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羧甲基瓜尔胶属于强抑制力、高选择性的绿色天然多糖类有机大分子抑制剂。通过对智利某铜矿矿石采用羧甲基瓜尔胶抑制剂的选矿试验研究分析了药剂的性能。试验结果表明,羧甲基瓜尔胶是滑石的有效抑制剂,药剂用量120 g/t原矿条件下,羧甲基取代度为0.12、分子量为174万的瓜尔胶表现出的选择性抑制作用最明显,其抑制作用强于羧甲基纤维素钠。  相似文献   

该文介绍了一种焦油降粘剂在焦油生产中的工业试验过程,并得出了相应的结论,对于指导此类试验和该产品的应用有较好的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The following short article is important for several reasons. It illustrates the fact that despite the extremely exacting nature of crystallography, it is still difficult for even the most experienced mineralogists to instantly and on-sight identify all forms and twin laws for even the most common species, no matter how large and perfect the crystals. For the observant collector, interesting and occasionally unidentified or questionably identified specimens still abound, many times at prices all of us can afford. Therein lies the challenge and, to a large degree, the charm of mineral collecting.  相似文献   

中国南方古生界页岩上覆或下伏碳酸盐岩地层,呈间互式发育特征,优质页岩层系发育多,分布广,页岩气可采资源量占比大,是我国页岩气勘探开发的主要对象。而在实际勘探中,易钻遇溶洞、裂缝、地下暗河、承压含水层及岩溶破碎带等岩溶地质问题,给勘探开发和环境保护带来挑战。中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所油气页岩气调查团队根据南方岩溶区多年勘探经验创建了岩溶区页岩气勘探深部岩溶探测关键技术,有效服务于南方碳酸盐岩地区页岩气勘探。  相似文献   


Groundwater recharge processes operating in a portion of the western slope of the Chilean Coastal Cordillera (30°S) were assessed. The study takes advantage of the presence of the Cerro Brillador Mine (CBM), currently part of the Universidad de La Serena mining research center. Six factors—slope, solar exposure, drainage density, lineament density, geology and vegetation were characterized in a 12 km × 12 km area around the mine to identify the zones of greatest and least potential for groundwater recharge. The analysis indicates that approximately 66% of the total area presents favorable conditions for recharge. At a more local scale, the work focused on the CBM itself, an experimental facility where structural measurements in the interior and exterior of the mine, monitoring of the water level in the shaft, and sampling of mine water for chemical and isotopic composition were carried out. The chemical analysis highlighted the lack of acid drainage, despite the existence of pyrite (FeS2) and copper-sulfate mineralization in the mine. The isotopic analysis showed that the groundwater has a similar signature to local precipitation. From this information, a simple conceptual model for the hydrogeology is proposed, in which precipitation rapidly recharges the mine along faults and joints with a preferential N-S strike, but is impounded by the Urrutia fault, which facilitates the storage of groundwater in the underground workings by acting as a flow barrier. A simple analysis suggests a recharge rate on the order of 5% of the average annual precipitation for the CBM area.


Nikischerite, ideally NaFe2+ 6Al3(SO4)2(OH)18(H2O)12, occurs as dark yellow-green micaceous plates to 4 mm, forming radiating balls and aggregates (Huminicki et al. 2003). The mineral has a dull to greasy luster, a pale grayish streak, and a Mohs hardness of 2. It has a perfect cleavage parallel to {001}, which is also the dominant form displayed by the platy crystals. The type locality is the Huanuni tin mine, Dalence Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia, where nikischerite occurs in and on a clay matrix, associated with minor pyrite, pyrrhotite, siderite, and cronstedtite.  相似文献   

湖北随州市七尖峰地区伸展构造与成矿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖北省随州市七尖峰地区伸展构造于印支一燕山期进入强烈活动期,至喜山期定型,形成了多层次、多期次的伸展滑脱剪切系统。区内主要滑动面有三个,主要伸展型滑脱拆离断裂有三条,并具有复杂的构造组合,伸展构造的滑动系可分为上、中、下三个部分。主要伸展型滑脱拆离断裂是区内主要控矿因素,不仅制约着成矿热液及成矿物质的运移,而且为成矿提供了有利的赋矿空间。  相似文献   

