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离开英伦已近半年。本以为不列颠的记忆会被天那边的海水稀释变淡,可它却一次次萦绕在我的梦里。印象深刻的是去年十二月去苏格兰。下火车时,天刚刚亮。刚下过雪,站台上依然能感受到凛冽的风,湿漉漉的城市笼罩在乌云底下。虽说是苏格兰首府,爱丁堡并不算大。城堡修筑在火山岩之上,逼仄嶙岣。远处大海,雾气缭绕看不真切。行人匆忙,也有旅人从容不迫,端着相机轮流拍照留影。  相似文献   

2008年9月15日,雷曼兄弟的倒台,揭开金融危机的面纱。危机中,中国有色金属行业苦苦奋斗,为行业而战,为企业的生存和发展而战。回望这一年,不同的金属品种走出各自的"人生轨迹"。在此一周年之际,以寥寥数语"祭奠"它们各自的喜悲。不管基本面好也罢,令人叹息也罢,都已经过去了。"数风流金属,还看今朝"。  相似文献   

国内铅价终于在冶炼厂的期待中上涨到13000元。大多数冶炼厂面对现在的价格而言实在没办法感觉到高兴。因为就原料而言,这个价格还不到现在的矿源成本。特别是在近期LME铅价的快速上涨背景下,国内的铅价仍不能让冶炼厂走出高成本的阴影。抱着对看好后市的无限期待,一些冶炼厂惜售心态加重。而对于投机于市场获利的贸易商更是借机收购,以便于在看好之后获得较好的价差收益。  相似文献   

新能源广泛应用的最大障碍之一是能量的储存问题。电池显得体积笨重,而且充电比较缓慢。氢能源可以从电解水中得到,还可用于燃料电池,但是操作起来,风险较大。镁,有可能成为新能源的一种替代品。我们知道金属镁活性非常大,并且含有大量能量。少量的镁条,迅速燃烧,便可以释放出大量白色烟雾。研究者们现在正在试图寻找更好的方法以从镁当中分解出能量。  相似文献   

一台5500t锻压机最近在ScotForge,SpringGrove,Ⅲ.安装成功,此锻压机被称为是世界上最大的两立柱开门式锻模液压机。此锻压机不仅可以锻造重达80000磅的部件。同时还具备了其它许多新的功能。可进行锻造的材料的材质扩展到了不锈钢、钛、销及镍。它同样可以生产更加复杂的部件,如中心凸轮、法兰及桁架腹杆构件。借助计算机模型软件及锻压机的大型“锻压窗口”。可以锻造出非常精确的成品。另外,采用反向冲压工艺可以生产薄壁空心部件及封闭式圆柱。  相似文献   

进入5月以后,基本金属市场的波动变得相当巨大。其波动的幅度与频率都超过了大部分投资者所能忍受的范围。因此,市场变得人心惶惶,更多的投资者采取了观望的态度。造成市场如此波动的主要原因是近期的经济前景不甚明朗,而生产供需方面也没有实质性的改变。从技术上来看则是市场在经历了疯狂4月的快速上涨以后,面临调整的压力。但由于目前市场的流动性太差,因此造成了价格的巨幅波动。诚然,当前的基本金属市场可能正如巴菲特所说的那样充满了泡沫。但我们应该看到推动本轮牛市行情的基本因子并没有随着行情的上涨有所改变。过去几个月里需求…  相似文献   

采矿业是澳大利亚最主要的工业部门。进入新世纪以来,澳大利亚经历了一个"矿业繁荣期"。本次矿业繁荣期大致可分为缓慢发展期、飞速增长期和回落复苏期三个阶段。通过对本次矿业繁荣期的回顾,可以获得一些有益的启示。澳大利亚拥有丰富的矿产资源,被誉为"坐在矿车上的国家"。采矿业为澳大利亚最主要的工业部门。铝土矿、铅、镍、银、铀、锌、钽的探明经济储量居  相似文献   

