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本文介绍10t“0”型龙门吊通过静定车架结构代替传统的超静定结构的改进,其造型美观,受力合理,降低了精度要求,节省了大量的材料,降低了成本,使制造工艺更加方便,大大降低了金属结构的自重,改善了起重机的运行状态,延长了驱动车轮的寿命,故障率低,维修费用少。  相似文献   

熊艳丽 《钢铁》1999,34(11):59-63
面对轧钢生产的严峻形势,在安钢轧材系统生产现状的基础上,通过对系统结构,工艺,装备,成本及即将面临的炼钢,轧钢生产能力不配套等问题的探讨,提出了加大一火成材力度,推广热装热送技术,提高2800轧机,φ260机组工艺装备,关闭落后生产线,发展生产力的调整结构设想。  相似文献   

据省城1000多千米,云南极北之地,有一方热土叫羊拉。这里,有一群云铜员工,为一生魂牵梦萦的光荣和梦想,不眷恋繁华,不乞求如画,艰苦创业谱写着云铜新的辉煌;这里,有一座现代化的矿山落座雪域高原,形成高原藏区循环经济走廊,  相似文献   

2007~2008年中国工业硅贸易形势回顾和展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
前言 中国的工业硅生产,从1957年第一台工业硅炉投产至今已50余年。50多年来,从最初的自产自用,自给自足,到开始出口后的无序竞争,迅猛发展,又到国家不断加强宏观调控,盲目发展势头受到遏制,节能减排受到重视,经历了不同的发展阶段。  相似文献   

邹仲琛 《山东冶金》2005,27(1):i003
过去的一年,在省委省政府的正确领导下,山东省冶金行业以科学发展观总揽全局,认真落实国家宏观调控政策,解放思想,干事创业,开创进取,奋力拼搏,主要产品产量、经济效益和投资力度创出历史最好水平,山东省冶金工业再次登上了一个新的台阶。  相似文献   

一个企业的成功,究其原因,根本的还是因为经营者的素质高,对企业实施了正确的经营管理,团结带领职工群众共同奋斗的结果;反之,对企业实施了错误的领导,扼杀了职工群众的积极性和创造力,企业经营必定失败。由于我们的体制尚有缺陷,监督尚不完善,对经营者的业绩优劣很难作出动态的全过程的评价,往往是等到问题较明显时才得以发现和引起重视。一、经营者的责任意识是企业经营者的首要素质现今,就大多数国有企业来说,不管正确与否,实质上都是经营者(第一把手)说了算,正确则很好,如不正确,是很难纠正的。所以说,经营者自身素…  相似文献   

运用现代信息技术 推进企业固定资产管理信息化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张卫东 《特钢技术》2006,11(1):55-58
通过运用现代信息技术,建立科学的固定资产管理信息系统,推进企业固定资产信息化管理,使企业管理者对资产的增减变动能做到实时监控,进行动态管理,提升企业的资产管理水平,同时在深化企业改革时,确保国有资产的保值、增值和有效运营,极大限度地防止资产人为因素的流失,使资产发挥最大效益,提高企业竞争力。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代以来,我曾经多次到沙钢参观学习,一直认为这个厂办得很好,但好到什么程度,为什么好,也一直没有认真思考过。在2002年上半年,我看到全行业上年度统计报表时,沙钢实现利润排名第5位,销售收入排名第7位,才开始思考:为什么一个县办集体企业的经营规模和经济效益,能这么快超过了一些名列十大钢之中的国有大企业?近半年来,我带着这个问题,三次到沙钢调研,希望寻求到一个明确的答案。第一次来时,从参观长江畔的现代化码头,到进入绿树成荫的厂区,一座座现代化的厂房排列成行,往高处看,白色墙体上,写着…  相似文献   

加入WTO,对钢材销售既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。钢材销售参与国际循环,获得了更为广阔的市场销售空间,提供了更多的市场发展机遇,但是钢材销售环境变化也更为频繁,形势更难把握,竞争更加激烈。为适应加入WTO对钢材销售带来的深刻变化,新钢要利用积极因素,克服消极因素,参与国际国内竞争,掌握钢材市场销售主动权。首先,更新观念,提高认识,增强危机感和紧迫感。加入WTO将给钢材销售带来国际上新的经营理念、新的市场规则、新的销售策略、新的服务标准,在市场竞争中处于相对被动的地位,欲化被动为主动,必须更新观念…  相似文献   

夏季养生,夏季是阳气最盛的季节,气候炎热而生机旺盛。此时是新陈代谢的时期,阳气外发,伏阴在内,气血运行亦相应地旺盛起来,活跃于机体表面。夏季养生重在精神调摄,保持愉快而稳定的情绪,切忌大悲大喜,以免以热助热,火上加油。心静人自凉,可达到养生的目的。  相似文献   