为了研究山东烟台香夼一带花岗岩地球化学特征,通过综合研究、野外调研、岩矿鉴定、主量元素、微量元素、稀土元素特征曲线示踪、构造环境判别图解研究,认为该区花岗岩符合埃达克岩富硅, 高铝, 低镁, 贫Y和Yb, Sr含量高, LREE富集, 无Eu异常(或有轻微的负Eu异常)的特征,对应的铜矿及金矿的找矿工作应围绕岩体展开。香夼岩石类型为花岗闪长斑岩;郭家店岩石类型为二长花岗岩、花岗闪长岩,蚀变带为绢英岩,矿化具有蚀变构造岩型金矿特征;龙回头岩石类型为斑状花岗闪长岩、二长花岗岩,矿化呈浸染状,与构造带相关性较弱。花岗岩为高钾钙碱性系列火山岛弧花岗岩。花岗岩岩浆类型以埃达克质岩浆为主。  相似文献   

金属铟中杂质元素的ICP-AES测定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
确定了用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法直接测定金属铟中的铅铁铜锌镉铝锡钛铊砷10种元素的含量.试验中优化出各元素的分析波长和分析条件,采用基体匹配补偿基体效应.该法操作简单,分析快速可靠,回收率为90%~110%,相对标准偏差为2.1%~12.5%.  相似文献   

为评估某深竖井目前施工段围岩岩爆烈度等级,基于AHP-FUZZY理论方法并结合现场施工实际,综合考虑现有理论判据和岩爆发生机理,选取脆性系数、弹性能指数等8个评价指标预测岩爆等级,结果表明其竖井围岩无岩爆倾向性。同时结合损伤理论从岩体强度、储能能力、劣化程度等方面解释了其倾向性,其结果可为竖井现场施工和支护设计提供参考价值。  相似文献   

2014—2020年中国稀土战略储备量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用动态规划法,研究2014—2020年中国稀土战略储备的最佳储存量。结果表明,若中国国内市场上有稀土采集行为,随着时间的变化,我国的稀土最优储备规模在不断增加,但增加的速度是不一致的;稀土供应中断比例会影响稀土的储备量,随着稀土供给中断比例的增加,最佳存储速度也相应增加;稀土需求弹性值会影响稀土的最佳储存规模。针对以上结论提出了构建稀土资源储备法律制度,对不同稀土品种确立合理的储备方式,为稀土资源储备提供资金保障,加强稀土的研究与技术开发等实现路径。  相似文献   

针对某混合铅锌矿,进行了优先浮选试验研究,在磨矿细度-0.074mm70%,石灰3500g/t,水玻璃600g/t,硫化钠500g/t,硫酸锌1000g/t,乙硫氮120g/t,松醇油32g/t的条件下,进行1粗3精1扫的铅优先浮选,铅浮选尾矿在石灰1000g/t,硫酸铜200g/t,丁黄40g/t,松醇油16g/t的条件下进行1粗3精2扫锌浮选,最终的闭路试验可得到铅品位58.37%、含锌4.20%、铅回收率77.86%的铅精矿和锌品位44.16%、含铅1.48%、锌回收率84.76%的锌精矿。铅锌实现了较好的回收,可为该铅锌矿确定工艺流程做参考。  相似文献   


In the present study an attempt has been made to carry out the detailed petrographic characterization of the Karharbari coals of Talcher coalfield and to reconstruct the paleoenvironment conditions of coal formation using macerals and microlithtotypes as a tool. For these purposes a large number of samples were collected following the pillar sampling method and were subjected to detailed petrographic study. The petrographic observation shows that these coals are vitrinite rich followed by the liptinite and inertinite group of macerals. On microlithotype scale, these coals shows the dominance of the vitrite followed by clarite, vitrinertite and inertite. The concentration of liptite, clarodurite, duroclarite and vitrinertoliptite are insignificant. The vitrinite reflectance ranks the Karharbari coal as high volatile bituminous ‘C’ to high volatile ‘B’ bituminous. Coal petrography based depositional models suggest peat accumulation in forested telmatic swamp. Moreover, during the time of their evolution, there were alternate phases of oxic and anoxic moor conditions with good tissue preservation.