赖心 《冶金分析》2002,22(2):1-1
高纯三氧化二锑 (商品名锑白 )作为集成电路板的阻燃剂 ,其中杂质的含量是重要指标之一。微量氯的测定 ,传统的方法大都采用硫氰酸汞比色法和比浊法。硫氰酸汞比色法 ,虽然灵敏度高 ,但精密度相对差 ,而且试剂空白高 ,带来的环境污染也较大。比浊法的灵敏度虽然比硫氰酸汞比色法低 ,但精密度好 ,方法简单快捷 ,而且其它共存离子的影响小等优点。本文参考文献[1 ,2 ] ,采用酒石酸溶液溶样 ,同时络合锑消除干扰。选择丙三醇为稳定剂 ,比浊法测定三氧化二锑中微量的氯。获得了较满意的分析结果。此方法手续简单快速 ,实用可行。1 实验部分1 1…  相似文献   

“天价酒”事件造成如此大影响,有一点非常重要:中石化是央企。作为央企,中石化的消费,用的都是国家的钱。国有企业的资产是属于国家的,属于人民的储蓄,一旦国家需要使用即可动用。“这几年我国财政增收幅度较大,但不会永远这么大。中国还会面临老年社会的问题,到那个时候需要钱,我相信这笔资产可以发挥很大的作用。”国资委有关领导人在国新办发布会上表示。  相似文献   

惟楚有才,于斯为盛。自古以来,湖湘多才俊。湖南作为楚文化的发祥地之一,培育出了许多的英雄儿女。出自湖南双峰龙田的大写意花鸟画家王憨山,在20世纪末带着他的作品进入了人们的视线。憨山先生的艺术风格集"简略、粗矿、刚直、清新"于一身。而正是这独特的艺术风格吸引了观众的眼球,打动了观者的心灵,同时也为当时的花鸟画坛注入了一股新的活力。  相似文献   

The recent decrease in oil prices should benefit metals producers by reducing costs of production—through lower energy prices—and increasing the demand for metals— through income and substitution effects. It is difficult, however, to predict a substantial return to the earlier relative role of metals: Real energy prices are still well above their levels of 20 years ago; the duration and extent of the oil price decrease is highly uncertain; petroleum generally is not a very important energy input in metal production; other energy prices probably will not decline as much as oil prices; and the effects of the oil price decrease on currency exchange rates and inflation rates are complex and difficult to predict in general and for individual countries.  相似文献   

吴旭 《世界有色金属》2020,(2):254-254,256
常减压蒸馏装置是炼油企业的核心,而且还是能耗最高的环节。因此,要对常减压蒸馏装置不断地进行优化,尽可能地降低其能源的消耗,进而共同发展我国能源事业和提高炼油企业生产效率的战略目标。本文主要对常减压蒸馏装置的节能进行分析,并提出了常减压蒸馏装置节能优化的措施。  相似文献   

根据能量平衡原理,建立了基于燃烧风预热下铜精炼阳极炉重油流量数学模型,并根据不同预热燃烧风温度对铜精炼阳极炉氧化期重油流量数学模型进行计算。结果表明:随着燃烧风预热温度增加,铜精炼阳极炉氧化期重油流量减少趋势十分明显,节能效果显著。此外,给出了一些合理化建议,有利于铜精炼阳极炉氧化期节能效果进一步提高。  相似文献   

煤代油技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从中国能源结构出发,阐述了煤代油的重要意义;介绍了目前工业上用于煤代油的几种典型技术的发展状况及特点,指出了我国应大力开展和推广现实的、清洁的、可靠和安全的煤代油技术,且水煤浆代油燃烧技术和煤气化代油技术是我国目前研究开发和推广煤代油技术的优选技术.  相似文献   

研究了微细粒辉钼矿疏水聚团浮选的影响因素,即:非极性油、矿浆pH值以及动能输入.浮选试验结果表明:非极性油的添加和适当的动能输入能在很大程度上强化辉钼矿颗粒疏水聚团的效果.同时,微细辉钼矿颗粒发生疏水聚团的最佳浮选环境为弱酸性条件,而在碱性条件下,会恶化微细颗粒的聚团效果,从而降低微细粒辉钼矿的可浮性.   相似文献   