白云鄂博铁矿拟建选矿厂整体优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为适应生产发展和环境要求,公司拟在白云鄂博铁矿建选矿厂,针对白云铁矿工业场地设施、设备较多,矿石品级、各种矿物含量较多等情况,对选矿厂、尾矿库区位置和选矿方法、原矿和精矿及尾矿运输进行整体优化,选择适合白云铁矿矿石生产的采选工艺。通过研究合理确定选矿厂、尾矿库位置和选矿工艺,提高选矿指标,提升公司市场竞争力。  相似文献   

96 Ss participated in a 2 X 2 factorial experiment which was designed to assess the effects on suggestibility of: defining the situation as hypnosis or as control, and defining response to suggestions as easy or as difficult. The dependent variables consisted of responses to 8 standardized test suggestions (Barber Suggestibility Scale). Ss told "You are in the hypnosis group" were more responsive to suggestions than Ss told "You are in the control group." Ss told that it was easy to respond to test suggestions were more suggestible than Ss told that it was difficult. The suggestibility-enhancing effects of the independent variables were additive: the level of suggestibility was highest when the situation was defined as hypnosis and the test suggestions as easy; next highest when either the situation was defined as hypnosis or the suggestions as easy; and lowest when the situation was defined as control and the suggestions as difficult. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

提出了一套解决钢管生产中短尺合同和非定尺合同组批优化问题的启发式算法.其中短尺合同组批优化算法,实现了客户要求的短尺率尽量降低,短尺合同中定尺部分尽可能长,非定尺部分尽可能短,热区切割长度尽可能长,管坯长度尽量长以及满足的合同数尽量多的目标,从而实现短尺合同的优化组批.非定尺合同组批优化算法则实现了对6~12 m,9~12 m以及其他任意规格非定尺合同提供不同的切割方法,实现尽可能不产生废料,交货长度尽量一致的目标,从而实现对非定尺合同的的优化组批.  相似文献   

Guided by attachment theory, the authors explore the relationship of verbal, physical, and sexual mistreatment to attachment to God, as well as to concepts of God. Each form of mistreatment was related adversely to the religiosity measures. Attachment to parents mediated the relationship between two maltreatment variables (verbal and physical mistreatment) and attachment to God, as well as the concept of God as loving and as distant. However, attachment to parents did not mediate the relationship between attachment to God and the sexual abuse variable. Sexual abuse was strongly related to difficulties with attachment to God and one's concept of God. The findings add support to the notion, even when childhood mistreatment is taken into account, that a secure attachment to parents provides the necessary context for socialization into religion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

以某厂砷烟灰为原料,开展了砷烟灰浸出液的制备试验,然后以制备得到的砷烟灰浸出液作砷盐净化除钴的活化剂,开展了净化除钴条件、净化除钴综合条件及三氧化二砷作活化剂净化除钴对比和除钴优化条件等一系列试验研究。试验结果表明:采用砷烟灰制备砷烟灰浸出液及浸出液用于砷盐净化除钴工艺是切实可行的,不仅砷烟灰中的砷得到利用,同时,砷烟灰中铅、银、锑等有价金属与砷得以有效分离。  相似文献   

文章介绍了工程量清单报价的特点,并根据这些特点讲述了实施工程量清单报价应结合企业定额并采用不平衡报价法等技巧进行,以提高中标的机率。工程中标后,应对工程成本费用要素,如人工费、材料费和机械费等进行严格管理,对工程施工过程中发生的设计变更或其他与合同和工程量清单不一致的地方进行记录并签证,为以后的索赔作准备。  相似文献   

Ss were presented 2 sets of photographs, 1 of Negroes, 1 of whites. The photographs of the Negroes were a priori classified as to degree of Negroid characteristic and contained some Negroes who were so lacking in so-called Negroid characteristics as to appear Caucasian. Ss were asked to rate the photographs as to their Negroidness and on 20 traits. 4 experimental conditions were employed with regard to the amount of information about the pictures given to Ss. Stereotypy of attitudes towards Negroes was seen to be elicited as soon as the photograph was perceived as being that of a Negro. The results are discussed re degree of prejudice of perceiver and a theory of interpersonal perception. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study sought to examine the efficacy of an abbreviated version of the Bully Busters program, a psychoeducationally based group intervention and prevention program designed to increase teacher's knowledge and use of bullying intervention skills, as well as teacher self-efficacy in intervening with bullying so as to subsequently effect change in the school climate. Teacher-participants attended seven group sessions designed to provide them with exposure to the didactics of the model, as well as to engage them in active learning, role-playing, and cognitive and emotional processing of their experiences of the impact of bullying behaviors on their teaching efficacy as well as the school climate. Materials and experiences from these groups were then taken to the classroom and implemented with the student-participants vis-à-vis classroom exercises. The findings suggest that an abbreviated group-based version of the Bully Busters program can have positive effect on teacher reports of efficacy in intervening with bullying behaviors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

贺俊霞  袁斌 《包钢科技》2012,38(2):96-98
在企业内导入卓越绩效模式,能帮助企业持续改进和提高绩效。对于引导和促进企业适应新形势,加快观念的转变和管理的创新,提升竞争能力有着非常重要的意义。文章介绍了导入卓越绩效模式的背景、成效等,提出了作者对导入卓越绩效模式的体会及观点。  相似文献   

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