钢铁的科学分类和管理,不仅可以加速钢铁工业的发展,也可加速国家经济发展,为国家节约资源和能源,降低物资消耗和生产成本,提高经济效益。同时还可以消除公害,变废为宝,改善环境。这次废钢铁标准修订,参照了美国标准、原苏联标准和日本标准等。为了把我国的《废钢铁》国家标准修订的更科学、合理,与国外先进标准接轨,以适应社会主义市场经济的需要,我们从以下几个方面作了较大的修订。1标准名称我国废钢铁原来有GB4223-84…  相似文献   

中国废钢铁应用协会秘书长闰启平表示,2007年我国粗钢产量将达到4.5亿吨,按照2005年我国废钢铁平均单耗测算,预计年需求废钢铁总量8000万吨左右,废钢资源缺口为1200万~1500万吨。有关部门正在研究制定废钢流通领域的整顿政策。[第一段]  相似文献   

八钢废钢铁管理采用计算机信息管理,实现了废钢铁从计划采购、检斤检质、出库供料、财务结算等自动一体化管理,实现了单位日核算成本。  相似文献   

通过对国内废钢铁产品现状的分析,以及对制定废钢铁产品技术标准必要性的阐述,结合马钢公司用废钢铁产品现状,提出了废钢铁加工产品技术标准制定的建议。  相似文献   

<正>为推动废钢铁资源综合利用工作,加强废钢铁加工行业管理,规范废钢铁加工行业生产经营行为,积极推进废钢铁供需衔接,提高废钢铁集约化加工经营水平和加工质量,我们组织起草了《废钢铁加工行业准入条件》(见附件)。现予以公示,如有异议,请在公示期内与我们联系。  相似文献   

2009年经济危机下中国废钢铁市场运行状况2010年低碳经济时期中国废钢铁市场发展趋势发展废钢铁是缓解铁矿石危机的重要途径低碳经济下废钢铁产业的发展潜力巨大  相似文献   

<正>尽管废钢铁行业前景广阔,但在行业发展过程中仍然存在一些问题,需要引起业内企业的足够重视。第一,由于性价比、废钢产品化、政策导向及市场秩序等方面的问题,企业减少废钢铁消耗,导致大规模投资建成的废钢铁加工企业产能无法全部释放,经营规模缩减,经济效益下滑,总体废钢铁的回收加工量减少,挫伤了废钢铁加工企业的积极性,对废钢铁行业的规范化建设带来不利影响。第二,自2011年以来,国家对废钢铁综合利用行业的税收优  相似文献   

《中国废钢铁》杂志是中国废钢铁应用协会主办的一份行业内部刊物。于2004年底在北京市新闻出版局正式注册、批准发行。从2005年正式更名为《中国废钢铁》,总发行期续延。多年来《中国废钢铁》为废钢铁行业企事业单位搞好决策、管理、科技、进出口等方面发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

何坤  王立 《中国冶金》2021,31(2):103-108
目前,处在转型期的中国钢铁工业面临反倾销围堵、铁矿石对外依存度过高(且无定价权)、去产能、能源和环保等多方面的压力。在此情况下,提出通过撬动国际废钢市场缓解这些压力的思路,即参与国际废钢贸易,通过积极主动地在国际市场上采购甚至抢购废钢资源,提升中国钢铁产能输出和经济环境效益,实现压低国外粗钢保有量,确保中国钢铁产能对外输出或置换,而不是简单的去产能;另外,推升国际市场钢材价格,从而提高中国钢材出口的竞争力,缓解面临的反倾销压力;除此以外,利用进口废钢替代铁矿石生产,降低铁矿石对外依存度,争夺铁矿石定价话语权;最后,提高钢铁生产的废钢比,降低生产能耗和排放。以2018年数据为例,采购0.86亿t国际废钢(占主要钢铁生产国废钢消耗量的18%)可使中国废钢比达到30%,使中国电炉钢比例达到约20%,降低中国至少10%的铁矿石进口量,并节约0.3亿t标煤;此外,中国还可通过提高钢材出口量和价格获得经济效益。  相似文献   

全球范围内的激烈竞争促使钢铁企业不断进行内部的节能挖潜,作为厂内可重复利用的资源之一--自产废钢在作为铁矿石的补充方面有得天独厚的优势,厂内废钢的1个重要问题就是废钢的收集和运输,从实际出发建立了相应的收集和运输模型.  相似文献   

薄板坯连铸和轧制薄规格产品均要求钢中残余元素含量低,而用一般的废钢冶炼很难达到其要求,必须用废钢代用品进行稀释.本文通过对国内废钢及废钢代用品资源的调查研究,并通过配料计算,提出了珠钢150t电弧炉冶炼在保证钢水质量并考虑成本的前提下的用于指导配料的炉料模型.  相似文献   