Crude oil and gas are strategic commodities for U.S. national energy security. The demand for fossil fuel energy will continue to grow amid dwindling global supply. Other energy sources, such as oil sands and heavy oil production, are expected to provide a significant portion of the anticipated shortfall with diversity. The drive towards economic oil sands recovery has become a focal point in the pursuit of low-cost, bulk production methods for competitive oil sands production. The hopper-attached belt-wagon (HAB) system is one of the potential economic haulage systems being pursued towards this strategic goal. The use of this technology will introduce unique dynamic, design, and implementation problems that must be articulated, modeled, and solved via advanced research. The HAB system kinematics and dynamics have been modeled as a planar mechanism of six-bar linkages using the Newton-Euler formulation. A virtual HAB prototype model has been developed and simulated in the automatic dynamic analysis of mechanical systems software environment. The computational simulation results show that the required joint torques vectors vary with time and the HAB system has good operating characteristics. The main novelty of this research is the application of the Newton-Euler-Kutzbach formulation and virtual engineering for creating efficient equipment-formation models toward economic haulage of materials.  相似文献   

To investigate whether dietary fat source and energy restriction interactively influence plasma leptin levels and its association of leptin with insulin action, rats were fed diets containing either fish, safflower oil, or beef tallow (20% wt/wt) for 10 weeks. Groups of rats consumed each diet ad libitum or at 85% or 70% of ad libitum energy intake in a design that held fat intake constant. Graded levels of energy restriction caused body weight to decrease (P < 0.001) differently according to the dietary fat provided. Plasma leptin concentrations were 60% higher (P < 0.05) in the groups fed fish oil and safflower oil ad libitum compared with those in the beef tallow group, despite smaller perirenal fat mass and fat cell size in the fish oil-fed animals. Energy restriction resulted in a 62% decrease (P < 0.05) in leptin levels in fish oil- and safflower oil-fed rats, whereas no changes were observed in beef tallow-fed animals. Plasma insulin levels were lower (P < 0.05) in the fish oil group fed ad libitum compared with those in the two other diet groups. These data demonstrate a hyperleptinemic effect in animals consuming diets rich in polyunsaturated fatty acid, which can be normalized to the level of saturated fat consumption by mild energy restriction. Thus, dietary fatty acid composition, independent of adipose tissue mass, is an important determinant of circulating leptin level in diet-induced obesity.  相似文献   

高含水劣质重油乳化技术在轧钢加热炉的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为解决重油含水量高对轧钢加热炉的不利影响,采用一种新的乳化工艺,在节能素帮助下,改性为合格的乳化重油。既能正常燃烧,又能节油和保护环境。  相似文献   

Several of the metallurgical reactions occurring in gas stirred steel ladles are controlled by liquid phase mass transfer between the metal and slag. In order to calculate the rate of these reactions, information about the two phase mass transfer parameter is necessary. The mass transfer between two immiscible liquids, oil and water simulating slag and steel, respectively, was measured in a scale model of a ladle. The mass transferred species was thymol which has an equilibrium partition ratio between oil and water similar to that for sulfur between slag and metal. The mass transfer rate was measured as a function of gas flow rate, tuyere position and size, method of injection, oil viscosity, and oil/water volume ratio. In addition, mixing times in the presence of the oil layer and mass transfer coefficient for the dissolution of solid benzoic acid rods were measured. The results show that there are three gas flow rate regimes in which the dependence of mass transfer on gas flow rate is different. At a critical gas flow rate, the oil layer breaks into droplets which are entrained into the water, resulting in an increase in the two phase interfacial area. This critical gas flow rate was found to be a function of tuyere position, oil volume, densities of two phases, and interfacial tension. Two phase mass transfer for a lance and a tuyere was found to be the same for the same stirring energy in low energy regions regardless of lance depth. Mass transfer is faster for a center tuyere as compared to an offcenter tuyere, but mixing times are smaller for the offcenter tuyere. From the results obtained, the optimum stirring conditions for metallurgical reactions are qualitatively discussed. SEON-HYO Kim, formerly Graduate Student in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Carnegie Mellon University.  相似文献   

油页岩是有机质、无机矿物质和水分构成的含灰量较大的可燃有机岩石,是重要石油替代和补充资源。但其生产成本较高,制约着油页岩的应用。本文采用浮选技术,对抚顺油页岩进行了浮选实验研究。实验结果表明,油页岩试样粒度为0.074~0.125 mm,浮选效果较适宜。无论采用油酸捕收剂,还是采用煤油类捕收剂,对油页岩进行浮选,都有一定的效果,但效果不显著,这是由于该油页岩的矿物质以硅铝酸盐黏土矿为主,可浮选性较差。  相似文献   

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