为探讨昭通氟中毒地区煤和粮食中砷、硒、汞的含量和分布,在昭通镇雄和威信地区系统采集了160个煤、粮食、饮用水等样品,用AFS-820双道原子荧光光度计对样品中的砷、硒、汞含量进行了测定.中毒区晚二叠世龙潭组主采煤层砷含量为8.84 mg/kg.在居民中发现砷含量 89.09 mg/kg的高砷煤.煤中的硒、汞含量较低; 煤层中黄铁矿结核中的硒、汞含量高.中毒区烘烤后的玉米和辣椒全部含有超过国家规定的食品中砷限量卫生标准(0.7 mg/kg)的砷.烘烤后的辣椒中全部含有超过国家规定的食品中硒、汞限量标准,但烘烤后的玉米大多数没有超标;昭通氟中毒区的拌煤黏土大多是高砷土,平均砷含量大于16 mg/kg, 但黏土中硒、汞含量较低.病区饮用水中的砷含量一般低于国家饮用水砷中毒标准,饮用水中硒、汞均低.云南昭通氟中毒区有高砷煤存在,黄铁矿结核和部分亮煤的砷含量高.云南昭通氟中毒地区存在着高砷介质--烘烤后的高砷玉米和辣椒,氟中毒区烘烤粮食中的砷可能来源于煤和拌煤黏土中的砷.  相似文献   

确定了用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法直接测定金属铟中的铅铁铜锌镉铝锡钛铊砷10种元素的含量.试验中优化出各元素的分析波长和分析条件,采用基体匹配补偿基体效应.该法操作简单,分析快速可靠,回收率为90%~110%,相对标准偏差为2.1%~12.5%.  相似文献   

采用定性和定量相结合的方式对乌石头山滑坡进行了研究。研究结果表明:乌石头山滑坡为小型牵引式土质滑坡,滑坡的产生主要与滑坡体的岩土体性质、滑坡处的地质环境条件(地形、地貌、降雨)及人工活动有关。对滑坡进行定量计算分析可知:自重工况下,坡体稳定系数1.44(>1.15),处于较为稳定状态;自重+暴雨工况下,坡体稳定系数1.03(<1.15),处于欠稳定状态,极端条件下坡体可能再次发生滑坡。  相似文献   

We examine the origin of acid mine drainage (AMD) that forms within coal refuse (gob) piles at the Green Valley and Friar Tuck sites in Indiana, using microbiology, traditional geochemistry, and oxygen and hydrogen isotopes. Reducing the AMD load from these sites has been an historical priority. Our observations indicate that AMD generation at these sites in Indiana is driven by three complementary factors: elevated populations of chemolithotrophic microbes of the species Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans; a growth substrate that provides ‘food’ (e.g. pyrite) for these microbes, and a gob pile with geometry and other properties conducive to maintaining the thermal window of 25–40°C for optimal A. ferrooxidans growth. In particular, increasing levels of Fe+3 and total dissolved solids (TDS), and decreasing pH for gob waters were found to be highly correlated with increasing populations of A. ferrooxidans. Furthermore, the chemosythetic bacteria population increase correlates with increasing hydrogen stable isotope shift away from the global meteoric water line for gob waters in this study, though it is unclear if this shift is the result of microbial metabolic processes or a secondary effect due to microbially-mediated pH change or electrolysis.  相似文献   

在国际油价持续走低的背景下,如何优化油气产储运销策略,实现最大效益是当前油田公司面临的重要问题。为此,分析目前油气产运储销的现状和问题,针对性地构建油气储销运营模型。在此基础上,设计油气产储运销一体化框架,建立涵盖油田公司原油业务链的应用方法体系,开展多情景下的测算,帮助油田公司寻求最优油气产储运销的方案以提高其经营效益和核心竞争力。  相似文献   

通过对样品前处理方法、分析谱线、氢氟酸用量及酸度、钴铬基体影响以及杂质元素之间的相互影响等因素进行试验,确定了最佳样品溶解方法和最佳测定条件.建立了用王水+氢氟酸、微波消解溶解样品,再用ICP-AES直接测定烤瓷合金中钨、钼、铁、钌、镓、镉、铍、镍含量的方法.试验结果表明,在选定的条件下,钴铬基体对所测元素无影响,钨、钼等8种杂质元素间也没有干扰.本方法的加标回收率在98.0%~102.0%之间,与分光光度法及原子吸收光谱法的测定结果一致.本法的相对标准偏差在1.04%~3.23%之间,能够满足快速、准确测定钴铬烤瓷合金中多种元素的需要.  相似文献   

介绍了国内从氰化尾矿中回收铜、铅、锌、硫等4类矿物的常见工艺技术,浮铅锌抑铜硫工艺技术、浮铅抑锌工艺技术、浮铜铅抑锌硫工艺技术、氰化尾渣中回收金银工艺技术在二次资源的回收、开发方面均属典型、高效、可靠的技术。  相似文献   

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