At its integrated steel plant in Luleå, SSAB EMEA produces high strength steel via two basic oxygen furnaces (BOFs), type LD/LBE. The BOFs are charged with a mix of hot metal, scrap, and slag formers. The scrap has several functions, for example, as coolant to balance excess heat, and it contributes to high steel production rate and decreased CO2 emission. The optimal scrap to hot metal ratio is influenced by several factors, for example, the excess heat generated in the BOF versus target value of tapping temperature, content of contamination elements versus contents allowed in the steel, possible use of alloys in scrap to decrease the need of alloy addition and the scrap price versus the production cost of hot metal. The first two factors also affect the maximum amount of scrap to be charged. Furthermore, the available scrap exists as several types with different composition, properties, size, and price. For most scrap types there are also uncertainties in composition, which has to be considered. An optimization model has been further developed in combination with some statistic analysis techniques. The present work is focusing on the possibility to use the model as a tool to optimize and control raw material/scrap blending into the BOFs. On the basis of the statistical analysis technique, the scrap sorting in the model will be described, as well as development and introduction of an extended BOF sub‐model. This model includes a scrap sorting function and a response on deviations in steel quality. Real production data is used to identify steel quality parameters with consideration of different combination of elements, for example, S, Cr, Ni, and Cu. The possible solutions with simultaneous consideration of steel quality, energy consumption and production cost are presented.  相似文献   

废钢比是转炉生产的重要经济技术指标,其值大小直接影响转炉冶炼钢铁料消耗及热平衡,提高入炉废钢比是实现节铁增钢、降本增效的重要技术手段。然因冶炼低硅含钛铁水成渣难、脱磷难等问题,对应入炉废钢比持低不高,直接影响转炉生产成本。为此,基于低硅含钛铁水冶炼特点及难点分析,结合水钢生产实践,通过氧枪喷头优化、枪位优化、添加提温剂等工艺优化和技术开发,使入炉废钢比由优化前7.41%提高至13.48%,优化效果较为明显。  相似文献   

陈慧学 《山西冶金》2009,32(6):27-28,61
近年来,新临钢把铁前降成本和环境保护有机结合起来,通过研究和不断实践,在各种杂废料的综合利用上取得了较好的成效。在此基础上,对新临钢转炉污泥、高炉除尘灰等杂废料的综合利用情况进行了分析和总结。  相似文献   


Steelmaking is immersed on continuous development of new steel products with higher performance and lower environmental footprint. This new paradigm places scrap recycling steel manufacturing processes as one of the main alternatives for the steelmaking industry. Using heterogeneous recycled scrap mixtures for building new and more demanding steel products require the use of Hot briquetted Iron (HBI) to reduce process uncertainties process. However, HBI might be stored for long periods of time and is affected by atmospheric corrosion that degrades its initial quality. The present work proposes, for the first time, a methodology to empirically quantify the influence of this degradation phenomenon on the EAF performance by extending the calculation of the Value In Use considerating degradation processes. The proposed equations allow estimating the extra cost induced by HBI degradation during storing periods and help calculating a more precise scrap mixture to deal with the required technical and cost specifications.  相似文献   

过程废品率是生产线成材率的重要指标,运用六西格玛方法及工具分析了影响1700生产线过程废品的因素,并针对这些因素给予有效的解决方法。有效的降低了轧线过程废品率,减少了消耗、降低成本。  相似文献   


Thermal balance of basic oxygen furnace (BOF) steelmaking is controlled primarily by the scrap added as coolant. In the present steel scenario, insufficient availability and high cost of prime scrap has led us to explore the possibilities to use alternative coolants. Until now, choice of alternative coolants used in converter is determined by availability, price and operational strategies of the shop. These coolants have varying cooling effects and significantly influence the blowing parameters and turn-down performance. With the aim to reduce cost and dependence on prime scrap, various alternative coolants, such as iron ore lumps, pig iron, iron ore pellets, direct reduced iron and lime have been experimented with in 130 t converters under different conditions. The heat absorption behaviour and melting rate of these coolants were significantly different and found to be dependent on physical properties and addition patterns. Each coolant was individually compared for its effect on turn-down chemistry, tap temperature, slag condition and refractory wear pattern. Use of some of these coolants had beneficial effect of forming foamy slag and improved the dephosphorisation. Combined use of these coolants has helped in minimising the prime scrap requirement. This paper describes the utility of blow patterns, optimisation of coolant mix and addition strategies contrived for the synergic use of alternative coolants.  相似文献   

冯耀刚  胡亮 《中国冶金》2019,29(2):50-52
结合铁水条件,分析了应用动力煤作增热剂提高转炉废钢比的可行性,同时研究了加动力煤对转炉冶炼周期、冶炼操作以及钢水硫含量的影响,形成了先加废钢、铁水,后随头批渣料加入动力煤的工艺,成功将50 t转炉废钢比在短时间内提升了6%~7%。实践证明,以动力煤做增热剂提高转炉废钢比是可行的,同时该工艺所带来的经济和社会效益显著,有利于缓解当前钢铁企业巨大的成本和环境压力。  相似文献   

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